I c ry ft 3. ., 6- ! . ,tf. i Carolina, ..tive lead :e ' for the a of the n, that the ican people i cannot be fied when nth of the tiir, farmers ' re of the -I throtfg ? receive y iducti they a co-op- .re, at " a 4 of known i t'.ey have to J the import i 5 operating in f--.VIng. 100 per e C jil Conservation ';o is general man i!.e IToith Carolina ? Cooperative Asso 3 farmers Cooper? :-, a.!!ressed the I subject, "Securii, .7.2: 'i ' : :jl be : i ", thro , anld re;. , as the i '. 1 -. held Hot Li 'Ick .StaJ:.. .. s is ;e dormivon. j Le as . :e to visitors t ! -js : , : pvailable. After t.. v:rs- , ; secure rooms nc-u". j V i i ; a nomial price, Jj! i V. i !Ou.;:. i is general secret y t-l I rm e I Home week and t :e Jsirir - ' formation abo-1 1 program fc.auld write to Lira at State Co" . QTJLSTIU. How can I prevent tli spread of mosaio in my tobac co fields!, "V'' ; , AmWEB: Extreme tare should be Uea in topping, wormiajj and sncl.ering the plants. Avoid hand la?? the diseased nlants until nil the heal'Jiv tlants have been car ed for., Rogaing ont the diseased plants will also- check the spread. To be most effective this should be done before each cultivation. After the diseased slants sre n moved the hands and all clothing snoua fie carefully cleaned be fore additional work is done in the field. V QUESTION: What stem can he aicen to prevent infection of my cmcKens wren Worms T . ANSWER: There is no methnil that will guarantee the absolute elimination of , worms, but the worm hazard can be reduced to a minimum if the ranees are kent free from low areas that hold moisture for a long period of time ana ll tne Dreedin? nlanei far im. mediate hosts such as snails, dung neeues and house flies are destroy The dropping boards should be nea wnen cleaned the drop j should be removed far en 0ii from the range so the birds ...innnt vnt in fhrnn Tf tm ol.. .uojtct, "Becuni , V It , . S Active Member .n n . I TOmTlcr "n intra aaah is, : . . A ;. i - -jests of lis. V. i 1 Saturday. ILs. C. ' ' 'e . Vinson ace ' . , i I' nolla Saturday to v. . i. '' ,- a. i... Anders, : : v, , Tr. and Krs. Robert Tar: ' cf . .'.lace spent the wecl. v .". and Krs. James T. L. . i. 2Ir. and Krs. P. E. CliouL, i, .l U. P. Grady were guests of I.r. and Urs. H. C. Cook, Sunday. ITrs. W. H. Bizzell, of R.Ia.,;3ii, is visiting relatives in the neigh bor!; ood this week. Urs. 7. F. Patten. Earrv Pat- ten, Urs. Sennie Albritton, and Er. and lira. J. R. llaxwell' at tended the wedding of Kiss Con stance Patten and William - H. Scott in Wilmington Saturday. Kr. and Mrs. W. J. Roberts, William Roberts and Bill Dickson went to White Lake Sunday. ., ma Frances Lancaster, of Rocky Mount spent Monday with Mrs. George Albritton, Jr. ' ' lne woman's Anziliarv nf tli. Presbyterian Church met with Miss Lyde Martin Tuesday, A Girls' Auziliarr of the En- tist Church will be organized Sat. urday, July 3, at Mrs. H. C. Cook's - t I' -f c; i f I- X t 2 l!3 dttp "ROUND-TRIP eh extra v; III, C.l . . . i Hrestone Star, !.rl TL:a ; cut, non-skid treai tr. J r . 3 1 . get. You will quick! car pwnew are eas!?-'?- c:rs wi'i these tires. You will agree that never t. ..2 have vou seen so f ... -'..:-' r iiy more gnu more much aualitv. bo much V!"- Nt- safety at so little cost You v. Ill nd the Firestone 1 Standard Tiro fa n',( c-f. t T v uuiu uiunuutu vriiiimc mc udiicruiiS akia uiay cause an acciuenu j.. i Firestone patented rrocesa at Rurji.Dn!n(. Tln Tlmtcna. SlVP A T Trp rv5., k patented 'construction of two extra lavers of Gum- . vour car with Tlrr-ono Tlt f-cF;. f ircrr - --2 rrti The wider, :cr tr: .1 . . . r-JLLvr c:i rcr.i will &ive yc i Ion;., r ; 'great. r f rctacllca rinst skidJIag. rirc:.: to .:vs yi i .11 tlc 2 extra values kz- -rs I. Standard Tirrs are built in such largs i.uar. great savij are n;...! in production. . v.: r j. ... . .1 . .1 . . j 1 urive Ennaer uay on inin worn 1... are dangerous and i.iay cause an accident. J . ! 1 I .uim mv IITWUN ALU ATLANTIC COAST -LINE STATIONS WITnin ft . . . .HKaAka,AVJ OP a-aTivarDUCEDfftlCfi -on in Centralized 19 RALEIGH n and Eleanor Sou ' IJonday for the . nee, which will " be loi-h this week. The will last from Monday iday. Young ; people ; r the Wilmington v- ;n IrVnJt for th rearing chicks each year and sow this in a good grazing crop. If these precautions are taken the worm infestations wjjl be reduced to' a minimum. - ' A Surry County farmers say the recent attacks of flea beetle lar vae and other insects will likely reduce tobacco production by 50 percent in mat county. . ' J ' ' i k ' - Raymond Ziker, member of the Surnsville . 4-H club, Polkton, Mate ZTia Ajyon County has been awarded llCTin. niniv:han()iitf tnr , his farm records project in 1936. STOP'OVKHS ALLO" MIDDLE LIFE .Strength Is extra-important tor women going through the change of life. Then the body needs the very best nourishment to fortify it against the changes that are taking place. m such cases, Cardut has proved helpful to many women. It In creases the appetite and aids digest tlon, favoring more complete trana- imiuauuu w jgoa miO UVUIg USSUB, resulting in Improved nutrition and building up and strengthening of the whole system. . flV .. I TC. y " U-pped Cords under the tread protect against Quality ct lew Cost. " A, -. v W a- l 7-7- " L,', ". . . " ,- ' I' 1 ' 1 I J.'.'. f sy - well sell you . - " ftv, ; . 1 f a week I'. ; . : ; ) -it,. VC3 C.V"Z yUMeIfan1 yor mily from dangerous', " . accidents because Firestone patented construction features give you greatest blowout ' protection and safety from skidding. ' 1 , YC H 0 r ?"J because Firestone ' Standard Tires . V. ffive Vflit lnw initial vno " atyA 1nn. cost per mile. 4 : . 1 - M " . i. - r- ',V- K'-' , f- . - r Q H HfT by k"?"1? now, as tife prices are U VnJ 'UaiULa) advancing. The price of crude & . . '"..-j..j..;,-..,.j,, ;'; ; .',,; aiKh tlnl'nAna' nn'.'llnfit, nnj N cotton more than 26 during the past two years. BUY 5 XNUVV ViN LI SAVJJ. : VOW S' c rrCA" E T W" lil, HP ( TREAD f IV- a PREVtilTt E-CAU;i; T 1 EXTRA LAYt OF OUM-LK-P-" cc: sma;-t TlRE.fV ; '."i c::i ' 1 r Only Kelvinalor gives you all these advanfagesl BUILT-nf THEHMOMETEB., ; i . CERTIFICATE Orl6w OPEB. Aw Ml. rrfrisilioa tmip Arwo cOsr.l.Ori, MImIo rnw tlwTf. ; ".: givM you lhi. , .. . '"EB GRIDS Of Alt ICE ' , ' 'J SYS...KMnlor' plu paw-' -fA PROTECTION UAH r provtdM at Baok lo w youll . . . Itu at dpwa.bta Mrrio TTwanmaai. . v , 7 hi , V i J i j: .. EiCAU' : T . BODY GIVE'. GREATEST BLOWOUT cosj't hi: HAVr 1.. 4 1 ' 1 IWkl Lll fci k V .4 k4 n, I Lm Protect yourwlf and your family from the dancer of driving on thin worn tlrei which may cause a wrioui accident. ' no Ycu r:::o7 v , T I AT last year highway accident! cost tne lives of more than 38,000 men, women and children? , ... v mm Z7 ..... . I million mora, were Injured? more- than 40,000 of these deaths ikuu injuries were caused directly by punctu res, Uowouts and sLiJJIiig due to unsafe tires? ntifl " im h ttctim etil Jram a maatb, worn ir, i ulii.-i tboitt At mn-sM f protection worn off. Tircl rm ttttt comtfihon ai'a , mart habi to purtctur, . 'ouvtitt and sksM.g. About b ucticm cuttron m new Ftntumt Nolt tit thick non-i protection srtinst 1V..,';J, tiiwult m4 prmcturts. Come in fcj y mil uebyaclua'.ucn. i. Uratiotu ' 4.50,20. . - . , . ! 4.50-21..; ; 4.75-19... 4.75-20... 9.t 3 , 5.00-19.. .IC.3"J j 5.25-17... II. C 5 5 5.25-1S...II . 3 ' 5.25-19.., 1 1 .'. J j 5.25-20... IS .13 5.25-21... 13.! :.';(M7...I2.'; 3 5.2 ; i ). . CCJI5.. 1 rwi. 4.71 i ,.. 5.no.f.. 5 25 1 '.. fa. i i 1 i 4.40-21... .is pT. .50.20... O." , j ;; .50-21... f.."'"M( nr.. it. l: ::. iid 1 1 . i wj