J filter cd ' i dairy calves raised by. t 1 Eaacombe county club "L Abcat To , Happen -fv YOU'RE in for a real .oppor tunity to save when you come to our 1-cent sale event.' Warsaw Drug Co. . Warsaw, NCv Choice . j "-r f m ill u ib -w -w3 w : $29.75 : I I r ; Others Low as ,i !, , i , P .,. ; X2ERB is only a limited number of these coats available at this attractive price. 'For a wmn " mmd mokinir. finely' sizes. r" members captured high lonors in the 4-H Jersey Guernjr,y, and ba-!el oy oeei snows at no mhs Jiair. last week. ' Sequel's Betty of Ellda, entered by Earle Trull, Buncombe County, won the grand championship : of the 4-H Guernsey show and was then named grand champion of the open Guernsey show. r - Granada Merimaid, entered by Bay Morrison, Iredell County, won the grand championship of the 4- H Jersey show for the fourth con- MuU. jfi. xu w .-, .animal that won him a four-year ; holarship to State College tat . r ' ' ' 1 I - A son and dauehter of Grana - da Merimaid also won first plac-vquently -results in . ouireaks of es in their classes, and then the. colds or bronchitis, and sometimes son, senior yearling, won Jirst; sorehead or pox if the Airds have place in that class in the open 'not been vaccinated, t Jersey show," v ,l I "Birds hould not be jcrowded. in entered an Aberdeen-Aneus steer; that won the errand championship of, the 4-H baby beef show. dais said this animal was of un- usually, good type. - - r' xi. t - v ' - 1! via the Jersey show county InlanoJ in fnllAvritlff ArflAT TrMa I dell Catawba, Wake, Yadkin, - i Caldwell, and Stanly. 1 "5 ' " ".' town. or country life they are made. ' Women's and misses' -'A I:; I1 f I I bujki u3y X vn.i9 Jul . r ar.J !;ee, I,- I.e.- . , -Cir.?.fy .s in tl " iw vaei' iCras; ..Vr-a, Ci-sroiee J 7 :?V onooiuu jsston a 'a7ne. , ' , 12e champion bird'1 a tle 4-! poul'xy show, resume this ft Alter a lrr?e of sever: years, was a sr'ie com cari bi vn cocker- entered by Avery 1 m Fonda, Jiuncomoe uounry, "V V Poultry Nccijs Fresh Air, But T, 4 Drafts are a source U danger to J the poultryman at thil time of .poultry specialist at State College im. Ai. a uTw houTJ & ttey lhonld not be expose! to direct . drafts and dampness s this f re- There should be at least four sua are feet of floor space for each Offi-,bird. - P, t v ;,; j wercrowded. Dirus wvelop. higher percentage of US lay j for seeding clover, vetch and Au- fewer and smaller eggs, and arelstrian winter peas is - between tnn imnWii t mmm.''1mi fbntMnW ib ui nti. . . ':i4 r.: ieea a uea .mash you get more for,, money SELL TOUR TOBACCO ' In Greenville ' - THIS GOOD SALE MADE OH THE " , GREENVILLE MARKET ' - HUGH BAREFOOT 1 ! 280 lbs at 48c J 99.84 ; 174 lbs at 49e , ', ', ; 85.26" ' 50 lbs at 38c 'JL 1 19.50 ,' 182 lbs at 42o 80.64 , 142 lbs at 37o ' .,, 52.54 ' Total 766 lbs, $337.78 ; AVERAGE $44.09 " , Best Tobacco b Selling Up To S95.0O'pef 100 Pounds- ' Every DaylsaGood Day . To ; Sell Tobacco In Greenville - FANCY TOBACCO BRINGING FANCY There is a Market for AS EVTDEHCEtOF THIS JSALg . , KOXDAT, OCT0SZ3 18. - " 86 Poundsy 80 Pounds . 164 Pounds 124 Pounds. 154 Pounds . 284 Pounds . 72 Pounds : 250 Pounds , - - , - 326 Pounds 46 Pounds: 126 Pounds . 214 Pounds. 50 Pounds . 12 Pounds 112 Pounds 140 Pounds' . 50 Pounds . ; 10 Pounds . .1 .1 46 Pounds z.'. 256 Pounds" TOTAL 2622 POUNDS.. AVERAGE-; $83.84 Every basket in. this' sale, purchased bygone of the companies buying On this' market. Our entire sale Monday 322,560 Lbs. - ' , " f:;f;VE!UGkV$33.95 W - ij Sell Your Tobacco in Greenville : WITH' o CI i Ve have Ffrd Sales, . . , !..., ... . 1.. :"V ' I, ..: . rr.d 11: 3 jl&t ac- " ' s "ited from old , j - . " i need more . !. .1 ri I,. ,!y .we!j;ht:, i La iA l .e;aly when v.Jt te o.r and Kgw 1, , . . ..JuY iswi .' QUX3: Can Dottonseed meal be used to replace fish mel and meat scrap in the poultry mash? - ,.- ii3WIlit: trpsrimental work along this line indicates that oot tonseed meal cannot bo used to re place all of the ' animal protein concentrates in the , mash,- but tjhat is. can be replaced not to ex ceed five percent of the total mash. There is a wide variation in toxi city and feeding valne of the cot tonseed meals on the market and there is also a deficiency in min erals as compared with meat scraps and fish. meal. It would be unwise to make an material change in the mash especially if the birds are in lay. . , a ,V t ; ftTTESTJOV ; Is it too kite to seed crimson 'clover oats, vetch and Austrian Winter Peas? ' ' ANSWER: Ho. The best time for oata htwMii (WtAlwi- 1 ' nrH November 1. The seed bed should I be finely pulverised to a depth of j inree or iour mcnei ,wiur. very firm soil underneath. This will help prevent freezing out of the prop. Put In the seed with grain drill as this method of seed ing gives a better ' stand than broadcasting. In seeding cats use an open farrow drill as this will also prevent excessive freemng. t Less Monthly Discomfarf - Many women, who romerlr suf fered from a weak, run-down coa- aiuon as a result or poor assimila tion of food, say they benefited by taking OARDUI. a qpedat sedloiq for women. They found li healed to increase tne appetite and lm ajg8sooor thereby brlnautS more strength from their faqd. v Narorauy were Is less at monthly periods when has been strenethenad and oua fractions regtored and remnal i oardal. prmli4 tf ttoaauidi et mA b wort( tortog. or eotua, Jt bJk ttsetitad. eomult hytlrln. i, . PFflCES Fancy Tobacco in MAX3 BY FORBES & MORTON, 8 85.44 . "t . a y Li U:j w. tLe grain feed . 89o . 82c S788U 78c 91a U. ?1 W 80.10 184.48 88.72 120.12 S58.40 85.52 217.50 144.50 87o,w 75p BWv 85q7- 80o- 70o U. 77CX. 76o . 88o 43.70 107.10 192.60 85.00 9.24 . 85.12 123.20 7241. a nn 82qli 77rv a. ' 8.20 M 85.42 220.16 $2,198.18 86qn. 1 '4 ! .- Teccday, Oct. 26th C-f- i, . 3 anl keep up : i p-i t. ! , ..ioon should .oe r'jiLvJ Wivh colored kebands so they can be selected for breeding purposes next year. . , , "If yon do not plan to buy goodj chicks from a reliable t hatchery. yon should arrange to breed onlyi year best birds, as that u the on ly way you on buSd vn' good, profitbOt CwS," Le el. ''ft ... s STATE GOLLEGE ftULSTICIT: What is the best method for cuing meat on ' the farmf ?i f . , 1 -AH8WZR: There are many me thods of carina meat and most oi them are simply variations of two principal methods, the brine cure and the dry salt cure.' Common salt is the basis of all meat cur ing aid is used in varying amounts and in all tnethots, Bugar is some times added to give a better fla vor and also to counteract the ao tion of the salt by keeping the muscles soft, where' the salt a lone makes them hard. The recom mended formulas Jor both the "brine cure" and the "dry cure" are contained in Extension Fold er Ho. 34 and copies may be had upon application to the Agncul tural Editor at State College. Persimmons Are Ripe (From The Christian Science Monitor) "Persimmon, n." says the dic tionary. "(Of Virginia Indian ori gin. A tree (Diospyros virginiana) of the. United States, with small white flowers and a plumlike fruit; also, the fruit" i, This might answer my English friend who recently left me quite speechless with the auery. "What is a persimmon t" One wishes that more of these questions could be asked between the nations of the world; for with the exchange of such innocent and fundamental lore would come an understanding that could hardly be wedged asun der by the ambitious and the ruth-; less. Yet, much must be added to the dictionary definitions . before the question is answered properly ; and perhaps mere words van nev er do it, any more than descrip (dons east explain a Japaaese" garden. The persimmon, on mignt ; say, Is the distillation of the long Sou thern summer, mellowed aid broueht Kb tawny perfection by the first autumn frosts and best eaten al fresco, by children and those of any age whose hearts are childlike. But it is mot In the deep oathrather in the : northern .. I T,a. Vwnvn tlifl Miwliiinion.f for it is olMervei of foliticall dividing lines. - It is distinctly an Indian ium mer fruit any attempt to force the season eains the impatient taster only a badly puckeredi mouth and a hearty respect xor the astringent s qualitiea of the greet persimmon. School children, cutting across sroodlots or rouow ing the course of the creek, glance impatiently up the long, , slender trunk of the tree at the green globes slowly yeHowfngj Mi if they pick up a fallen fruit they only pinch it experimentally and shake their heads. A half, ripe peach or apple would tempt them, but this is a different story. Still, ther make a Great show of offer- ma it to theu mates; hoping to find one not wise in the ways of rtne persimmon; xor u nuuu .a . AM- J- Aa a I ioke. a find of initiation at which the neophyte must snow nis cau- ber by laugning even u me langn Is necessarily a wry one. ' j v Then one morning, before the children expect it, a white dew blankets the garden. Tomato vines droop in the sun and hang limply from their " ' stakes, and "yellow pumpkins loom suddenly .above huMr wCttnir leaves. The 1 air seems clearer sthan before v the cawing .of crows more vrtrMeat. Virriaia creeper is a bonfire in the tons of the trees it has climb ed, and even the stubborn oak be gins to smoulder darkly. Hickory nuts and black walnuts outwee irfftiaa brown leaves to the BToimd. causinfl a fltrr in the squirrel population. " '" After th first sharp day or two the coolness . abates and s mellower sunshine drifts on a cur ious, smoky hase over the country side, sometimes the warmth is so pronounced that violets eome to a second blooming under tne neages. Our ancestors fancied that the r--8 came from fires .built by I -s on tLeir fall hunt: 'but f..e I .;:ans of late hate kindled no rises over the valleys. Or they jm p!ained that it was an emanatkcif tie coming winter, from leaves rottine in the fcreatswl. w j -k. - 1 forests: but the forests are gone (and Indian Summer remains. - With so many thing to. "lor" their attention; school, the tor- ing oi apples and pumpkins, i ripening of black and red haws the spicy odor of .pickling from the farm Htohen; the ohildren have' forgoflen: paiafmmons. For gotten, until one day in the wood lot a quick breeze sends the glob ules showering down on a sprei of clean, crisp leaves. The fir-t child to reach them picks one up- and turns it in practiced fingers: At the stem end it is purply brown, shading' away to clouded copper. The skin is no longer stretched smooth, but wrinkles gentry. It is soft to the touch and the pulp, tasted now without hes itaion is sweet and yet has the tang of autumn woods, of Indian Summer, v . i "Ta-ay, fellers! Persimmons are ripe!" More than 1,200 Johnston Coun ty farmers have signed up to be gin strip-cropping this fall Wayne County farmers have harvested several thousant tons of hay during the past three weeks Program For Week October 25tlr MONDAY, OCTOBER 26TH J w You Can't Have Everything " f " . Starring Alice Faye, Rita Brothers, Don Ameche TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26TH " SUPER SLEUTH " ; Starring Jack Oakie and Ann Bothern Tack Pot $20.00 I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27TH l; " WEST BOUND LIMITED-' Starring Lylo Talbot and Polly Bowles f CHURSDAY AND FRIDAY, OCT. 28TH & 29TH THE PICTURE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR: " LOST HORIZON w Starring Ronald Coleman, Jane Wyatt, John Howard and Margo-Frank Capper'a Best Production. SATURDAY, OCT. 80TH--1:45 TO 11:00 I " ONE MAN JUSTICE" V fitarring Charles Btarrett SATURDAY NIGHT- OWL SHOW 11:00 "I COV THE WAR" Bfarriua - c WANOCA THEATRE Wallace Program, Week Oct 25th MONDAY OCTOBER 25TH ONLY You Can't Have Everything Starring Alice Faye, Don Ameche, Hits Bros. Eubinoff.' . . TUESDAY, OCT. 26TH ONLY- : "That Certain Woman M Starring Bette Davies, Henry Fonda, Ian Hunter WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27TH, WISH HITE, $50.00 OR MORE DOUBLH FEATURE 1 "WINDJAMMER" IWitS George O'Brien, and , ' - ' " With'Charlie Chan THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28TH- "BORNEO" i j. By Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson FRIDAY, OCTOLTR 29TH X . , "MAICE A WISH" ', Starring Boliby. Breen, Basil Rathbone SATURDAY, OCT. 80TH BUCK JONES IN , Law cf Tombstone " , SATURDAY "SUTIJ OWL' KlOW-i-1 " ' : :; She CcuMn't Take It ..With Georre Paft Joan Bennett ' P-I to insure a f u SEED FKESE STOCK; JUST BECETVEI) . TUBHIP & EUTA BAGA LSi CHLESTOH & " WAKEFIELD CABBAGE ' MUSTARD, KtLE, TEHDEBGEEEH, Etc. ONION SETS, FRESH & LET U6 BE ifOUB SEEDMEN J. E. HOOD &CL Kinston, N. C. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS WARSAW, N.C John Wayne 7 4 1 i ' vl. n W 5 -li 'iv i ! r a ItizZzs fires, and stl the haze O