1 3- - I C.1 1'-'-- V V - ? ' '- ,J , " , - , t . r t - m '7 .... c. -; tlve or CT OLINA t I 1:3 lennis I :;.".:.:rcutt. Kr. Erosiali I rail, Kr. ic3 rde Hatcher f tie guests e' Alice Hetl- Ilr. Teachey ar nctored V. : day after: . Kr. and :."r. .4 ' '""I : to 7" , - , . V , i M'M: cc:t no iionE thai? the c ,y nun). If one of the 40 types cannct fit pi, rc":;j raahes a garment to your indiTlIaal crZ:r. . '., , ; s ; sou) Ain mviciD ,-.M -l 7alcav7, renin cj ..3 vk 1 , . c' v 'ft.' r?': u 1.'" : -. yj; I H ' . , r i , ' 1 ) mow vi ah usr FOAl-Ot AWD OUR lOVZLtS I iiais rnou ARE CKDCOI H7 r . , . v , r ' 1 , I t'f pother's let to watch end vcrry. J L or SISTER '' - nsciiti ct tc.si. , neir prcsicms ere encza, now r.z Fcn-cl is hsro to htfp. cns-cl Is a rc merkebta fecmin c;l ihcrpso, super? lino cr.d r.zn-trrilz'.'.r j to tho mo:! zndzr skin. Fcn-cl tzltzt Crzb, tizU j y : . heir end l:svcs It ,thcrcvc;h!y c!::i (, -r";' 'a'Thrc;h its cr.sriro 2f;'J pr.vcr Veen end rcviJsJizs, Tc-d ts:s cj;i l.z: rr.J f:::s 13 fc-jni tskes cld,fc!!;s' hrf; cr.J r.i'.rj i) f:a!: ycjf 1 Icm-cl Is so cccr.c:;.!:d; e I's r-3 c -v" 1 v -, kdJ cz3 cf tl.3 l::t ncclira cf the yc-r ; i tl;3 t:r.3 cf Hiz. Jin Octlaw Ilcrliy afetrrr:n x.it!i T'rs f-.i- , r,Mi, 1 Ti!4 V ol r'-S r'" 't Gccl rcr- pTC2 ty IwAsrs precept X3 r& 8 cii crctratica, ::Licl Ij C.3 f;;i usually At tl3 rc:rcit::r:d period a irir 3 ccr.tc:t ras tn eajsyatle feature whils the host ess Esrvei rcfrcchnsta to a cjlea did attendance cf nsnhcrs. - llr and Ilrs. Carl VTallcr, Hiss es Kartha Gris, Tla Knight, Sara Carr and Xlr. Lcroy Lesrs cf B. F, Grady Cchccl ' faculty, were the dinner guests cf Hr. and Krs. II. 7. Simncns Sunday crv - - . .. Ccr::. - TaiLcr r were r:c cla:s cf lit. Clive t . tort i:ich:l3 c. b the hcr:3 c! . hw Sunday. Hr. and ISs. I. - -' -el ia LaCrars . Kev. Jchn r:hkeepsie IT. r. v::it:r in the c:r. - The luncheca tz : ri'ia Outlaw and .v ; r" I won by Hrs. II. ". r 1 a sua cf ?H ' ) Clirch fund. Krs C:' . t liank . everyens T:::. Arril SOtii v.i:ia Ilr. and Krs. L. 33. C; f-1 rrir" visited Ilr L. W. Outlaw attcnl: 1 a 1 f nr:i:rT cf the FanaEurcau iaT WilnirTtsa. I TZACHEY 1JEWS E:.:t :: lh:r tr.t I - 1 TIT 1 .1 ' I lit - - akjiikji ; I , t V' fresres ?ecSslt I'cslj for yoa TL3 HiJ Yoa Love et Trices TLzi V exc;7 EnzS" EICS3 , - . ': . CTZC1A1H . ;..;t"-EXSAE3 CST,. ALL : - -v..- vl:j to 17. " :o - Ilrs. I. C, Chines, Sr. cf Cuil-, 3 zvJ: t c : . f:rl Cc":2, i:r. and Krs. I. C. ti-3 h t": ; : Ilrrizcs Jr. trl sen, Thcmas cf littls r.:v; rl a Zizzzzlzro zzl Ildia Tcrlaw, stu ery s-cr3 c.Trit : : i ct J;ra cs 7dicr Kc:rital.l - X!:3 .:'-:h:: UI!nirt:n, .vcrs vreckend guc:ts Clur:!i IZ1 c T;rj , cf lirs. E. G. rcrlaw. '" '-- - n-.ctirj C: 7 toys z:zzi Ci-Iay With Hrs. C;l land's rarest:, Ilr. and Ilrs. ITcal cf Gcldslrro.Ouce IT:;1 and two toy friend rtturncd v.ith tlicn. rcrlaw, Virginia and IIir:.rct Sutherland a recjle's League C;rirj Eally at 1st. rrechytcriaa Church at Vhit ville Eaturday April 21th. ' E;t Tcrlav; jent Catuilay nite with friend3 at Tbra HcEanald college." " ' ' , ' VKrs. Hubert Ecney entcrtianed Free 7Z1 I her IrctLcr, Eayc3 Ercch's tnla-to- be, Hits Eutli CJjcs cf rur- gaw,cn rn-?y tl;:rr:a, lzd Czt cf t:r.-a (Trent 3 vers Hrs. Eel C:;la, !T;3 Ccclc cf CJjt tcr3 1 : v- n-ivw VA , v.-as crzri-; 1 4' great j:y to tl3 1 iizx x;L cxz frcn cr'y tii 1. . ! " CD years. TLcy -cutcf tcvaca ct: :t sea cf Hcr: r.T": frcn E::3-IZJ tt Ecrrivca L:r3 C :3 Hattie , .Turner - retimed CI 3 cznt several v.ccl.3 - vicitir L:r lr;'.l:rs. ' " - ; ' l:ro h 1 L:r tl;r- c-i X: r 1 c ' 'with c! f . . fr - Hrs. J. A. I Va. va3 11 3 l i...:rr:;s r .t . . .. . a ' ! :r . C. :r, I. ::... lavii el C. C f ,. ... r - - :jcr, v ; .r c. . j ... I. proor (!a-cc::t for ths rcc'.'rr Or, v;:'.. j (.re Wcvs fricl let:!- cr.t!r::r- IT: o cevrr czzl'.-.j c.:J c C C" t .i, 1:2 1:. t : ' v r. y n. y I t J,- l!t fv en fatal t ti fm Mi