'J d: AUcmsy - iicd7' POTATO GROWERS TO HOLD I SERIES MEETINGS IN COUNTY ITo BE-LIEVE or i a: 3 t fr ' "ors 1 to i sell -TALK j ' ' lilt. J ' va::3L2auty TiTLE C'VILLE ' j is Lorn one of The 3 A tj impress on i 's t"re evils t' i to give ..utration of tor Hiss Juila Deaue Sandlin was selected from among a bevy of f retty contestants, as "Ills Teu .lavilie," in a fcrauty contest held at Toulaville Friday nr;ht. Kss Sandlin will represent Iseulaville at the Etate Contest to be held dnn-j tie winter in" Raleigh or IUiLil.il. ' ' ' . Ia Vie amateur contest Hersch ell and Huston Pierce eleven-year ci tA iii boys were the winners, iSOTStration or u iwia uuys were, vne winners.., , . V V on the tjy; They will abo represent Benlaville J" mi of W fine cf .water and at the State Contest, little Miss - . nfW4 AVnGUf UAlUnfi MVbAVU VI I v'. 1 iv 1 01 1 , 1 a' f uss j tf i vn ter doik. Into Sue Griffin, 'Susie,'- won the , t e i. J a vorm. The Ehirky Temple parade, ' and "will i ii lle v '.it swam around ce presented with a Shirley Tern j V 9 wcrji in tie gin shriv- pie dress. . . - . ',!H i died. . Jimmy Jerritt, of Kenansville, ' , v.Lat doe that- teach, ted as Master of Ceremonies, S" tie aei the class. ' i while Mrs. Norwood Boney, and ' .J tva,.'-es me that if I drink l?ul Maxwell, of Kenansville, -i, I wci't have worms," a smart rved as the capable judges. r replied. among wose competing were: The first tSrce days of County Court, un-.Lr JaJje Llanton, this week, were busy ones. Cases dis posed cf were: Ea!;h Kerritt and Preston Eon n, cLr.- cd with breaking and entenrg. 2 years on roads. Ap pealed to Ei'senor court. !y Taison and Roosevelt Hurst, negroes, cLarged with as sault, drunk and disorderly, forni' cation and adultery. Hurst sen fenced to 8 months on the roads. Ealiie Faison . sentenced to months in jail. , . '. Ronald Daughtry, operating an auto without driver (' license. Plead guilty. 4 months oil roads, sentence suspended 2 years on good :3 any good short, shorts, i da send them in to County care of The Dublin Times, we'll print them, - .' ' Beauty Contest Julia Deane Sandlin, Soma DareJn',j!8, Peggy Thomas, Joyce Eollingsworth, Evangeline Brinson and Quinnie j Jarman. f -' Amateur ; contest Batts . Bro- then, 'The . Country Boys, Leo .Mobley, Pierce Twins, The Dixie mthe etate Department t Modeler, Thigpen Band, and Pat- iTCjion and Development -enneay ana macy urason, ILLS MAKES ' ' " .2 T1.ZZ in cmo with its advertising pro- i.r Lorta Uarouna, Kenans- .1 inciJantiJly the State ? ' e fullity last week 1 J!e Eiade the front ! ; i !" newrsper, when is mal, at Strnth- , r..aae note of Young El tap dancers. Shirley Temple ; Parade Hilda Brinson, Polly Brown, Macy Brin son, Joyce Jackson, Eebecca Thorn' as, Calesta Thigpen, Martha Lan ier, Jane Boetk, Carolyn Quinn, Janice Bostic, Wilma ; Brinson, Dorothy Hood, Glenda Mae Lan- cr's taiing first place iniier Kate Kurrill Boggs, Sue Lan- J'V,le Hiss Kenansville Pa i. it i - - v - - -i Z Journal was formerly edit i manned by Elwina's mo iliS. L'e Tyatt Miller, i ft County product J4 AMuL7' ier, Eamont Batchelor, Susie Grif- fin, Theo Hollingswoith, . Bachel M.UMf AUG Mobley, TD ratting back to Scup 7 r;"'T?- Delicious jelly i'i !e from them. Mash the i r.l cook pulp and all un 3 ft's are tender, vstrain, ire juice and add sugar, . 1 for cup full, . and boil. 1 it s&fficietnly long the I come - out a - beautiful -r, as bright and clear as ; llj, with ' the distinctive .serf flavor.' And that re" i n, Uere is an article from ; " :;e in this -issue of The Hut tells how to make i ii and inexpensive grape i at home. , ; - Ilcbbcro CrcaK Into Fran!: Lie- GowenHcme Frank McGowen's" house was broken into and robbed last Mon day morning before day. Some mo ney, a shotgun, pistol, rifle, and some wearing apparel were taken. Several suspects, all negroes, are being held in the county jail, by siientf D. S. Williamson, lor ques tioning: Eommie Cooper,: Daniel James Smith, Jack Johnston, Gur- nie Smith, Ada Brinson, ' Daisy PearsalV and Katie Outlaw, wife of Apsom Outlaw, who; ia being held in Kaleigh on charges of rap ing Clara Stanly Coe, white wom an near Pink Hill, recently.- - Sheriff - Williamson states that Ir?iie Died in Wr BaOooii P: Ssmond belle sacrificed , their dresses vainly - to the Confed- 'a cause, when an attempt to lan observation balloon was :; A "i,g the siege of the South sc. uL ; Too poo; to buy a bal , a rat' hwork affair was creaV i ot tiie varnished silk'gar s 1 1 Virginia women. The Fed 1 f my captured it after Its first ':. A fragment of the balloon ved in the Smithsonian In .i tit Wasliingfn. - fingerprints have been made ftwajJiSirf US' the riisacked house -but that a g"" . a. .. oi good- behavior. .Estelle Si non-tax-paid liquor ; and 'driving while intoxicated. Plead guilty. 6 months on roads and not drive for 1 1 year road sentence suspended i on good behavior and payment' of ?ol) fine and costs. ; - Buddie - Herring, disorderly conduct and driving while intox icated. 2 years on roads. Appealed to superior Court Eoy Dail, reckless driving and public nuisance. Guilty, . prayer for judgment, continued on pay ment of costs and condition that he be of good behavior..' , Unton Copeland, negro, assault with a deadly weapon, reckless driving, and damage to personal property. Prayer for judgment continued. L. E. Pope, speeding. Prayer for judgment, continued 2 years on good behavior and . payment of COStS,- v; ... Walter JerreQ,' negro, '"assault with deadly weapon, 4 months oa the roads. Clyde . Brown, negro, assault with a deadly weapon, $ months on the roads., - , , . , Luther Wells, -: negro, assault with a deadly weapon, 4 months on the roaids. 'Appealed -to Snperr or court, .. Ben Vernon,, assault with a deadly weapon.' Prayer for Judg ment continued to November term. Foster Boykins, negro, driving while intoxicated. Case dismissed. Columbus .Peterson,-.v negro. reckless driving. Prayer for judg ment on payment of costs before' October term. ' Willie Sloan, negro, larceny and receiving. Prayer for, judgment continued 9 years on good behav ior, payment of costs, and not be found in Warsaw during time. V M . , . tu waters, assaun with a deadly weapon on a female. Pray er for judgment continued 2 years on food behavior and payment of costs . - ' . , : ' Glenn Sills and Estelle . Sills, violating fishing law. Glenn Sills, on Not To BE LIE VE i 1 - ' - : .-- , ' . ' '' ' m ': ''''' "Rediyiercer Locates at Benlaville Friends of Grady "Bed" Mercer in Duplin County will be interest ed to know of his plans to locate in the town of Benlaville as an attorney. ' - - . Mr. Mercer is the son of L. A. Mercer and the late Mrs. Frances Mercer. He graduated at the Ben laville High School, class of 1927, and attended the ' University of North Carolina, receiving his A. B. degree from that institution in 1832. , During 1933 he worked with tht Building Depadtment,' divisi on of the University of Horth Car olina. In 1934-35 he attended the law school at Chapel Hill, and in 1936, ' again worked with the Building Department. The fall of 1938 he entered - the University law school, graduating in . June 1937, with the L. L. B. degree, He passed the state hair examina- Of ficials Invited To Institute in Clinton, 22nd Representative . E. Quinn is in receipt of a letter from -X. Gregg Cherry, Speaker of the 1937 House of Representatives, extending an invitation to all officials of Duplin County and all officials of each town in the county, to attend the institute of Government, South eastern District Meeting, to be held in Clinton, 'Wednesday. Sep tember 22, at 2 o'clock under the auspices of the Legislator's divi sion. .. . ' Mr. Quinn asked that THE TIM ES express to all officials that this announcement be considered by them as a personal invitation, and they are urged to attend.. There will be a very important meeting of all commercial potato producers held at the : following places and dates, according to an announcement, made this week by county agent, W, D. Reynolds: by'hugh maxwell j FOLKS, your correspondent has, FalM Teeth Patented in 18W Dental plates were first patented in th Vntt) States la 840. Wall 9 p ir Ti, a -tart Last vek he worked ,JLfc2Wi-taf to P"Pe this column 21 ; Agncul Budding, , Ken- plea8W7he hopeS) and ld 9 ' fiIght' look what happened. After, the , , .. 'week's, work had been Mone and 'tnii TbDS h Pape' was put to bed, he re. ! irC Z JZa Vu, Z"1'- look at his handiwork. The first LJ&fcftS! dbooi was thatjust iZZZ.FT, , "IE the office (force had neg- AgncuMJ LConservation Pro- reading proof on his colunln grain. We shall- appreciate . very l M allgraphical errors go " muchecwperationof thepo-.throngh (ThToffioe : force sa's : teT, i "your oorrespondent may read 2Sf fdJ?elP to.mform lii" wn proof hereafter). In addi- mTh-1 the.tion to ttat "County Talk" had information otherwise. The nro- -v.- s-t ducers may attend-either one of and sneaked np in the- tte meefangs tt is most conven- dead ot u add obnoxi lent for them. This is a very urg- ou. VfafUmvh, with sad allusions ent problem and every potato far mer is particularly urged to at tend one of these meetings. Seeks Bride on 121st Birthday " 1 by Congress . nsvul ofilcer to recelvt i of congress , was John comparison with those of the sus pects has not yet been completed. ' UlSTvXR3ALIST CHURCH ' won an August una year. :; c;m September 1, 1934. he married Miss Mary Harriett Scarborough, of Lancaster, S. C. Mrs. Mercer is a graduate of Winthrop College, Rock Hill, 8. C, from which in stitution she has an A, B. degree. From the ': University f of Borth Carolina, she has an M. A. degree. ux. mercer met her at the Univer sity. Last year she taught at Cres- well, previous to that time; she taught at her home in South Car olina, t ' ax. mercer plans to build an office in Benlaville, work to begin at once. He will be located at Ben laville for the practice of law. He will be sworn in to practice Jaw becore the Duplin County bar, at the next term of criminal court on October 6. -. ' -Mm Picnic, Dancing Rev.s (t. H. Ulrich, Pastor ' - Appointments Outlaw's Bridge, 2nd and 4th Sunday morning. : Christian Hill 3rd Sunday even- Work or K Work , - ' . "Two things I , gits found . fault with, " said Uncle Eben, "one Is workln' too much an' de other Is not workin at all." Col ALLOn.IZNT i- o:x ccurrrv totals $ii6,cco '-nt of Ccvr'j , Lnson has an;t -s f Tires of the 1 .."A 3 !s county will Le: lirj cah on 1" r 1 ! C3 icr cent to t '.3 f r.'y's part a: 1 a r cct.t, totullr-j 1 1 ', to be, used f..r Ii"S to Cu. ; Is will be I zl the tlSl- I..e bu!-d new auditorium. Chinqua- fx Wl four new : classrooms . " e anl Losehill, build new e shop at each place, $ if 1 1 . ; pnsville, build a garage I ? tf buses during, the - i i f at work would proh f' ! i ca these projects with- 1.1 t a month. iv.ii t f I" 3 I t 3 t s t t 11-3 ' 'y te ty.i ectrd r f r i also stated ' that Lnent of Educa- rove the builJIiig 1 ia V.V.irr";-E s ii (",' -3 1 .' ve y is to v ' " e ' oils. l"r, JL: n :.:.h could t' "re is a r - -y Saturday, 18th An all-day pienci will be held at Old Man River , Service Station and , picnio grounds, Saturday, September 18th. The grounds are located just off, N. C. State' High way 24,. at Weaver's bridge,; - .There will be dancing in' the afternoon,i with music by Charlie Thigpen's string : band. At : night uiusio wiu oe lunusnea '. oy.i JLee good- behavior. . Estelle Sills. 2 years on condition that she vio-' Old Man RlVeT mis no staxe laws and oe or good behavior. - r: nelson , - Davis, negro, assault with a deadly weapon and public nuisance. 30 days on' the roads, sentnee suspended for 2 years on good behavior and payment of I costs. - Jasper Malpass, driving while i intoxicated, assault with -a dead ly weapon, reckless driving, and ' driving without a driver's license'. Prayer for judgment continued on payment of costs and a repair bill with J., R. Banes before the Octo ber term of court ' ' I Edward James Williams, negro, assault with a deadly weapon Not guilty. , - j - John Robert Mathews, ' negro. possession and transportation of non-tax-paid hquor. 6 months on roads, suspended 2 years on condi tion or good behavior and pay ment of costs. - Tom Stokes, negro, failure to return a borrowed battery. Found guilty, sentence not yet passed. - Clyde Rouse, assault with a deadly weapon, injury, to person al property, public nuisance, tres-; pass. Found guilty of assault and injury to personal property. Pray er for judgment continued : for 2. years on payment of costs and good behavior. 1 CutOng a birthday oekw decorated with 121 candles, Abraham Wish f Pictured, as he began his one hundred twenty-second year ot life, at the home of the Daughters of Jacob In the Bronx, New York: In a birthday Interview. Patriarch Wishjtovsky, who is Polish by birth, announced that he la ready to marry agaln-for the sixth time stipulating, however, that his bride must be "young and pretty " With the Sick in D. Dail, of Magnolia, popular oanker of Duplin County is. con fined to hospital at Wilmington, where he recently underwent a minor operation; Mr. Dail is get ting along splendidly, and ex pects to return home : in a few days. "V' Mrs. . Alton Newton, of Kenans ville, is reported to be getting a- long nicely in a Wilmington hos- eration early this week. - Mrs. G. V. Gooding, of Kenans ville, has returned from1 Kinston. where she recently underwent an' operation, sue is reported to be convalescing nicely at her home. pitaV where she underwent an op--home. R. G. Maxwell, Albertson Town ship, is reported to be improving in his fight to regain the use of his leg broken about a month ago. Mrs. J. Oliver Stokes is reported to be slowly .improving at her to your columnist's taste. And horror of horrors! The most im portant part of the column, that in which he told you about his attempts to announce radio pro grams ,had been misplaced and was peacefully resting under the heading ".Bear Marsh news'; on an inside page. All he has to say is that there's a - nigger in the ; woodpile somewhere, and he's go ' ing to watch operations this week. ' , ANYHOW, he isn't shooting rats ' anymore. Ba ia nhnntfnv Mia mnVi lover Kinston's radio station every Sunday afternoon at 1:30, and wondering how much it would wi to sei up a suraon in kenans ville. SAW a madhttfe.boy the other day and an exasperated warehouse Dooxkeeper. The little boy cane up to the window after getting his check for the tobacco he sold and said that he didn't see into it. f'Don't gee into what?" asked the bookkeeper. i "Don't see into this check," re- ' plied the boy. ; I 'What is wrong with it?" ask ed the bookkeeper. "Don't know," said the boy. "Let's see. Here you are: 200 lbs, of tobacco at $20 per hun dred is $40. We advanced yon $4 and that makes it $36. What is wrong with that?" "Well, if you want to ad-vance it $4, why dont you do it and quit subtracting it from my $40," said the youngster. "Do you remember the $4 yon got from the . warehouse before you sold your tobacco! That was an advance." "Yes, I remember. I see into it now." And he left merrily, while the . bookkeeper growled and grumbled in his cage. .... BIULAVIIXE HIGH SCHOOL HAS A RECORD ENROLLMENT On Thursday morning, August. Charlotte Lee, Dunn. Second grade 20, Benlaville High School had its Miss Hattie Hillburn, Bladenboro; opening exercises. Miss Margaret Hillburn, Bladen- Thus far, the total. enrollment boro; Miss Ruby Lucas, Speed. lor the term 1837; 38 has exceed- Third grade: Miss Maude Edwin, Darken.: Atcn dollar, prise k W-WJ presented, to the best round dano ing couple. , j ' .i ' i i " ; . Wells Moves M Office! Over West Grocery , . Robert C. Wells, Kenansville at torney, will move his office to the second floor of the H. M. ' West grocery store, next week. The second floor of this build ing has been completely remodeled and a modern, and attractive suite of professional offices arranged for the use of Mr. Wells. Mr. Wells is a popular young attorney of Kenansville, and his i;" J" many friends will be happy to vis- John J. Howard;' assault, inflict-! tt new : serious injury. Prayer for' t . ment, continued 2 years on . rh..tiinu.. av..l '. hfl.avior, f-yment of costs, ) Ot the men who framed the Con .3, f"T the bepc'It of .Clyde stltution fourteen were my or over. . ' . .. .r H ' t""'- -ry. FranMlOi 4b. 1 lei I I i Dayton, t!i i. i Following, : are;: statistics which show this increase. Last year one hundred and forty-six students were enrolled in high school - and seven hundred and eigh-six in the elementary grades, making a total of nine hundred and thirty two. At the. beginning of the third week this year, there are one hundred and seventy-five students enrolled in high school, 29 more than the preceding year, and six hundred, ninety-three in the ele mentary grades. The total, thus far is eight hundred ' and sixty-eight for the year 1937-1838. In the Potter's Hill school there is a to tal of 160 students, as compared with 187 for the term 1936-1937. Due to the large attendance thus far, and the expectations of Richlands; Nannie Wood, Wallace and Nannie Rowlett, Greenville. Fourth grade: Miss Elsie McGow en, Wilson, and Aileen Bumgarn er, Granite Falls. Fifth grade : Miss Pauline Dail, Mount Olive ; Miss Thelma Dawson, Clinton. Sixth grade: Miss Mildred Pearson, In gold ; Edna Regan, Elizabethtown; and Ruth Shaw, Richlands. Sev enth grade: Mrs. John Littleton, Jacksonville, and Rosntnie Malli- son, Oriental. - . , ? Home Economics was added to the high school curriculum this year. Miss Elisabeth Sneeden is at the head of this department, and sne nas developed a great interest in this work among the girls. Miss Sneeden teaches. English also. The other members of the high DO yon remember: When people ! gave babies "sugar rags" instead oi pawners t : ,, . . SEE you next week unless this ' cold develops into pneumonia. Jurors For Duplin 3 Criminal Court ! October Term Jurors for Duplin Criminal court ' - October term, 1937 are: . . nTAJ.. mi. o ; At. an. . . Si1it i Pnn. A T rr 1 li'ni- i !1' xuuuuhju, augntm B. 1MV1S, H. ; jsoone, Herman Taylor, J. . Lan-. ' ier, G. B. Kennedy, Lon J. Whit- field Halsio.1, W T.n.i.:. : v n ' o-vraegay, du x. norne, j. w. JKv- iate oarreii, .. a.- v.' v Fountain, W. F. Brice, X L. Car-: 4 ter, K. B. Jones, J. B. Southerland, .' ' ' a t .-i i v i ' i a. st, ijuuuicuiuiu, iw o, reason, y.i James R. Thomas. Theodore Taft r aernng, a. . tarr, WI J, Pick et G, G. Harwood, C, D. Lee, ' . Veston Basden, Ellis Davis Hall,. juuiitx Divan, it. jr. warn, t, u. - Rich, C. T. Sutton. James Wells. , G.-A. Pope. Rov Southerland. J. G. Langston, Sam Blaylock, I V. -. Outlaw, R. A. Bland. J. B. Ken- - nedy, Eddie Brown, Johnnie Dick son, W. N, Bostic, W. B- Brown, lawton Baker, L. J. Hunter, I. L. - an increase, there is a possibility , school faculty' are: Miss Anna Lanier, M. V, Wells, Walter Rhod- of a new memebr in our , high school facility next year. Several new members have been added to our faculty. Following is a list of the grammar teachers: First grade! Miss Helen Cunning ham, Tine Level IT s 1'ary C'a teth Elr-'ct:rry, Chilton; IZst Bender, Norlina, History and Math; Miss Willie Grey Cox. Win terville, English and French; Mrs. W. jb Teaohey, Uosehill, Science and History j John M. Jtargett, principal English and Math; and Colon' Shaw, . Richlands, r agricul- tare, v , . . f . I es, Jesse Brock, L. B, James, El sie Quinn, R. M. Winders, L. H. Brinson, E. H. Suggs, Eugene P. Best, A. P. Williams, H. C. Jours, A,: W, Stallings, Cicero .-: mr 3 r Amos Jones, Jack Laaier, Jr., J. A. Grady, Preoton Rorlster. J. . Hatcher. .

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