-, mm . -.am. JW- 1 11 4 - J.OI , cf a , ' c Xi lUf "SS-.r.-r.'- ..-IMPS i... . I" .k&lt '''K.3Lu i 1 ' S i . mat t&ii i tie l" kr'-a- "tes, ry f-..er- ".j v - l'siac!! all ' ft T !' : 18- -.e'.ei'tit -::s to tTe, tr r n, . . . e cam rnm f ?r el t in V eaa. a3.Tolf. for :ToCZLEV, u. ft i a mi ... r.l a mw a t fr:a ene dvV ! 1 cf taceo en t -t .4 , a r" ""t t I.- 1 1 j i r la t -f .1- 4 1 4art- f ii ssse'a if'. I. I 5 I C r i tit . ts t.t -3 I . . a f a t .irbtmskr If i."".. .i yV'S8e'":Ct .w' v': U. s ttfc 'ir ' ' J j ' ' t! I T; i to- . He 7 T.k C, j t! -de, ii Hi t ":r t r ' tvtnow and Eaturda.p,e!tcai t " ' are 1 Eel ) ti Carmine i -t l.t grow I ' J '.iced . 1 Pro- ty or I 1 .1&1 goals t X) sl.Lur to , a and cotton ra .who have in 1CC3 or 1 T I r J L, .11) t..er come to .j l-zi't riiice between X klI business ei?nortnnitv for s4ts . prion . who. -knows ..well - J i laur&st trade is offered in n'Mr-'' fcMWl C:is. I'Senansrllle. iitlis week's issne .1 iL,,j7. Cli-kkland, own tr -C Us czi3, is advertising the ci'j f.r r"Ia or lease. It has been -itcl f T-alsnt a year now in Xr-rr-Zaj is,; filly i equipped, Z:z'.yAy.tzi has, been a financial izzz:i fit, ... ClcUand. f :.Be t?.z: cf j -ilcil is&LIlty to oper as V t cafe, Era,- Strickland is rr : 1 e"' -r k or lease it 11 lit been a financiaf snocess for her, as! wJ t f:r xers nnder tie rr ?an?2nent f : uGATIU lYDC- CONVENTION T- (f ! JuJ-$, .JL. J.?Kr.r,?on. Concluded t"e l-ri fsc&t'wkitinsf for0 the f T- 'it, pn ' -last; Thursday 1 i; " T.", '"','. n ;osed, of before Judge .1 i c l last Thursday and Fri- " j J;' Vdiunk arid disor- i 'V j an acio while inh 1 ' "Oi;-J vwhiskey . rt cWwinuedfor 1 1 t ci govJ behaviorand c! t" e co.ts of tie action. Vrr-a C 'ter&Uag auto 3 itea. A.V.D. no dnv- -, f-f t jortirg whis ';.r Lr jaijment eontin- 1 i on !"od behav- -rtit t cf costs of action. . , a t . y, Mt'T,s,bin..for 'C "-j to be, pa J. to j. I. - -n H.z IJre JaalJLSSSt r . :ar Ttcher, burning . rit rnllty, -court advisel k . ... " ' ' ' j -. " ' ' -' v- f-ratine auto L"j i Is: joJ four mon sale auui ior iao jcnrf - if ':rs t'-8e. .;J.i-. : - '.r ' assault, in- t .'. ' rraysr, fop tt 1 1 r t y?ars, A ' c , e.-i-i-ng auto !, .-! asi without ' j:A.aT7, and M;y, prayer for i crses, continnc--,'rc:r-t,-lCC7. c-tio:,la-1 -.1 rsmTy. a of solicitor. . xs, assault on , u 1 . s en roads.. JTo- 1 it r.;:rior court. if'. !-v . . 1 1 i .;yoT.c;siT. J or go to one of the fo"3i-j vc-t- pt: staling, places wnicn win ca lieu on Saturday inta Town Hall at Faison. Calvnsol. 'tfsddlt-' Civ? from the hours -of 10 to 4 o'clock Tenants and.lanfcfd'botb, are asked to vote, u - " r-j.r & It is almost Impossible for nut to write m ! :every-pojato f. grower, therefore, I am asking you to co operate with, me ai$d help, to ad vertise, this i and get thet potato tnrowers, in your secuott out , to one of the, meeting places -and. tee that they ote. j riji ' .r 't-.-f "Theliaoliajt'wffl sponsor a bingo .party in the school auditorium ' Friday'; bight, September 24. kt -8 o'clock.' The proceeds will go toward the build ing fond for the construction of the gymnasium.'' s '4 - Welfare Board Weet Saturday Public:'Welfare will iold ' tbmr regular monthly metfting, , flatur- ttay morning. - Members , of the Board are: J. fJerritt, ?nans rille' ; Mri. John Jf. Sbinson, Wal lace; and J. T. Gresham, JrWar- r Duplin County played an impor tant role in the State young Dent ocraticf ' ConventimL i: whinh held in WiristoB-Sate$ - week" be fore last, -with the latest delega tion of any county nding; six teen., -a.'t ,The convention onentd TriAkv when T,'! Chrshani Jf.,was made tesnporary iandj1 permanent chairman: if;ihii imvkntimiJ Th welcome address was made by the vnurman or ine jrorsytuer bounty Touiie DenwcratsJ Calvin rOnaves. followed by the keynote speech by uooy ward of fiewbetn. . -i ; - During the convention speeches were v made by - Governor - Eoey, Senator Bailey, Senator Bob Bey. nolds, and others.! 1 .nlv-i". , After lunch Saturday-tho i as sembly, rtpaired-i the wPorsythe County courthouse for the election or onicers. Archie Allen was elect ed chairman by acclamation. Bis nomination 'was Placed" on the floor iby a member fl the Duplin ucuauvux, vui . one ;jmer oiuce wasrcontestettbatof the vice presidency, -which was won by White; of Gaston county, Wivii a maioritv vote f .27 -rotes out of 407, over Kiss Flo Bickson. of Charlotte. , , .X ' Other officers were : Carl Ka- thewson, of Tayknvie, national committeeman; ,' llrs) Elisabeth Proctor, of : lumberton. national eoinmitteewoman; Wiliianr Well-orsy-of Smithfieldj treasurer; Buss .otianu,,.oi jrariiam, gcretary. -j The convention was entertained with two buffet suppers and dane- .. .1 m . ..? . . ... .. cs on vxe row garden or me .o t .l.Bobert E Lee. and a lunch Saturday. -. . t - ; The third Consrressional district had representatives,. ei'Jier in per- n,,or oy proxy, x, rrm ' Pender, -ampson, Wayne,; r rplin, and Craven! oounties. Those attendiss from Duplin were: AJ J. ElanW, Kr jmd Huxs.1 J. T. C.sham, Jr., Kr. and Krs. Bobert ! West, H. B. HoM ' Earl Einitl4 ;tDempsey Cinita, .! Walter Etroudy.riEaroid Eornegay, Alvln Eory, Pre uutw, Amos Cutla.', Eobert C. 7v3,iJIr .and Urs. Grady. Kerc er. ' ' Continued on page two - "... nl Tmite4 fcy oiifs . C2AUTY CONTEST WINNERS Kiss Julia Deane Sandlin, left, above, who won the title of "Kiss BeuUvilleV, in a0lrecent :benty r we. ofie lauidren, son .world. Thu was indeed a very in contest Held there. Kiss ,Ahna El-, x-'L,.' Iteresting nroeram. iabeth Tucker, won the ,"Kiss juoguyu . uu ui uic ukuihj wu- Aid. 1. ... test held in Kagnolia on the same . ', ,. evening.- Kiss Tucker is the dann 111 Kagnolia with their cute ghter of J.ft TuckeV, and a stnd:; ent in the Magnolia high schooL COUNTY SCHOOLS COMPLETE FIRST; MONTH, Bnplin County schools with theifor maintenance and upkeep of exception of Warsaw, bad all com' pitted the first mouth of the 1937 38 school term' this weeek, County Superintendent 0. P. Johnson, an nounced. 1 " Some of the schools, those own ing on August 28, bad completed their first month's work on Wed nesday of this week. ' Checks were mailed to the .coun ty's more than ; 30O employees, ranging from prinvipals to bus drivers, who - keep ;the county school system moving. -r , , ' Ther oounty's school payroll xrom state lundt, averages S30, 000 jer month. County funds pay 11-YEAR-OLD MAGNOLIA NEGRO i BOY- SHOOTS OLDER SISTER CqUTfTV WELL! REPRESENTED?, (XINTOli fiE&T u Dunliru County, was well repre sented at the Institute of Govern- mentj; held t Clinton on Wednes- day! afternoon,' September 22. ; , County fficials and others s-at-tending -werei C.t-5.' ftuinn, coun ty representative; A,' T.,' Outlaw, register, of deeds; , 0. P. Johnson, superintendent schools; . 'li. Kille, chairman of s the county hoard ' of commiSMonei flL" B, Chesnutt, commissioner; P. W. Ke- Gowen, county auditor; Mrs. Har vey, superintendent of Puhho Wel fare : Dr. B. LrGanr, county health officer; Bobert JLk West; county solicitor. J; K) Jerritt,- mayor of Kenansville; and W. E.'Belana, taf oollector for Eenansville and EosehiU; abo attended if'j! i 1 1Jeutr-Governor ,W' v; Horton, and Albert CoateK director of the Institutelpf GovernmenV and oth er: heads of i stat departments, were present, sad ;$addresied" the county official, i ';. f Jlany matters of t interest to oonnty officials were taken np Cooperation between the different county governmental agencies was urge4. The tax structure was gone into rather thoroughly," tax laws, already in operation explained, and the- prcposed homestead ex emption law, which is now being studied by e commission was air so discussed. The social : security laws,:were talked over nd Gregg CLerry, speaker of the house ex plained the legislative program, ; 1 1 , ' 111 -u--f r uum r r - 1 . r " n r c a i ..o-s bji ' i, iuwa. h a r'.Ue coa c -on itnallar to Ice cream sun t V "T o-U it, ""t-vx. Some . ' a t:-e ,1 c 1, taUow, t.-m asl 3 1'wr oil -3 ,' V The -"little Hiss Kagnolia" title was won by Sybfl Tucker, daugh- ter of Kr; tail vn . - T w , ttuu ui T.. il . . 'vyc, wob vue amateur con - tep daac!a& .tt?.Sfr !"?d ter' together. ; SCHOOL YEAR bnilongs. They Duplin- County soaool: system personnel- inoludes 292 state-paid teachers, nine vo cational teachers,; paid from Fed erai, state and county funds, 59 bus driven, r 3 - mechanics, , one county superintendent of educa turn, one financial clerk, and 15 janitors. The Warsaw school is expected to open next Monday, September Superintendent Johnson is well. p "eased with the showing that the county schools have made for their first month's operation ; for the current school year. Clarence Eugene Carlton, : Jr., AA-year-oia ooiored Doy, ot near Kagnolia,, caused the death of his older sister, dan,. 12 or 13 years Qio, early last Sunday , morning, when he shot her- in .the , head, with shotgun, belonging to his lamer. - t i v a The boy's father had rone cross the road ta his stepmother's nonie, wnen ne heard the . eunshot. and returned to find the lad, hold ing the suu-smoking gun, stand ing 'wide-eyed, by his sister's bo dy. The girl had died Instantly, from a gunshot wound in the head, v Coroner Carl Smith, investisat- ed tite case, but could find no evi dence of malice, or a onarrer be tween the two. TChe father, stated that the gun was in one part of fhe'housev the shells fit' another. It is thought that the boy, in a spint of boyish adventure, load ed the gun, and then accidental ly shot his sister. ' u ' " " The sister was. burled on Mon day. The boy has not yet been brought -into court. ' - 7 r Get Clothing, Etc. First Three Days 8 The Dnnlin County .Department of Welfare uannounced thb week that only on the first, three -day 8 of the week, hereafter, would olo- thing and -u commodities be given out by the Department Those de- sirinr clothing : , and eonunedmes should make not of this,' and come orJyon 2on. Tuesday and Wed nesuay. v- . -i x1 ClotLisg is also short, and those not actually in need of clothing should not call for it,"aving it lit tle more needy. . HNF UITMnDCD SESSION EASTERN BAPTIST ASSN. ROTARY CLUB HAS ,100 PER CENT MEETING The Warsaw-KenansviHe .Eot- ary Club is meeting in the Sunday acnool rooms at the . Baptist chu rch in Warsaw now, The ladies of the church are serving very fine meals. Every member of the Club, scoring 100 per cent - attendance was present at last Tuesday's meet ing. ; , i , lieutenant-Colonel . C. Dudley nerce, oi jmiwauKee, Wisconsin, addressed the Club on the Army today, and conditions in China. Ja pan, and the other, nations of the I Iaeutenant-Colonel Pierce, is a : J x . nr. ' iluriucr rc81ueui w wui&w Bev. Boss A. Cadle, the young est member of the Club, who re cently had a birthday, was pres ented a birthday cake by the Club, and wished many, many more hap py birtndays, "Rafe" Grady is Again Working limes Subscription E. S. "Eafe" Grady, weU-known to many readers of The Duplin Times, is again doing circulation work in the county in securing suDscnpnons - ,:; ' . " . r ' Those who desue- may leave their subscriptions with Mr.- Gra dy at his home', or wherever they nngnt come in contact with him in the county. ; xne irapiin Times oiler or an extra month's subscription to all who pay their subscriptions, dur ing the monts of September and October is still good. . This will ap ply to all subscriptions - paid to Kafe Grady, as well as those bro ught or mailed to The Duplin rimes oiiice. Remember 13 months for , the pnee of 12, and if yon have not already renewed your subscription to The Duplin Times, renew, today. Ton cannot afford to be - (without this wideawake, - Duplin "' County paper, coming every week' from the county seat, with news of hap penings over the entire' county. The Duplin Times carries news or orapiin vounty carried: by no other paper. In Duplin The Times is First. Bene your subscription toony, ft,,; Social Security Aid Given to 3 Groups in County :Aid to the three groups covered by the new Social Secnrity Act for .the month of September was given' as follows,' according to P. W. McGowen, county auditor .' Aid to ' dependent children; 12 families receiving a total of 1275. Aid to the blind, for the .month of August, September's checks, not yet, having been received to 22 blind persons in the oonnty, $276- Old Age Assistance . ,f or the month! of September, 61 - persons received $595.50. This" grenp, in cludes the county's s old ; pauper group, with some additiohi. Under the old pauper system, those aid ed received from 50c t.S10.00 per month. Under Old- Age Assistance, aid is from $5.00 up. No person secures less than $5.00 per month, under Old Age Assistance. " : Mrs. Haavcy Bch ' Mrs. Harvey. Boney,1 Duplin Co., superintendent ox Pubao' welfare, is back at het duties this week tot- lowing ft week's vacation mpent at the home of her daughter, Mrs, IVcdruiincrii,k,'?r.,et I .Vid- TCWTU AMMITAI I MEETS AT WARSAW BAPTIST CHUBCH, OCTOBEE 5 AND 6; I 39 CHURCHES IB GROITP V: , , Baptists of the Eastern Associ ation i composed of thirty nine churches in Sampson, Wayne, and Duplin Counties, will eathrr at the Warsaw Baptist Chinch, Octo ber 5, 1937, at. ten o'clock A.. M., for the one hundred and tenth an nual session of the Association. i The program committee has ar ranged- a very fine program for the two day session. Beports on the following will be read and discussed at the meet- Belieious literature. Kills Home. Sunday Sohools. Hospitals. ... - Temperance. W. M. U. State Missions. ; Home Missions. ' Foreign Missions. Christian Education. Baptist Training Union. Ministerial Belief. Bev. J. I. Powers of Beulaville will preach the Introductory Ser mon on Tuesday morning of the session, and Dr. Joel S. Snyder, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Fayetteville, will preach the Missionary Sermon Wednesday morning. During the association M. A. Muggins, Secretary of the ' ' North Carolina Baptist State Convention, will speak on the Cooperative Program; G. , Greer, General Superintendent of the Mills Home will speak on the Orphanage Re port; and Smith Hagaman, Super intendent of the Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem, as to address the body; on the report on Hospitals. On Tuesday evening the report on Temperance will be made by Bev. T. H. King, of Clinton, and Dr. A. J. Barton, Pastor of the Temple Baptist Church of Wilm ington, and a member of the social service Commission of the South ern Baptist Convention, will deliv er ah address on Temperance and Public Morals. AIR PHOTOS OF COUNTY ARE SHOWN Some day if yOh should .hear the drone of an airplane rer- Iueau, iuga u mi, ana t ocwiue a larmed. It will probably be one of the airplanes from the Agricultur al Conservation Department, phot-- ographing your farm,, and that of 1 j i;t. s j u. l your neighbors. v ' .: .This year, 25' Counties in North Carolina have. been T flown, r and photographed,' Duplin ; was not one of the counties flown; accord ing to I.L. Nicholson, xf the State Department of Agriculture, but our. neighboring county to the north, Wayne, was flown, and in pbotograpbing r- soathernH Wayne, the photographer, alsb-photograph- ed some of northern Duplin. Mb Nicholson: paid a visit t. to the-office of the County Agent, W. D.1 Beynolds, on Thursday, and showed tome of the pictures made of, the northern edge of the oonnty, which included the town of C&lypsOi and the surrounding country., v, - In each picture 2,700 acres are included. They are made with the airplane flying at a height of two per hour. Pictures can only;, be made' on the clearest of days.- V ' '' --Enlarged the .Photographs' tre v surprising in the facts 1Jiat they ' reveal about the country, fields, jhmucs, reuis, wootwums, even w tomobiles along the highway, show up in the htost oandld 'mannen. The use of special instruments to trace the Idifferent fields ' shown secures tie measurement of ' thO 1 land with 4 much smaller -per" Sent cf error Can it is posiLJe f:T ac-c- te surveyors to make, , -

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