3 L. J, t 3 t T-J f w r "N St ,rrCc.;Urrr;I c : l-i CL.Ur.- VIiy Go Fes a :y Frem Hcs to Trdb?" A. EIIOQIIS WARSAW, North Cuvu. in .. . ' Eurucrs largest rrrAETzrrr btcs s .we cloths us fakjly with cuality merchandise 11 LOWEST PCSSSIS tSICES . "C, DUPUN THEATRE WARSAW, North Carolina. TEE EST PICTURES AT ALL TUBES. - v KOX, PARAMOUNT, ITBStf NATIONAL, TOimSAL, WARM ER, BIOS., VOX AID OTHER LEADING PRODUCERS. The Hub Department Store . ' . , - ii , WABSAW, North Carolina. A TRIAL 13 ALL WE ASK Young's Department Store WARSAW, Hotfh Carolina, , BEST BARGAINS E MEN'S AID LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR r9m E.t. 21 tTarsaw en i ' l Ce dlitlaction of Dupiin r,-i'v' larpst town, ana i tras center, and jusUy , be cause it can boast of having struck a terry medium seldom mov a A Itv an town, v - . mvwwo -rf J - . - In waraaw tiere are to oe xounu merchants in every line of busi ness, handling: any and all pro ducts needed for toe farm, home lor business by the people of Du plin County, and offering them at popular prices, prices made possio u Hw thniv arncrience and volume lot business. In this respect Warsaw is equal of many mucn larger towns or cities, r ' Knt at tin tame time it suffers none of the drawbacks of the larg er cities such as that of losing personal contact - with patrons, v.nia 1 nnt that lanre 'tfo. I here tou find that merchants1 know each other and cooperate wttii muiIi other, and know and liVa tttMr flmttomers. so that they make every effort to see that they i niMwd. Patrons are not mis- ImI h false momises. They know the people who make those pro mises and expect ; taem to seep . Tha marnhanti ' of Warsaw do not depend upon transient trade, or that wnicn is oontinuauy mov ing about, seldom trading at tne nma nlam mare than once. Their patrons are people of the county) and community, wnose patronage is steady and continuous: so mat it is" necessary - to . please them every time they buy in oraer to keep them. ' . ifnilm- thii itrafeht-from-the shoulder policy Warsaw merchants have grown and expanded to take care of the steady increase ox ous- il 1j to Ia ii cf le co'.,..'? v , - liiwCaise tae rev 1 . es of another -c-. j x . ; tade. Come to 7arsaw t i) r tradirj, where you c-' i . best of ever : T t t rouble prices, e:.l i. 1 a L eve"7 time. 7&r:aw r... win always wclcoiiie you ai , that you are pleased? , : av, wwm . 3 bis t-d Id M. J IT4.DUPLL1 t1 1 .1 5 t lS7 ft" i t 1 f T a - '-a- : t t ' 'i ii DUPLIN WARSAW Warsaw Hardware Company : - WARSAW, 'Horth Carolina, -'v - ' RTERYTHDIQ DT HARDWARE, PAEBTS, OIL, S00FOR FEHCIHG, FARM DDFT.T.MEWTS JUST ARRIVED CAR LOAD LIME CAB LOAD CEMENT CAB LOAD . WALL PLASTER . k . X " -r"' 1 '1 i. SEED BTB OATS, VETCBV WTJTEB PEAS " . -? FOR SALE CHEAP: One used mowing machine and diw harrow. ; J. C. RUSS J. J. WE St MARKET Warsaw, KC Native V-- Western BEEF nit y fl its; sr ' " '.. lie i i s l -"" "i 1 i .3, feJ it rU "a fi3:a fire and -r V.:if cf tie War- .J.Ml. .ID ITJTLEI CCI CJ XL IIC . T ..xa AT r. 3-1. . . ', I ' , ' : " " ;. " '' j 1 WARSAW, Borth Carolina. , T Warsaw Fiirniture Company " 1 WARSAW, Borth CaroliM. 7' MOTOROLA RADIOS - . , c J Jl i-'i ELECTRIC AMD BATTERY SETS FREE DEMONSTRATION Vest Door to Branch Bank WE BUY COUNTRY PRODUCE : Warsaw Dry Cleaners WARSAW, Borth Carolina., 1 D. L Matthis, Prop, i . ' T73 CUARAHTEE UUALITY WORK, AS JW3 ARE PREPARED TO CXVX YOU. THE VERY ESST IB CLEATIZ3 A3TD ITS triD RZADY TO BACK BP OTO GUABASTSZ AT ABY TIME ft SEA FOOD Cte ! ri"'; WASSAW, Borth Carolina. : LYEZITI1LE3' Of ESA XZti Cf SZAOX . - ; WZ BSTAIL FC2 E5S3 USS r 1 :n's Carh Store t ' . ITroir;i r!l?sry Ecrvice DUPLIN . . . '.! DRY , CIJEANERS Warsaw, N. C. ''O ' i - , 'x-, s WE CLEAN EVERYTHING BUT A GUILTY CONSCIENCE .' , V R. F. HOPE, Proprietor,. 1V Pot ni?ht will he on Wed nesday this week instead of Tues day. Next week it woi be lust as before, on Tuseday. Wampr Baxter and Joan Ben nett will be seen for the first time in Technicolor in "Walter Wans- erY Vogues of 1938,' the specta cular musical comedy wmcn op ens, Monday, and shows through TnMdftir at the Dnolin Theatre Offering a glimpse oi next years fiuliioiia in trirls. eaes. crowns. love, songs and dances ,this merry storv of Manhattan centers aro- nnd the mmance of New ' York's leading: couturier, played by East t ter, ana a cnarming neouianie, nlaved bv Joan, who jilts a milli onaire (Alan jnoworayi v on ner wedding day to become manne quin. - ' Also featured in the cast are Helen Vinson, as Baxter's selfish, feumttrnck Wife Mischa Aner. as a penniless Russian prince; Je rnna Cowan ui the shad? theatri cal producer, who stars Helen in a flop show that it takes Baxter's last cent to back; and those gor geous Walter - Wanger Models, i "the most photographed girls . tia tne woriav' - : - A powerful sea drama taken from real life brines Garv Cooner and .George Baft to the screen as co-starring mateys of a slave snip in "Souls at Sea" oominc next Thnrsdav and Fridav to the DuB- ilin Theatre. With them are Franc es Dee, Henry Wilcoxon, . Olympe Krsrtna and a unr or otncr im nortant 'Tlaver. The storr ii a dramatization of the famous pack et "William urown- ana tne tnai of its eantain for manalauehter on the high seas. The story was writ ten from the testimony of survi vors wnicn paramount founa in old newspaper files of the 1840s. Harrr Carev. cue of the best- known action start on the screen. anil John BeaL the brilliant dra matic player who has soared to film fame in recent montns witn his memorable cortrayals. are co- starred in "Border Cafe," RXO BadiA'a action and romance dra ma with a New England and Bio Grande country background. Arm- ida heads the sunDortinz cast which innlndes Georce Irvinsf. Le- ona- Eoberts, J. Carol Naish, Kar iorie Lord. Lee Patrick. Paul Fix. I Max Wagner and Walter Killer. The picture will bo snown Wed nesday at the Duplin Theatre.. Edward Everett Eorton. esti mate that he swallowed more th an a gross of pills during the pro duction of Universal's "Oh, Doct or!" which will he the owl show j attraction at the Duplin Theatre I uprt RatnrHnv nicht. fflavinv fhe ) role of a hypochrondriao, Eorton 1., " t "1 . Jk,4a. Stcre iv list r,"v s. - i j r i t aw: Flirt t .' s : IZLt 1 zi6 Low- den, .'i-rv; IZzt AUccne Crla- es, CrecL-l.-O. , " r-38s:I ss Nell Eowd- en, V.Tar; ZZ .Slio Ross, ar.:rrn. , " TLLi rrtls: Hiss Annie Jones, Cameron. . ; n" Tonrth filsti Miss Emily Lawrence, 1. irfreesboro; llrs. El- imbefi E 1 ClSton, rsison. Eflh e'i: Kisa Doris White- hurst, I...LJ; ILrs. Rose E. Kol- LIzti rrr'es: Iiisi H.ther Lo- unnacx. LT-'L EaAler. Kins ton. Seventh erase: Comer Tnplett, iiiirtia. . . E"h scl"ol: Kiss Easel John I son. Inri'.J'Z.-'-lIih. Kics I?, n XL ciuires, Wake Forest, r. i-H-lLA. Fred Larson. Warsaw. Euto- ry-uivics. Clyde Iockmon, WhiteviUe, rath. Kiss Joa . Thomas, Farmville. Science. I , . ssmssnsasBS-Li W. L McCilL Warsaw, Agncul-' :.', ture. 1 y ' t . Mrs. J. F. Hope near Clinton. Mrs. J. B Killer, Home Econ-' B. Franklin Hobbs, of Warsaw omics. . - ' - . . ' is spending a few days in . Lew- Saperintodent: J. B. - Miller, port News, Virginia. Science. ' ' - v I Friends will be glad to know Kr. Killer comes to Warsaw' that Krs..R. C fn'r m hiVhl Trnmmdrd; ' TT " hoUi'lv recoverL.? at Lcr liii.3. K.S I Mi Carolina. " - L.VU4J 1 n Jul " . X - ' . ' CUR TZZZZZu "Zcfer to La UersoLl, Knowingly" Dranc!iDzn!ib'j and Trust Cczt.j , , ' , OF EUFLIN COUNTY , "TO EATS E3LTCUT0R"' , , , w " v! Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , s -.'. - ... . i the decree JAB. and lH A. from 1 Pridsen suffered the university of North Carolina. Mrs. Miller, who is vocational Home Economics teacher, will be on dntv fo ten months and beean work severe! weeks ago. , 7 . SCOUT COURT HELD, WARSAW : QUlH?k:cGO7ET4 CC7.TANY ' -WAZSAW, North Carolina. ' ,r - h- EVERYTZIa TO TZTZZJ. THE HOME "- . . FUNERAL KmCTORS ' CALL iV.'ftt -' ,f '" ' .''' i v BAY PHONE, 244-1 . - NICHT PHONES: 253-lj 881-6; 23-1 ed to Burgaw Sunday to visit rel atives. Z. tie i'-olloi.ts titija L buw, who sent the weekfsi at Loje ia Warsaw were, I. IJ Eva Carter. Irankie Cooper a-" Karncrlte Eorneay left f i C:eervl"e l'v ay where . U"7 , v.111 tiUr C. T. C. The rfTj'or monthly businr meeting cf Cie Ilethodlst T;wt-' Leaure was hed on I.onay ev niiig at the home of Krs. H.V. T.z?t. Tew c"lcers f-r t':e cpi.I jjarvsret ec i as fu.- ows : l r Pi- r: Vita Tres.. lcJ dislocated The Court of Honor for this dis trict was I -Id in Warsaw Gym Friday nirVi with representatives from three tl tie four troops pre sent i or a.ancement. ecout i-xe-cutive Gec";e Hamer had charge ol tne ooiuC : -. - Tha nhr-r for the Kenans- vffle TrocJ C3 was given by Kr. Hamer and accepted by Troop CO at the rose of tne court, war saw troop 3. won the events of the evening by a close core over CLmton troep S3, and were again given the tnaer which they have been fcoldir? for several months. The ten .eouts of Troop 60 of wftr warded the Sec ond Class. Tiesr were, J3t lmne Lear.', roSiert Lamer, Lie tTiitfiisli. fL.r'ie Petewav. C E. Candors, J 2es Xlasle Jones, Lilly Jimmie J.ritt. Eay ten and C. H. Collins, I JrM of the .Hit-oa troop were pre sented '. ? Awards, and L'en Cooper of Warsaw was given the First Clari award. Kerit ba" -s I were won es follows; Trorp 1 1 EI!1 T.'"V.r. aimir. Ee- ar r - - ' tvr Enick. t' crsrtry. r tile st'7, vocl ctjvirj; 1t a jEE5i, I .t ail to ar. . i, hnnldnr in a fall recently. Mrs. Fred Gaylor returned' to her home in Warsaw on Sunday. Che has- been a patient u tie A. C. L. Hospital in Rocky Kount. Friends will be glad to know that she is improving rapLHy. The B. Y. P. U. o f the Warsaw Baptist Cl uroh, lu.il t'.eir f jular monthly Council mieetl-'j on Ilon dav evening at 7;C3 o'clock. All unions planned their programs and elected ofacers for the com- 4nw war. ' ... . Dr. D. E. Best, spent Sunday in Warsaw with his mother, Jars, u JuLnsiin: Lc..' LM.ui.Lblh A1 'T'! . Treas., Catherine Pri jen.' 1 day Committee: Kararct I . ey and LTary Alice Eeeves. At Cifiii-laiion of the meetlrz r . - ments were served by tl.e L " Kr. and Krs. Paul Entt a" l i 'nr. and Krs. A. L. Cavenaii'rhimily have moved to Warsaw Lx and daughter Jennie Cnivn 'mnr- " --d. . XI' , - WARSAW", fiorth Carollaa. r rT "1 ; v.-.'.." -1 f i Trading at the FArJ.S.EXCIlArGE: ' , If tt'is in my litue 1 Jhave It if. not l ean get it' DIAL 15-1 - - ' , Carolina, i: , i ' 1 al . . AWa.U T"l r I "if i f-i I'-r ' 1 WJ-.L", c "t. ' , I: Prcjrtun fcr Vcc!:cf October lh MONDAY AND TUEAY, OCT. 4TH AND 6TH ; ' . . V0GU2S, 07 1033"; - : es Tr-crr""""1"! - . JTI, Helen VLNSCN ' 10-SSc ETCHT Warner . EAXTI2, Joan L. " - 1'atinee, lO-'o TY - eo::dz?. cafew' Harry CAEli', Jv'a iriX, with ARKLDA it C4 ,1 "i 811 Clarr!-: dry CC: is C,'..j . -i .Ja vdibi Cvulav - V , ap 1 1:13 to i: f a f ' 1 r -" w " i z : : z t"i C!?v. vrz hate r ; . Tt TD