:r3 21ST, 1937 m c, tiO- 1 E. 'talWjigh y wsve also J. II. Eiock, i by her hus- woiUJrg , in '.'.a sL ' !, Z v Jrrsry, have 2 l -,"'e p-.oraTO-,-. E.: i lis.-W. J. ; i. ir Irew Iklctt. i Loe via Tiaetops if i s of days mere. : .3. Alb I'ickett.el Mt. i vLliors lere last. Cun- :. 3. roster, of Woodland ' ' heT daughter,- Mrs. 1. 1 .:e was accompanied !ier duster, -dag. , Harris and baby, Charl .:s, Ca, - ,"..,., -wood Eoney attended C '.reus ia GoLbboro last ' ..t. le went to assist r F. L. Goodman carry ? Coouts who entered inj "tot there that .night. ing members - of the, 'i , "oman's Club attend-, .? of the 11th. dis-. 0. F. W. Cw- which i was ' 'iiiPton last Satury a IIf.ll: I.Tesdawps A. 2. XT. KcGowen, K,- a Wells, W.J J. Pickett , Mrs. Height, also Mes I!. Eoney Harvey r.m "a!,, J. M.' Erock,' i and J. A.-, Gavin. vi"e Junior Woman's represented by the fol- ' ps Helen Griffin, The- ;-w9rct McGowena and (T. -ii: I!L: TVs is the sec- ' t t.-,, x tubers of r...l c.f, irrrovisig r-jJs ii tlis 6 " i wl'.Lin the p.t t o wp:.Ls, u vtlich treat mcLt as not vsr ..atcly given tctuu cf lack of 1 r -. weee of first t 1 by any. metier of the crew. '-The fic: aci-rnt result' ed in ,r'.h to a nrro uhose leg was cr" 3, re:' -V Lrom 1. i of tlooi fc.ie to f..U?i- to en -7 tle simple met-are cf cording the leg. Our state derirtments teach safety but fail to have a man who knows first aid treatment on crews engaged in so dangerous a job as pourinsr hot asphalt in road re pair work.) . ' Fair C:i hi COUNTY GOSSIP f M. W, Mason, workman on the orew repairing roads in this sec tion, was severely burned' about the head and face, and on his left hand Thurs lHV when v a con gasoline which he was pouring in to a heating unit for heating as phalt exploded. ' ' 1 - The: accident occurred near the depot in Kenansville where 'the asphalt Is heated. He was carried downtown in search of Dr. Guy V. Gooding, and received' first aid treatment from Gilbert Honeycutt, at the -Kenansville Drug Store, wmie inv, Gooding found, , f - 1 ' Howe B. Dunn. Secretary of the Wallace-Duplin fair1 Alsociation, has long been a prominSnt figure in vablicitr nromitions of Wal lace and Duplin county.He was a leader : in the organization of the Strawberry Festival held in Wal lace recently, and' bears i the brunt of much of the work in plan ning the fair to be staged in Wal-. lace next week. ) . The Eegro Minstrel, scheduled to be hell m tne &.enansvuia mgn sJiool auditorium, Triday ' night has been postponed until Tuesday night, October 23th. ; , ' Bev. Frank L Goodman; pastor of the Kenansville Presbyterian Church will conduct services'1 here Eaaday morning at his regular ap pointed hour. Sunday's service will be' communion. . - y Bev. B. A, Cadle, sew pastor in the Kenansville, -Warsaw and Johnston Baptist Chnroh charge, has kindly consented to write the Sunday School lesson , each week for The TIMES. Bev. L. Good man has been writing the lesson Mr. Cadle's first lesson , appears thia week. 4i,-,'' - ' Duplin Youth was . being 'jiter lNavy . New Grocery for i ICcnansvilli J. "I. Jcrrit left, last t for Chicago v and ,. a will be gone about in's Missionary TJnion ' raptistiJhurch,met on moon at o'clock in t T Krs. Claud Dobson .'y number of members s fvc-uIenVMrs. C. a. .l. ; rilzett and - Vance 1 an oyster roast last ..son at Grant's Place E & II Grocery and Market i is the. name of a new grocery store opening in Kenansville next ; Wed nesday in the biulding formerly occupied by : Sittenon Brothers. The store has been remodeled.- r The operators are 0. C, Moore and N. A. Book of the Long Creek piseciwn ot r","r wv; ana j A. it. VJ 01 MiuiulL Jut. xTlU- gen will have active charge of the store, and mUx his wife '. will move here shortly. ' ''''', Messrs.1 Moore and .-' Book - are engaged in the wholesale sausage business and will continue in that capacity in Pender County. , The new store will carry a com plet line of heavy and fancy gro ceries and fresh meats, gelling- at prices low enough to compete with the chain, grocery stores, it was said. ''. ' ' I Mrs. J. A. Gavin made i trip to Baleigh on Tnes- i week,' ; " -' t ' . A, Eeasley accompanied ' r, I'rs. H.. I.- Stevens, i a to a D. A. B. meet- v'Ze 1-st Citturday.T '.jronl B. -Poney was ' e B. 11. G f owing Club j., .jl-y Rft'"","on at 3 e were e' t members 1 two yiwtors. Memben ; -.limes 0. P. Johnson, v, J. E. Jerritt F. WJ . J. v A. " Gavin, Moses . V. Veils and - the were. Mrs. L. A. t lula M. Hin- " e sewing "bee 1 ?d at two ta- occasion and '.id with ao. " 's ihd Miss i r.,t to Greens. 1 to a special mu 1 -JinW.Cof the ' i "a B. V. Wells at 3 state fair in Baleigh L,t week. . " ,1 1 ITrs. A." J. Elanton and t" :ted the State fair one rta Lois' Dobson has . 2 relatives in Wilming- y AlJerman'has betn i rter, Mrs. P. J. j went to Coldsboro . v.?tk. -:--' ' A. W. Greshair, r '"y and iie t . 1 Mrs.' Lu;. ne BIvULAVILLE tMiltafl- Wi"im nf lUnlav. ills and Warsaw is confined at his home here with influenza. - -The home of Dr. Deane Hnnd. ley was damaged by fire early Sat urday mornings ; -' - Misses Boma Dare, Jones, Mild red Lanier, Johnnye Brown Kent nedy, ani Julia Lean Bandlin at tended a i Inner at Pink Hill Wed-, nesday nib' t. It was given by Mrs; Leslie Turner ia honor of the bir thday of her sot, Aubrey.. Mr. and .Mrs. William Hender son and- sons, Cecil, Bradford, and Eryson of Smithfield' spent the weekend with relatives here. ' 1 1 H. Outlaw continues very ill Friends hope for him a speedy re covery. : j . , ' . - Mrs. C. G. Sandlin of Baleifh, Mrs. Bate Jarman of Potters Hill and John 'Erinson of Bichhands were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elimri T-nliy.: ;l ' Misses T-uy Lucas of ihe facul ty was c "ed to her home in Speed Friday die to the death of her grandmother. .: . r LI. s V.'Linie Wallace Wells of Tc- ' ry las been visitirj Mrs. Cly de I c An. - i , IZ. ,es Johnnye Erown Kennedy, LJared Lamer, Messrs Paul Hun. tor,-liars,:! Ilatliews and Korman We wish to thank Bev. Frank Goodman of the Kenansville Pres byterian Chnroh for his aervioes in writing the Sunday School Les son for the pasti few, months. i i t J Ly u. 3v3 U L-s.J ULyULww. if ) 4TH QUARTERLY CONFERENCE FAIS0N4CENANSVILLE CHAUGE Paul S. Newton, Jr., age 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul 8. Newton,' of 'Wallace. N. C.,k andl Edward Grey Wells, Jr., age 18, son of Mrs. Clara I.' Wells of Wallace, N. C, were enlisted in the Navy, Oct. 12 1937, both have been sent to ' Navy Training Station Hampton Koads, Va., where they wfll receive three months naval training prior to being assigned to duty in some ship of the fleet. ' V?' L J.t seems that The TIMES ha a These boys applied' fot enlist-.habit of forgetting Smith Town ment and were enlisted through Jjhijr when it eomea.te aetjvilrf the Jlecrniting of f ice" loeatei ia j moitg'he - "lenng DeHertf room w rost . uiuce fiuiuung, iXut week we failed to state-that Wilmington, N. C. '-jf (Jerry Smith and Paul Williams . " 1 '. 1 1 ; l i ","'; were named on the membership Sam NewtCSl - , "SS iomittee fot their township, in ' Bev. Mr; Cadle preached his sec ond regular sermon in Kenans ville' Sunday to a large 'audience. He made a strong impression on the audience and u fast becoming popular in Kenansville ias well as in Warsaw and the Johnson Church Community. "X - v v a" ! Warsaw Drug Co. hast, received a ton and a half of - merchandise for the one-cent sale to ibe held there week after next, Mr. Shef field said this week. This is quite a plie of merchandise for a drug store saie. -.,, Creaks Arm Sam Newton of Kenansville has had the misfortune to Hreak' his left arm , while returning from Wilmington Saturday night.-Mr. Newton had been , to Wilmington on business and was returning home when the accident happened. He was meeting a oar with bright lights at Washington Creek. .Mr, Newton says that he was, unable to see anythinft except the lights and did not know what was hap pening until his arm was hit by what -fee supposed to be a trailer, There was a lick on the front fen-, der and another on the back fee der of the car but thetrunning board was not injured which seems to indicate that the trailer was twinging from one side to the oth er. His arm was lying in the: win dow of his. car when struck. The impact was very - slight , and thm noise was not enough to stop the other car. Mr. Newton, drove hjs car on to Kenansville and was given first aid there and then tak en to Kinston where it was found that his arm' was broken just below the elbow. Just One bone was broken,but the arm will have careful. attention for several weeks. . ,. ' -4V' FAISON NEWS; ' Mrs! T. ' W. Smith spent ' Sun day with her son, I Dr. Frank Smith, of Warsaw. .' I ; Mrs. 0.. Newton and Mrs. J. , the drive ior new members. s Several weeks ago in writing up the State; Young Democratio Con vention ' in .Winston-Salem V we failed to list Jerry Williams as one of the ' Duplinites attending the eonveation. We are sorry, Jer ry, but at last we recognize yon. Speaking of Young Democrats. Our readers among that group will be glad to learn that New Bern is planning a big time for us there wef are expected there, at the court house, about two o'clock in the afternoon when we .will be taken for. a historical drive over the city. At five we will gather for a feed and speaking by Arch All en,' President of the State Organi sation and following the speaking a dance, via ' , of grapevine we heard that Bob Beynolds might appear and make a talk. We-are not vouching for that, however. f Capt'n Jimmy Jerritt left last week for Chicago where he attend ed the Amercian Association of Hog Shipments , , County Agent Beynolds has is sued a report on the last shipment of hogs from Warsaw,: 271 hogs sold brought $10.95 per hundred pounds, FOB Warsaw.- The hogs were shipped to Baltimore : According to Beynolds a major ity of the hogs belonged to the top class, which was as he requested. He insists that farmers continue to feed their hogs until they reach the top class, which is 180 to 250 pounds, as that is most profitable from every angle. , Another shipment wfll be made October 29th., and the farmers are urged to let t the county agent know - two or three days previous to this in order that arrangements may be made for taking care of them. Farms Finished Measurements of farms for pro duction compliance has been al most completed, according to Cou nty Agent Beynolds, with but a few left to be measurea. inese are expected to be finished by the first of the week. , , The Fourth and Last Quarterly Conference of the FaisorfXenans vflle charge of .the Methodist church, which has - come - to be called a ictory Conference, was heldrin Faison Church ron Wed nesday, October 20th, 1937. Pre siding Elder,, Bev. W. A.Cade, of the Wilmington District preached a most anurouriate and tUowerfal sermon for the occasion, , takinttithe theatre to the Main and. Hill . . . . . . - "ibi i i a .... . a J John Wflliams Quian more af fectionately knowu as "Mr. Jack," departed this life at 10:50 Tnes-", day night in a Goldsboro hospital, after being carried there follow ing a train-truck crash in which he was the victim, about two hours ' earlier. Mr. Quinn had attended the picture show in Warsaw, after closing his day's work, which was his usual habit. Leaving !he theatre he started home in his red pick-up Ford truck. Driving from his text from Mark 1:17. For the past three years this Charge has paid in full its finan cial obligations, indudinsj&the pa stor's and Presiding Elders sala ries and all the benevolences and the incidentals by the Fourth Quarterly Conference, which is held about one month before the Annual Conference. Under the leadership of a former pastor, Bev. F. B. Joyner, this plan was put in motion and this year un der the able leadership of the pro s' ent pastor, Bev. A. L Thomp son, every Church on the' Charge made a full and cmopletaaeport of all finances to the Conference held Thursday. The Conference elected the of ficials for the Charge for the Com ing year, and 0. P. Johnson, of Kenansville, is the newu Charge Leader. The Charge consists of the Time is Short . . u . j ."ilouowing churches: Faison, Fn- October 31st marks the end of endshi Keminsville, the period in which farmers may gj'a Wesl A. full and complete prpgram is finish planting soil-conserving crops aocording to compliance terms and carry out any soil-conserving practices not yet complet ed. " Co Agent Beynolds declar- ' " w - m a a a es' v je never berore xne am hac . men such interests as the farafcrs have expressed in control program. He says that u per cent of the iarmers witn wnom ne talks are in favor of some means continnatkm of controL Woman Burns in Home 1 v. on Friday of next week when the district rallv ii held.? Latest re ports from New Bern tell us that fternoon. She had been visiting ' Maria Biley, respectable colored woman living between jsieuianue nil HaHsviUe was burned to death in her home last Friday af the home of her daughter and had Just cone home when the accidenT occurred. A son vassin gthe house noticed smoke .comine . through " ja Inoken window.;light. and ran to l-tm linnaa On ini71I: tllft dOOlT, 3te feand his moother standing in tae twor witn msi i ner wnuuss bsraei off. He nut' out the fire, and carried her , to the hospital at Kiastsm but she was 4 so ..badly burned Oat she died before reach in ethe kosvital She was about 58 vears eld. A few coals in the heat- er led tne 'ianuiy xo oeuvs mat she was trvinir to start ; a fire when her clothes caught. - ( it being planned for the nw Church year beginning with December. The Annual Conference ref the N. C, Conference win convene in Ed- enton Street Church in Baleigh, on November 18th. QUABTEBLY CONFEBENCE The Fourth Quarterly j. Confer ence of the Pink. Hill Charge of he Methodist Church wiU be held at the Pink Hfll Church, Sat urday, October 30, at 3:45 P. M. The Bev. E. L. Hillman, D. D., presiding elder of the New Bern district will preach and preside ov er the business session. ' Beports I We believe it can be said of Mr. will be made by all six churchesj Jack that he did'not have an ene- in the group. The goal is to have 'my in the world and . had more all financial obligations paid in full by that time. The conference is important fo rthe members, for they will get to say what they think about a preacher fot the next year. Bev. Howard.. M. Mc Xomb is closing his third year as pastor. There have been-aS addi tions to the churches during his pastorate. APPOINTMENTS filiATf T.in Vmlmuli After thfil ! ' ", , ' i 11 oonvention he went to his iBucIfs'Cut Rate1 few days. He is expected back iifWm in WnrsaW Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Brock, of C Precythe Sunday afternoon. ' Kt. Olive, were STiests of Mrs. It. V,'ii::un s ere recent visitors in I i'u TTaV'ri VTarren. of Lonis-' f-pnville. . ' , i hnrw Collpfe. snent the weekend s J. O. .ros'ic, Tad with her parents, Mr. C and . Mrs. L. r CV" ' i John 'Warren, x . -. . x n i. .mor"? those who attended the " e 1 r.'jtrict IT. D. C. meetir? in- Wil- i-i srn were MrsA. H. Witbermgtbn, Kenansville early next week. vMiss Esther Stevens, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. C. E. Stevens of Kenansville, is in a .Wilmington . ixi i "L J a. . Faison spent MfiSSX waay inai sue nas aeveiopea pnea- monia ana is in a orutcai vonu tion. , r ', V " ' t 3 1V1S i. C. rros: e. z Jr., r i : r'jc: " u. Pt i s r . E.e 1 --.-I r.r.A. a ya'l i t, rr. on Til's? -y a ' l..:i at Vi e ' V'i a f 1 V t i 1 t. u r. A I -1 . !r- :l ' I'arJLaa Williams, Mrs. AI "icVs, Mrs. Brest T-ylor.;-. v., rs at. a t .jti t, J. II. Lamar, tf I "n, ar . r 'Hu.1 Cdtton, cf ( -.r i : . r.A. r y- Tt-Vuiie, j. "1 I. r i iri r vi . ' y f i I 1 . . , -.. : V 4 1 ' 1 ; Friends of B. G. Maxwell " Albertson will be glad to learn that he has returned to his lome from a Wilson hospital, . ' ' Work was commenced this week on a spacious office building for Dr, G. y. Gooding in Kenansiylle. The structure is going up opposite ue Duplin Times oe. , , Jammie Whitfeild, operator of e tioco Eervioe E'-.tion in Ten- ".Je. has reccrt!r ccr ..r-cl '.nctisu cf a tx-r-c I 1 "-.f Bev Howard M. Mclkmb will preach at Woodland Methodist Church, Sunday. October 24. at 11 'A. M. and at Pink 3SilJ Methodist Church at 7:30 P. M. The public is cordially invited. Tail will be the last service at Woodland be fore the preacher goes to confer ence in Baleigh. Only jone other service will be held atrthe Pink Hfll Church. A full attendance of j the laentDersnip is urgea. In tKis week's issue wflt be found as'' announcement of the top1 eninr af rBnck's Cat Bate". War- saw's new drug swre. The new holiness will be opeii ted by W. ICl Buck and F. P. Me onev of Waisaw. The store , openis Fridav in the ' newly remodeled building fornierly occupied by the DUS IvttUOII 4iu new AUavtuB uaw it Street crossing, at the drug -store corner, the rear half of his truck was struck by a fast Coast Line passenger train, number 49, at 8: 27. His truck was knocked 50 feet or more and totally demolish ed. Mr. Quinn was not thrown from the truck. He,was taken out in an unconscious condition and rushed to the Goldsboro. At times he would rally and ask what hit him. He was told a train, but it is believed he never fully realised what happened. In the hospital he would complain of not being able to get his, breath and the nurse would raise him but the pain was so severe he could not bear it. Death came at 10:50. An exami nation revealed that he suffered a severe cut. on the head, possibly a skull fracture and internal in juries from a crushed chest. ' Mr. Jack Quinn operated the Quinn-McGowan Company, furni ture store and was founder and secretary of the Duplin Burial As sociation in Warsaw. He was a brother to the famous Quinn Bro thers in North Carolina who were made famous in the business world by their successful" operation of furniture stores. He was as well liked as any citizen . itf Duplin County and will be missed by peo ple in every corner of 'Duplin. His generosities to his customers resulted in ; more- comfortable ' homes in our county- than any other one thing could have. He never failed a friend and wa al ways ready and glad to help one when he possibly could. He was a home loving man and a good pro vider for his family.' Attention! Duplin Ministers v V t Dr.'E. C. .Cooper has been ap pointed Director of BeVgious Ed ucation in the prisons of the state. J He wants to arrange tofcave a rel- been installed" and a new and com-jigmus service in each prison camp friends than possibly any man in Duplin County. His Me was an example of modest living, spread ing good cheer and being a friend of his; f ellowman. Mr. Quinn was slightly deaf, and wore an earphone regularly," and it is belived that if he had not been deaf he probaly would be living today. He was born in Duplin County, near Beulaville in 1878, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Quinn. He was married to Miss Mary Bell West, who survives, with one daughter, Mrs. J. T. Gresham, Jr., of Warsaw. The following broth ers and sisters survive: Jerry Quinn, Kinston, Mrs. Oscar Miller, Kinston; Mrs. J. S. Miller, New Bern . Mrs. Paul Parker, Beula ville; Mrs. A. L Cavenaugh, War saw, ; ,T , ,. J He was a member of the Presby- i terfsa church in Warsaw. ' Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon from the nome in nr.arsaw conducted oy Bev. Mr. Jones of the Presbyteri an church assisted by Bev. Cadle of the Baptist and Bev. Walters of the Methodist. The TIMES extends . sympathy to the family. ' plete stock 'xrf the weU-knownBoch Sunday. Onr responsibility is Wallgreen linfe of drug store sun-If or the Camp at Kenansville. I am deriei. towthrtr with many other J-reoueSfing that h all ministers in nationally adv nosed products and!j the county who are willing to con duct one service at tne ;;amp ant ing the -ear, write to me &t once, statine the Sunday of the month best suited for you to come for the service. .The services .win be con ducted ia the afternoon and shou ld , last Over 45 minutes. If yon could bring along some tine to sing it would add to the services. Jfiea the Eli Lily 1 tne of drugs. Mr. Buck. better ' known "Gib" is the (ion of Mrs. George Bennett of W arsaw. He attended Eiverside acadtemy in Georgia and was employed by the Jenkins To bacco Compaity for a time after Ln-shmsr schnot. Ue. Lsroney as a native or liur- I fy and a grfcauate in Iifli7na-.se let me "tear from y-"i at once, Attention! ad of Kats Store in Warsaw. We'"' do particularly because of a series ' of ads the store will run in the 1 TIMES carrying a coupon.: Each '; week Katl wlU give some special item at a very low price to every one clipping tihe coupon and pre- . seating it at the store once during ' the hour and day" mentioned ia the oounon. Watch for their el each week. The items listed aie SKZ lted hauy particular nm f i Lis s'.a- cy 1,0m the ttiuversity of Lorthl . la l' ' i'X"3tenansvCe, N, C. Iber of people. 1 r. twU to tLe LIa::z!s L Carolina. A i il 1 ' c t' ti. .

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