.. Cod, ei'pci-vl : i a ; ..i. lng , bubh, and , that the fire had nrf pow- .ii. sume tne Dusn maae , : tf le :' t i t, t as s . as ;vl'.:t ,'. : .t the Lzndred 1 that i 1-37 were . t ' 7 reason : i 1 of today 3 tf to?y are I 'i e?cr before, .' .' 3 ig self- ' the a f ar- lac'iisaf' ; aployment , .uia. The a :.,,tres of au- -"-a-ors in'In ' i t sell their J ry conditions ;ee. Emer-T-wa and -rr-y f , ..r words, ! ..it it or 1 1 j t .c point 1 Covernment ' le solution to rT'Ttit solve MPBOMISE", 1787 Just 150 k the Pounders ral Constitution Jon which hlsto- ve characterized .omlse." , (?t. two Impor- both of which ; , t bnd caused ;r?ti threaten I r V t " ! 1(1- v ! in (L . 'U II I i in -.it i i ! t i ...-re- :.j of i were I i .iiui.i ! v"s pv s ; Vs lew -tie i ii l:i. ly late, ' ue , giving i and t. a years later s were aiding poun 1 ( i tliejv highways were i aro ind oenters of pop i ; X nob' so jnuch to con i centers at any consid ' & stance from each other. - 1 for interstate roads was '3 to be f.elt.' Because of 1 there arose .a , stror; i f " and thalf the United ' I '.'lirnroent1 should contii i 'Scially upward road- " ,, as it, had done a hundred s I f-.e.- - " , JI.'s C dand took definite form hi uio, in tne passage oi tne t Tcderal-aid hill, Wd later e tie Tcderal-aid act of 1921 ' Ivli give us the baslsifoj our sent interstate system if roads., ' 1 tl.e situation as applied to J3 has now devebed i many ether fields. There in a loud clam or for Federal assistance in these other fields assistance, in handl ing problems states cannot cvntrol alone. ' 1 J. RctcncncDot 'if J' wiiiciicckt!! . V'. r r- Mexican bean beetles' are Vai4 ing ITorth Carolina's gardens) and truck patches again this yeat ) But the invasion can be v. stop ped with a counter-attack of'ro tenone spray r dust,, said , J,j '0. RowelV extension entomologist.at State CoUege. : - 3 - r 1, , Although this material is sure death, to the' beetles, he added, It is harmless to human beings. Also it is comparatively inexpensive to use. " ; , v ) f Wherever beetles' are found on bean plants, or egg clusters ' ap pear on the underside of the leav es, Rowell said the grower, should start spraying or dusting -.with derris or cube .root : - containing rotenone. ' J ' ' '' - i - To make' a spray,' use dust con- e answer i taining 4 per cent rotenone Mix -.7- npf.r. 1 1-2 pounds cf dust witn ou gait - ,.t cf 1p- Ions of water, or 1 1-2 ounces of Bust in 3 gallons of water if : ; a .:-iso riEiAns AGO Ccr:-tctiK:al Ccaveatm BV RAYMOND PITCAIRN . V ' ' J ' ' . to governr pronoimceft-ior examine. James Wilson, of Pennsylvania, in later dPbate he charactenzea -;uio t cultivation and improvement of the , human mind" as 'tne most todkj object" of government , , ' 1 Opposition tq any possible return , of that despotk-tn against which the Colonies ha4 rebelled was smuiany ; evident. -I .r." sr' 1 George Mason, of Vir- --, "frota the nature of man we may be sure that those who have r iwer m weir nds will not je it up while i.ey can retain It. On Uie con-t-.iry ve know . y Will always, tiiey can, jcr. iiicrevse 'which ' ikt"i ' i 9 1- Cterf Moa , j '"u i men having - power. . 1 a C ..rusted to a certain !? another "occasion 1 that the Execu- " .r'n? good oe-i ' .,,I out that jc 'jfjran, j,'wnl('J 3? tiion-1 -s c 1 1' ' ti . I -i 1 ' i Si s t of tLe i t. t . j : e rate of 15 to J I 'icre. ... ; Repeat t-e sjTayirj c every few days until f have been eradicated, pointed out. When making a ?i"7 tinued, use only a da t uent that will mix r . t i. 3 er te ton- a dll- :y with water. The 11-1 on 'tie package usually tells whether it will mix with water. , r Calcium arsenate and arsenate of lead are i? irious ; to plants and are not recommended, Bow ell concluded. , WW-.. llSli fcr Use of CailSc Breeders tf, 1 Five purebred bulls 'have been purchased by the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, of Andrews, to further the production of high grade beef cattle in Cherokee, Clay , and Graham Counties. . -' The bank also plans to purchase tw more bulls in the near future, said I I. Case, beef cattle special ist of the State College extension service.. ''"-'. f The two Aberdeen Angus "bulls have been placed with farmers in Graham County and the , three Hereford bulls have been placed ISFACTS "YOU h li- DETECTIVE '-"4 I'"; jt-0Kr j" ! "'iPU TWO I, d-Wto PVX.W? J THTr j'53:' VV I RORf KOREAN WELL. ir shculd cwBwse -mat? SCK? r A - -'&l&'ti&mg& o,TLs i sun a cottpoa) uau-aov. v . y ., jl yjiM wa? g-gwW. ifa a :., . , ' 4 ikl-.h 'i 'I rrr--"iT--T-r; uJ .-yv-; .' , ; - "T i uT .TTTl .F RUDDY ? 1 BYPngtng J wan 1 1 hi urn mi up ....ii ii i ,( , , u, ., nnn u n ,!,, ii. m wpn.nn! i .mi , ii m m iwiim is n iiiasn i sain n - u m , mi , ., ! I ) DASH DIXON " ' n:.--;, - vV . ByDeanCarrl A TANK OF EOILINO ACID, tF C iSftS- 'i SVfy A Ff&V&il V- "-? All c l- 1 a c ! .1 in hi.. LI.c3 rec ibion serv U i i 1 r ; ; aco.-.:: ti cd by the' exte ice. 1" e lulls will ts available for scr.l.e oa the farms where they are h : t, and oil. or farmers will have tL.e privilege of using the bulls upon payment of a small fee hi;h will help dofrey the ex? pense of maintainirs the sires. The contract speckled that the farmer must keep the animal in good condition, feed it adequately, and endeavor to protect it from infection with conb ious diseases. Each farmer has the right '".to purchase the animal in his charge if and when he may desire, Case added. - - 1 The bulls were selected by Case in cooperation with, A. Q. Ketner, Cherokee County farm demonstra tion agent. . - ' " -f Sunday School V; Les: on . July 111937." ' ; Eev. F. L. Goodman - God Provides A leader ' A ii. j MMh. iTi. ,C7; i,i! 1st. I have made a covenant with Sle from bSi l f "J"- 2nd' 1 Midian, where he marries Jethro's thelf ?uffen1 d daughter and becoineVa shepherd!8 be Punished for ier wloked- for theflock of his fatte-law.j"6; . task WM brin noJ 'SJSZSSuftJE? if Tpeople to KNOW GODlsnot now eighty years old. Perhaps e th k f hutch , has been flunking of the afflict-Ip8 NEVER -KNEW!! RILEY ,S,1 I. IP" SE S BETWEEN THO ROCKS"-A DOOR LTS SEE , IT'S OPEN, DOUBT IT? pari V4i r f -t, V'. 1 j r ., v near, and prepared tan r Cod's message,. This experi ence called to his mind four facts. 1st, .Fire is-the eymbol of God. 2J, Continuous fire recalled the inex haustible resources of God. 3rd, That God was a holy God, 4th, That, this was the same God who had been working with' Abraham, Isaao 'and Jacob. Forty years ago he had tried to deliver the people and had failed, Why should he try again? - . Why the wilderness t f While there Moses was in contact with the work of the hand of God, but had seen none of the work of man. Thus he began to see the : great ness of God and the littleness of Man. Now at the end of , forty years he is ready to leave it ' all with' God. -, J . : . ' Moses' task was not to deliver a weak and oppressed people from Egypt, for that was God's task. Mose's task was to get the people to know God. Oh how, . that is needed in the World today,, That men might know God," Moses had learned the lesson of patience and longsuffering from his forty years t , with stubborn sheep. Rebellion against ,. Moses ajid God showed that the people were foolish, wayward and help less sheep. What a task to lead such people to know God. ' God gives Moses three reasons I why he must deliver the people, '" - i i ii ii j' 1 ' 1 1 -T """"""" . 'k . ' , i - ij i . ii i 1 1 "mi i.i ii iti -j. t 'Sr'"i ' ' t ''":', ';" "" 1 '" y". . . By Richard L? .... r.. T:r ::Lj. o! ; ---- -,i ii.i--nii.Tn . ' ' ' " ' " "W 1 v " ' - - ' w ini: G. FJIcrarfcx.;;? Wallace,, Funeral services for' George' Franklin Herring, 58, who died at his home in the Ear-, rels Store section last week ; f ol-1 lowing a six month's illness1, were ' conducted ate the Wells Chapel i Baptist Church Sunday afternoon! with burial following in the chu-! rch oemetery. The Eev. J. E. All- aid, pastor, oonducted the last nt- es, assisted by the ; Bev, Jh L. Johnson, a former pastor, and the Rev. W. P. M. Currie, pastor . - of the Wallace Presbyterian Church, f Wallace Lodge No. 595,. A. F. & A &VL, of which. Mr, Herring, was j a member, bad charge of the services at the grave. , . Mr. Herring who was born , in Pender County, had long been a resident of Sampson, to .. which ents while quite young. He ; was county he removed with his par well known throughout this sec tion of the State, In addition to his widow, the former Maggie Wells, - surviving are two sons and. one daughter, lewis D. Herring and Robert C. Herring, both of Wallace; and Mrs.' Edward Armstrong, of Flor-1 ence, -S. (T. ; two sisters, Mrs. G. C. I T, 1 111.! 3 M ' W ' jwaEur aiKUBon, ana am. o. g, Highsmith, of Wilmington. E. B. Phillips, Randolph Coun ty farmer, is convinced that the terraces he had constructed on his farm last spring more than paid for themselves during a re cent b,eavy rain. vs?(, ..sym L-ywr issi . v i ifl J mieapfmj&Stn i ' (rrwlwStoSriM) ''' ' ' - ' Impatience never anybody anywhere except Into trouble. ; . - Too many motorists ct an an- tomobtle aora : to work mira-i. They forget It was made tor only on , purpose: A. hem should warn, . There Is nothing quite so Irritat ing as a horn-tooting motorist, with' . the possible exception of a mos quito In a sleeping porch. Both merit the same consideration. 'i ' An ancient Chinese philosopher said: "The big voice betokens the small mind.'' .Five thousand years have not altered this truth, although it is expressed on our highways toj day with less grace and more pro fanity. I Impatient motorists should re member that a devil is recognisel by his horn. So, button, button, lay oft ftU ' button), - - - 1 Site of the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition has been reclaimed from the floor of San Francisco Bay. By Bob Dart