' V t::.Vs corart . i :1 i;-t;r.:2 c A. ; t! I"--" ;!;., ' charged ;:' - - - l.h wife on t cf E;c:r.l":r 13 at their ; r:-r . II:--:::. VTilson, 'a lis tt.:rr:j lUvers John-c-Uty to second degree r tri tos sentenced by Jud- 2 I :liir to net rccre than 20 tor l::s than 15 years in the pen tt: -tiiry. ' " - "i AlLcrt Cooper, negro of Kenans Tilb , was given 3 to 5 years in te prison for shooting John nie Kenan, negro, in KenansvilJe list ' Friday night. W rrcdscir? C3 bushels cf corn! 2 at a cost ci cenis por Henry F.: Grady,' a -ncpler cf fee Willing Worker 4-11 Cl.b,, has ri-jrr i th r.e-nt? Cera Clab Champion cf E-I County for 1823, and beca03 cf tlas will be presented witn a gc.a v.iiijww W fhff Eirrettf Com- pany, Distributors cf Arcadian. Hi; 5. Tir"T pTsir"'i T-.r' i Saaa ik-AAfci.... - .. tj neral services voro 1 :11 in 1-.2 Outlaw's' Eridge crnn-rity Holi day afternoon for Ilr. A. 0. Out law 3, who died Cmiay p. n. a bcut 4:S3 in' a Zir.etcn hccjital, following a lingering illness cf several norths d an operation V 1 J J two weeKs Ego. mtcmeni ioxiow ed in the .family .plot near the st-raaay .. h,s b-,n forward fleJr-W r?ti cat while intoxicated, ibe cons:ierea in ccnr.oca wim t'Sl records from ctLer coun- , - ties in the State tcr cstnct na . . cf costs.' 1 ' 2 ."5 "i t? homft. a forrsp.r rastar from.Wil : Gordon Dobson was given 18. juw nonors. -JJJjJ son. and llason were in charge of months on roads for trespass and J cnes Ass t. tounty enV " the services . . , b larceny d SUS?S 2 S3 ilr. Outlaw is U. wid- uaggie aau was : J I "r 7 ' r " n,r;Sp of balanced : w ' 4 children; Kisses Kargaret not less than one nor more thaa.ed seed 1 con wear baiancea . J:.' V T hrnt.Tipr. TT. V. Outlaw rt A nnm, ber cf neices and neighbors.. The not less man one nur muxc uiu.u , ' , . . , SSnS breaking an enter- fertilizer, and practical methods , ! in cnrnwiTK corn. ' . . , X. A. Gradv. charged with em hezzlment Case dismissed. - S. H. Grady, arraigneo on xwo . . . s wuTofILnltewii dfadljweal1?3 Y"1. 111 OW ge of drunken driving he was giv- n xl - 1 J! J en a u monvos, siusicuucu im Bl Ml O Tlir i community etxends heart felt CUiaVlIlS DOXtCtte j sympathy for the deceased. ;. ' i 'I I : . 1,1 ... 1 " in' ij 1 . ' n i rzhciril C. L. i::r:n".cf t.z C11- ccl:r:l l.L:;1 h c:l ;i a v:::!: ar.::r.his c:l:::l : r"tr:: 3 cf L:i f:I..:l tr.T3 r:L-:l slZ0 and purchased a 15 fc:t bus to transport the cllllrcn to and from school. The bus was delivered yester'ay. I lay be tl-cy are setting an esarr.rla for the white people who are burden ed to death with taxes. These ITeTccs row have a school bus wil-cut r-'itional taxes and it is all p-id fcr. . -The high school at .Chinquapin .1 1::.. X' UjLk kJ. 1 1 ill. Ju.JU..- . - VATJCT Ilalloville, P 0. Lou! . Feb. 4 - two years on conditions and pro vided he pay court cost ." . cd to 1 2months for perjury. lark Wood of Warsaw was giv en S3 months for selling whisfcey. 3 Rpnlnvillft Sextex - wins from 1 1 Wallace by score of 25 to 0 lor their twentieth victory in as many starts.- 1 - -" "Rpnlnvillft cnrla won an easv vintnrv nvpx Wallace Hisrh School ! Tuesday evening in Beulaville II. School uym. xne giris put me ga- m B :iiiuiinaiitiiiiiin!Miiii!i:::i:iaiii;:iii:!:!Ui:::iSiiiniiiiiin!iii:::iii;:aiiiiiiiiii::c:: n John Byrd was sentenced toime on ice before the first quarter V !'' - ORE WAY H .... EOtJUD TEIP' J Hen' m sample of Greyhound saving! ' A Mving com birad with ""'""' convenience, warm traTd. comfort. , frequent cbedulea, distincttre Bit dm feetores, cour- m f Mg teona end friendly tcrrice. Hoodreda of others fikejhe: . I ; , I Mil Eaieigh U $1.30 New York $9.65; - Washington 5.00 Savannah 5.45 ' . I 3 DAILY TRIPS PHONES: . . 278 , j 922-1 fijr ; 9 11 i 5 i m m .' l - Tcr Tickets and FuU formation, KEIIA1T3YILLE DUTJQ- CO. I ' E3 J s 1 . i ... : WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO OUR MANY FRIENB3 AND CUSTOMERS THAT MURPHY A. E03TIC HAS TAK EN" OVER THE MANAGEMENT OF OUR I0CAL STORE. ' MR. EOSTIC .WILL BE GLAD TO GREET YOU AND LzZ, Jf ou v.? Airs: S7AY c."jC: .t jt O he L -JPJNQ THE PAST CETERA! YEAR3 THAT , HE HA3 :tzn with us ' 11 11 (3 s - n L i L Vi if 1 V 4 I;. ' f ' I- V 1 ! t t, Complete Line Of Groceries, Fee: Seed, Agricultural Lime: And Ferti": A . I-' . ' ,i ; ' V " - ' Farm Fencing, iCover -IFcirni'L Jac 1: inery, Tin. ; L::no, Crzc!: Ccnio::' ft "J .v' k. .a i. I. 1 4 ' I J. I 1