J. ROnr.T C: VY, KJ'-tor-Owiur . B. 8. OBADY, Circulation Manager. 1 ENTERED AT THIS POST OFFICE. KENANSVILLE, N. C, A3 SECOND CLASS, MAIL. MATTER. -: . , KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR (BY MAIL). POSTPAID..,... SIX MONTHS J1.80 .75 111 r. X7e r 11 rii' s i - A DFMOCUATIO JOURNAL, PUBLISHED BY A DEMO CRAT D DEVOTED TO THE MATERIAL, EDUCATION AL, ECONOMIC, AND ' AGRICCLTUBAL INTERESTa OF DUPLIN AND SURROUNDING COUNTD2S. . . I. I 'an s ITut; n's Life ' 1 verses ileek out rC, ious e nation's to--fithan evir te- lifore. tie more acute yews of the depression iuec vv ma. hnt- today we mem to be leaving God and.Eis proeram out oi our ium. - .. ..J nnt. in Exodus 1- God, provided for the financial t h r.TiHrch. The people mm hnt it was to be willing according to what they had. The response was ; o .great 1 noftotmnTv to ask . the 1' . . i ; .. r (I v . . of . - M " , laches 1 i " - " ' ! i - , r. s t ', 1 . 1- r i wt i.t"e e i if ft i. . child tv.S- lar ,:r. i Er. CurVa ri L:s Lt'.'s f : were ir- " 6-1 ' " The Strong and the Weak Much has been said in newspapers and magazines in the PJ. to cease the pft,to;, vSrTabout the state of the average tenant . farmer not so ranch g ed and budd S f our section of the south as those of other Pied a tabernacle for public worship. vmuuuw . . criticism.; There are some things, that . tllB ontside xroen court few the tenant of our section w ms - ,tr, .t ; have com. in for our share of criticism. There are some things that might well have been said, out nave now There was the outside xpen court 150 ft. by 75 ft. here the sacrifice or his pet lEtiiie oiie al that the C' pr o"e W"i T lip went tn his . own cr b elses' office it would not be e: -y seconds before a fJ ciio, x -rxr-ly voice without would ask fr tl- mittanoe. Bo clean asa quii, atd mannerlv and affections, was this little dog that admiitance was granted her by the dining rooms, elevators and rooms of tke many hotels the masters business called him ' to. JIr. : Oaudea had been offered ' unbelievable sums c-y Is 7 l 1 i i. ..1. 1 1- ; i e Take Care, Explorer oota tA direct the reliffi . fiia luMvnle. and tnen 4. This Tabernacles was sanctifiea to the Worship of God. j:; ! , let us note in passing that the Church of God, it not a building that may -be used lor any son; oi meeting but that buildirig has been given to God for llis services way. if a in tA use that which you have civen to God for any secular cause, we neea moxe ui n,. f nii Rutholic brethren for the Temple of our God. Try to get the children to respect tne inurca. - . - - . ' " . . . I itnt. it will he necessary ior me 1 America is going exploring in the little known Kgiom ,ieo.erai . xeeulation of business. Whiie- some cnecju ou ' ;:! Now turn to the unurcn in me long been a part of the American governmental .15?. jrationV Today the church it a tuitions suchas the wages and hours hill are venturing into tbeJTlmatter of little concern, among 4 ritory marked by.few guidepost. of experience, ine " onnuil rffnrm bv fed- k forth, but have not naitea xnji euun w , ItuWourpurpoeenowtodiscouro , 'that attempt Bat there is great need fori trying to taski the exploring party and for providing every possible, safe Suard Thm S haztSdVeven in setting up the first outpost of regu guam. iw "" - i. -ij.00 wiiil ia estimated that lation in tne wages ana nwu wimt,-v .; - S one teventof American workers would be affected bythepres- ffffi;wd while we beUeve 9. proposed .lbor tari wmild be protected f..V f - i- .wnm tfceite are features OI its the morass oi an uuenuu . . ... .u . , equipment which ne more careful tcrutmy. ;;hiM A good example of the situation is furnished by two ndmeits . .. .TT TTimM nf Renresentatives. One of these XaT berima facie evidence of appropriate standards for the indus try concerned. " v , " ' J- If we were in the bogey business we might say that here wa s duferentuu. a appeara w ," : , I ' an industry in all parts of the counrry e w i at xWiAiAnr innrK ii iiMvn uccu aiiu iw -wh i noanini" m niir i i m i. i hmi in xn , uwibcd uiuwi an afHt,ifi which would try to do Knn. reform. If we an eet v ' nil t nnnmi niniiv ACLACivba sm i - i ' j ' iustabout that, making no allowance, for 'sections of the 7 industry . people to bewmie Christians, ' JdSl aooui ""-'fS . , .M, t .nnete because of ad- . thu ftther nrohlema will solve hampered Dy less proaucuvc i IttUIWflWi . ,. :V V" 1 1 ::!".:...!.. '.' 1 ' . ' . . . . AATiMiii'v deatrov competition whichi?1h7wrofTye ' ' Si if wSlth iSf S SrnS The fact that this proyiskm turn oi weaiia wnwa w . . . . . nnderstandinff of v could be so pnrasea may vw. - . . Sdigeri or a deUberata purpose to set up internal tariffs by wiping out wage differentiaU. 1 ';; . . ' , ArKiweramentoeiitihtte'iou ' atimdards board "cannot estaoiian any- wnigc Vi ; nanoarus uvuu VTv"" ,7i.. xi,. nMV;iin wnp-c ot hour Rnv community wiiwu ki'w"-j o -. ' . r naj muuj.. j .Ammnm'tiPLn Hera is another very ' ttandardt in me ww vi vnw - - - ..ai frm the iunele of paternalism. It seems to thing, it looks mo tampaging U JK2;tffiL?l2 ; waees and hours, nowever,i uumouc the nations, and some . of them have gone so far as to frown upon the Church. We stand ior tne sep aration of state and Church,- yet in the lace oi advancing iacw, u minmli rpftllv ' safe '. in this country. The principles of Christ - - i a l At. and His Churcn ' snouia oe ine Annfrnlliiifo inflnences of those in authority, yet we can frankly ask ourselves if tnlt is -true. , , ne church today it being used to put on Sed Cross campaigns, tne com mmrifv -hpat.s. the : . safety . proe- irams,, the prohibition campaigns, all of which are. gooa ana noDie Muiapa.' hnt these are not the es sential program for the Church. Theres are Just side tissues :;, that top iharp oivpii the first place. The purpose ot the Church h to make Christians, and then the cnnsti- am maVA thp christian nanon. We lose tight of the "one thing themselves. I cannot help but. feel that u is the unuren s iauit mar ah ia bo belittled today, because ohp fins cmtton flwav Irom tier o- riginal purpoe of saving souls, in her mad rush to bring about re form, and the state is? beginning to look at her as an instrument to promote national programs;-. . ; . V.Jmi ' am ..In 4a til M x uuaa viu iwnjr uuv w.w v- tenltb where we begain to leave God out. let the church go back ti thp hnaineaa of savins soulsrand then she-will have the respect of weu nave own u r , .- - ; v --. w i . - It is true that land "Tippy", but he would have distributed than it is at present, but J. .SaSKid the Holy of Holies. ' ' ' 'Z U the blame. A large rcentege of , , . out with intennons , LTtmus men find two inner ohambert that was torn wealth to JJSTZ T. become rest- at the death of Jesus,3. uod pro- it hard to. wait ior uic "i'-.-LB1u,-, waH the vided priests to direct tne reug less and careless. They develop a iee m -JTT -4 bVtattfaut' landowner, and try, to damage instead of! help him, thereby truttrng off the source of their own means. v 1 f ' Under tuch circumstancet it is impossible for . (ration and nerstandS toSst The landowner wiOidraws his aid and often SfSSS SdTe tenantiet. pitiful pfece. written about him in the papers. - , ' ' f " 1 ' ."i! . Mama tr a itenlorable situa- The property owner ueci c . . ,f tion, but let tte tenant also take his thare. People have to meet half . way to get anything acne. , -. - e s"l f il'i f ' t l.e f' i cf 1 cl t'e r -9 e-i t: it.' 1 v' T:""V. w; : I it f t 1 ' " 1 fr 1 .ry 1.;.. f avA worir 7n RvmimtliiEe . with you, Cary, becatise we love dogs, too and we wvea iirry. a Frind. r Young corn la Pitt County was scriwisly damosed by recent 'at tacks of army worms. . . . ; j , 1 MUSQUAKHil i.j Prnffitha Firestone oIrT..lr Jrt Uberift ennwt a ." . . " i. . . ttilTOl.ltwo. - "frw . p.4Miy iPvih-xH"" 'll ft.'" CiHii.ff aiMl u ...(..n lti.M to 'i a bAa ni',iiranlum'DH.i, C - - ," .v !::; :.s j 1 it appeart ready to regiment the nations, and ' the wiU train and reasonable. It doesn't need ljhristian men. who will ; control ' But what the American people have todo it undress ttese nn ters and take them apart- These two look much lest awful wheH Measured agaothedefinite provisions of. the wage and hours bSSnScVthey would have to fight wilh the requirement t and houn above forty a week. Then they would have to break through amn"' . . ,.ti hall he one basis for deter- 1 thft Damer WHICH Wja -6 -r.' V L. J.nt nxHnna mining differentials. A difference in living costs in different regioni iTiow the main justification for, wage vamtwns. :, ; ; v. r.; . ' 'v'iviiVf '$am d de fining Its goal. In the narrow sense, that is done by e legisUtion Eoverlmg tfe new, board. It equipment for fixing, -tnto f-eartnflicting and confused. But tome 'of the Emit; et up for it should save it from the worst dangers. There it reason to hope that it wLU proceed iJ ' , 1 's' jpihpa titp Tindpratandine that In tne larger acuac, - -- . j..- I " e people of the United-SUtes have of the territory this "Pedition a - j 1.. m'tfaii it wm mrelv enoountert If it attanrpttf , th riiril Mil aop.ifl.1 of faint m Christlike way. I think that tuch a step is the only salvation for the church today. , jiai ile e 'I (I.. i. 1 i ; ( 1 a 1 -r ii 1 3 t :i. 1 e 1 . t a ; 1 fx. V 1 .lu, -, 1 VO F - ' 1 3 " ? 1 s or i a t' e "1' .' 7 E.0AT f-.t ry I - j re 1 us t tj ii rry j -ruey but t " -3 if tLe Ltfid rii'l.t II i te mercy grant his I J 1 1 1 3 f i i Dr. Wilson at Stanford n Hat. O A Wilson. Jr.. newlv elec ted superintendent of Home Ms- sions-in wumingwn rresoyiery win he the crnest minister at 8tan If ord Presbyterian Church for t weeks revival - service beginning September 28 to October 3rd. Mr. Wilson will come to the Presbytery An Rpnt lit nA will makp his home in Wilmington. This will be ' A XV 1.1 .1 cover and the pitfalls it will surely enoounton. u , aitamp . ius iirst revival in mi section ana i1.p 4iiavh m Tl tt 1H A la AT 1 1WRRL-1U1UD JMUUX . ; HU I UCUU1C AAVlAl. BU WIW KUty VUUI1 II V 'them out of the nation'! economic, life, it wiU achieve fc goojiwiU be wanting to hear him. The 1 n1v waiits and will meet few monsters. But .if it sets out to meeting will last one; weekv and 1 -r-- nn"ler control every wage and every hour in the jungle 01 A-. w.u conduct two services uaiiy, , -v, ' n industry, it wiU be clawed by beasts far fiercer than any ' . ' - Ml-r yet pictured. 111313 ITCClCIim T'..e patli to the first objective runs between the jungle of bun- Standard Tire,' you gti extra value ta tne ioim i irta It" av.r mnsi moner to build a safer tire. But Firestone can buili a first-quality tin made of top grade materials and sen it tor less money, Decause jLiresiunc controls rubber and cotton aurpues at Ut.o3a .xniM imantibrHirM With PTPAtTT IIHlll VH.ll, mv " O efficiency and distribut s at lower cost) EUt'i'SiiTJ eight extra pounds of rubber are added to every 100 founds jof cord by the Firestobd patented Gum- lUPptng process. , I 'ZZZ1 I3 becarse uaJ-T i -3 tt'-- re two extra layers cf Com-L . cc-.n t:.i e:.::::...3 r. t 1XII-S3 tecause the treaJ 13 XZ-i fJZt i,Zl. 2 -' because of the extra tor j I - "3-weai. - j treads '' Join tbi rTirptona V3 A 1 113 Campaign tods t y e , ' ' y" c r withasetofnewjtire'-'n, . ' 'r 4.0-?!. ........ 4.75-19.... "f .I W5-18.i. ...... .. 5.50-17.. ........ -5 6.00-16... - SNTIMt. 4v4t21 ..tJ. 4.50-21..... .rt 4.75-19 .' cm9. ......... 7.y iJS 1 t .t i . t - -a r . f n - ... . - - T"1..T lat year L!?WT a i e c t"ir6 . i - -. "' " i TMAT a tu'.Tjfi a..:"f liaret3I :. .' T'lAT tLan " " J t- l afsfe-.' a - 1 t ' Were" caua 1 . f r .- " f' ' ' '' t , l ." . .; t ' I. I. .-r. .ary t I ' r I Tr I : ', ti : lic 1 ly - 7 .' and v. ; s E .."t c i tad I ca f ' travel fir - mary vi- prc-: 1; V reacL!" t . presci'--1 ire ly li ioUS tLDHt ,. J t. - to h.bor e- -- l.e r Kay tLe Lcil ia L'j i i my poor atic i 's al li.tie me ia some way i:r ' turnir? rrA ia tou's frs n daiisess to L..t i ". -power of C..t:u nr. to C .1." Hi Hal then re,. '.11 - - section cf Cj: I.a ly way of the western s - Virginia. He rcachcl t'.e t.-.tera section cf C,e i. ' early part cf tie year and front a sLoit tL ; Evans and James families in the Vekh set"v.mei.t i. , now Pender County, near Vat: c"l wiCa T;"' e 1 Jones in Eladen. lie Lya-s f "y If ! fonrerly 1 -Goshen settlement of P C , j.". . .l.e Jo was the father-in-law cl Er. Vi!" -m 7 . .'n e i C liam KcSee, Jr., cf E;"-1.:!. i:r. L Ion caie i C9nnty on Karch 13, 1711, and Lis fi." .t stop was 1 1 ' " 1 of Jeremiah Eollca u-J;o lived on the north tile cf I ' on a tract of land later owned by James Carr and give 1 to bis sons CAora arl Jo a Carr. Hr. Eoldon -rts a - in the Colonial militia of JJeplia County. He dici da year 1774, leaving,a ton Alexander and a daughter x -' ried Capt Frederick Wells. Kr. EcAden spent tm 1 llr Holden's and drove about three miles the Belt 1 - to the home of Colonel John Eickson who liveJi a I , branch of Kaxwell, at what is now known as the I - place. Colonel lickson was then Clerk of the County t Mr. KcAden preached at Colonel Dickson' home oa f , ' Karch 21st, "to a considerable congregation "most cf s wefe Irish." Kr. EcAden then visited in the G ien 1 ment, accompanied by Er. Eolden, Colonel Eickson, a 1 : ers, and spent a night in the home of Charles Cavia. 1 ' -- preached the next day. Er. Gavin was a Vestryman 1 -pariih X-t. Gabriel) and lived nea what is still kn: 1 . Gavin's ford on Goen. They, all tlien returned to V " of Colonel Eickson and on SonSay, Eaxch -ih, IT?. I preached at the home of John EHIer who lived on I " about two miles from Colonel Eickson's. Er. Eilltr ; "turveyor. Er. EcAden then spent another night v. ; Gavin and proceeded northward which ended his m: tour of Euplin County. . ? ''C'- aCS' ' The people of the Welch settlement in Pender and cf f "' settlements in Eojlin haviBg made out requests for I ' . turn, Er. EcAfch returned about the year 1757 a: 1 ; , the first resular pastor in this section. Ee lived on 1 chased from EcCulloch near what is now known-as I old cemetery, one mile east of Eenansvijle. Ee livel i i i . lection for a period of about twelve years and tliere is - telling how many miles he-traveled on horseback carii" f , ' the ministerial needs of the .people of Euplin and I" v , ; ' over (now Tender) Counties. It hat often been srll was a very useful man, in and out of the pulpit, ar 1 . an inestimable amount of good has come to us tl r, teacLiuj and preachiag of this saintly man.. There s people today to whom his name sounds familiar a- I , speak of him reverently. N , ' -- Er. EcAden's wife was Eiss Scott of lunenliT T f ; ' Virginia, and severaTof their children, includ": I I'eA Jen, were born in Euplin. On account of 1: 1 . AJ.a moved to Cr swell County about the yenr 17 tinsel in the ministry. E!s tuinb ia the !d er , 'Es2-e Chnrca tears tie tZmi. j iuncr: ',;c.a: '. . 1 EcAIIUJ. Pioneer iujsioE?.ry to ITa-th Cu'-' ii : first itfrnary to settle ia tie CI:.te. Tastor ii Z ty 17:7-17C3. Tctor at T:i I" -x and otl.er t 17C3 to tLe,2..y cf t:s da Ih January 3, 1731. 1 - -shall te i 1 e- "ri ;tlxj rcsicxlrruce." , v Coir' " "m, law of Ufa Com" ii ii la f w cf tta, n4 t"t evory J 7 "....,. us at do ad a p"a uj, ano;!iu la a " iulutod. . - Iran's r A rmn tt IjJ r" V f ji.'B i v t , POAH 1. 1 7 ana cureancratic reguncnuniuu. uumj v cf badness rroves that it is all too easy tr step off 1 of cemr 1 sraici'. ' 1 T ' n i t.n tin awamns 01 Eovernmeui-iuB ' e ;vilij line between decent labor 1 v 1 f- ccwetitkn and freeze the J 1 tl s-1 is for t' e t 1 3 J When you attend the revival at Grove j Presbyterian,' Church the middle of Eoptember yod will hear the EiWe explained in simple terns so tint you can' urs lerstnnd it. P J. IT. 1. '' -siiav "-'-f 1 . 1" t " - t ' -! ': to ' r 1 1 l is 1' 3 1 ' " T I :.t iLsTcr'i t . " 1 . 1 .

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