3 etu tj e ',. ..orj oIj- i the county ! tha.t their - e county, i was theii 'lent pas urce ' it . is rmA tn Tlnn. ' son further! :IIy ; formed S each of l ouse, one is per end of at - Grove " :)' nong -other ''ever, have respectable xh in , the ..e and protec Teteri Carlton, preachers, . who 0ular discipline 01 aey have now three 1 or places of .wor nty, to wit, one on t Bookfish, and one it there were 0 few but there, -were ounty, who profess to .tholicsj Quakers,; or iists, he says; .' eral years after the this place, before of the Baptist this county. The as Phillip Mulkey, ts, and then a po . After him, this gently visited by preachers' of 5 the on from- various te. Their iint lo the Rev. William established a tarsh, on Goshen. n, the Bev. 1 after him the it became 'the r theii. patron , ciiurch flourish i aad spread very con ', .dWew eongregations I s meeting houses ; ii l .Jexnt parts of the . Ctl :r churches were 1 vni meeting houses erect parts of the county " "t, t 1 ' continued to be 1 ty I !v. gilas Carter, Job ip- 1 liam Wells, tlicir . 1. '. . Vis death- of Tran i Cl'.V'.r, v.. ' 'llappened about .vce y:r,.s Ihe church st .r l.r si ! others under 1 ' is Lave l ;n i jjied - only 1 :. :ra:.t jrc njand vL-,' -i r :;.LLr; cllurchts, 1 ; rot ytt til., d an.l r c "T"i"J rrp" " en V 1 " . " irs f.se at i I i -"cros an r 'y 1 "Jisti sect 1 7 1 ,V8 r r.v i t . i r""''"z 3 , s cf v I.',), t v it: a at I -lu 1, at Co : -1 c."-, t ; I ' "., e l et lC? -: 1 c u re t ' i.l V. 3 ' t ' ' 1 C ".rer.t cor. t i t - c r .ras E-a-a in ; ' '.c r, C'rrcl, (T i C "?)', lilt s ji-"5, n y -ussvine, was ' - T ri 1Z.A, by Bev. -Cllas r. I ar :a, now Johnson i c nL;i in It is to 1 1? oLieTvi that there j ! v ii I ilia Comity seven " t Cl.-iJics, each ovef one 'red years old," and that five of tie seven mentioned by . Mr. LlLksJ a pre sjill f auctioning.' ; ' The church at Beaver . Dam,' now XTiinolia, was Organised by I "or renajah Carroll, . is , 1835, uom members of " . the t Concord 1 rt:;t Church, and' the ' Kenans- ve laptist Church was'oroniz el on f ar3ay, June 3, 1837, by Luie.r lm6 jutt varrou ana six otn ers dismissed from the Beaver Earn Baptist Church for that par pose, the following, being: .- the names of the organizers, and the' minutes of the fust, meeting: . . On Saturday before ' the - first Sabbath in -June, A. D., 1837,. the following named members of the Baptist Church of Christ met at the' Lodge in Kenansville, Duplin County, and agreed to form and unite themselves into a Church -of Christ at-' Kenansville, ; having regularly dismissed . front 1 -the churches for that purpose, B, Car roll, Mary E. CarrjllrDC.-Moore, James Carroll, Elizabeth Carroll, Stephen Herring, Nancy . Herring. The above - ' named - - members were regularly organized and con stituted into g church and chose for their pastors, , ..Elder G. W'0"!" alil6aTerQam' Ma " Hufham an4 B. CaitoU, then (ld-?Kenan,Tllle'';;H wa ' hom ' & iourned. The next, meeting .'was Sampwm County in 1803, his fath held. on Saturday before the first'" bein8 ,oh CarrolL He married Sundav in Scntcinber. 1837.. Elder MUafd . ot ' B. Carroll was appointed Modera tor,, and E. J. Carroll, a ; visiting brother acted as Clerk Fro Tern, prayer was offered, by, the, Moder ator, Stephen. Herring and D. C. Moore were , appointed . deacons, and James Caribll Clerks and D, C Moore and James Carroll .were appointed delegates to the Gosh" en Association. The first choroh building was located on the pres ent site, a short while after the church was organized.. -iThe lot was donated by D.-C. Moore, who in a deed to . Halstead Bonrden for the land just . . east of .the church lot, dated in .1839, 1: palls for the Church .Lot, .though .the deed from him. to . John ' Dobson and Hiram. Newell, , Deacons, for the, church lot was; dated August 7, 1858,i 't,- j'' '- ,-,,,.'w. The pastors of the- TCenansville Baptist Church, and the approxi mate dates of their respective ser vice, are as folowr: Beuajali . ' Carroll and G. W. Hufham, 1837-42 ; Bobt, McNabD, 1842-49; G. W. Hntham, 1849-50; G. W. Wallace 1850-59: B. F. Marable, 1859-60; J. D. tiufham, 18Q0-61; J. N. Btallingi, 1861-76; G. S. Best, 1878-77", J. N. Stal- lings, 1878-79; WJI. Eennedy,18 00-81' J.. T. Albritton, 1882-83; J. II. Gillespie, 1884; T. J. Baker, 15C5; E. C.Sandlin, 1833-63; V. E. Crodker 1890-91 ;0.F, Hopper, 1891-92; W. L. Bilbro, 1893-98; J. D. Larkins, 1898-00; W. L: Bil bro, 1001-C2; W.lN. Johnson, 19-"3-C5; C. IL Bock, 1805-07; W. Z Campbell, 1908; B .G . Early, 13C3; J. H. Booth, 1910-J2; F, K. Tool, 1912; W. A. Elam, 1916-17; ? . A. Hicks, 1917; D. E. Hill, VD; A. L. Brown, 1921-27; ' . LrarL48J!!8; G. W, Bollins, .31 (J. Foster, 1930-37, '..9 church Clerks.and the ap .iinate service of each is . as ".owl: ' J James Carroll, 1837-47: ,J. Murray, 1 1848; D. J. Middle m 1851-58; George A. NeweU, 19; D. J. Middleton, 18S9-81; 9. Ward, 1831-84; W. T. Brice, 1; J. A. Gavin, 1895-C3; J. A. . ..vin, Jr., 1303-C9; Paul Eorne- -y, 1GC9; L. D. Tail, 1909-24; G. Ji. i.i; Tuis. vv. ii. iiurray, -J -ii', J. u. Wallace, lVM-w, gta now has, when, the -word d the present CliUrrh cle.rk U pedagogy and all it ..implies nd s. F. V. (rcarj) Kcoweu. onceiJs was unknown except U 7" e fi:-"t Cunday g.-hool and El- the dictionary. He ; was V also" riuss vas ornnigcd in June newspaper editor, and f while 1 in c 1 6, AI'ewcll was the Warsaw conducted a paper, call 7 '-. ("angh- ed the Warsaw Brief Mention. Af - '1 ' ii a ter teaching at . Magnolia, he ; - .l pij moved to the western part of te - - t -y ji'atc, vliere he performed Uvz H i 1 v '..1 srnr ? as a I ' y T -"fori C - " , J. A. Gav'a, Jr. and Prof. L 0. . varan. - - r ruilve would be incom iV.a v out a reference to the faunas of the church. , , t nH Cicero .Moore is one loomi?": larsre in the - history . of te church, and as , a staunch cill-en of the county.' He was the son of Levi ; Moore , and Bachel Mallard.' Moore, and was born A pril 10t 17S2L His first wife was Clarissa MuClowen, nee Sloan, and his step daughter Clarissa Mc Gowen married Halstead Bonrden, another distinguished citizen of the County, who lived in Kenans ville and owned the residence just east of the church. Clarissa re mained a membe r of this - church until she , moved to ; Johnson Church, in 1891. ,;- 1 i D., C. Moire , came to Kenans- ville in 1839, and .purchased '.a large tract of land, extending up to the courthouse square. His was on : Hill Street' just north of the courthouse square. He donated the lot to the church, and one to the county in front of the church, and he also gave the oommunion set formerly used by,'. wi? w" the church, He died December 12, iBfls a. . ,v. t, nJ south west of Magnolia on the old. Sloan plantatioVkaown since as the G. S. Murray faxmj : - f -Benajah Carroll was -andthor tttS-Sdtttt?. foUowing pubUo Both the state and nation. He is the Elder B. Carroll mentioned in the minuses,'- iiavine organized reu nuu cuoseir , , 0 , , T County, and lived in "Kenansville. In 1840, he moved " to" " Carroll County, Mississippi,-and' later to Arkansas," and thett i to Burleson County, Texas, where he' was pas tor of a church; He died . there in 1863, and - his fife died four years later. They jhad twelve chil dren,' three, of th0 ' sons being Baptist Preachers,;one of them be ing Doctor B. H. Carroll, a man of great, ability,' - and at one" time president of Baylor University, in Texas. He had two nepbews. who became- Baptist';- preachers,! Bev. Luther Bice Carroll, kioA 'Jpctor James Lemuel Carroti. VS 5 James CarroDL, another founder was was a brother of B, CarrolL born in SampjDn County in 180L He married Elizabeth Car roll, a daughter of Thomas Car roll. He died in 1864, and his wife in ,1869." jj ' .! 'i t. ' ,t Stephen Herring f was. another founder along with his wife, Nan' -11 tr !.' rwn s . m Sampson County and settled on Elder Swamp, near highway num ber 40, about 1834.. They had one son Everette Herring whose daughters, Mrs, Mary Ann Nich- 1 olson,. and Mrs. Alice Spell" are '1 t. . ' .'ji. v m ... memoers 01 mis cnurcn. atepnen Herring was born September 12, 1790, and died! December 13, 18- 'The. pastor, who 'served .the church for ;the longest , time was J. N. Stallings, who served in all 18 years. He was born at Halls ville, jy. C.,' February 10!,- 1832, the son of Bev. Hiram Stallings and Mary Sandlin Stallings. He attended the University, and was licensed to practice law in V 1857. He married Elizabeth i Houston, March 9, 1858. She was; a sister of Capt. W. J. Houston 'who , or ganized the first cavalry cawjany to go out from the county in the War between the States. He fo'oin- irA thu nhnrch here in .18" ' He JOhn.txra nnfainMl tn nrennh ' h' 4 this church here in 1880.' Ie became a teacher of note, totching - at Warsaw Clinton, and Magnolia; where in 1884, he and Jus c,. ters, Irene and ' Annie 'coni. i thfi first eTadf.d school the con v eTer one euai 4etb ' skiU-and ability, to the best U i a an ta-.n. I I ave given long and continuous service, tavid J. Middleton,' borr January 20, 1827, died February 21, 1904, served nearly ' thirty years; John A. Gavin, born Octo ber 10, 1847, died June 24, 1920, served over ten years. The church has had one mis sionary among its membership, Dr. B, T. Bryan,' of Shanghai, China. He was born near Kenans vffle, October 14, 1855, the son of Mary Oliver Bryan and. John A. Bryan, and after graduating at the university, and at Louisville, he went to China, and has been there for over fifty years. , Another missionary, Miss Katie Murray, now at Cheng Chow, Chi na, we cannot claim, as sne is - a member of the Baptist Church at Bose HilL but her grandfather, W. H. Murray was for a long time a member of this church, as is her father, W, B. Murray "and wife Effie Murray, and ber brothers, W. B. Murray, Jr., and Durwood Murray. ; The oldest living member of this church is L. M. Cooper, who has been a member for more than Z ' Y f ' v o member, who died November 22, iTiwi BMUier w, f: S?JL ? h(scm! died - ,J. 1... ; u Two Sheriffs of Duplin County, John D. Abernethy and Bland Wallace, the latter a Confederate Soldier,' wounded at Gettysburg, in 1863. His son J. B. Wallace is now a member of this church. Two Begister of Deeds, Henry Clay Moore and Thad Jones, Jr., and Mrs. Mittie B. Jones, the wi dow of the latter is now a mem ber of this church. One Clerk of the Superior Court Jonn A Gavin, mentioned above. Four members of the General As sembly, D. J. Middleton, A. D. Ward, J. A. Gavin, Jr., and D. M. JoUy. Two judges of the county court, D. M. JoUy and A. J. Blanton. " -. The following list of members for the first fifty years is taken from, the roll of the church. First Boll, Elder B. Carroll, El der G. W. Hufham, James Carroll, Jonn Harden, Stephen Herrine. xSZ fDickson. 'Jaineil H. Carroll Thom as J. Holland, Gibson Sloan, Ed ward A Houston, David J. Mid dleton. John B. Quinn. Daniel S. (Carroll, Charles Oglesby, Benja- min Best, Stephen Herring, Jr., James D. Dobson. John W. Mur ray,1'; John, Moore, James Kimmey, Daniel Parker, Howell Dobson, Henry Moore, John Dobson, Bry- ant, DQumeriana, wiiiiam . jiue gins, Henry B. Kornegay, ; Mary Barden Herring. Nancy Barden Herring, Zilpha Barden, Elizabeth CarrolL Margaret Jane Herrine. Fannie Hufham, Clarissa Bowden. Friscilla Bishop, Elizabeth H. Stal lings,; EUen Sloan Hawkins, Mary E. Greer, Mary A. Guv, ; Abieal Kelly,' Jane Bass, Caroline Brown. jsaroara sogers, Barbara Souther land, Zilpha Squtherland, Silvia C. Southerland, Elizabeth A. Car roll, Mary J. Farrior, Mary; Cox, Margaret E. Maxwell, Susan Og lesby, Bachel Moore, Sarah Kilpa trick, Nancy Kimmey, .Elizabeth Bivenbark, Ann Eliza Sloan, Mary Juoore, Mary Southerland, Aman da M. ' Boohwell, : Catharine J. Stokes, Catharine' Best, Mary Stanley Abernethy, - Julia Wilkin son, Eliza Turner, Dolly A. Moore, Dicey Barden Murray, v Catharine Garrison Dobson,' Catharine M. Carroll, Jennette Kornegay, The following new names were added from roll v beginning with 1859: "j j .- - ' James Maxwell,E, A.-' Houston, Giles Clute. J. N. Stallings, Geo. A. NewelL J." ' W. HiU, Hiram Lewell, David - Hall, , Hezekiah Dobson' Mary Middleton, 'Eliza Southerland, Martha Wood, Eliza beth' Clute, Nancy Clute, Celia Charles, Ann Oglesby, Mary -W. Houston (Carroll), Harriet M. Newell (Farrior), Francenia Hou ston, Sarah Kenan, Fereby CJ Oli ver, Susan Dickson, Eliza1 f Law-fcc-in, ,."-il, IJontford, Caristr " " i l ' 't, f '-in A. Husscy. Kenansville Baptist Church The Kenansville Baptist ohurch,, which celebrated its 100th anniversary with a reunion of old members at a home coming last ?, Sunday, June 20, is one of the few church buildings of Colonial type still preserved in North Carolina. - - i Its simple lines, both exterior and interior, are architeoturslly correct for the period in which it was constructed. ' Mr. Beailey, church historian, in his history of the church on thir page, points ' out that the interior of the church resembles -very much Chru Church in Alexandria, Virginia, where George .Washington, was ac customed to worship. , f 1 ,t . ; ; :i Tbt Woman's Missionary society of the ohurch, in keeping it in repair has striven to preserve its simple architectural lines, ano) have done well in their efforts. , , ! , , Their hope is to pass it on down to future generations of Bap tists in Duplin county, as a priceless antique, a building, of which ' ruture generations, still to worship as were their ancestors, who xonstruoted it back in the days, when ' not only Kenansville and Duplin county, but our nation was yonngvv nier, Margaret Stokes McGowen, Francis E, Miller, Julia A. Stokes, Sarah E. Stokes, Perry Dobson, John W. Dobson. From 1860 to 1887, the follow ing appear on the rolls as new names. David Williams, Bland Wallace, H. V. Houston, Bl C. Barden, Wil liam H. Murray, Francis Souther land, Eedar Bryan, James Bryan, Bobt. Bryan, Jno. Bryan, B. W. Millard, ; Stephen H. Cavenangh, John H. Southerland, David Mur ray, Jno. B. Murray, D.W.Souther land, Francis Murray, Wm. W.Mr Gowen, Kate Oliver Bryan, Julia Millard, Maria, McGowen, Sue W. Barden, Mary A. Murray, Sue Ta tem, Margaret A. Wallace (Ga vin), Minnie E. Stallings, Kate E. Stallings, Mary Strickland, Mary E." Southerland, James W. How ard, 0. B. Cobb, Henry Grimes, W. H. Kornegay, L. W, Highsmith, Judson Croom, Anna Bryan Clem ent, Sarah Whaley, Bachel Whal ey, Sarah Britton, Annie, Lee, Elizabeth Best, Susan Souther land, Elizabeth Powell, Sue Mur ray, Sarah C. Bass, Martha E. Murray, Amanda Witherington, Kate Witherington, Minnie Bry an (Middleton), Sarah A. Korne gay, Margaret 8. Highsmitn, fan nie Bryant (Farrior), Elizabeth Edwards, Mary E. Croom, Sarah Sykes. Mary Wallace, J. W. How ard, Bland Wallace, L. M. Cooper, Jasper Williams, James McGowen, William L. Murray, .Robert a Murray, J, W. Swinson, A. B. Wil liams, George' P. Barden, ' Hiram Swinson, J. F. Bass, C. W. Hoi lingsworth, D. J,- Rogers, George W. Swinson," P. - H. Kornegay, Henry DaiL W. S. Lofton, - A. v J. Sanders, Stephen i WeDs, E. Sou therland, A. D. Ward, Voluntine Backley, Willie Grimes, . John 8. Herring, Macy Cox, Hattie ; Cox, Dora CoxT. C, Loftin, Catharine Southerland, Susan Oates, Mag gie Murray, Bosa .- Myers, Carry Cobb, Lula E. Bryan, Ella ' Sou therland, Laura A. Swinson, . A delia A. (Blount) Cooper. Before dosing, we wish to men tion some of our members who have passed to the beyond. Mary Williams Wallace, a sainted mo ther in Israel, the grandmother of Mrs. Marie Bennett; Margaret Wallace Gavin; daughter of Mrs. Wallace; Bland Wallace, who at ths age of over ninety was present at the most of the services of the churoh, an example of; sobriety, worthy ! of all imitation : . Thad Jones, Jr., Sunday School teacher, superintendent and lay preacher James W. Stokes and , wife Con T'oCowen Stokes, whose ancestors vi;i,ir. i to this church, and who " ' 1 t""'r best to its cause; - . :, a c- -t, ? rt- in the church will be as prood. on which a good, church is baut; Hiram J. Brinson, constan,t and faithful attendant, and supporter J - from the time he joined until his i . death more than thirty years; B. ' B. Murray; whose v father - WT r once church clerk, aid always ' '' faithful to every duty; D. M. Jol- ' ' ly, stricken down in - his . prime; - William B. Cooper, a supporter of 0;' -the church for more than forty ' -years; Joe Penny, who died Jan- uary 25, 1935, at the age of 17, the first boy to become aa Esgle . Scout in Duplin County; and fin-" ally, Ella Cooper Loftin, who died f ' June 19, 1937, whose long service v . , in the choir, and ber votioa to the church will ever be remenr bered. - . ,- Church organization, Jane 20, , ' 1937: :. -V J Deacons: Joel Whaley,. J, krl Gavin, Jr., f. J. Dobson, F. W.',.' McGowen, H. M. West and W. M. Brinson. ,... Treasurer, W. B. Murray; '1, Church Clerk, Mrs. F. W. MoQow-.' i" en. President Woman's Missionary Society, Mrs. C. B. Sitterson, Officers Sunday SchooL 1 A' ' Superintendent J. A Gavin,, Jr., Assistant, C. D. Dobson. ; - Teachers; i ' Hen's Bible Class, L. A. Beaa-,', j ley; Women's Bible Class, Mrs. C, ' D. 'Dobson. : - "v fx . 3, Young Men's Class, F. W. . Mo GowenYoupe: Women's Class, x. w. mcuowen. Boy's Class, E. B, Penny; Inter mediate Girls, Marie Dobson ;Jun- , ', ior Girls, Mrs. W. B. Murray ; Pri"' ' ' mary, Mrs. H. M. West.' - Begmners, Mrs..W. E, Belanga. The . history of the church ivt " r the last half century, has beta . touched only in spots, and that it y left for, the future . historian to' ' gather as he sees -fit " , , t Kl ' . ; ' It is fitting to say a word about.'' . X 1 the church building itself. It is a : style of architecture used for bet-' , -ter ohurch buildings in Colonial days. Few have been preservd in . ..f ' -North Carolina! but ma-y , are still in existence in Virr'.a, and ' , this one in the interior rcr ".ls . , very much Christ Church in x . andria Virginia, f where C -Washington, who was Wj ; -tt,' was accustomed to worsL. lie-,,', good ladies of the church i . ' 1 by its architeotural beav' "e 1 . lines, and with a desire to j 3 it as st priceless an -.3, : -done well in their e:.' ' ', -let us hope that they v . 1 in the younger 'meml- church a knowledge cf ' have; and a desire tj from change and inn we have the tenets cf 1 institution. . This Ja-s : " " i 7)

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