a .eral i '. D. . ynful ves "i, tre atLson- J. f. T; tt has 1 t ' 1 r i .rd ta Co! J ' 1 3 C r j; ia rawer and Li0!u -o., ly Lom he is employed, to til.e charge of electric construct ion for the company at that point. i, of ."2 her .tt. - w . Eu'eit t .jn of reiser, I ,;r ster, JIrs , . . 1 . ey w?s a vis- 1 - cf this i ? I'M. J. E. 'i! va the fill .'in. . . i I Ited Mrs. C. . r in Faison Carroll Wells left for Lillington , AUXILIARY JEEETS -, The Woman's Auxiliary - of Grove Presbyterian Church met on Llonday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the church with the president, Mrs. I, A. Gavin in the chair. The devotional was, in charge of ' Mrs. It. V. Wells who also was program leader for the day. She was as sisted by Mesdames G. V. Gooding, J. E. Jerritt and I. Eoutherland, who discussed the v vital subject Icrn, 1'. C, . r La rer 1 Liu t -a TcTiry, d " r cf --Lr. f"r-- -p t iu.rs. Jj. . I y. 1 e f One 'of , the . prettiest parties of the season'wns riven on last Fri day afternoon froii 4 to 6 o'clock when JIrs. Albert T Outlaw en tertained about 25 guests honor ing her niece, Miss - Rath ! Camp- bell, of Greenville. 8. C. "Jango" was the , interesting J musement. Each ruest won at least one time, an some as many as three or four times. Mrs. Out law was assisted by Miss v Kate Newton and Mrs. D. S. , William" son in serving sweet course oon- "Teaching the Pible in connection ?istin P & white block , Dr.Jrvin Abell of Louisville Ky., former president of the Southern Medical association and leadvr in Southern medical . activities, who game played. It afforded much" aJ was lected unanimously by the .1 rw'icitvBu iuouiciu HBZOCiacum as IIS j)rvident-elect for 1038 at Us At lantic Pity convention. This action means that next year Dr. Abell be comes head; of the 105,489 organized American physicians with the Fublic Schools.,". ( BIRTHDAY. PARTY; Mrs. James Whitfield entertain- y sis vill j.,In her mother Jed at a delightful birthday party a 1 1 ":cr r - idlers of her family; on last Sautrday afternoon, hon- on a hi i sl-dcs tLrir EJ r try to several western t'y i."..n to spend most of e in I i&ico. : i S. Eornrgay of Wash J. ft. accompanied ' bv "jraret Kornegay and Mrs. E' S. Eornegy of Goldsboro h--" per here Friday : night ft' i ie Norwood Boneys. , s Tattie loftin, of Mt. Olive f t Friday night and Saturday .!...; 8 with friends. She attended noonis FURNISHED Cottage Mrs. W. Wells, Mgr. . Booms and Apartments -By Fay, Week or Month ," ' Er-ioy the Ocean Breeze CALOLIHA EEACH,, N. C. oring her three children, Phyllis, Sammy, and Donald, :ach have had a birthday during the past month.. Each i honor ' i. guest had a separate cake bearing 6, 4 ice cream and . individual ; aneel food cakes followed by salted uuts. xne rooms lor the . games .09,489 organized at woodland lake near twidshoro last Thursday afternoon". f Quite a crowd were at Maxiwell's were decorated with lovely bowls Mill Sunday afternoon enjoying and vases of vareigated i summer I the lovely scenery and cool breeze. uuwcib, uie uouwe ger my pre-1 xme trees are oeaumui now. dominating, : BEIDGE ESEAKFAST. . , " , . ,,,, . ;A unique affair was eiven on last Saturdav mornine1 when Mrs. and 2 pink candles" respectively, I L A,'Beasley entertained , few showing the ages of, each.-These friends at a bridge breakfast, hon were cut and served with ice 0"nS her ' sister, , J- Mrs. , Daisy cream to the more than forty pre- v -"WOMAFS CLUB ' The members of the?l KenanS ville Woman's Club decided not to disband for the': summer - months as many clubs do but hav? plan: ned a series of splendid programs which will be in charge cf the fine arts department of the club, ' Mrs. F. W. McGowen is chair man of this department and pres ented the first of her - series' of programs at the June meeting of the club on last Thusday after noon at 3:30. The program stress ed, "Literature" and the " topic chosen was, "The Ballad.'' - Mrs. McGowen was ably assisted by mesdames L. A. Beasl,ey, G. - E. Smith. . The guests arrived at 9 o'clock and were invited, into the attrac tively arranged - 'dining , room where they were served tempt ing breakfast in three .' courses Which consisted chiefly -of "Good ole Southern fried chicken," and its accoutrements. 'i. 4 ' , Later several games of contract were Enjoyed in the liviner room where two tables were set -up for I her brother, Albert and T - Mr. R 0. Maxwell and Miss An nie Maxwell - were in Fink Kill Sunday afternoon and were accom panied home by Mrs. Mabel M. Holt, who' is spending a few day with them.' i - Mr: E. S. Grady has gone to Morehead City for a few days. Mrs.: Victoria Gooding continu es about the same, she has been an Invalid for years.' She always tries to be patient and cheerful. Mrs. J. K. SoUtherland visited her: last week. ; Mrs. H. V. Maxwell visited her mother in Fink Hill Wednesrav afternoon. Mrs. Sam Hill and children re turned from their visit to Wash ington, D. C, whero' she Vs ; . . , . i. . . v i ,4- t vf .: i. i jv. C. E. L Ve r ovedhis here in te T.t.' t Far- "nge last weslc. e f .' id to 11 cm a hearty wel . tiW1 Mag nolia. Ee prearhei LaulayA. M.., in the John- ,a's LaptistChurch. jut. vnaries Auemainy jr., oi New Bern charmed pe people) Sunday night with his wonderful message and exhibit of pictures of the Holy Land in' the Free Will' n .t i. t ... . ' .m . s ' Aupusi cn men wiucn was pacaea and a large outdoor audience who could not get on,' but tried to hear' and see through the . doors and windows. Jie was the guest of Mr. J. F. backer. , ' .- Mrs. Clarjr Gavin has returned from a M&t with her daughter. Mrs, ' Jack Boctio who has been but is improving. le C. T, Meachnm, of Fort is visiting his grandmother, . Mary Hoste. revival at the Free Will church will . continue through Sunday-; Young Marson Brown is giving wonderful messages for a 17-year-old. The Spirit seems to give him utterance. He uses no notes and does not lack for words. , : (ly A. T. ROSE HILL VESTBROOKS : 7 . : WELLAED WESTBEOOK, Prop. ' f ' : - . sKear Grady School,' , Macla Ice Cream,, Beer, Ale. 1 ' FAITCY AND HEAVY GROCERIES Tcxcxo Gas and OH YOTTS EUSESIS3 APPRECIATED , ..'..'.J..':'. ', V. mm Xu"-r It C-3 m the JScwH KrA i rr't F.lioe stylos make good ; if 1 for youl Come in -i i?ft!rs rJjn toes, ' 1.3 aid other i'yles, 7 ' 1 nT c"tt8 in the , t 1 r - 1. 0 for m"U.i . 1 1 3 J nn ti I iicnJly ' ,nt'9 ijasl Jaraian . . V: 1 0 0 J ', i bridge. Mrs. B. C, Wells compiled tne Highest score,, fort which she was presented dusting powder. Mrs. Smith, the gtiesc of honor, was given a lovely piece of linger ie. Miss Ruth Campbell; ' another visitor, ; was remembered with . a box of stationery. ' 'j - MISS FEJDGEK HONOEir ' ' Mrs., Bob Grady was a ' charming hostess when f tained at a lovely br last Saturday afterr The occasion was ir sister,; Miss Marc" Warsaw ..whose f approaching mo ly. announced. , There ere (our table arranged in the spacious living room midst a preny nackground of sink srlad- ioli and pink verbena intermingl ed with fern. Tallv cards . , . used carried out the bridal motif.' After several progressions, 7 Miss ' Dot Wells was presented a crystal bud vase for Hugh score and Miss Nan cy Jussely a beach basr for second high score. The honor guest, Miss Fridgen. was given a beautifnl pair of bdudoir slippers;-. " Misses Margaret Fuller and Ruth Camp bell were also remembered with visitors' prizes. tempting salad course loiiowed the games Mini ature corsages were given each one present for favors. 1 -V : t (Johnson.; " Mr. 'and Mrs. Fink Hill visit ' ents, Mr. a"" cently. - CHOCOLATE The"" farmers in our midst 'are thankful for the recent s rainfall. It has been very dry here.- -, -f Mr. and Mrs. R, G. MaxweU are both improving each da v. and are able to enjoy the: nice weat her, fruits and- flower'. We aH love ' theirold beautiful country home," J s j-1,. fi i,' Mr. and Mrs. HV D, Maxrvell and daughters, 'Rose and Violet, and Miss Virginia Turner attended the show at Einston Saturday night. Norman Smith and wife "Ew- nyn omna are living with his par ents,' Mr, ana Mrs. 'Torn Smith, ihey were married recently!, ' ' -: Mr. 'Jo"e C. Maxwell,' .who has be&n very feeble for some time, Is improving, those .visitine in his nome sunaay were: Mr. and Mrs. Furnie Smith, Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Hill and children, Mr, Mortimer MaxweU, Miss Celia MaxwelL Mrs; uaujk it xuitiuia, -iio-. jj, n,. xuxner, Mr. E.'"D.'ICTea,. XImS Ann Maxwell and Mrs. jiabei M. Holt. Miss Effie Outlaw" nd Mrs. Grover Jons visited friends in Chocolate Saturday. 'Also in, rink Eill. . ' ITrs. : ' 1 TI. T 't r-"'.t 1. t v 'c v '(.''' 1. J. ? . iiriay. i of Bear .esss Carter t . jeer, who has I several weeks iid returned to Washington D. C. where she will spend the summer. Mrs, S.- H. Mathis and daugh ters, Mrs. James Martin and Jau" nita of Mt. Olive, - spent Friday with Miss Mattie Swinson. " .Miss Fearl Rivets Swinson , of Raleigh spent last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Swin son., . -y , 1 Mrs. Willie Starling of Faison Mrs, Glennie Outlaw of Wash ington, D. C, recently visited Mrs. J.. M. Jerome. ' s Miss Annie Eatherine Bland is home for a vacation. '.Mrs, John Bandy of Smithfield visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Herring last week. Rev. and . Mrs. E. C, Maness spent Tuesday in Wilmington . Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Wells of Atkinson, spent some time with Mrs. Wells parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hawes. Miss Jennie May Home of Beau laville recently visited friends and r'-.im(i j .iseu, wno ieu rrom crate factorv last. As badly hurt is still .ospital in Wilmington. .' J, M. Jerome was a shop ,n Wilmington Tuesday iilrs. L. H. Bradshaw has return d from a visit with her daughter, , I Mrs. Gooding in Grifton. I Dolores Meeds is visiting Beu I lah Rochelle in Burgaw . I . Mrs. S. E. Bntlfir ha rftiimwl rock I to her home in Scotland Neck af of Mr. Rev, and Mrs. J. BL Barnes, who are spending the summer in Tenn., are here for a short visit. WOMANS CLUB MEETING Mrs. L. E, Alderman, and Mrs. J. A. Teachey , entertained the Rose Hill Woman's Club at the home of Mrs. Alderman Wednesday after noon. 1 Following the business session an art program planned by Mrs. E. G. Murray and Miss Ruth Mur ray was given. The first number was an instrumental solo by Miss Yvonne Alderman, and then Miss ItfTarmiKtt a fink awl will n MAAwtti. was a visitor ta the Community graduated from the art depart- iuesoay evening., . . iment 0f Meredith CoUeee. took Percy Best of near Warsaw is spending this week with Roy Stok es. " , Miss "Mattie, Jane, Mildred and Martha Swinson visited Mr. and Mrs. Austin Swinson Sunday after- rnoon. r ; i . ''Mrs. George Register's mother 01 Warsaw is spending several days in her home, ' Miss Mary Swinson is snendine this' week with Miss. Mabel Mo Clenny of Turkey. ; . Mr, and Mrs. James Hunter and children,- Mrs. Kitty i Hunter of New Fortv Wews .Va., visited Mr. and -Mrs, Hunter last week. . , MAGNOLIA w Mr, Jack, Rouse ,o Albemarle spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Ada Rouse. : ;.' r Mrs, S. B, Hunter and sons have moved to their cottage at Carolina Beach- for the summer. Mr, Huh-tet-.will join them for some time soon; tfi a' 1"' t-t Miss; Bonnie 'Sanderson has' re turned: lor, several ' week to ter father's, Mr. Bxe Sanderson. ' She has held a' position in Miami Fla for about tibiee years.' I ' Mrs. J. S. Westbrook returned last; ""week from John Hopkins Hospital where she spent several weeks for treatment. , 1'r. nd Mrs". Herbert Home of C- '..IjiO spent' Sunday with his m- " ot, Mrs. Florence Home. - J. s Kacv Cox a?i.1 AImih V ?n ati-n I . r .insr ser ft te T rV. t (' in Eose '-y m- ' -., r--s c-y ' sf.v r..", ' 5 f 1 ? " . charge of the program, Miss Blan chard showed a number of her works and commented on them. As an introduction to one of the pic tures, tne portrait 01 a small neg ro hoy, Mrs, L. RY Alderman play ed two old southern melodies. At tne close of the meeting, Mrs, C. F." Hawes gave two of John Char les McNeill's poems. The hostesses served cake and punch. Ll-i ' ' 1 . PRIZE WINNERS IN. CONTEST ANNOUNCED The first prize in the yard im provement , contest sponsored by the Boosters Club was won bv Mrs. L, W Williams. The second prize wen- to Mrs. r. 8, Newton. ' , Outlaw's Bridge ; - The Mission "Circle will' meet Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Gustav Ulric at 3:00. A cordial invitation to all the ladies of the community to attend a special program. being arranged. ' -;r. Miss Addie Ford of Greensboro ia visiting relatives here, j , 7 Mrs.-lioyd D. Sutton and child' ren of LaGrange spent Friday with jut. ana. mrs. 4. u. raner. - , ; ' Mr. and Mrs. M L. Outlaw Jr. and Ben Frank Drady Outlaw vis ited Mrs. Eva Rouse at Liddel Sun day. s ! .' ; 4s L. W. Outlaw Miss Rachel Out law, Mrs. Eric Bereer: Mrs. F. K Hammond of Fayetteville visited Mrs. R. E. Simmons in irin4nn Sunday afternoon. " J - r ; , T!ie V .P. C. U is sponsoring a if 0 r,ft r'"y,"Aunt Eetty", in the lr ' n n:j?y nit at OUTLAW., DICKSON: ' ' j ' I During the years just after' the Revolutionary War a large number of Duplin County VcitizenS emigrated to . Tennessee (then, the western part of North Carolina) and " became prominently identified! with public affairs. It is , J an interesting historical fact that during' the years 1799 :Hk)l, the presiding officers of the two .Houses of the Ten nessee General Assembly were sons of " Duplin. ' Their ; , names have been recorded as leading men of their day in ' ' Tennessee. A brief outline of their public servcie is as ' '..'follows: , " f . T - ,', f v 1 A", f( Colonel ALEXANDER1 OUTLAW son of Patience (Whitfield) and Edward Outlaw, lived at Outlaw's Bridge, . Duplin County. He served in the Revolution as a cap- ', tain of militia under General James Kenan ani later as , a recruiting officer and quartermaster of the Tenth Hegi-1' ' ' ment. During the war he moved to Washington County ,; in the western par.t of Virginia where he served ms i militia officer and fought with Colonel Campbell's men . ; 1 in the battle of King's Mountain. He " then , moved to s' Greene County, North Carolina (now Tennessee) about the year 1783, a,nd rceeived several grants from th'!.' , State of North Carolina for large tracts of land for ' military services. He was elected artd served the ' next year as a member of the N. C. General Assembly at. New Bern and introduced a bill asking for a new State in the western territory by the name of West Carolina. Dur- ing the same year he was a member of the convention held at Jonesboro which led to the formation of the State'' of Franklin (later Tennessee) and served that State as a , ' Colonel of militia, Commissioner to negotiate with the,- '" Cherokee Indians, and as a County Court Justice. After . ; the collapse of the State of Franklin he was again a mem- ber of the N. C. General Assembly at Fayetteville in the years 1788 arid 1789. Also, he was a member of the Con- ' v. stitutional Convention held in Fayetteville, November 21, . 1789. Upon the admission into the union of the , new State of Tennessee he served as a member of the - first " , Constitutional Convention and represented Jefferson . County (formerly Greene) in the first General Assembly. . , He was leected and served as Speaker of the State Sen- ' ' ate during the years. 1799 and 1801. Hlhen retired from active pursuits andf lar?i,ihoyedJttrCahaba rathTteTJfolrP'- of Alabama whe he died in October, 1826, in the 88th.; year of his agfc. Colonel Outlaw's wife was Penelope;" ' Smith of Duylin County. They had one son, Maj. ,( ? Alexander Smith Outlaw, and four daughters who married ' 1 well known rrje,n of Tennessee to wit : Judge David Camp- , j , bell, U. S. Sdnator Joseph Anderson, Colonel Joseph 1 - ' ' J Hamilton, and Paul McDermott. Doctor WIB.LIAM DICKSON, son of Mary .(Williams)' , and Colonel William Dickson, was born in Duplin County,'' x May 5, 1770. He attended the old Grove Academy near Kenansville, studied medicine in New York, and began the practice of his profession in his native County. He moved to Tennessee and continued the practice of medicine in Nashville until elected a member of the State House of Representatives in 1799-1800 and served as Speaker- of that body when only 29 years of age- He was then clec ed and served as a member of the U. S. Congress from March 4, 1801 to March 3, 1807 when he returned to Nashville, practiced medicine and served as a trustee of ' the Univeristy. Dr. Dickson died Feb. 18, 1816, in, the 46th year of his age. His wife's maiden name (according to a newspaper clipping) was Polly Gray, daughter of Maiof Gray, of Franklin County, North Carolina, Their children were Cornelia Ann, Indiana and Florida Dicksons I 8.30. Admission is 10 and 15 cents A dance will be given later in the evening . Admission, 25 cents. Proceeds will go to the new par sonage, The public is invited to attend. Fertilizer supplemented 'wit' ComiffiAnlnlifltn ,..hmn . 'mm. ium and manganese is being te? ed by bulb growers in Kew Cf-'j wcr bousiy to remedy punt c i- ease conditions and to -. prom . 'a" better growth f the bulls. 'ti'J I ' : c 1 AUBREY L. CAVENAUGH Established 1920 WARSAW, N. C. Telephone 237-1 and 275-1 INSURANCE SERVICE OF ALL ly. - HERDS. Quinn-rl Compa: QUALITY FEE FUNERAL i:r AMBULANCE X AgenfDnplin EoriJ - "FECr Day: 244-1; Night: .. , . (i281-r 1 . ,. WARSAV.,3. C. '"(IRS ? A:ssociat -j-i-sr THE DUPLIN TI S. BOBEBT GRADY, EdltorOwner B. B. GBADT, Olroulanon atanacer ii-: i j . , .... iLl '- ENTERED "AT THE POST OFFICE. KENAKVIIXU, C, AS SECOND CLASS UAH. SCATTER. ,' . i i-H v.,' , -i ii-,,,,',;,,,:.:.,..,,",. 5 (' il BATES OF- BT0BSCR27T ,y . & r ONE TEAR (BT" MAIL), POSTPAID. sec months ;....',;.,.,.., .'....,.'. A DEMOCBATIO ' ' "CBAT AND DEVOTES TO " ' AL, EOOKOraO, AND ttTUN AliD eu:.. ::?