I' es vent into the woods with Iher one by one and all attacked her. he tried to resist them, bat was too weak to fight them off. . After committing the crime, she aid, they pnt her back in the car with one of the negroes in the back eat, who still tried to be familiar wiith her. They asked her if she would Lke to go to Kinston with them, and she agreed to do so in . hopes of finding a chance to es cape. v She suggested that they . get some more girlv thinking that , she would get away. They agreed and drove out on another country road. They stopped the ear, she , aaid, and told her that near here was where they could get some more girls. She asked them to let her go and get them, but they told iter to wan mere, wnen sne star ted to get out of the car, -fine oi the negroes struck at her with a . knife, but she Jumped and ran a- . i ii i i .1 m n 1 1 , i ' ... : I a i - up. C! a i 1 i I i a : i ho i e L 3 t :' l .. ! 11.-3 'j t 1 I ! ( ? i : negroes es I '" sy lookiiij;, v. i a I ache," and ano' -tm" 1 she c.dn't even r .1 1 j . ji der," ETlie dec! r I -. t s el eved she could ii-llly titicr cl the three, - :vOne of the three talked to her as they drove, she said, and told her that he came from the north. She" tried to talk to him, and told him that she did, too, in hopes that she could .gain his men ship. Se then told her that if she came from the north she knew how white people up there treat ed negroes, and should - do like them. j,t , " K',:!-,'r- ' . The srirl said ' that ' she had stood more than she thought any one ever could. That she manag ed to keep her presence of mind and do everything possible for protection while she was with the 4 t AUGUST 22nd at 330 P. W PINK HILL ALL-STARS LAURINBURG ' , '" .'V GEORGE TURNER PARK AT PINK HILL al ' s 1 ; 1 3 j i v-I tie1 l t3 t vu3 r.o i 'a fa l.r , tie L. v '1 ret Le i.Ioei to 1. s r L.3 dctt 1c c' r.ir. Cn t ' T t J that Kdi-h &.r&laia hnl a ktirJ gas chr r for cepiM puriJr nient, sie groaned and said that it was too easy for them. . FuncrrJ Services Ltrs. Kate Lanier - Funeral services for Mrs. Kate Lanier, the wife of Alton Lanier, were held in her home near Ben 8:00 o'clock.-Rev. Ransom Gurg anus of Jacksonville officiating. She died in Farrott Hospital Sunday evening at 9:30.. . She had been a patient there for some time. Ehe underwent an .. opera tion last Thursday. v Mrs - Lanier is survived by the following children, Miss Virginia, Norwood, Jessie Brown, ' Wilton Harris Glenn and Bruce Hyral La nier; her mother, Mrs. L. T. Thig pen, two brothers, Woodrow . and Osborne Thigpen of the home com- mnnity,-': ; fMf -.' She;was a faithful -and loving wife and mother, willing .to do her Dart in anything that she felt was her duty. ' ' v Interment was made in the fa- mil MmKterv. i Many beautiful. floral offerings .were contributed. Mrs.J Clivesey atWelfareDept n I. f.. TJvesav is workink at the Welfare Department this week during the absence oi jars. b. Westbrook, who -.was called ; to Canada recently on account of the Af her foster father: Mrs. Westbrooks is from England. She was taken to Canada when a child. After the World War she married Sam Westbrook, of Duplin County and has made her home in Duplin since then. C. C. 1 ' r . vi,;, I .11 Korth C.:,: x I i Cre Tcr " siJ. 1 over t" s . i s c ve;."on was (' ' Ui r the Enutlfi,: i i ; i 1 (" ej;ate to t' e 1 ' 1 1 tion CouncJ in : '. i, I -sas. IL.'3. T, L. L' , 1 f I -Cdunty succeeds 1 ,s. Tone; president of tie reJoration. ' Pi to Crir.j ; Gccd Price inFcwVcc!ii J Good prioes expected for pork enriv this fall offer erowers an In ducement to make their pigs gain weight rapidly. " c Pip being prparea lor market should be made ready for sale in w. w. Tavlor. extension . swine lAngust or early Septmeber, said, specialist at State voiiege. Swine should be provided with mmI. thud nliiMtir whre . thev will be protected from."the ; hot sun. Heat saps a nog's viiaiity, arut IceetiB nin from makine ' as rapid, gains as they should, he ex plained. jf'-S'ivv,:''1-:1:' If natural shade is -not avail able, an artificial shade - can be mode with boards, brush, or straw. A constant supply of fresh water should also be available. - Evry hog in the herd should have access to a good mineral mixture, Good pasture is a neces sity,' Taylor "emphasized. '.' Bn TMommended a mineral mix ture of 10 pounds of ground, lime stone, a vounds oi steamea none nHl iiii 9! nnnnAa Af (alt. Tin Tint )mk th minerala with the feed, I but keep them in a separate place where they' will stay, dry. . - i t . 1 11 r: -t f .1 c z C.-'-'.: 'a 813 I'll j i s yiw'j tf cc" l f it , ac cori j t j C. B. . Lc 1 tf the cronoir.y dor".:.. .t at L.le Colle-9. - VThere the crcrs are vdl. d: ' from "r'.'.l hu-r" "r drown", Le siil, i I '.Ion c. 1 be incrcE2 1 tp to 13 pr cczt i;i cases ty iiiirtj a small amo:( of potash or E"-j!icsia. - ... . --i V. ... - s ia : "j t f 7 i c Pi-.." rr"' t-:."3 ii ' t c "f t 7C1C II r ', cr s. I ! . ii ' f ' 1 j" -'s to I e r ; j ....,.t fi-t 2L vuts v .. jj - i " ju ' .. ' - -.- . . u 1 U 1 I 4 I M' GTnrn;j! LloxJd aU tulltts in the fjockt be treated for worms' j . ... . T .... - ..1. in w ww uk one oi tae moss p.. ;. i i before, they art placed in the lay- grippirz stories ever to te fl" 1. ' AX3WE3: Ho. only those birds ?0 cy i, 1 . - " ttat show evidence of being in-.tcr a aeoe on the L.y . -7 fested shouu D treaxea. xms u - , - Sy evidenced by pale combs, U4 Jj1 face parts ana sanKS ana oy ue:- 0 ' -j- , - , . birds being lij;ht in weight. If. ' r - there is any doubt a representative1;. M ee J--a i. ,s. k.5S r fonnd. isolate all birds Pa,you saouia see it in its improved form. 1 , . . V , DUPLEI WALSAW MR. FARMER ..;'a. BV 1 .111 Iff 1 i . ' ',r.i, i'NiK. 'Fc..' STA iinaHnff the svmntoms and treat for control before placing in lay ing tmarr.:- ftUESTI03r:. When is the best; . , "Love in a Bungalow," rniver time to sed a lawnf sal's hilarious farce " concen.:? Ai:"ni: Eest results are us-, the adventures of a beaubfia hes ually exi 1.1. results on elevations less than 2,Ite!rn fco-Lei for showL'j at t!e time to become well e3talIieed before winter and also to get a good start on the weeds and un Hmrirahl crasses . the fsllowirj spring. The sed should be tlorr j ti pd m one of the main rcas ons for failures in lawn m&kixg is the us of too Lt"e seed, use from S3 to C3 rounJs of seed to the acre lor cert resuixs, 1 - 1 4 - , '. ' - ' , , 8- lilt IZt CO CM . Wishes to Thank YOU and YOUR Friends for Business Given Us in the Past , :s Wc iKnow Grovinjiind Handling Tcbr.cco is a Hard Job, also, that You Grow it to MONEY, Then Sell it to'MAKE.r.:cr.cy v;I:!i WILLIE WICKHAT!, Your Ti, Vcxhcr at the Ney Dixie ttt IONSTOiYS HIGGEST AI 3 Lr'.'a Theatre on i&nday, Atj- ust 2ard.''-.-1';i';--x-:r--;-:':j TL-yed ly a cast of comedy fa vorites, Liaded by Tan Crey and Sent tie t icture is a l'-ht f;t-irov' ? comedy d-.ma. ILe hly harrowed or raked fcita tie !c;t irJaJics such favorites as Ho soil and covered to a dej'-i of a-' tart Cavcwrta, Jack C-icjt, Ilin bout one Italf inch. Do not srarejerva Ur"' J, iiInrd Csrrle, Har- " aret i u .. acs ana aouijo weavers. ZIoCarey directed the lm,- , - : 7nnA Prpv. nrJfit nrritftr f wm- itern outdoor action stories, is the Jane r cf Torlorn River," out- I . . . . - M - -L . ... .. . oor res ince leamrEj irry Cul' 3, June Karfcoi arl Trvey LLcjlie', cperfrj on V.'cl;cay zX tie I.:lin Theatre. iLe action J 'It vll'i tie attempts of a rrut !a.w t -i headed by CL:;ien8 U r '.le 2.CC3 head of hors'3, con s' '1 to tie-United tlLs Cav--.y. lie horses used .re p xt cf lie Lre hcid cf "outlaw" Lorscs rw roamiij tie Iiaho re. i gov. iiozy:"- CuECTIOU: 11W much sflcse ghoul 1 put up for my dairy herd of ten animals! ' , Z7iT3.i This depends some riat t;cn the breed as an aver age Jrsiy r Cucrz.y cow vZl consume from 3 to S3 pour.Is cf sli,,-e a day Ule tie Ay-ll s ti r,LUcn will consume from J t; 3 pounJ.Tien, tso tie t?' z Tsrid will 1 ave irush tj C) 1 Lie tst'-l. I'if.'y tie n; crcicoystyi sr. .ru pr "su'-tla yc if ilytis tLT i.rcf f :3t i -3 6.8 tO tsf If r fir - IT" ' TUa na-icr C 1 ty i.,i-3 w give the t- i:r cf t s rejucd. 1 - , i - WimeWiddiani,T!3r. : BClKyb, Ac-tLTir. " Joe Culhrrdl, Aucticnccr s. 34- i , flu. rr t r 1 rn o O ! J f 1 "N J in cupli;i a r Crwnsboro, 13. Cover--r r -y t.'lt'alTori'aC- s 1 "3 ' i ia f i r " - 3 7 1 . 1 U 3 i.. 1 i 1 i r "I f t; v t "7' e 4 I 1 c :i -trial- 't i 3 V'"3 1 (.. 'II'" r i" f T 1 -r a f 7 ' ' j l'.r i i tl .;s r tie 1 'j f j r v t '3. tf I "J t' 1 ! . j a 1 lis t 1 i ' 3 1 . : j j .ir!i' : t 1 1 i it 51 t. - rt'e s 1 c t- " 1 f.C 1 t' ' 1 ? Ivrt, r M soe a mac. i s "'it 3 1 i ' i 'i tf v : 1 1 t'e s .!: t) p lf-rl ' tft'ac r j. . SJ...1 CuUO, ..WA. .1 t.b. - ' Ti Ciory is net vr ' Ti'nes is pr:. '."- : heary s 7, 1 oorr,:::ii:a t' ' " territory ia " i '1 it to have izci. CliowpiCir "I tf iI!a Lil 1 1 i j .' rr t! c -'r - I. t ii 1 j l "i;Tie73f i.;.l t-e t" ; .- lr-ne crcp? t GLf. Tiri3 7c-t 'l r ery wet'i rv 1 inlfav. . your e1. C. 1 1 tri 2 t sc. If ' c '1 tr t' " . . t ' if.rl ii . : -t 'j. t: tli net tJica t... r irj. . - cf r 1 r r t 1 f r r .:r e' . i.; X . mD, Lt. 1, 3-13-lt. rir"r-i r ' 1 ' i . --.3 . '5 f

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