. . " I-1 ' r Lft Tucs- . s i" "'.l, rx.i.ua, l ? ii t '.. f icr Lille , I,ir.i;r;a, f. treatment , . . f 1 IZa J. G. Eennedy t. t I'lTfVy ia Eisston. . -"jV-a VZIIudi cji, famili- ax'j knowm to this community as "Uncle Xai,' whose death occur ei at his home early Saturday snwain;, was buried Sunday aft ernoon in tie family cemetery. The Atliletio Department of the High School sponsored perform ance bv the Tobacco lass In the Era SJlooI auditorium Konday :.i 1 t.rs. Tr T. EUon, 1."!..: , . -; il. ,:.,iasi Titos . I.b- ,. t" i e, t Hani.-.y afternoon ia ; i. . . I ist&fcn 11 i XI- s 1.1 1 Urs. Peyton Whaley is" at s-,i E; Hospital, Durham, for anjL'. 'jt" cpsr&tion. v.4 ;,'' . . - , v.e, wte g"5 The woman's Club met. with T. Y. Krs. Eddie H. Thigpen Tuesday afternoon. . Einth trade students, .teachers and invited guests enjoyed a swim ming party and picnic at Hum' ford's Point Tuesday. Mrs. B, . Quinn and lira. C. G. Sandlin have , returned to their homes in Ealeigh. after visiting relatives here. . , .... v. , . . Sr. and lbs. Tom ' Vines and I , Grs 0 j nr ir r 0" r f f f f t w w w kjr w v w W JF 'W w w w w w Now on villi tie UZV 1930 , AUTOMATIC TUNING Warsaw Drug Co. Warsaw, N.C, loooooooooooooobooooooooo Lc'.i, cf EeTiar.s :s cf l.r. r.l '. JV .n, Tud-'y a!U'roon. ;e T "r cl-'ss of de Eeula- . (3 i I.rf ;i. - ifl .f c' ', i c L'Tttt-w'... 3 I. s Tctas v,Cie I : bean ssei tl;.t t 1 I.,: viHe L Si.Lo(jl with teacher and fcici.13 enjoyed a pienio and swim k't tarty at Humford's Point rri.ay. tri.i ITathrvn Bohson. Miss Az- alene Edwards and Kiss Dorothy llhertson leave September 28th . m .m 1 for Greenvme, wnere tney wiu oe students at & C. T. C, during the next session. Korman Williams left Thursday fa PaiAiVit mhftnt he . entered Stat CollMre. and Waddell Brin-'ti,. htmtm it . V. . U...1 A I .... son. has eone to jdocxy ju-oiuii., w enter a Business couege, jxhu oi these young men were graduates of the 1937 class of Seulaville Eigh School. - -U K Thinien was a business visitor to Goldsboro and , Einston Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Josh Jones and children spent Sunday with rela tives at Cypress Creek. Miss Vivian Pike, of Einston,. was the guest of -Mrs. J. H. Whal ey Friday. . . . A number of young people from, ported place on the farm. The here attended the dance at Jack-' was aged to go from sonvOle Friday night r I home u ilimt. to see the food sup ply. Each family was asked to ar mum & food exhibit on the kit- I chen table and to have their Kreo- -t nnnWl tat4p nlaM Wltll (Continued from Front Page) xhey were asked to put out all Herbert X. Adams, operating ; canned products, a peck of meal, a ,t t i E a i m 1 11 . . .... . K. 1 a demonstrator on c .a They were mo ,t et'Au:.. '.Ic t, ; the growth ani ykll of t:,e t - 3 n at them had rTfati ei -r- ved them. The childnn ia particu lar liked them, but tie grown peo ple shook their heads, Tnant were ' encouroired to make minor repairs to the houses in order to let - landowners know that they were willirg to improve the house if materials were av ailable, imnrovements J to yards and outbuildings were also discus sed in an effort to arouse tae len- ant's interest in J making, their homes more oomfortable and attra ctive. - "- Aa a farther means of stimulat ing the tenant's interest in Ms food supply and home conditions, farm tours were planned on eacn farm. The man and woman ' in each home were asked to -meet the landowner, ; the home agent, and other interested people at an ap- County Court- is to jcktIIb:JlldC2ah: - Ilt'g aleight of hand to pull me out of a hat, but- f don't sleight the savings at P. 8. CARE, the Used .f Car Dealer, all this month. He wont high hat you. - , I f 'Ili. i?,s.(PAEin. Chrysler Plymouth Dealer CLINTON, N. C. anto after driver's license revoked. drunk and disorderly, and public nuisance. 10 days in jail. Also charged with assault on a female with a deadlv weanon: 10 davs in jail to begin on expiration of pre vious sentence. Jmbm Hoblev. assault and dis turbing the peace. Hot guilty. ' f . -. i , , - All-Day Picnic Blizzard's Store A all-day picnic will be held at at Blizzard's store at. Beulaville, on Saturday, September 18th. There will be dancing, music furnished bv Smut . Batts . strins band.' Jjuich will be served, 'and everybody is invited. Helping S.C. Tenant Farmers . Help Themselves - - i t , By OUT A. CAEDWEII, v . "Agents encouraged and worked' with tenants on gardening. Illust rates lecture demonstrations in canning berries, tomatoes, and vegetables were given to white tenant in each of the counties. In Barnwell County, the agent organ ised the white women on the Port er farm into a club and held mon thly meetings .-with them. The women are very much interested in the program. , During the late ' summer the marketing and poultry specialists and borne agent visited each of the tenant homes. Fall and winter gardens were emphasized; a check : rI i lie r Ja t'. I.etJLsi tlon f 1 1 i J r ii t) r 1 for t!.9 r 3 cf c a "1 wt t - t si 5T 'i TS.-:!e tf t'-e sojI c '3 win coorate vi'.i t!.8 i. t comn I e ar.l ccxst-.ute 3 i"uca as po"-.."e f.r ts c ' o. . , TroTiams. uLkh V.Z1 Is a:" Juic ed ktsr, will be given thro; out the year for tae purpose ci r&i--s tTii mnmieV. After the meetirsr adlournea, a ... 4 -.- ! social Hour was enjoyeu at wnicn time ref resliments were served. Th Tfmlar meetinirs of the P. T. A. are held the first llonday night of each month, xne patrons rtrveA to attend and learn more about the school activities, which should be of vital interest to them. Interesting programs are also pre pared for these meetings. Through cooperation of parents and teach ers much good can be accomplish ed for the child, which . otherwise could not be done. t a u n i : r S I . - ' ' ! i i, i . i I e i it i ! t.. it t ns I 1 X - t I, - . - ' cios n S'tary eerv6l'"n li i ' r." ", err ! 3 9 3 v v? S ...i hasr of flonr. a neck of sweet no tatoea. a dozen eeers. a pound of butter, a gallon of sirup, a peck of unea peas, a peca oi douu, uiu a peck of peanuts. They also were requested to keep the chickens and cows shut up so that the agent might see the livestock during the visit to each home. - Based on the experience of the two previous years, a more detail ed 3-year program for the planta tion demonstration was prepared in 1936. This long-time plan con tinues the production program and adds in the second and third years more work in simple meal plan ning and preparation, beautifying the home grounds, a minimum kit chen utensil plan, - demonstrations on home-made kitchen equipment, and help with the family clothing problems. - It is the plan to gradually spr ead the plantation demonstrations over the State by . adding a lew new counties each year. For the past year records were : received from 24 white and 87 flegro ten ants in 6 counties. -This year there are 11 counties enlisted in the work. , .' " The improvement shown in the living conditions by the big ma jority of those undertaking the de monstration, he increasing inter est of the landlord,' and, most .of all, the deep appreciation as ex pressed by the tenants for this in terest and help in their truly dif ficult problems make the planta tion demonstration a most gratfy ing undertaking. - Oldest CnstpoM Horn The oldest 'customs house built within the boundaries of the 13 ori ginal cDlanies to In the new Colonial National Historical park at York town, Vs. . , - ' , ' ' Stanly Farmers Grow Lecpcdeza In Quantities .' Factory to to 3. .." -out erjtcce. I L a i i c t '"' f "- mJ w Kr mm -t C. Stanly County farmers swear by their lesnedesa. the county's main leenme crop, said John W. Arts,, farm agent of the State College i extension service. ' , ThfTH. C: Farm Forecaster has reported 30,230 acres of lespedeza growing on btaniy county's ,so farms this year, an, average of 11 acres to the farm. Lespedeza is sown mostly on wheat and oats in January and February. The gorwers use it for pasture, soil improvement, erosi on control, roughage production, and as a source of cash income from the sale of seed. During the first two of three weeks of September, mowing les pedeza for hay constitutes the county's main farm activity - as farmers stow away great quanti ties of this nutritious legume, Arts pointed out t - Judging from ' the : abundant growth and good stands of clover also found over the county, he continued,, all available barn space will be utilized this season for nay storage. . Good legume hay makes a migh t fin dairr and stock feed, the agent commented,, and it cuts the cost of marntamg I arm ammais in good health and productivity. On a recent farm tour of the county, the farmers were particul arly impressed by a stand of Eobe lesnedeza 18 inches high on San 'Einson's place. - - ' . ; . : The lespedeza was sown, iast Febrnarv on a wheat cron that had been fertilized with a 3-13-6 mixture. The land had been treat ed within the last two years with I agricultural lime at the rate of one ton to the acre, -. ' Invites Ton to See , "V , , ' i t J' ' -l-b ' te'i, SPECIALS t , , ' i r, . . ' Ask For Samples KX'ji iillJL j ju) 4 sw-ja "''w ..t -"firm " M-ir' r""- -rrrrr-i sk.,.. mm w Made From Only the Purest Inedients a Nourishing food oooooooooooooooooooooooooooobcooobboooooobbooooooooQooooococoooococcoocccc o "N r 0"St f w Jf v w w w w w o o o o o o o o o o t , ,riri 1 u 0 - 4 f w ' ' ' ' ' I ' - ' 1 - v. i; r 1 ; J J