we, jbae' befo prif oft -f. I :.p ar ial snrl 'n-le-j- . ntucky Derby and the Preakness Cup at Pimllco, 11 ol the famous Man o' War, has become the .lead , and his jockey, Charles Kurtsinger, the leading tmpioiv has earned nearly S50.00GV for the owner, 18,000-Mile Yacht Voyage A'- i 'V.'rv. 1l J? Capt. Bailey Sawyer and Mrs. .Sawyer -shown fitting out their1 89-toot j i.--a i y if . J.J. J to nni ... rtt.... t vvo-masea scnpouer, nuuneiwi, xur mi io,vw-mutj vujrtiga w juujuuuiiib Australia. 1 Mrs Sawyer,- who learned navigation on a previous trip, will xr,..n aii UantrT'ifiAM TViotr W1 a itV nil a rf ifot VtnfitMA rtf aiAfk MfF Ai! iraiia, especially tne great Darner reei. mey.wm pb away xor inres j. s and will take with them a craw of eight, mostly scientists. , , J V.L deduction County Debt f Service Makes Big , v :! , Saving For Taxpayer ' " 1 MUM I ! i Mrs. Boneyat Montreat, Week Training School TheJummary of : the uniform annual budget estimate for Dup lin County, published elsewhere in today's paper, shows the esti mate of tax rate on $100 valua tion for the years 193738 to, be $1.65, or only 20 cents higher on the $100 valuation than a year a go, A reduction of .12 on : the county debt service fund, from .76 last year to .64 i this , year. ; - This reduction will mean a con siderable saving to the . county's taxpayers. , . , . '. This slight increase . over last year has been accounted, for most ly in the Old Age Assistance fund, Aid to dependent children, and aid to the blind. The sum ' for theseTthree items, M totals,, i . .13. These were items that local offi cials had nothing to 1 -do r with. since, the original law is a feder al law passed in Washington, and comes down to the county govern ments, - ' 1 The remainder of the increase is covered in a countv sunnlement. for: current expense school ; fund, raised from .06 last year to .16 this year. Capital outlay school fund last year was .02. This year it has been increased , to .06, an increase of, .04, and debt service on school fund, increased . from .81 last year to .36 this year. The biggest saving to Duplin County taxpayers has been made by the commissioners and . the county accountant in the County Debt Service Fund, ,12 being sav ed to taxpayers on this one item alone. Last year it stood at .76. This year it has been reduced to .64. - . . . Judge Hamilton To Preside Superior Court Cut , Way Thru Tin Roof at Prison Hospital Room 1 Mrs. N. B. Bonev left Tuesday for Montreat, Bf. C, to attend the Auxiliary Training School of the rresoyienan cnurcn tnere. mus. Bonev is chairman of Distrrit Vn 6, of the Wilmington FresbyteriaL vnurches in Duplin, Sampson district. They are. Grove, at Ken ansville: Warsaw. Gravs Memori al, Clinton; Faison, Calypso, Mt. i -""r. uniiiTTiMr ' Him mr. uuju uic Pink Hill group, which includes I camP led y "Black Joe . ?our prisoners, who cut their v way throucrh the tin roof , f ih hospital roof at the Duplin Coun ty rnson t'amp near Kenansville Thursday morning,, were, back be " hind bars at the camn before in- down. A posse of 100 men prison and county official! and Duplin.' County citizens wiA bloodhounds, tracked the prisoners. The entire maintenance department, of the ' countv hiehwav svstem biSeA in the search for the men, also offi- cials from the prison division in this section of the state, k The four prisoners, who had re-' mained for the day on sick leave escaped from the camp around e leven oVlcok, J. B. Bray, orison supervisor, who came to Kenans- vuie Thursday afternoon from Ba-leig-h to investifi-ate th Kr.nir : said that the four convicts report- ' ea sick early in the morning whea the other prisoners went out to work on the roads and nm to the infinntiry, from which they ' escaped. BLOODHOUNDS TBAIL FUGITIVES .Bloodhounds from the Wilson Teacher Allotments For 'Sy-'SS Announced ' ; J PICNIC SUPPER OCTOBER MEET The allotment for 'l teacher, in 'COUNCIL PLANS in Countv .elementary and i y?y? T i schools was received by 0. . ToLnson, County Superintend t of schools, this week. V. .e allotment gives 175 teach; ; fa the ten white schools in v caunty. Wallace, with ; eight, vs allowed for high school s tlie largest allotment of high 1 teachres. while Beaulaville s t!ie largest number of eleinen y school teachres, there being I t achers allotted to Beulaville r elementary grades. Thi ' high school gets only ; i 8(hoi teachers. , !! comrlete - allotment' fol- " "i C r, VT: nsvllle, high school, 4;'el ry, 13. , . - , iw, high j BchooL 6,' elc 7, 12. ' ' i, high siool,.3reemen-' I'iph If school, 4: ele- .-Mgh school, 5 f'cl hi'gh school, 5; "elo higih school, 4; cY '. The Duplin' County counoil meetinc was held in the Agricul tural building in Kenansville, on Friday, July Mrs.! F. F ; New kirk, council president.! vresided. After the song,) America'?! a the club collect was repeated, t Forty members answered to the, roll call Dunlin Conntv Superior ' court j will onen-a Jnly26th,vv-with juage liUiner uamuion-, oi more head City, in the . chair. - Judge Hamilton will act as an emergen cy judge in this court, taking the place of Judge E. H. Cranmer of Southport, who.is-ill and will be unable to preside. Fifteen nersons are now in the iiupiis t'ounty , jau, awaiting hearing in this term of court; v, Three murder cases, and an ar son case will be the chief ones to oome before Judge Hamilton for hearine. The cases': are: Willis FearsalL Kenansville , i townshin negro, charged with s the -,. fatal shooting of James Jarman, color ed; Badolph Strickland, white, who is charged with murder in qident in Wallace in "which - - one youncr ladv lost her life: and Jas. Fennell, David Huf man and Thur man Stalling. . colored . youths.' who will be tried on murder and larceny charges growing ; out of , an: auto accident in which Macon Cavenangh, , Jr., young Bose Hill pi ios ms uie near waiiace. . t T1l Vtt- tmm ei 4.1.1. 4 oi court, were printed in last 4-a clubbers;. AT WHITE LAKE CAMP A WEEK k . -ii.. . Jt i ir . u iv.i A letter irera nin.. Aooseven .m.j; i j.. .. u . uni the Home Agent; and' tothevDup ! issue of. Th, Duplin Times, J-LU, VVUUUJ - UVlUy - iWVUlVUONOjblVU 1 . t 'i scnool. 8: ele- ,'i school, 5;' ele- 'i school, 5 ; e!e- , r'f ; rives the, coun teachers'. a:id ! teachers. . s schofils 1. Jr., of Beu h s tonsil laville in yi,iv- Clubs was read. ;.' A Inminating- comnuttee. for new officers, in, the fall was appointed : j tlllrs. k Edgar Wells,; chairmaiiM Mrs. :; Norman Carr and'Mrs, J.'E. Grady.vllrs. Hugh Vells was -appointed Child ueveioment .iseaaexUi:i was de cided II at Duplin County pay $20 to the Jane S. Holummon Loan Fund m 1938. A rising vote of thanks was riven Mrs. E: B. Hale for the lively gladiolus she furn ished tor the fcootn;at the straw berry festival.' r..j'..:;' : ; Jt: yv. The fall federation, Was discuss- j ed and it was decided that ' we would have a nicnio snnner. with 1 nusDanas invitea, on' uctooer 8, at 6 o'clock, at the Agricultural Building in Kenansville. " -.The meeting' was then turned over to the Home Agent to J dis cuss; the plan of work during 19 38. Jt .was decided - that Foods nontinne as1 the jmaior tirniwit. Iwith; Home Eeautification . ' as a minor project. . ;;;Vri'f After the rtonn ail iansr i "Its a Good Time to Get Together," Miss Elythe Burnett, of the Tide Water rower and Light uompany, gave a StoclEteNpw is For Sale :.! ! The stock and Kenansville was all astir earlv juonday morning with 4-H club bers getting an early start for the White Lake Camp. They will be joined at the lake bv members 'from, Columbus County to make a complete camp, xney plan to re turn Saturday, The. Cams is beintr directed bv miss Jamve Martin and - a v. Jones, of the agriculture depart ment of Dunlin County. Mrs. Ma t. tie Kiggsby will have charge of the educational work. Adult lead ers for the camn are: Miss TWr Swinson, Mrs. Eula Sanderson and mrs. t. Uovd. - Tbe following, members of the Duplin clubs attended: Faison? Alice Casey, Rnth Ede- erton Minerva; ,. Lathan, , Meade BelL Perry lewis, Thelma Dixon and Joe Morton. " ., ;.':;:"?? y . B. F. Grady Club, Lena Chest nutt, Shirley Smith, B. K. Smitb, Jr., Helen,. Parker, Arbntres Out- law, ; Jttaiuey Smith,, and Morris vrady- 'iji.s: v ' i Kenansville Club. Knth cutt, Bobert Jones,; James Earle 4ones,,Uen Southerland, Helen jaargaret McLendon, Edward Svk- Smith's and Hebron in addition to Pink Hill. Mrs.-Boney is the first repre sentative to ea from this disfrint to an Auxiliary Training School. She was accompanied by " Mrs. MacNair Johnson. of Willard. chairman of Distrcit No. 5. Mrs. Johnson is a sister-in-law. nf n P. Johnson, Duplin County Super mienaent oi schools. " Mrs. B. 0, Grady, of Wilming ton. is -nresident of th Wilminir. tou Presbyterial? ; While' in Montreat. Mm. Knnv ana juts. Jonnson will hn tmpatu at tne JNOrtn . Carolina TTa. which u operated by Mrs. B. 0. vioniz, Jormeriy of this county auc ireming sonoooi will be in session from July 7 to 14. Plan Examine Eyesight Blind ' ace store i f ixtnres. saw mill equipment and a Fordson tractor oeionging xo the late a. j. Scott,, of Glisson township are for sale. "x , i'jf.'::fi:-i ' The stock of merchandise con sists of eroceries. drvsoods. hard ware and farm implements.: ' In the saw mill equipment there is an edger, planer and a 80 horse power steam engine! -''vlSV.'-V' ' Those wishing to; , submit ' bids should submit them to Vance B. Gavin,! administrator. Kenansville. a. u. Anyone wishinsr any further information regarding the items for sale may secure it from Mr. Gavin. V 5 '.' :u'-':-:'v S m Faison, July 8. With lima demonstration on the use: of the ceana Dnnmg irom q, to a Nesco Boaster and cooked a meal, box, the laison Auction , JTnrkct consisting of a. roast and four has been boomiijf t'.rs veci. a tins vrrfitames; She snowed how tae roaster could be used in the r " $1 f i atles and fmit.!. .. !e, 5 I'.uic J .....! c;:n ,tfc, --. . JS3 c; .. n: of ve1 A very ddcctable was enjoyel ly all fur 1.10 r r box. Cnia C3 8 .1 3 Cu ? bri forn 43 to f Wallace Club. MawmW wnt? ams, Gladys Salmon, and Evelyn Warsaw Club, Peggy Whitaker, zei woya, Bteiut uoyd, Abegafl Hales and Evelyn Hales. ; . ; --iuu uiuu, . junnie wumn, iveiyn Casteen,; Xibbie Fu treal, and Helen Quinn. .-. v -' Special sruests of the John 'MUler, Jack; Allen, Barbara Thomas and Billy Riggsby, John Miller Will assist within. . and Jack Allen will serve as camp The croun left at 7. -an vrA morning on a truck with a second irucK loiiowing witih-. provisions. There seemed to be an niimuii,... of food which included plenty of fners and fresh vegetables. All were in eood snirits mg lorwartt to a grand outing. ' fJachine Trouble ' Delays Paper After a splendid record of t ting out on time for sever al weeks, that nemesis of all I "t slw ps, machine trouble, man-hunter of the Prison Depart' ments canine pack, tracked the men,-..,,.. ....... . . ..... ' The escaneri r r.tuvi9 WClO, Bennie Willamsr sentenced - in Hoke County November 16, 1936, to five to eteht Leemon Eckerson, sentenced in Forsyth July 9, 1934, to six to ten years for storebreakinio lar ceny and receiving; Knh 1 Tot,in, sentenced in Wake October 8, 19 34 to five to seven years ; for hUThWaV rohhltmr anA 04.-1. - -w j . utauicv Hodge, sentenced in Gastoa ' in August, 1930 to 11 to 20 years for uicHung ana larceny. Before 5 O'clock Thnnrlav . ernoon two of the prisoners, Ben me Williams and Stanley Hodge were caDtnred in th Magnolia, and taken back to th pnson camp. Bennie Williains was wounded sliehtlv in with buckshot from a shot gun sheU before being taken. The s wound, Dr. G. V. Gooding, said was not serious CHANGE STBTPES ,s FOB OVERALLS 4 When ta iron TOill.'. 'V ... Hodge were wearing v oTeralls -None of the men who; escaped were in the A grade, or . trusty ; class. They were all Class B and C prisoners. whin . wear stapes. Prison officials thot 'V them to Wear strfnao" l;.- ... .5; ftcials thought they had picked up i t the overalh around the prison ?M camp as the trusbrg wear overalls. V i Leemort'Eckerson and Bob Tar ; ' lor, were capturedv somwh. i.J and Ho- anfBow- ' Mrs. Inez C. ' Boney, Duplin voaniy. tmnenntendpnit. nf p,,ki,vi weuare this week sent the fol lowing letter to the nress nf ip county: , I "We are in receipt fo the fol lowinsr oommnnimHnn fmm .! w mvui M1G State Commission of the Blind. Baleigh. - "JA number of Superintendents of ? Welfare have written us that uiey are unable to get their blind I clients examined by an ophthal mologist so that we hav oalloiti our field staff in and are makinirl vai ajiaiureiiiKiiT.n ta nava a i . ' f vm-vuxmuie ophthalmologist in your ) oounlZ. TtJraaH. sometime during the week of Ju'Ij between Warsaw an " to ao tms work for you. I 71- .V f, 'The Field Sunervisor will lt Is waght that an ordinarv ( . ... : can nnnr . . . rise yvu next was nrhar j i honr an ophthalmologist can come I w your , ooumy. xnis inf onnati wui DO SCtn ta van Tar-. wwvmuuj iw villi T.n nAV'.' . - r - wcu -b wo nspuait on the ? of, and from 'the . ;roofto ground. Once on tliA - 0 negotiated the p"; " f-Once on- thground flJ$$MV and on to Hi -z ti ihe nnsonBrf cmv -.!.;; .. a rtruciie akrbf' t 2rW director l ( of th dion,aid they probably " ; wu e;ven additional snV : tence4. The nin mtn i - " V ; grhetoid,--;;;;, x. 4 WW v jv wuua wa au the blind - who auouw m examiniwl : J v them at your office. We are tak- us out ox a special, very limited fn. j II ' . ' thalmologist can come Into your wwuubj vul, gnna an That . ir , j. very important for all blind appli cant or those Iran. filoeeaininedat U1UC, oaught up with us this week H B"oidahly delayed th5 Paper. We regret that this oo curred, and wish to assure you v IJat our entire staff has work- Baddock by Smn. ElahtrTKr.-!""""1 week's um i uredprodm. iwa vn . p IS out-1 we market as t !7i.W the nble I ter modified' " adjusted, and -.i.. " lTh e.h .,... to our many reader again, on I TtT . Ism o i r i

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