ssenssssi zsm, 1337 -H-c v j;?' , ... f.v '' ;' k? - ti t ,"i ' ,s-- ."Vili ; 4 ViV. ,U,V!';' v-1 Give tO 3C0COCC00CC0O0C0OO0000Op00O0000OCPC0CpCQC5JC!2J - r .Carolina, IT" it i v s' !rt';- VW5 n'ATv'" :rfS"':- ' Gclibord, ; North Carolihar .Oittrs Gr are 1 YC Tobacco j ;.li4tt,SAJ.:pAY,(OBEIJ4th 2nd SALE. VSD?ESDAYi OCTOBER; 1 UtmttUuSPAY, OCTOBER, 7th Us a Trial. Ve Know Tobacco and How : tl 1 1 Cr? Entire Fiber. L!cnday Averted $32.19 Per Hcndrcdweight. Ti hrzl zx.XIcrdiovziin:llzi'J!iCztt Grr b 1! - C!? DniCI WARERQUS5, Gc!ibcro, N C- I : t, , hi T7. c. r i J.I 0. X7, C:li, En. J. t if , ftf- 'r.y,C31.C5IIdi r4 DURHAM GRADY i f ccpcoooooooocQooooooboooooooop ''4 ri ( a fit :'..:''- Selling Good Now :fis Dryahd Brings it ? if5 i TT' Friday, October Gc! "'"tt ' ! ' ' j r t T - -r Jtoclatloa ',, ; . ' I ; " ' last ' i v Ujn. A. : t .. i ii f .a cLair. " ' I'd the t f-i fcu- r i Xt ' 1 " , . . ; .. i 1 ' ad- ' 1 1 i r j exeat 1 1 .a ?i 1 , 1 tf cLar- i..;s.t k-i kle L.-i ' j- and rcace-lovir? citizens, Yen. the t'.l Li KLzmt to the . "A c'l by f it was found t fa tr- r?s the et nun-ler of representatives, s el-?eislh fnia received the I -a U- cents-tor toe 1 lush stiiooL , , ,, The Roinaa's-Asxiilarr t the Presbyterian Church met Monday af ternoon at the church with Mrs. O. L. Taylor preillinj. 'After " a --ort Dosmeu lession, lira. J. HI201L Chairmaa of fielisioiu Ed- Gc&tltfi presented 1 the' ' program, "rslargiajj Home - Eorleoni" , In which1 wat itreued the ' neceisity ana importance oi m renrutian fleneral Samnel W. Faium. : of Baltimore ii spending lometinie at the home of -hi brother, J. L, m.- o O (:o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o . o o o to o :o o o o o o o o o i 6th o 8 o - o o HO o o 1st "'" , : s V nis z:g- crjc:viJiE:iousE;i U::Zx ..Cciolab?! . r -.Tf TAT 1 - a ' T"- 7rr'7 ion, ; , v -'' - -f In. Jtlary P. Simmons, of Fay- etteville, is spending this week at the home of Kn. L X1, Fauon.i Krs, 0. N. Lee, of Clinton, is visiting her daughter, lfrs. H. F. Kr and: Kn. W. E. Thornton and son, William, spent Sunday near Warsaw with relatives, i Dr. jQordon Smith and little son from Tnomamlle spent Sunday in town with his mother, Mrs. TW. Smith.. " z .. r Er. and Mrs. Haywood Long, of Ealeigh were in Faison Sunday, visiting their mother,) Kn H. C Precythe, Sr. ," Mrfc. Kame Bowden is. spend ing this week in Snow Bill with relatives.. '--i lew and ICn. A. L Thompson have retarned home., from- Erch Square, where Mr. Thompson held last week in the Methodist church. CALYPSO CHURCH ENTERTAINS FACULTY The raemben of the Baptist church entertained the school fac ulty Thursday evening ' with a picnic supper on the church lawn. Shortly before the supper a pro gram was given as follows: Song, by the congregation. ; Devotional led by c. B. Jtest. welcome, by Mn. . John 'Broadhunt. Playlet, The Radiant Lif e " b Misses I fief and Viola Joyner, Hilda Orice, Helen Morgan, Mary Kennedy, El- ma Kelly, and Mrs. Leonard Gray, Special music by Mn. J Wilbert Herring. After the supper the fac ulty led in singing - old familial tongs'." Miss Alice Cook of Atkinson, spent the weekend , with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cook. Miss Pauline Sloan, of Chinqua pin, spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mn. C. L Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dickson, and son, Griggs, of Kenansville, visit ed relatives in Calypso Sunday. . , .Miss Edith Binson, of Junston, and Miss Louise Britt, of B. F. Grady spent the weekend with Mn. Sallie Brttt. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrior, of Wallace, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs." James T. Albntton. The community is sorry to hear of the illness of BevV w. K. ste phens. Rev. Chambley of Turkey supplied for Mr. Stephens Sunday. Mr. and Mn, James Strickland have moved to Warsaw where Mr. Strickland is associated wi the American Oil Company. . - James Thomas Dickson, of Ed wards Military Institute, Salem. burg, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dick- Mn. Annie Hill is visiting her daughter, Mn. W. B. Waldenmeir, of Fayetteville. - --..,(.- mesdames S. a. jsaxweii, Alec Sanderson, Will Sloan, J.. D. Cam eron, -Leon Flowers, W, F. Pat ten, and Miss Lyde Matin attend ed the District Day of Prayer of the Wilmington 'Presbytery Fri day at Smith's Church in Smith Township; " . i The regular meeting of the Presbyterian Woman's Auxiliary met Wednesday in the homa of Mrs. Leon Flowen. Mn. C. L. Slo an had charge of the program on Home Missions. . - 1 PRAISES ROOSEVELT M 'i J 1 ' ' . - Warrenton Jade John Kert, Second distrcit congressman prais ed the Roosevelt administration in as address tor 2,000 penons- at good will meeting here sponsored byaciviqclub. Kt A Good Sale Every Day - 1 ft STATE BOARD OF HEALTH TO I WAR AGAINST SYPHIUS ; Raleigh, "Peaceably' if we can, forcibly if we must',we will uro- tect the innocent against syphil is," declared Dr. Carl V. Reynolds; State Health OfficeTTenohs in fected with this disease will not be able to evade compulsory treat ment, or imprisonment, if , they persist in their: refusal! he con tinued, "simply by moving, from one county to another, or . from one State to another. ' "I am in receipt of ' a letter irom : Virginia asking me to noti fy the authorities here to be on the lookout for a syphilitic from that commonwealth who left to come, to North Carolina. I am ontacting the health officer in the community to which he is supposed to have eone. in order that he may be located and com pelled to continue treatment, or go n jau. "In the futre when a syiihUitio moves from one North Carolina w a ciose unaay night. Sev county to another, the health of f i- nfcew fem5en were added cer wm be reauested to notifvl. promptly the State Board of ueattn and, in turn, the health authorities in the community to wmuu mo is supposea to nave gone will be notified. "So. you see. we mean business. The only way to see this thing through is to make a thoMusrh job oi it, ana witn tne cooperation of our ooworken, we will do just that thing. I have a letter from a health officer who requestad of ficial blanks. He has in mind a syphilitic who will be formally no "iiea to tare treatment. If he refuses; he will be nut in iafl and he will stay there until he becom es non-infectious and will then be treated until he is cured "There is law enough on the OUR MEN'S FALL GOOD HARD FINISH MATERIALS, IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE - BREASTED STYLES, SPORT- BACKS IN STOUTS, SHORTS, SLIMS AND REGULARS. SEE THEM. WOMEN'S OXFORDS A SPECIM, BUY, REGULAR ?200Sl.4o VALUES IN 100 STYLES TO SELECT T FROM, ALL SIZES TO 9. SALE S1.48. 1 ' mm I Goldsboro, N. C. ALL for, - - DAN TAYLOR books to wage an effective cam paign of. eradication if it is en-. forced; and so far as the State ' Board of Health is concerned;' the , provisions will be utilized to the , limit. We will muster all the force . ' 1 available to ' fight this .disease " . iJ from now on. No one who wishes w. to cooperate, whther infected or-" ' not, need, have any fears but" once again, 'Peaoebaly if we can; forcibly if we must That goes!" - PINK HILL Misses Grace and Louise Jones. students at Louisburg College i spent the weekend with their par ents. Revival services at the Metho dist church here conducted bv Sv. ; Cro?no . Walstonburg,- ing. Rev. H. H. KcLamb is the re muuig Ule meei- gular pastor. Rev. W. H. Eubanks has re turned from Pender County where he assisted in holding a revival in a Presbyterian church there. Mesdames T. A. Turner, Annie Jones. Jones Smith, Jasper Smith, H. A. Edwards,, Ike Stroud, 0. B. Lane and Miss Lula Tyndall at tended the Day of Prayer at Smith Chapel Friday. Mr. and Mn. Shelby Turner of New York and Dr. and Mn. Lud low Turner of Jacksonville were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.S. R. Turner. Mr. and Mn. Floyd Heath snent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mn. W. L. Hardy at Moss Hill. mm Are the Talk of All Eastern Carolina. IK- A i 1 x . 3 h Jr (