7. it c i t) i f 1 i t . r -e i.p s cha nts and send . a i C 1 4 ( . . " . I , . It!, tl b i : r 3 Lil cel. uiJ- 5i t!e lue -i'a C.lce to be : 3 cou.' j f .arden It? tie tnnty i', u .jctan ox the lla tATo L?rh icor- j li each county must aed not later, ui ; A c::ice by oo. C , J -1 c:;!cte recrods and stories tJ a Ii f "i coiuty most be detenus- a ix., .x U e". s i! j, .l co3r;lct ty cf v" ' " j - t,:r-'4 ' i e::,cciaity : "vti f.wUji duuj-v-ui.iui, cuUied. t Imo Demi , r ! i i t Licr tUa Apiil 9. 1CC3. recoius ana stories amrt b ia tie 1 "r '"-a id. At ssassn, my of yon are Jmsily engaged in halting your. - tobacco -i c'ier c: rs. Tour efforts and plana for the nast sevenl sing ana converting these ;4 months tjm beei ii: eroft into eash. v ::The Caccaff-T Taii inv. 3 ra" to join large family of fanner frieti and ' en, who r year haw found the kWtaf terrice -f their seedi is 5, amply revered. 1 " :- 'iU you d:a't have f 8 to come in now awl wish to open an account, 1 we are f!ad to t . .-t oof r-iiitg-Ey-KaU Department, but w -wouU be more.dcLt ' 1 to have you pay of a visit and get acquaint- . r latuttuw M TOO. Member federal .Deporit Insurance . Corporation ; v . Sit - IT THE sCAPJim ANDr CARBON Unit cf Union Csrbids end Carbon Corporation ; VJV'O'C TOE WpIrfirTi;': ' 4 ,w I I Jf JHWSZCE-DOSHER PUANCE CO : N.hcrit5t ICimtdn, N. C. PHone. 1315 Their Eridive Distributor For V PTCC7A3C GAS SERVICE TTho Ccmpkt? Gas Service For Hopies Beyond The Gas Mains ! - i i. , ' nr T I m:rix is a kUy refined hydrocarbon gas. It; u non-asphyxiating O ' 't , I t: l is ret ,poison!i. - ryrofax Cas is delivered in steel , cylinders each 'i , ) ' ' "72 1"3 fsr cf gas, es:h to last the average family two to four 'T. . 8 f'ace F-y b- you can have real gas not gasoline, ker ' J j - - cartUe -for nse with a genuine gat range, no .matter where 1 If i -X' Hi is the most convenient cooking fuel known because it is at .once z: i, t-X act. rfStio, easy. Cai ii the only fuel which may be.cont'ed -7 "1 Va perfect accuracy. That is why mdre than la,CUi,PQ r- ja preference to otier fuels. '. ,.. i ' - c y gis, is a:wsys at the burner ready to be r-ht s iim cf a gas omk tie desired amount of heat is avail- -j tarn tsa tie heat is off completely. .There is - fi- it) start or elements to heat up no dirt, .dust, soot, -il-;, Lcary fuels to carry, walls to clean or any' of. the in-' s cf c'".:r cclirj mciLJi The readiness of .tens of thou- t r-rt to tert'.'y to its time and labor saving aivaniages ok lac' It4" I. a'.' j no v c a r ! r - ar ii j r r I l auqx 'Xjrt?03 xb;ooK jo Siqaupuioa jsora tji iwwswwvw i mumt uvi ( ' .... '..i ' " 13 ..'At 'it -,: aw r r t i a r f E.' la i' ii ft tit "Lci Lb D:..:cr.;irate The Llcc Gicf Gas ' r"i"; 'J vd ni'rcb-c! Rcirfecrater '.no emontration CTfice. "3, oyjipra S3, 15S3. , . Awars--ounty Awards: ' In each county where at ' least ten cort"i:rj i ri in eosplete reo otos, wiU fliufid-in auestionnaiexs prues wij do given. A contestant casnst xeceive a rouut. first prize mre uum on year in succeuion. : ':t ,tra, p.CO; seind prise, i ttcte Awarii -County Council : ? tie County Council in the four counne caving the highest per centeze of the total enrollment f uq active Home Demonstration Club Uemfaeri tnrolled in th Mii- test and compisMsg jeoords, prke will be given. Ho County ineligi- mo luuess twice as many wompa, re. enrolled and. have completed recordj and questions answered as there are Women's Home Demon; moon lIUOl In thn nannt' fPrixe, $M.OO;. second priW, 112.60; third nriie. 17.60-1! j til . E. B. lAil.: .i t l.j. 37-)jt. 2ad-lA3. , ," .. JJ0TIC3 ' ' APPXICATIC3 FOX FASDOH ..w'1 v r joe carter - ' Application' will he made on the 9th day of September, 1937 to the Governor of Eorth Carolina . for the pardon of Joe Carter, conviot- ed at the November term of Gen era! County Court of Duplin Coun ty, for the violation of the prohi bition laws of the State: of North Carolina, and sentenced to a term of eighteen months, to be worked on the Giate Highways of (Horth Carolina, under the supervision of the State Highway Commission. r All persons who oppose 'the granting of 1 said 1 pardon will please forward their protests -' to the Governor before said date. Thto the 2lBt day of August, JOB CARTER Per OAVUf & GAVIN. Attorneys. Aug. xo-Hept. -o ft O. ' - .--J, on or loiie t' llli L.y of A.-uiit ICC 3, or tlus notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. i All persons indebted to said es' tate will please .make . immediate payment. This the 11th day of , FREEMAK E, DAVIS, : JAMES DAVIS ' ' . ADMINISTRATORS, 0 T. A. , OF FREEMAN G, DAVIS ttavin ft Gavin, Attorneys, v i ; 9-ie-6tG&G. LEGAL NOTICES 3TA. ' , NOTICE By Judgment of the Superior uourt of Duplin County in the ac tion of B. P. Eggleston, Trustee and others vs. Henry Barden and others, the undersigned win , sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse ..door in - Duplin" County on 'September 6, 1937, at 12 o'clock, noon, all ithat certain tract of land described in a mort gage from George W. Dixon . and wife Hattie to G. B. D. Parker re corded in Book 839, page 403. re-, srktrv nf TJnnli Cmmntv. an) Am. scribed in the Judgment in said I NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having this day qualified as administrator of tno estate of . D. Cottle, deceas ed, "notice is hereby given to all persons saving any claim or olaims against said estate to file them with, the undersigned, with in one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any right of recovery. AH persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate settlement . This the 5th day ef May, 1937. E. J. WHALEY. Administrator of the estate of E. H, Cottle. ITS FM.;."S L'..t L- a dlseasvl or faulty boILt dcs i .re harm tl.e-n good, warns J. II. Eoore, cotton technologist with the central ex periment station at State College. Such bolls should be left in the Jant from inferior bolls will add "rr but little to the yield, while on the other hand it tends, to lower -the qutlity of the cotton as a whole, Moore pointed out, ' ' .' , moreover, it is bard to get good, pure seed from cotton in which lint from bad bolls has been mix ed with that from good bolls. Seed for planting should be ob tained either from a reliable pro ducer or only from the best field on the farm, he continued. When seed is to be - saved for planting, the elevators and gin stands should be cleaned thoro ly and the seed should be caught on the clean gin floor. Tnis will keep the seed from being mixed with other varieties. or with inferior seed from other v Robert C. Wells, Attorney. 9-8-6t-RCW. NOTICE On Friday Sept 10th, 1937 at 10 o'clook A. M. at the residence of the late G. R. Goodman in Dup lin County in Wolfscrape town ship the undersigned will sell for cash, at public auction the follow ing personal property to-wit: One mule, one cart one Chevro let truck; a drove of bogs, a small ginnings, Moore explained. Planting seed should 1e stored loosely in a dry, well ventilated place. ' . Cotton should not be nicked j when wet or green, he went : -on, ' but if it is picked while damn from rain or dew, it should be dried before it is run through the hevay or prolonged pains, bolls should be tllowed to bleach I a day or two before harvesting. wuon irom tne first, second, and third pickingsc often shows differences in grades, staple len gth, and quality and each picking should be baled separately. - ,H0TICE . Eavrnz thk day onartflefl Administrator of the estate ef ti. R. Goodman, deceased late of Dun lin vouniy, jiorut Carolina, hu is to notify all persons having olaims gaum me estate of laid deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed at Mount Olive. N. CL S. F. D. on or before the 13th day of nuinui. m aa. or una whm win do pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All mnoa indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 13th day of An- gnst 1837. ", , , : , S3 GOOKfAH. Admr. of G. R. Goodman. Deeeaaed A. W. BZKD, ATTT. 8-80-t-AWB. r A resale tsavhur been ordend h R,.V. Wen., Clerk , of Superior wran, tne unaersigned will , by sncn oraer seu to the Ugnea bid der for ORsh at ' the ' courthouse door in Duplin: County, on Sep. tember 6, 4937, at 12 o'clock noon, the 870 acre tract of land, less 50 acres sold to Alex fihern herd, in Duplin County, en .Gum ana irantuer; swamps, and ( being 8th; tract In e nmts&ge fromjat tie Cmitk and ethers to G.-iJX d. Parker, and recorded k Book 804, page88,Registry,oX Duplin vouniy, sue is to be subjeot. to taxes due Duplin County, and, to be started to EU J. Perry at $840. This August s, 4837. A deposit of lOjper cent required from highest 11.1 M m 1 action, beimr the Ida Dirm, S 01 "i ; ..i 5 . r I Plows: disc narrow: stalk cutter: o7 l CVrjivariou, farming utensil, and EXECUTOR' NOTICE place of 7 acres, on the road from Chinquapin to Mill Swamp, This Auguss v, vm. : L. A. BEA6LEY, Commissioner, 4-t-9-2 LAB. NOTICE By power of sale in a trust deed from Tom Murray and wife utile Murray to I, . S. Baeood, imteeu noorded in Book 864, page 63, Registry of Duplin Conn- ty, upon request of the owner of the note scoured thereby, the un dersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Duplin County, on the 6th of Beptember, 1837, at 12 o'clock noon, all the lands described in said trust deed, in Duplin County, adjoining- the Quinn heirs. Rich Farrior, and being 9 separate tracts, of 13.68 acres, 20 acres, f acres, 8 acres, 1 1-8 acres, all known ae Tom Murray Home Place. This the 3rd ef August, 1937. . L. X, HAGOOD, Trustee. 2-19-28 8ept 2 4t-LRH. Halifax County farmers are be coming concerned over the high prices for hogs and are seeking to improve the quality of present breeding stock. NOTICE OB ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as ad ministrators C. T. A of the estate Freeman 0. Davis, deceased, This is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to if iT!2 I1.1HD. HECIPES GB -silt i,, i IV M( khmw uiLa rs, !v Modma rmta Mink On Hiuhk mm! cicmn. frnmrn hirlm Pymftz 1 Ow wUr Oktk CBokioe vUuiutv Yoa turn wwkrin. 4nwrv i broUer. mtmuHt pye.aad Ami. ki-iorf tof sum Ppofac J ,,;- Oiii$Kfc caa b jroun, o,awo whew Ton Un. tag m IJkI mooer- i v Equipment ia UmttM M only S9.7J. Md dw gn Jnctf oom m Utd a V J K par aaal eat penoo. ; CaBw la fell mek Md.tlaa (Mr bMUliful. aiodeni.MaeaV,'-"'' i wnrl, ii ,) . . a""', . "oepca OOLD . it t- 2., V,t(; ; 4lhp.bMMt. , towtaww , , , ' .Wrote I cup mil aupaoni mm s. m A - AM a implements; household and kitch en furniture and other : items of personal property belonging to the eenue of tt. it. uoodman. ' Sain miuta nnnmftnt tn filianta i. - .... ' w 1--- no. i, Article Jfo. Vi, Section 66 68 of the North Carolina 1935 Code. This the 19th dav of Ausrust. 1U37. ED GOODMAN. Admr. of ft! R. Goodman, Estate, A. W. BTRD, ATTT. An. 28- Sept. 2-AWB A' 1 Having this day qualified es ecutor of the will of Clara S gt lard, deceased, late of Pr' County, North Carolina, I b notify alii persons havintr r Arni4Mj.4 41 X-X- a. ' ly verified, within twelve n- -r , ' from date hereof, or this ANY '', wiU be pleaded in bar of . ', recovery; All mmhu i(iiIp. M said estate will Please maV . "t TYI Oil tO 4-A MAMtMAtVi .7:1 T This 18th day of 'Augus JUaJi IU. MAULARD ' XJECCUIOE t . i i r Cameb Dote dn Thlattr Camels prefer trstlet to gran, v OJ r sr - (A Asia I ' Lr rf ncing inish A - a sy if. LJ Mia fatf JLL JL f : ' ' FOR SALE BY iholfl , r - 1 C. E. STEPHENS ,S?op KENANSVUIE. N. C. I.s wXuoRao ' y. win mu. ln. Mk liuptiMed - 4aahkw A n aad ckta nb (hat th wka bmttr wtfttm afeaad Hm katnc, add k aad tPsm. Add aulk radUr. tdcriiaj n i, aatU duck. Add pwJ mwi, aad tit mam awiied. J-cm, am aha imna H raMo. Add com and aula artik tsad thk mluur ilmvlv In ib mm. Um. whliM. foar law t mmei caaarula. Sac your rtr nfn ifli itf awaa MS Sialw laa 41 anaiim, Iwwra uamatliately. Srwi . . , .cf t'.Tf! - I GAS J f ViCI BVONB VN MAIMg ,Amo MvstaicQ ID PLURRteOu 11 ' ItafWMia mitflttlnn Km - - - " . , -..1 nuimii a mm np-io-aan ea Oui moming'a tnner. M . WAS WOftR.eO. 1 , . Tu s took aooo mbrvine . -m' AwaAHllh-W , tf, t' ti ? wuan ywrxa narvoua Bur ton yo to relax. : i Yoa w-il find It muck caadw to relax to ovar. . rvi ' pa. miles - p 1E lZtr 1 VIStB lB a wdl known nr Aiaoun tha Sormulai from which it . ,J hab?en to m or nearly 68 yua, .Bobatter meHlciua tor a Sanaa. ovV-wrouht . cuawakt: . CbOSIKJ V ,., HIATINO) tlPVieSgAIIOM At all . fx:ir3r:t?;eCt. . ft C. fr-t it '" ''" f an Baawa a r packaira S1JC. pmmmm-a ewts. rill .t j i"v car 23 K. Henriet ti. Einston, V. 0. none 1318 t ' 1 0 j t "nil 4

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