. I. I i C- -ti t.' ; s e .1... i to ex- na. on c f.r s. . i Tuis tl.e 1 . i ; il S7. .; V7. o. i: -. : ... .! .... D. L. Cailt-a, ' -t ei "imey for 8-12-4&-D.L.C. i I ! cf r ( 1 1 ti J. i t..3 il y el Jane, 1. t r tLia notice will be pleaded Li lar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ' , Tbia 83th day of June 1337. v . . . LlfTn JELLES, , ' GIXICSA tTTT.T.ER, , "r ' , , . Administrators. A. 7. Elanton,- Attorney. Keiiaasville, H. C. ,8-5-6t-AJB. u v AisansixAioB's notice Haying qualified as administra tor of the estate of Arnold J. Soott decesaed, late of Duplin County and the State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing; claims against the estate of the laid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Xenansville , oa or before July Bna, 19- in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted' to said es tate will please make .immediate payment . . " This July 2nd, 1937. -, , , - VANCE B. GAVIN, Administrator of Estate of Arnold J. Scott ' ' , S-8-flt-VG. . -. . t . ' NOTICE STATE OF NOETH CAROLE? A, vvrus cuuhtx. , , Entry of Land, No. 3708. , To Albert T. Outlaw, Entry-taker of Duplin County' , The undersigned claimant, Jo seph Ida Outlaw, being a citizen of Duplin County, in the State of North Carolina, hereby sets forth and shows that : the ; following tract or parcel of land, to-wit: Ly ing and being in Albertson town ship, Duplin County, North Caro lina, and more fully described as follows, vix: Beginning at a gum in a branch the third corner of the Jack Lew is tract, being the tract of land conveyed by deed from E. 0. Har well and Chellie E. Maxwell, to of July, 1898, land recorded in Book No. 58, at page 201, of the Duplin County registry, and. runs dawn brsnrh anth-WMtwarri' ly 48 feet to a pine stump, a cor ner of the Whitfield . tract, con veyed by deed from N. G. Whit field and Sallie Whitfield, his wife,' to Joseph Ida Outlaw, dated the 4th of February, and recorded in Book No. 45, at page 133, of the Duplin ;c County ; ; registry ; thence with the line of the said Whitfield tract S. 27 E. 420 feet to the line of the Lewis Jack or Jack Lewa tract above ' . mention ed ; thence with the line of the said Jack Lewis or Lewis Jack hunt HI 09 B 1M t. lVi I.. ginning; containing 1.18 nan) more or less. Said land lying and being between and adjoining the said two tracts of land of the said Joseph Ida Outlaw and having been in the actual possession on fh. 5j t w j. w t c. v A'McQibony, Trustee for Land M. L. Outlaw, Sr., her husband, since toe zstn of July, 1898, k r Said'-1.18 acres being vacant and unappropriated land and be Jonging to the State of North Car olina, subject to the possession of saw Joseph Ida Outlaw and her a-, gents since said 28th of July, 18 98, and subject to entry by the said Joseph Ida Outlaw; and the undersigned ' v claimant 'hereby makes entry of, lays claim to, and prays Tor a grant for 1.18 acres of land. .' :-. This the 8th day of July, 1937. JOSEPH IDA OUTLAW,';;, '' ," : t1 ' Waimant. w ess: ' ' i ' . IX. L. CTllW v ' a: S.-C2ADY 1 7-J-4t-A.s.o.l-,'" XZT.ZZ C7 flLS BY- TRUSTEE r.1 to;. ff ' Irvine of author- "i teed of i : C. Col- C !ell f n .I J, tf v f-1 1 ir n 7 : j l ee vVJi le a.. -'. i t 3 tf C-s ::. .tt9t'el :rj, and lyii'S and I :.3 u Ce Um. of V."arsaw, H. C. ' Adverted, this the 6th day of July 1CC7. ' . - . 7. T. Gresham, Jr, Trustee A. I. Elanton Attorney ; executor's kotics . The Undersigned, having duly qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County aa executor of the last will and testament of George W. Underbill, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present At.. 4. vivid ami crntwl at on or before the 5th day of Au gust, 1838, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. - - All persons indebted to said estate are urged to make prompt payment ' - This the 12th day of July, 1937. .. . GEORGE W. TNDEBBHX, Executor Albert S. Gradq, Attorney 8-19-et-A.S.G. NOTICE : OF ADMINISTRATION Havinff this dav auahned u Administratrix of the Estate of W. B. Carlton, deceased, this is to no tify all persons having claims a gainst the said estate to present them, to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 16th day of July, 1938, or this notice wui be plead in bar of recovery. All nemos indebted to said estate win please make immediate pay ments This July 18, 1937. -, OPHELIA J. CARLTON ADMINISTRATRIX 8-28-R. D. J.-pd. .. , 4 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 'f m a TO CREDITOR'S The undersigned having quali fied as Administrator of the Es isttn nf Wtl Ella Conner Lof tin. ', deceased, late of Duplin County, this is hereby published to serve notice upon creditors of said - es tate to file their claims with the undersigned on or before July 16, 1938 or this notice win be plead ed in bar of their recovery, " AQ persons indebted to this estate are I hereby requested to make immedi ate settlement 'U- ' This 15th day of July, 1937.! BRANCH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY, ADMINISTRATOR OF TEE ESTATE OF MRS. ELLA COOPER LOFTIN, DECEASED. -27-6t-B J. A T. Co, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND WHEREAS, on the 24th day of February, 1934 .Thomas Hall exe- cuiea ana aeuverea unxo w. u. Bank Commissioner, a certain deed of trust which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Duplin County, North Caro lina Book 363 at Page 69; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the 1 in debtedness 1 thereby secured as therein provided, and the: trustee has been requested by the owner and holder thereof to. exercise the power of sale therein contained. NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the authority confer red by the said deed of trust the undersigned Trustee will on the 16th day of August, 1937, at the court house door of Duplin Coun ty, North Carolina, at twelve; o' clock noon offer for sale to ' the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing real estate: -. AU that tract or parcel of land now in the possession of Thomas Hall, containing twenty-seven and three-fourth (27 3-4) Acres in Is land Creek ' Township, Duplin County, known as the "Thomas 111 Place', located East of and about one and one-fourth miles from the Town of Wallace, on wa ters cf Little Rockfish Creek and 7 I "! Tond, bounded on the 1 1 j Ll'e .'EocLTLh- Crwk W ? rwi cf V7. E. Z ) : ' 1 r Ir.st ly t'.e rs of the estate tf E. V. 1.2, t s ed, late of El-IIu Cour7, I Carolina, tlis is to roll'y t"I : r sons having clainvs ti '".. I" i tate of said dcce-:l to '-'J them to the undersold f t V?" so N. C on or before Cie 1- .1 1 7 of July, 1323 or tlis n'.lo be pleaded in bar of tieir recov ery. All persons indulted to said estate will please make immediate payment ... . " This the lain any or juiy, i- 87. Myrtle Eail, Thelma Dail Executors 8-28-et-A. W. B. order Auniczirra $15,000 REFUKEIXG EOAD AND, 'v , BRIDCISBOSrS ' BEIT ORDERED AND RE SOLVED by the Board of Commis sioners of Duplin County: i; That bonds of Duplin Coun tv be issued pursuant to the Conn ty Finance Act, as amended, in an amount not exceeding 15,CS3 for the DurDose of refundipg a 'e a mount of the nrincipal of ! valid subsisting bonded 'indebtedness of the County which was incurred before January 1, 1829 for - the construction of roads and bridges in said County, and was legally created for necessary expenses of the County, and is evidenced by the foUowinr: '-.::?'?' r-::: 315,000 5 Road Bonds dated September 1, 1925, maturing Sep tember 1, 1937.; ;,v,;yy- $10,000 Wi Road Bonds dat ed June 1, 1919, maturing JUiy t, 1938. $5,000 8 Road and. Bridge Bonds dated November 1, 1920, maturing November 1, 1937.' ' 5 $15,000 8 Road anT Bridge Bonds dated May l, iwh, matur ing May 1, 1938. That toe holden of said sit fading Road and Bridge. . Bonds shall be subrogated to all s the rights and powers of the holden of the indebtedness so refunded. 3. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said Refunding Road - and ' Bridge Bonds shall be annually levied and collected.. ' -4 4 4. That, a statement of the County debt has been filed with the Clerk and is vgex to 1 public inspection. ' ' - - 5. That this order shall take ef fect upon its v passage and ' shall not be submitted to the voters. The foregoing order was finally Moaujl on 4h 1 Qtft Haw f Tnlv 1937, and was firsfr published on the 22nd day of July, 1937. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said order must be commenced within thirty days af ter its first publication. ' A. T. OUTLAW,".. Clerk, Board of Commissioners. 7-29-2t - , - ORDER ' AUTHORIZING $25,538 REFUNDING 8CH00L E0XI3 BEIT ORDERED AND.' RE SOLVED by the Board of Commis sioners of Duplin County: 1. That bonds of Duplin County be issued pursuant to the County Finance Act as amended in an a mount not exceeding $18,000 for the purpose of refunding a like a mount of the principal of valia subsisting bonded indebtedness xf the County which was incurred by the Board of County Commission en (as an administrative agent of the State in providing a State sy stem of public schools) for main taining the ' constitutional six months' school term, and is evi denced by the following: -.': ! i $1,030 5 School Bond dated October 1, 1325, maturing October ; 1837.;v-v-. r, $10,000 4l8 School Fundir-j Bonds dated fiarch 1, 1S.3, ma turing Karch 1, i::i ?5,CC3 4'j Ehool londi dat ed rU 1, 1023, E&turir- i;rL 1 13 i " Havinsr csallTIed as Hiec 1 In v 1. 1, '3 t 1,1 , . 01 tr " I' 1. s. PS ..S t 5 . iJil. ' i t j -4. V tat tLe i.. ' 1 r 8. TI .t a i . i; ' l ti I 1 t debt of C C with tie tL.k f -he iasecUun. 6. That tlis l r t effect upan i's r not be sut-JLll 1 1 The toTt"-"' - r t passed on Ce 1 187, and was the 2nd day cf S action or procc." the validity of s ' eonunenced wl" ' ; ter iU first r.' - t r ;.t i . Ljt ti - 4 - - A. T. C . .117 Clerk, Board of asianm. 7-29-2t , coumcjmLai : Sealed bids will be recdrei ua- til 11 e'olock, A. IL, r.-cir-Standard Time, Artist 13, i:: , by the uniers'-.ci at its sl'e i : the City of E-lv';X B. C, f;r t" : following bonds of the Couzy it Duplin, North CircIIis, i " August 1, 1C27, maturir? an r i- ruaxy 1 in the yean kereis&fiar stated, without option of prior payment: --'- - $45,000 Refunding Road Mi Bridge Bonds, maturirx anna- any, $3,cca is:7 to i.:i, u- clusive, $70 KZ2 and ), 000 1853. $25,630 . Refunding School Bonds, matutir? anaua!!y, ( V 600 1847, (:,c.3 to u- 62, inclusive, t'l f.CCD IZZZ. Denomination $l,f.3, exce ' Refunding School a.l nua.tr:. 1 of $;39; frincfrU and inUu.l CF and A 1) payaUe in Csw To 1 City in legal tezia; general oLIi gations; unlimited tax; eoc;c? bonds registeraiie as to priai; 1 alone; delivery on or about Adj ust 28, 1837 at place of purchas er's choice. There will be no aue- ti0.:i3::i'':';l'te,':'' 1 A separate bid for each issue (not less than par and accrue I interest) is repaired. Lden are requested to name tie interest rate or rates, not exceer t ii multiples of of 1; eh t:: may name one rata for trrt t' the bonds of any issue (Ir.i the earliest maturities) asi ta other rate for te bt:uce, tzt t; bid may name E..-B t.i t ' J r - es for any kzzt, ail e a I" must specify U l i 1 1 Cs a mount or tie t;Is f eacU t:'3. The bonds wiU be awg,:.' .i t t" r bidder ollemj to jzKlzzt t..; bonds at tie Lrest ti:r::t 't' to tie County, sati cc:t ts te ( terminei ty i I'-t'et:' la ".Jt'j f. : t cf i'.... -.' vz-JL t" i. - " iiisi -1- t .... i r r mount cf t' t j Ue Z . 'e t upon aJ cf tit I rer-eciive ' Lids Bt ts f ed envc! --s l Eozds". sir t ts t by a ccrl I c" ir 1 1 1 ; t "3 eorj-r:' II i cr t v&zj, r . "i t "" thee rtftls for 3 r t c! lit Ti ( 1 4 w; l te i A0 I t to x t"i ) I re.""Tv 1. IC7T, ' tary cf I" s C r;t -; r a n : It!! j I . r . 1 l; i . .. J. . is 1 V: " e ( j. . , . ...1 I 1 i ... tl ; I . ', i " r, ' i i: i til j : "i i r .1 1 J. s. ; r i . : i in rack I. r-' :. i tl -s cznnj',1 lljt'ssl . B.I t-zizt from , 7 I v. j . ti v. ...s JL-;cze ii. U :: i ta J. B. C.afy made and' 'c;.-' 1 1 t t;j tf June 13-1 ...... 1 v."..:- j aai rtlwiuirj certain' cc; '..'..' i in d.ci recoilsd in! lack 113 r- C3 of the Duplin' Ikriatry and dsli reoorded is ' heixly mads a fart of ills reed cf Trait tLe maf s nrsTiant to the pow er ef i:.'.9 i in Deed , of trs:t t-jct.l ly J. B. Craly and wiTe to A, U. T;-ii, Trustee for J. , J:-s end ,ted June 1, 1C27 a:l i 'y rxtilzi in Look 23 9 i;j cf Co Irr'-ln County .JIo t" 'J,zj,-i.J.jXut having r.e in psyment of the ir ,li:."i:s tlerely secured and r::"- tvnzj been made by the L;, Zct cf tie note to foreclose said Deed of Trust This the 12th day of July, 1837. : A. W. BTRD, TRUSTEE. l-19-4t-A W, B; NOTICE Ca Conday August 23, 1837 at IS o'clock noon at tie Courthouse d;or in r 2ssve, Dublin Coun ty, Tjrli C !:a, the undsn'ja 1 1 1 t;e aid i !l far cash, to tie I' " 'A l..t tie f.Uawirg lands a:l f-esises to-wi: I. . --j t: 1 Icir j in .Clisson t:-xr r;;Iia County, and be ' izj at a stake in the old line a:l rzzt B. S3 1-2 E. to the run of tla Harth East Elver; thence ej tie run cf said Liver to the mouth of Jai'rer Eranch; thence r j Cs rei cf Ja!r Eraach to u t It; r- e 8. 72 E. 713 feet to Ce lr:': r;, containiBg 72 1-2 acrss rcers er Uss. i r-.-..-.-' , . C.'s r !s r"Jn5it to the pow er if t"j C Jarred cpo the un- ::, -Trrse . by Deed' '."of 7 .,1 1 r ' - iate cf June ly 19- ;j tr I 1 ty J. S. Cxaiy rl rl'j ti J: Either for J. I ? I 1 (! tie I;:"a Comty i. :j : .' -,zj:jx ta-.: t l- i x i i l I..B r"7--t f tlr i" " " " i tlrrvly secured and r t 1. .7' z tsen made of tie I- s 1 7 tie Idler of said note to t " t tie sazie. : ir i d v cf j;',r7. -y . . Trustee rormerTrec'.lent Hoover is ir a '-j iadustry erti Lit f.r tie i:.J Culden Cate In- tcraaanal lzzr.tln. A "Tort cf t' s f;vtn Is? " st "'it' it if.it 'i- litis ft i. : 3 i 3 V .9 ,-.'.3 S . t- 1 I. . . Kubert Anderson Jurdiuc, who ; i . 1 t at. .t hen he defied the Church of En-ii s trJ. to perform the wedding ceremony for the tv'- e tat ini.t WaL. Warfleld, shown as he arrived in New t r a lecture tour of the United States, the proceeds of v tihwqted to charity. : ( ;. -i.':V'-f-(;'V-',,f:7:.-:,.-V Ready for Action v' ; Gas-masked gunners aooaia n. m. o. r unuus. v..w. powerful battleships, are shown -operating a range-finder during r battle practice in the Mediterranean Threats of open interven. lUly and Germany in the Spanish imbroglio resulted In a concert of British naval craft in tr-e Meditrrapean. ' ), - ' Scientist Puts . Dr. Charles Greeley Abbott, secretary of the Smithsonian instil i and director of the American 'Astrophysical observatory at Washit; on, D. Is shown setting up his solar boiler at the "Great Ikeg expos n at Cleveland. The device, hailed as science's first successful effort to translate solar energy Jnto usable power, would yield a total of 70,C j horsepower on cloudless days, according to Dr. Abbott ' Mush 4,000 Miles to Bright Li-I .r. and Airs. P. J, Carroll of British Columbia tl,e i f tte f rovince near Alaska with their team of Alaskan c arrival to Mew JTork city, recently, by dog sled. Their : 'vi'A boa wheels and runners. They have been travt i t t year and three months, picking up data for a 1 1 t.,"i aooo.- in Mediterr. Old Sol to Work in t f TT TTvTVO:

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