IT a l" mTiI XdrC2l C J 1 1J 7 a f : i i t 1 :s r ' w c calf 5, ! 5. it; A,.. .A ': 7 tj r it, i is j 'Lit -I. G. It ... .1 ' mi 1 I ., I. i i ' bit i I ; r i 'i . t a fcavy ; . j I -t to held it in , "l I,;ci with her r LXai 1 y n'ilX and an- . I., o-i ci t L.s home, Jbut .'e wLi to extend our deepest FALL SUGGESTIONS ' Fc C:2 ETALS CSTTZ2S LUST:; 3 - I: E2AH eaiti:tee3 " " ' , 1." ?7 lr i r IVc c :,I t o r 1 it vta'g f.', r '? fa a rs- f-f 7 ( al a .-ion cf Hxs. Vii.'..n.a Coo 1 Lercy Eim-vI-Ijii ia . Ealeigh 7. "' ;s Ur And Km. Koody Tomer, of Brooklyn. H. T.. are sraest of B .J". Turner. - - Ur. and Ifrt. Harry Turner, Mr, and Mn. Irvin Thall, Kiss Doro-j Mrs. Harry ' Batts. and imall rWvv1 W m, wwlr'; tii Krdl ,; ' ;' No Pnre Water the winter witt, ti, aunt, HL. B. w JT'that It would M completely freai L. EarrelL , -JI 1 01 tj Ur reari j it , , ,, mr- -1.u .4- et -9 r :xt, a:il cheerful in our tt. LI - rue s cf Ur. and ISra. J. L WpIIiI thy Turner, of Brooklyn, - H. Y., una Jim. aayaen Turner, of Sose hiU were recent merit of Vr ani in. . jk. xurner. 1 1 Joht Been TBig 4 Borse Brawn 1 John Deere Power Mower, 7-ft. .Lower. ; 2; Cutter Bar.; 4 . . , :t ... mm scales, ;. I .TconraT: nawislhoTinis to PIanf.Ry3 for J . , ECT41! :, . - , SFEClAtl .; V. V H Fcr Thirty Days Only, Very Low Prices on I all Finny 1 AKm7 ah k k -r ' - d - i'i a ors of I "s. E. C. Harwell Tuct'y. 11 v,u i:-"- to Lsten to tLe dear c'l s;..l3 r.lo.te thnir riil- . Tfciii'tl.i e si ;.:s cf lav Tlip was "isSiemig in" on taem. li. si. uraay has completed the c tiy work on tLe new par son e at Chellie's Chapel and the Eev. JEr. : Ulrich and him famflv wia soon ce moving into a beau mm ana very moaenr nome. - ' The people on the Seven Springs Hkhwav 111 will aooti hum 1n. uw injni snimng m tneir Homes. Flavius Williamson. ib loptrin. X 1 ian at link Hill - ia wirinv tin. iwub, puu uas many 01 Uem I j.U r Xt . Miss Belle Simmntu mill nbr , , - vycnevuie aoon, i: wucie sue wui uuae nurse s train- inar. She will rmnt nnm tfm mfh J'her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie ! mini . ..... f Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bine visited auk iuiue i parents, ur, and llrs. i w. ju uwxung, recently.. 1 Mr. and Mrs.: Warren Maxwell, maae a ousmess trip to Mount 01 ive last Mondav. , 1 Mrs. Mabel ML Bolt is spending X' ... . .. ujuujHB wiw ner anniL in k . Maxwell, while Hr Maxwn U confined to the hospital. JL a Grady is remodeling the old home of Mrs. Bu O. ,Woxwii this week. Hie ha hen HianUv. ing some of the largest apples of ROSEHILLV 1 I Ur xnl Krs. S. B. Bart, of iJSfT5 of rjcroe, nr. and . Mrs. Preston zS?' Md, " "JPe1! iomettine nith. and Mr: and Mrs. "I. . it. .J!' parents, mx .and Mrs. Z. Eart. of Wadesnora. nit irt i,a8,iaw. " " Cart, of Wadesboro, spent part of last wees wita m. and Mrs. Ed gar Wells'. " isa Eell Porlan, Mr. and Mrs, Miss Sara . 'WanAvmrA A itt.x. lands, visited MistJQldred Stan ley durine the weeTtPTnl - mis. 1 A. Wilson, recently spent loyd Lainer spent Sunday ia. Wilr i1 P minston. , , 7 w ( a few days with friends in Fayette J&sdaines Joe Wallace, Bernard "fi?:- i Fjnssell, Loyd-Lainer, Miss Irene't,,?- !? of Wells, and David Well, recently ifiS lb TU,edJ "lati -tL civ., mmi. T.v' here dunnsr the werimul . JOlSS ' YVAnna . AUtinn ' 1.M Monday for Greensboro, where she wm enter w. . of V. . C. MiSS Martha B. Yelnrmi ttuimt tte weekend at her home in visited their father. Willi wii who is ill at James.Walker Mem orial jUiospitaL ' - -. r Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sava, 'of Callaaan, Pla., and Miss Evelyn ,olTOlnmb, G, werel-lXr ana jsn. j. ju. Wells,, tv,ii7. avidson Collej senior this v Billy Held, of Jacksonville, Pla recentlv. Thev mn m int t.m. 1 1Xa ?ning has retnnrcd to from (Chicago, where thev visited )wa College, where he will be i . . 1 a senior Tnii war. points of interest ia Canada, New v vuyr ana wasmngton, 11, c. On Pridav nicrht he given by the community and UIUI. , , t Mr And Mrs. J.B. Wells, umnn. iwuea tneir aangnter, Mary Fran' ces Wells to Flora McDonald Col lege. Mondav." , Mr. and Mri. C. w w " W MUl oaoy, of Jlocky Mount were guests of Mr. and . Mrs. mm 1 w.n. Friday. - ' , ,- - Miss Genen Bouse noinitlv Wt to go to school at Leaksville. ' WaUen Hnm 1ft Oatwi.. M.IUWJ AU1 Guilford CoBege. ;. , ue wesbyterian League gave a 1 5 Above 'All - 'f Gflt' Edre Pound Sacks Wooden Barrels - m Your Opportunity to Save - Money ch thi3 Special Offer.; ; n L HARVEY & SON C0:IPANY Hill, visited her sister, Mrs. W. B. uooaing last week. v Hildreth KorneM. and iitj.i Alda visited friends in Outlaw's Township last Sunday. "' -AUHZES-12, 84, 41 SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL PERMANENTS FOR A SHORT TIME ah DA-i;a- ine season, m grew the trees from ' ."rl K, Kv a a ;g iiioiICIllS ftW '(SSffi'a; .Given to make You - . . . ' ' I VntmAm . V ! .1.;"."... . . ,.,. are giad to taow rZS j Mk YOUT loveliest c irom tne aospitaL I . - - WILLIAMS ART WAVE SHOPPE RosehiD, N. C. danehter. Deborah Sner of . Ekh mona,. va., nave retunred home alter visitine Mrs. Eatts' nrents Mr. and Mrs. E. Iff. Tniuihrv. ' " Miss Mary Effie Beach, of Golds horo spent Sunday here with her lamer, w. j neacn. , -. - Miss Eunice Marearet Willidms has returned to Baliegh to resume her studies at Meredith College. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Mallard, of Goldsboro, visited Dr. Mallard's Parents. Mr And Mrs. W. J. Mal lard Sunday. . Miss Edna FusseD. has retnrned to New York Citv after smndinv sometime at her home here. Bev, W. W. Finlator, of Baleigh, preached at the local Bantist church on Sunday: x Miss Geneva Denninc a mem- ber of the Chinananin School far- ulty is very sick here at the home 01 ner pronter, J. T. Denning. Mrs. B. L. Harrell. snent nwhilp in Fayetteville Sunday. . of ell foreign matter whatever. Ab solutely pure water would be Injuri ous to the Human body and to all other delicate living thine. All drinking water Contains mineral el ement. Whether water is injurious or conducive to. the health depends entirely on the presence or absence of dliease-produclng foreign matter In it, or the proportion. of mineral. 'Tea Taster May Man Since the blending of teas is an art; a tea tester, or tea expert, fills an important place in preparing tea for the market' ' , At: SPECIAL Beds, Complete With Springs $40 Kinston Furniture Exchange , . 325 N. Oueen St. not only mm but also I BIOUS. ' .'- , v 1 We resrret to learn nf tn. illness of Mrs. G. V, Gooding, of jLenansvuie, wnicn necessitated an operation. We hone for her a nr. M Mrs.' Boney Usher and speedy recovery. . . . STL tv uwny' ad Mrs eeay recovery. - . iTTlrr'j"' no juts. Mrs. J. D. Williamson, of Pink 2 v?4 Bobby and :n i j if. Usher nam : rntnmeA wuiwngion. Mr, and Mrs: Akmu T v.n. of New York Citv. at m.. . Hr. and Mrs. May Wells; Outlaw's Bridge . . r T "'" r i si j. j i t- "-a r au i PERFORMANCE j, lJ' , ; Cf"! I fT"CS" ' . ". . CJ la La 3 ; " 1 1 AT LAST ::' .HEIFER , 5- .... Jl I tk Church services next Snndnv inronlng at It o'clock by the pas- wry tun. uustav Ulrica. . ' Messrs. Amos J. Outlaw xnA W B, Bolt attended the Young Dem- ourano convention in Winston-Salem Friday and Saturday, s Mr. and Mrs. Ira. Bowles and son, Bdllie, of Newport News, Va visited relatives here Saturday and 1', 1-1 . " ) Tf trr r -T MiSS LUCV Outlaw hat Pnn. in ner scnooi at ineasant Garden. She-was accompanied by Misses Bachel and Elithe. Outlaw, , whtf visited Mrs. Laurie. King Friday nignr, and Jars. J. W. Fearnmn at 'Summerfield Saturday night re- lurning nome Bunaay. Mr. end Mrs. J. H. Parker vis ited relatives in Mt. Olive Sunday. Mrs. Paul Williams, of Sareota, visited her brother Bodolph Sim mons Sunday. ; . . ' ' Messrs; Dempsey Simmons and iiavia uraav nave enteral staitn vouege, fxaieigh. Albert Stroud, ana jmna: uraay to uampbell col lege. - 1 Bev. Gnstav ITIrioK aid H ft V Outlaw went to Bocky Mount Sun- dav morniiiv. TtrMutlitiiv 4m tlis TTi niversalist church them, vrhfln' Bev. W. H. EVeel hnM Mrvtn 4n the local ohuroh. , . ' Oil Burning Heater toarr ham em now aSard the cleanliness, convenience and com fort of on baat by dnibly install, fatg a Sun Slam .00 -Burning Heater. Sun Flam. Hesters are built in lUlftnv .ha hmmt n wraiv . room, fautead ot wasung tf up ins ennsner. may Durn low d fiMl oil and are tamou for their economy of operation. Wa will gladly prove It to you. Come in and g.t complete details. ; "lTiis Coupon Worth an Extra Months' Subscription if Used in 45 Days TBE DPPLIB TTWT.'?, ' ' KHIANSVILLE, NORTH CABOLDTA. iiuriir TIMES for IS Months, as per your Harvest Special v BAMBi - ' ADDRESS: ' ' , HEW; RENEWAL 1 4f , , ft. . r-f. . . jF ' 'T - i.'onor bhwirtan beor tnotiaofi eSFTEMBSi " V ' ' . . '' t - i tutranoonunenlcflo . plan flight. tBIL -, , Gx WasiJngW. 7 a. ja-af-.u. J 1y-M fWth A :! I , . Co. COVM-d pernio OT th. SO-nrst meotirvj oi Ame ; . Tain AsaockiUon Jo . kdmamm ol Srtence " , taKUtadelphl lttid' --. 1 tt-Graot Britain. Bitl wona .... power, uapna gold . power, Kmdu n-Mathm Hale agnoutad , cm KeeoluUonar. spy. 3- riha Cory, pmioealna; t,oiuvmr4. IkumiwI faro ' ti in t i i r j TksaF.Ytrn Month Offer r.rwvrl Rntk m nnrl Out of County $1.50 Per Year Outside of the County 11" I I f PED-YEflDin DOPUti GODfJTY 4 i TIME IS FLEE TING: FllJiOI itthf rm iprw Artntra Tnn a v and IslAlL or BRING it to THE DUPLIN TTM- t UhHCE DQNT DELAY! ! ' " , it F.fIl Tiavr QKr.i4nne fUA r!m .:.L LV ' 1 1 .-v v"-, ian , cMM. . c., r at el.L : ... 1 1 a , vrcua uctwc cui v aukira iTiuiiui ouoscripnon . - v. v. to inc. iiiviu. 1 1 i! t . i4 j 3 tt. il ni mt vki TmitTfe . .1 . v' 1 ' ' r meuuruii 1 tiiixLo is me 1 newspaper It is the only Newspaper in the County Carrv- I ; t iKj Lrvcu icvs every vveezi lnrcuhout , ; ; j 7 Giving Ccir.p!cte News Coverage of the County 3 5- For Sale by WARSAW FURNITURE CO. Warsaw, N. C. K1 :!! "II ' Every Vcb!i from the County Seat 1 A ' '.J;.: I