. 1 . '..3 ,'. 4 1. Hi CL a it-" t t EoanuLe I , ' 1 "n.st weei.tr i Lcre v;.i .u.., !"r. and Ers, J. V. r. i. 3 ::ncy E?es of Franfclia s;ent last weekend hero i L r aunt, Miss Lula E:'" -. i. Iarker , Quinn etl i en, also Mrs. ' s I - y JLotv- , r ; r..l Kr . . y Emerson an J ' -en of : laville to the tate i last Friday. They re to Greensboro to ia T tf - iVILLS, Wednesday; J. Thursday. of . s of t: - -r.t-j ' f f Ee v.' ,ll' L.e. - i i CI! -!n. J.t.-s B. Tr;lor, ', c- ace Ce arm' r d iter, LZa ITie Ir. lton James VLul insvilie, on Suniay, JbL - ia Billon, South he young couple will be at boms r-r re"n-7Ue, C r.m .1 it f I. ' vccTcrm situ sxazD LETS TSEOUGH t. ' - . WfTIH ' . Taa v. - J " taatwaaalat J lettara. W want t aaa it. Thla to aanphatlaally a Oratf r. W apaciallaa la Praaorlpt and pled mthIm to fill -oh on preelaaly th DaaCa acta. No aubatitAUana bata. (Mt jt eaiatwod pfcarmacaata aa Tory carefully aalaeted for akin fa conaiinHlnat oar atodka ara Araaat GoMea Tfttt; "Fan- Aa Atom nf God that Iringetb. salvation hath appealed tft all men." Titus 8:11, Lesson Text Titus 3:1-11. -V t ' t . er rt.."c a -t L. j . -. If r v i . I). Vi- L . ' Ji ' i to fe i.r: itaace l 4. e r -it cf -all ' t LvL z wui n Li.; jAvZA tLca it is much mo i:r; jrtant now. If Crete needed the influence of Christian people, Du- plji C anty daes also. 1. 'e need to come hack to the realization that Christ came that we mi. It have life. Heading John 10:7-13 included in the large les son for today we find the discus- on on t-e . sncpnera ana the "leep. It'is extenncly difficult to Liierstand why Jesus Christ as e Son of God left heaven; came to earth; took upon Himself the form of man; suffered; and died t- . Lii,s Li ' i ('i . ) r '., near 'EL". ' 11 i i" the home cf L.r u i, 1 j. L Crock EiindBy. . Eudo!:.h Ejnmors r ! "t, C law, of Outlaw's1 r.1 vli- tors at D. J. Erocis L y t.sr- noon. . . Among those who v ' "II ' i Annie Swinson Car ly t i were: Hr. and I'rs. A. 1 . field an son, Aldlne of I . i pel, Miss Eunice Valler, cf I ? Chapel, Mr, and Ers. C. C. I and Major Foy, Hr Ani C oa a cross. But this passage tells j n wnv ! nf. cam znoit wr an oi 1 1- i.-xxi. j t-j. : Z1; i.7 Tiz: t: a: ivZ-i "a uiue a-o, . u fluui. kiuuc xiuc, me auuuu- i summerlin's Cross Eoad. ITr. ,, - - a4 oaaaplata. And boaanao mm ralume of praaeriptian Imaiaaaa la Iarj, oar prloaa ara always fair. Bring those nraaarlptlaaa yaws' Physician writea here to be Sllad. LEWIS DRUG STORE . 1 OLIVE, 0. . BY ES7. B. A. CASLX Titus was a Greek who hadiwen SELL YOUE TOBACCO - In Greenville 11 GOOD BALE KATE OS TEE J GEEESHLLE MARKET TAYLOE AND WILLIAMS 1521bsat42o. 204 lbs at 60c. 1041bsaf41o. 244 11)1 at 42o 63.84 102.00 '42.64 102.48 Total 704 Ibt, 310J0 X'k ; AVESAGS 144.16 , Best Tobacco Is Selling Up To S95.00 per 100 Founds. "Every Bay la a Good; Bay , ",' To Bell Tobacco In. Greenville ' Ft STJfOK EATZ ia compelled to let the cat out of the bag Have you heard! The low price of today's cotton broke the bottom. Mr. Eats ' has jnst returned from the Vorth era market with newest and low-. . est prices.' , ' , '-, , HEBE ABE SOME OF 0UE WEEK END SPECIALS na' - ant fulL and-happy life.. This is the life that every man ought to want to live, out it must oe live. in obedience to Christ. 2. Every person needs the new life. : No Christian is to disreerod the authority of rulerj or be con tentious with those whom they contact daily. As the Christians at Crete were called upon to bf all men. .so are the Christians of Borth Caruona. Fan! says, "For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serv ing divers lusts and ' Pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another." How can we, as Christians, exert - the right influence over others,' or have the right attitude toward all mankind without . the New Life is Christ Jesus! , , i- , x 8. We may have the New Life. Yes, by accepting Him as our per sonal Saviour;, crowning Him as King. There is no other way. Paul says, "Not by works of righteous ness which we bare done, but ac cording to His mercy He saved us by the washing;-of-regenera and renewing ol; the Holy Ghost: which He shed on us abundantlv through Jesus Christ our Saviour.1' That is to say that God comes into our lives and. old things pass away, things become new for we have become new creatures r in Hint, The things we ?onc loved we sow hate the things we once inated we now love Mrs. Lewis Quinn, of' near Zn ansville . ' . ' The Y. W. A." win meet ' wiCi Leon Brock and Kiss Elsie rro' at the home of the latter at 8:C2 o'clock next Saturday, Oct. All the members are requested to attends ; i ,. Malcolm Grady. Bill Corbritt of Chocolate and Miss Abbie Vause,i of Summerlin Cross Eoad at Mrs. J. E. Swinson's last Thurs day evening. , v ,x . i CHOCOLATE U1 j t ajaaawaaaaaaaa ,5 V The many friends of E. G. Kax- well will be glad to learn that he has returned to his home aftar being confied to the Carolina Con era! Hospital at Wilson, for tl e past eight weeks with a borL:a thigh. His daughter, Kiss , 1 71 M T r ,i,A Jul. vJ r lit I 5 ra e tie. l.e t W 3. r: ' sa, 4ay l w -X 3aiJ1LATlI - L i . J ' j v s s. dli(L ,. . i- y tloe and n i- V icl 2. 0. I x- and tof k him o r ii Lis rtHI"2 cl ' 's d jiner at tL? 1 1- t time in almost six 1 ( . s, . ' -u i L 'I.tt Cu ,i y, I j&n, Ciace ry Lllon 1, 1 ,is; '2 and sn, J Ji i Jack Ju' G. LixweU I' Fiom Front Page) .e Sandlrn and Eert- ha Eanulin' tf . Clayton spent the wecunl he:s with their nannta r. and l!r L J. Eandlin, Jvhn E, Codwis is able to be i i . - es y; I s. T-Ty, 'crs : T T " it iJ3 Eiiox; Clown, Hary EcU Cum- CCS. - - The play, was directed by JZl:s j uuexn bneeuen and was en- pyea oy everyone. - . ' - FAICCN NEWS " II All Yon Want of LL Homespun ' Yard 5c All Yon Want of ' - Druid LL Sheeting Yard 8 l-2c ' LADIES' AND MEN'S ' s .t ; t Rain iProof Jackets MEISTS WINTEB WEIGHT UNDERWEAR' Revivals in Progress , Eev E. Frank Halls. Th. D. of Korehead City is preaching at Faison Presbyterian Churcr this week. Large crowds are attending and Dr. Hall is bringing a mat message form the. word of God, He is one of the outstanding young ministers of the church. Eev. M. 0. Sommers Of Clinton ii nrranli. ing this week at Eose Hill in the 'Presbyterian Church. The attend ance is goodV You are invited to I attend these services., ,c 14-Lb. ATT. SIZES Garment I 69c ii CHTJECH SCHOOL -' ' OF MISSIONS BOYS' AND MEN'S 15c Prints . - Caps , 24c - T 10 cents this five , Ladies' Shoes :0 VALTJES-Sues up to 8 j " " 97c US' COUPON v BEDSPREAD Guaranteed $1.00 TaluWfll Be Sola For - ' y c : 25; icbvui; rny person Bringing this coupon to our Store Satur , enly, between 2 and 8 o'clock, T.JL $ ' ; t : 0UE A3). FOB COITPON CFFEE NEXT WEEK I Begininsr FridAv hicht nf I week and continuinp for nights at 7:30 promptly. The mem- Iuvia vi uivve f icsoyxenas unurcn are putting on a, church school ioi missions. .. .? ine adult erouo will ' ho charge of the pastorj Be.' uoooman, wno wiu discuss'' the Jiome JUssion study book, "Other Jien Lahored." Miss Louise Bow en will have charge of the 'bhil-' oren. ine public is invited. BEARlARiSH; i.. L Bird" nd daughter, suss JJllie Belle Bird,. of Kt.' Ol ive, visited Hiss 'Annie Swinson last" Wednesday afternoon. ' -We are verv aorrv t mn4 C. ft Brown, of Mt. Olive, who has ueen very m at tne home of 0. D. ' SELL YOUE TOBACCO ' In1 Grccnvills ' TEI3 C0CD SALE ; - GEETi'VILLE JIAEEET JACS JCrE3 84 lbs at 23c irO lbs at 37o " 31'3sat4:0 3 I s at 42a mi s at eio 3 at Co 3 tt r c l 3 f t 1 3 . 1 ' 1 1 A. I i kill 13 lit $ 23.E1 CD.C3 . 112.13 101.O 172.C3 1M.1D 1 : 3 1 C 1 112.CD 113 i ' !'.- 'Jack", whei he arrived. Ee could almost express his happiness in words, for he had searched the house and fields many times for lhs master. He has to be turned inofteii to have a visit with his master now. . .' Miss Eubv Mae MaxwelL who is in aurse's . , Training - at James : waixe? itospiiai at wumirjttan, and her friend, Mr. Brown, visit ed her parents, Mr. and En. H. u. Maxwell last Wednesday after, noon for awhile. ' About SO of the B. F. Grady school students attended the Eal eigh Fair , last Friday. TLey chartered a Greyhound bos from Baleigh, .which came down for them, returning-late Friday night uey au reported, a - wonderful time. - , . . , . . H. B. Maxwell and W. E. Good ing visited Mrs. E. G. Maxwell at her home last Wednesday night ' Miss Mildred Stroud, daughter or ju. and JUxs. I. T. Stroud, is attending the Carson . Neoman College, Enoxville, Tenn. Che has been at Campbell College f ar the past two years, where her brother Albert returned this falL Best wishes for them both. Mrs. Mabel M. Holt returned to E. G. Maxwell's Tuesi-y s'Ur- at home. . ' r . A Miss Addie Ford, of Greensbo ro, is spending the week wili rs. Magnus Outlaw. - Eev, Gustav UlrirVanl faml'v left Saturday mrr' to vi X Mends at I ?, I Ij. U- itch will a!o e. i Ce rational Convention H CL:-"-, Benme 7J s. IzJLcr ct IJIa waters pa--d y Izst week with double rni.iL. aia. He mar ried Miss Louise Stroud, darh ter of Kr. and Mrs. John Clroud. uur sympathies go out to hia fa mily. . . . Among those visitinsr E. G. Maxwell since his return home an Mrs.' Bolait.' r.rnv ar 1 1 .-.- r.tl Wilson, Mr. and l.i r- - C V ith and son. of EJLL-.a: I -' Krs. 0. U. Iixwr'l r ' "Tf' Seven Eprirs: llr. all 1 :r ID. raxwell and son, I : x. well; Er. and En. r 1 f J. G. Maxwell; I"r. a-.l V 3. 1 i- noe JUaxwea aad s.a tf C ; Kortimer ITaxwell, ri. s C ' 1'ixwell, EJ-ar I'ttc'I t ; Zo,k' WiEiai.., of ; "; " ana ilrs. IL;:on LI mnry ctliers. ' r.-s.-r.,ti;e Cu'v daughter Mn. Jackson have mov- ea to Winston. . Joe Catcher and family of ayeneviiie, and I'.s. Kt -eraU of New Bern vkited ir ir n 'T.i . . ' iiaicoer bunoay. ev, thamblee of TtitVi.it t Fviueu at me jjaptast Church , fcaaaay m the absence of the re- at Euke ET; ltd, Durham. I a V . tn. ETyrUe Worden was hm"i?.. ..vi, . a, fcrJ. Church. Eev. raul rail cf I -head City will assist the Lev. . . . Jones in conducting a meetir-' The Woman's ATiTiiinnr f Presbyterian Church' had its Li- we ti,uay in Xriesians last week. held one hour h ' ' ' t: , GEI . i:. 1 141 1" s at I H l'sat' 1J11 s ct i -..a:t f3 0l ' iv ci.cj: 3U; ' 71.Ci ; 81 30) j .i.wa t l-I'sfto, ' ToU 771 lbs, Best TtLacco Is 11 " rw To c:3.co rr iC3 Every EayHaGKl Sea Tobacco In. CLeenville auuLweu, wno u supervisor 01 tein 1 Hospital and Mr. - Joyner - teiV him k.n. M 1 1 .. -. -WU1W- , vHin.jivure nir. auiuiuht ,r i iron, i vm rsru t.vi - ww oiimaiiig w ics-Jua pet C from Etist-T Sunday. A Cprll-V 2 service was pU at tie river at Ealvil Sunday. Three Canutes were recieved iiu to the chm u, four united with the leulaville Free Wl EobVw. A. .a - apj twcve became iiwnihar nf Th vHiIct i , " w . was one noTir f'l'' V r , Church each afternoon durirg tie week. r-r?- . . ' " L -Power" rf F"-TW- EeVane. "ecretery of v , , fc,mtnai Kf hflil rhorw f.. - ..Pi" ?' Whaley.al Evangelism was also,' stressed and. cU-rei?, Louise. Eloise anfl durinp the w.lr " venire, a. 1 Er. and Mrs. Wood ' Eiss Elizabeth Ball ' L. "ed and oyster roa-. been on the sick Est y.i . r days is able to go to worfc Ebe' has accepted a position with the row raits e at Jacks. I :ot. 3. 4. E A War car Drc Cc. Je Sunday, The 8th. grade girls of the Beu- CLLf72 TCEACCO Ia CzzinZls TT l-J 13S S. .0 i:o lis at :0 lis r is- -io 1-3 TsaiOo i ) i s at ' rirst 1 n it: i.3i il eal 3. f . vr . y : DALS -C I TEE ' ' 1 j IIAEXET Caw VAk3 -. ( .1 83.00 81.70 :o. To J'i, 47.C3 73 '1 73.C3 ZOAd IA2 i 1 Tt ) u r r;?g, ep r 1C3 lom. ' Is a Coed Day To o la CreenviZe ' LOVELY For Ladies. KStV FALL COATS ji., "Snow S-jItsV- 'SrcrtCcib" eSpcc:-Lzc n ri:?-3 &-fit and A. J, SUTav. C:lCr3 N. C. ; it i t wo k ui Cora OT 1 l i a , 'l I.'rs. .' 1 IT t 1. ,t J 71 J r ... . . w ... ....... :::7 L'.id c' L7 i It ' I t ii 'i f i rJ . c.