'f -1 -i a all . r saftaw I .WiWtimni a f r r8, 1 "...si. bat set . . 1 i . . j.ik j it t 7.LJ c'uloek E .. . a.n,y v i . ' " " y evening. f.-rvlvi,' are two sons, CorJon " I Vclon, two danptters, lis. Carle Chc-more and ZIn. Blanche How ard, sixteen pan IdiilJren, cjto great grana-en, and a I tost of sorrowing friends. ' ' Ivlr. Kennedy was a kind and loving father, and a friend to ev eryone. lie was a faithful member of the Free Will Holiness church at Gum Branch. His wife preced ed him in death some years ago, passing away onJtecember 20, 19- 32.' PaUheraerg were Coy Kennedy, Sam Kennedy, Thurman Kennedy, Alex HalL John Lee and ' Ashley ,. -rtcr hauls, friendly buyers," top welcome youto KlNSTONwith est warehouse floors m Carolina! shop, bank, enjoy yozirself in this Friendly MarkSl i ' . .. V " ': few many : & ml of wu-fttockMl 1 t h aestoaabk j i i-hf la of that1 4 A HEARTY WELCOME mil yon In Klneton. "Key Market of the Bright Belt.'' Vnrj nun. - i Iodkos In Klmton. EqwrlnuuoV frletully nn. . huMtneii,mcninwhoDiyDa ha er7 confidence, , Join with friendly buyen, mercluna, bmlien nd " .. . nnklpl afrkleU to make youf TCry vlalc pltM- -ntwd profitable oaal Klniton to your market! In tha tenter of tha Sneet aeetMl of the Bright . Thai year kind, ad yon tpbacco to Klnaton. tnry Belt, yon haw a eliorter hanl to market ant dbect, M avcewdlni year more andmore tobacco of the better ' , hanf-iurfaced roada when you aell your tobacco In radea are told on Kinoton'i warehouse 06on at tha Kliuton. Five aett of buyara, representing awry . ataaon'a hi(hau nricee. Klnitoo la recodnbod by M hid warahouata, ready to pay top prlcea for tha Bna'a QUALITY Market." luet aa It le knnan tn .pw.v. ism ... nip HHBm NinwiuH Mar v. vvneia. uuiuu i.lujiui TOO rai 'Opaca In any Carolina market Ineuraa pronipl aalee i uuouahout the South aa tha "Kay Market of tha pevyw aiBHuuav w.u praatev nuw uar yuu. . roughout the world aa "Caro- u at known, to warehousemen Market n th .. your tobacco In Uaatottl . more . , uut money ?t yml ahop fat ' Combine lH with - . itx aalllng 4.aatoii and man to be a In taw irayal 1 IMMiurdaa o 'DETECTIVES BLACK AND BllflS" v. Mwtu (Mo. mmoma Mt r M. see r. M. Thrillil MraMtrl '. i wtwa Uev fcj fraeaaet aja. Muni ea UatMe MsrsM ewei ' ' We earl AMFU PARKING apnea la alttayi awJt. able on Klnnon'a broad thoroughfare, Wide ddewalka make walking around an linnenal pleasure hare. Klnaton tha busiest communlrv In the Rrlehr tui.t Dlract highways from awry direction converge here In Eastern Carolina's but! nasi hub and quality "Key Market." t Bring Your TarfRIy Klnston'a many Bn store and ipeclalty (bopa, air-conditioned movlet, cafes ; nl rMtBwant will pleaw tbeml ' TLE BUDDY Stuart W. D.Eegister, age 64, died at his home eight miles east ol Jtose hill at4:30 a. m., September 8, 1937. " f " J ' ' HXi Eegister had been in declin ing health lot- the past two years and coniined to his bed since luiy 1st , , Be was carried to Tames Walk er Hospital at Wilmusgtoh) on Ju ly 6th, where he waited five weeks before the physiciana decided his condition was too serious to await further treatment He was then removed to his home where he di ed four weeks later, - Mr. Eegister was born in Dup lin County, and lived his " entire life since his marriage 'within mile of his birthptace. ' " He was a good straightforward citiseha ; kind, loving husband, and father, and a : peace-loving, and quiet neighbor. The commun ity as well as the iamiiy xeeis the loss of a (rood man. He was a mem ber of Dobson Chapel Saptist Chnrcb. early, in life. ' Surviving are " his' wife, Mrs. Bella Bouse Segafer, three daugh ters, Mrs. Felix Bostio, of Magno lia, - H. Y. D., Mrs;' James Gaylor, of Magnolia,- Mrs.' Walter L. Bos tio, of BosehiLl, B. P. D. Two sons, WilUdm and Edwin' Bedster, of Bosehill,- B D., fifteen grand children and one sister, Mrs. Min nie Newton, of FayettevUe, 9. C. J. W. MUXEB Joseph Wright Miller died in theKinston Hospital Monday morning at 4:00 after a prolonged illness. He had been a patient at the hospital for about six weeks, He was buried in the Bhodes cem etery Tuesday afternoon at 2:00, Mr. Miller was born on Oct. 22, 1862, and spent most of his life in this community. On Jan. 1, 1893 he married Miss Julia . Booties and the young couple settled on a farm near Benlavule, where he be came a successful farmer and bus iness man. In his younger days he was one of ulq pioneers in ' raft ing" logs down the "North East Cape Fear river into Wilmington. It was interesting to hear him tell of his experiences on the rafts, He was a member of the Hallsville Presbyterian Church, being one of the earliest members of the chu rch. He had been in ill health for nearly a year. Funeral services were conduct ed in the home Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 by; his pastor, Bev. F. L. Goodman, and interment was made in the Bhodes cemetery near i&bin. - k Mr. Miller is survived by his wife, four children, L. C., Coy D., and W. Bland Miller, and Mrs. C W. Smith. There are M grandchil dren. Two brothers and two sis ters also survive, Thomas . Miller, of Columbus; Miss F. H. Miller, of Uteensboro, Mrs. Susie Sandlin, of ttociy Mount, and Mrs. Jane Hou ston fit Potters HilL His nephews served as pallbear ers and his nieces served as flow. er-girls. i W "VV : a. .. .... 1 ' ' -sanatTV . SMARTEST WO IN HIS A VP4 0Pi0 HE HAS! , FAVORITE SUBJCCT (Ki ll'l'l'"..'!'! KriaLOO 1 . . sTfaai e---..t - T- :TJi4vmp- fell i-.'yv!1 ipmsJ&2? U ( BREflfl OOWM Oi f- im .i-.v- " CDOV.O TEU VOO S : ? d - . f niv VA ) ,9 ei Sf a TPt t CD V Park Farthest South Everglades National park, In TOridt, U farther oufh tikn anj eihetr Section of (be "Tjnjw States and 800 milts farthex tJStit, thai Vaccinations for . , School Children The annual typhoid clinics for , Duplin County have recently been - completed. Twenty-five - points . were visited four tunes eacn. ine . , largest number being vaocinated -. in any one day was ll7o, a recora lor Daptin County. '- i. : e Many diphtheria immnnitntioas and several smallpox vaccinations .. were also given. . v All children attending ipring , pre-school clinics were given small-i pox vaccinations yet there, v-i-re some pre-school chUdren who d'd not attend the clinics and it 'is ur gent that these children have the ; imallpox vaccinaion. This vaccina tion is given at th.i Health De partment Off '.ce in The basement of the Kenansville School build-y ing on MonJay rmniings and Sat urday mj-.Ti'.'H's.' This vaccination is free. LEGAL NOTICES NTICE Having this day qualified as Administrator of the estate of G. R. Goodman, deceased late of Dup lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed at Mount Olive, N. C, B. F. D. on or before the 13th day of August, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All person indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the lotk day ot Au gust 1937. ED GOODMAN, Admr. of 0. B. Goodman, Deoeased A. W. BYBD, ATTY. 9-30.6t-AWB. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as ad ministrators C. Tt A. of the estate of Freeman G. Davis, deceased, This is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Kenansville, N. C, or to Gavin & Gavin, Attorneys, at Kenans ville, N. C, duly itemized and ver ified, on or before the 11th day of August 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 11th day of August, 1937. FREEMAN E. DAVIS, JAMES DAVIS : ADMTNISTBATOBS, 0 T. A. OF FREEMAN G. DAVIS Gavin & Gavin, Attorneys. 9-16-6t G & G. EXECUTOR5 ltftaCE Having this day qualified as ex ecutor of the will of Clara S. Mal lard, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said de oeased to presgit thesn to me, du ly verified, wnhin twelve months from date hereof, or this -notice will be pleadejj in bar of their Jreoovery. All persons indebted to saM estate will please make 'im mediate payment . This 19th day of August, 1937. JOHN C. MALLARD, Sr., & ecu tor 9-30-6t JCM. CI3TECTIVE RILEY imi -'JNt-O GANWJEADf-S THREATS, T SCC! C&tT. PlLEV.WHO HlM,H(Wr: MWfftlHUZtl) .... . "YS SCKiOUS ft S HflPPnD&pf't it -ws Pu SV, i ? vV OF "BE i f- T3 ftocrMO r mx, pincheo t T f'" fTL V jtbI fcvl I d'' V" C-aTTTrV 1ulM VrV.'iT" FlFTT I POMK CHiF F TO I REVErsLltie HioiMfj-piAra JWHtKe SKt Mft( By Richard Lee RUCY OOM1NS TOsARO THEiR SWP.AWO S7rMJTj FlRlMS SHOTS TM. a TMC HOPE OF KU.UN6 ! HIM OR SIMWMO HIS BOHT.. -titer IS IN hTOUQH UfiStl- HtW SOTfsAT SMART ftt-EC P.SV W TKVJN3 TO PULV. PflTT Ht&O sr3Fr' ' WtC THKtlHOSC; IS KEAOtlL, i tCUJTlvP'i Vfv, , s' d',,' r'ie I 1 V -'.i 5S5&7C0MEC1EAN OR rtt STOP T NOTHIMS NOW. TO CLAP kfl V VflTU. SKIN VCV fltwe.'f jl If TUSM ALL M JftlL ONCE 1 FREE KW KlO 51STBR r ; . rll wvwr A low bunch of swims ii 7evttA- -J H && AirVsAor. truruuiys V -crr I ; CMswbswA attw aaatk4 y Uium J T" . " " ' " " Wit. -cv,oi :si.vsS3 ,:? m w wiiwB owr jtfv uaw- waw- eouwr smart ftt-EC - -1 - r5;5fesi II Br carts III l rv-unr t iuar v.at l JMIV sstFT flu. our victmS v5 Newiwrr -vbky wonj:;" vwi wsu, 1 TRC THetT-B WHCRt ,f II 57Tl?!3"Jr-S5S rTSi. 1! III 1 ' I r 'V. a, ii mi mT i . 1 " a ,. .'w . z ii . I.., . ti" a . ...a. . ... . ... a When you think of DrugO Think O f ISOODS Everything in Dnig8,"Toilfitries Sundries School. supplies, stationery Books, Magazines, eteaA - ', . 1 ; v 'The Complete Drug and Book V; , Stored J. E; HOOD&COd . ' Prescription ftruggists ,,' BUISrON, N. C. ' 5N. f ' XIST D 6: IOClf nine ' and , M., ' . an- ar for will eetv . - i ".. . ,f ille ler, rch che lay, A. th m, ve :al ne J, he i. rt by sd he i-v-4 r -v i ; I I 0") TVO "To Please Yon Pleases Us" , ' W004000000 ,. .i -i-rflJfla A4,ii.t?lS iftj i A ' -A . v-: iiffitr II- P" " Al4 I I II I MM I I'f HI m I v,:-. ..

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