r K " J -v--'V'"' '. " . . ?':' 1 :: S, -r. .. I. t 1 1 jL !r " l! .1.1 f l I t u," :fi T ' " 4 - ' '! v.' ' J i i is C. r r i ! t 1... 1 J . .. i tj erer 1. J . i .a-i- ? .; "it "ewnai ---Ttlt a ie r- ' j. It'sf r t V r ( . 5 3 i. C t ' J i .' 9 V A. - I .v'.fc r-'-. . ' - u. i if - ' t j t; . . . .. ... lly l.:-.-iC , i x Yi: i; ri ltr:.s t - . ; r-"I-iif ; ).:. r yprt?- t : i e".. ' A. S. - C. ..'ass D. sii.t. f 1 Ji tie r?-r:r i -t ati e- . 1.. a" i i ' rtiue t arzre rt of - a ictl--' i ti t':i eyst. ers t:t or sw&u. : A remark was nade-iLis week ty r-e tf renin's entirs:: and 1 1 wo-' ' T cV.l-:rs a' :rt Lie 1 ' : "T. t i tLK Tii: 1 Jcmo- f7iiLr;tioa, t-T ? how .j,ailwLatt iiteostl ' ? I sorta le t' idea, s I hare tttri f oat it. t to ft Lory i make ;t tk! Cs toaity. ". J?Te sw.a f eif-we . . t t's t. rl. , r'r t.e t:y- i ii ; . " 1 1 i t c . ,-.2JlO - : ad. 1 f.- a i ' , I i t i 1 " " ' t e v . ; , I 3 ! toes; ftt "irsaw, dlti ia : 1 i i rlc Tecevicd i i .la in wMch lie . ' 7 erenirj collid i a a car driven by , ? 1 dm tit the car, i J- i, ii in a - critical a ia tie GoUiboro hospi- i r ion ot Jim Grady, who wat riding Li t i r : 'i t" ; i Sett suffered head. . ' , ' "i tail the accident 5 7:23 o'clock Friday ".LSoro highway H'Ji of Faison. Hi' IX . 'l. 3 . ; north toward -i laid, and Gra- d-i J aonth toward Fai 14. .',.-; li tia tro can approached, ctri l" ' 1, Xrady attempted to t m v t t'j left to enter a tide rati f 1 ii rjrjuJjjf hii dirt use t-l . 1 ematLed headon t' s r r C.lm by Joseph. Xvi'-I C. asd Eest were tein I "7 I ' I isr questioning, and L...r i : t t taken to the Ken t ' ' j J 1, 1st wat released on ! !. L 1 1 7 t3 he hell to )" ) v at ImTuL. .... i r a niece oX : -2l -l.l;ro and was r.- r r t? a cC in Tarsaw. ranonl".a Track Xncockv . of Csford, congressman trom the 5th t""rr-!.-r"4 district ',who has.an r.icti lis ctndidacy for the t ta in crji-Ilion ta Senator r..l:rt Eijzclds. Congressman Lz;iik's tsnenncement has set on a vowocr uarrei oi auuuHiuuicare to varocinaTe. everyone r u. in what seems to Ktte; prelude j mj jivd iuuiiiu tn- ?l2xi Red Cross ::cIlCdlHcre;, rr. S. If. Cjt v3 again serve cs chairman tf f s r -T-lin County 1.1 Cro: it i'j s zzJL roll call, CS 6C 1 f i I,i3iIior'Utb j I :y tLis year, !t '.' nts has been i i j ccuiunity. . 1 e Aicvements. . of 10 'li'-.., i a r '. -l;Ltioninreliev-2 entailed by 12S tle jst fiscal r to ncsp?per l county, .and t t:.tTup ? r - i wi a larje t ..enti '.' r i ..,,, t - 1" 1 v' ite f l and I."-', Lr. wLyj the .a tit tc:a r'accd r tj ' Ilrs. Larvey n r"? 1 t available, not Candid Camer Shots Behind the The pictures above tell a small part of the story of bringing you the Duplin Times each week, with its remarkable coverage ''of county rows and' its many , Interesting - s. ' 1 lop left: A night photo of the madiae which sets type at the speed of seven hand typesetters, or compositors, of olden days." - - : ' s Jop right: The yom lady in charge of the mailing list, - Miss Cue Neil Kennedy, who sect that i k if.ij. --.-i r.!aoliaCT sus tv a tu tjr r 'i.?.f::W''.$ i The P. T. A. of Magnolia High School will sponsor a Hallowe'en Party to be given in .the school auditorium; Friday night, October 29, 1937, A very entertaining pro gram, has been arranged and Bin go, apple bobbing, fortune telling, etc. mav be enioved bv those who invited to come dressed in costume ig caver uiw uib Biuiii-'Ui au- kwe'en. The. ' proceeds ;will be used for the construction of the gymnasium.' ; Attend Meeting ; Of Dem.Wcnien VLrs. Harvey Boney, of the Dup lin Welfare Department, and Mrs. John D. Robinson, were the only jrapiin counxy represeniaiivei ai the meeting of tiie Democratic Woman's Committee in " Baleigh .'Thursday. , ' ' Mrs. Boney reported 8,vvery in terestThg and beneficial 'meeting, and expressed the hope , that the women of Duplin would gain more interest in their work by the time of the next meeting. ; f' K i' ii i ' ' , i;'-t SERVICES SUNDAY AT -" w. J GROVE PRES3YTERIA1I ; There will be services t Grove Presbyterian Church Sunday mor ning at 11:15. Bev. F. L. Good- man pastor oi me JM preach on the subject: hrowing 1 AM . fll ia Faith." There will be special music by the choir. You are most cordially invited to attend. War Dog 1Jobi4 ' ,' In th animal cs-nt. f at Tarta- isla, N. Y., t' -to Is a r r" -t la t' f-rm ot a Cwi ' ' ' T, ..I'njrir c ' a a ' 1 lt.uait.-r 1 I; i I -t . I JATSraXS, Eorth OaroUiuc - OCTOEZa 2:12, 1S37 your paper is addressed and mail ed to you each week.- T; Bottom: One of those incidents which make interesting news. This' car is the one whose antics incit ed the headline AUTO-WBECKS EAUEOAD, It ran off the road, hit a railroad track,: broke' -one rail and hent it up, removed sev-f - (. m XI.. Ji 1 I eral cros sties from the xoadbedJ flipped over on its top and slid,W)ngt?, recitations, drills and a Ha- after which its driver got out by his own power. Popular Pastor Baptists The following article appeared ii the Biblical Recorder of -Octo ber 20, 1937 r '"We introduce to the Baptists of North Carolina the new pastor of Warsaw, Johnsons, and Kenans viHe Baptist Churches, Bev. B A. Cadle, for the past four years pa stor of the Main. Street Baptist m,n.i. . fn.--.. -v. v. o,, ' giaoe gep tember 1, and has already made a place for himself in the hearts of our people. Weyfind him to be a young preacher of rare" 'ability, sound in doctrine, vitally interest ed in and diligent in hit support of the entire program of our de nomination. He. is a graduate of Bluefield College, West Virginia, and of the Southern Baptist Semi nary, Xouisville, Ky. Mrs. Cadle attended the W. M. U. Training School there. Both of these tome to us highly reoommended by the Board of Deacons, the W. M. U., and B. T. P. U, departments of the Christiansburg Church, ' and : we feel fortunate in having -them ac cept a field of service in our State and the Eastern Association.",' Kenansville'f Subdivisions The property known as the Al bert Williams place will be sold at publio auction next Wedhes- day November 3rd, beginning at , , . The property, including the old home, another home and several smaj tracts t-cther -with 40 hihly desirrMe lots will go with the a- '' l 1 -mzr. TI ' s are 1 on tiie east s'13 ". . -. '!, fronting- on ' wf I" 'yrt. r SPEAKER Arch T. Allen, of Baleigh, young up and coming attorney ' in our state, who will deliver the princi pal address at the Third District Young Democratic Bally in Jack- sonville Friday.. Allen was elected president of the. State organizat ion by a landslide vote in Win ston-Salem last month. Ee is fluent speaker, a shrewd politici an and one of the most likable fellows yon ever met KensuuviUeTo 1 Have Hallowe'en Party Sat. There will be a Halloween par ty at the KenansviHe School Sat urday night, which is expected to oner a great aeai 01 ran ana oiean entertainment to the people of Du- The program will begin at 7:45 in the achool auditorium.' where lloween play will be given. After the program the Class Queen will be crowned, followed by the cake waJk.:M4: . .. . The crowd will then go to the gymnasium, where they may play Bingo, take part in dancing the Big Apple, enjoy fortune telling, etc (Befreshmenta will be avail able. and .take part in the fun. 10 Pet Increase Conservation ents . An order from H. A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture has been received by the county agent to the effect that the existing rates of payments, deductions, and allow ances under the 1937 Soil Conser vation Program has been increas ed IQ percent. J 1 ' , t - This announcement will be of much interest to farmers cooper ating with this program. The pay ment of 5o per base lb. on cotton and tobacco diverted which .was promised is increased by this rul ing to 5 l-2c per lb. All other pay ments are increased accordingly. of BeuIavOle, heads the 3. . P. Sandlin Company of Baleigh, 'sell ing agents for the property. ; A free "Jack and Jill Pot," with a pot of money for the men and a pot for the ladies will be given a way free. See the prices at Ken ansviHe Drug Store. ' , The property to be sold belongs to Andrew Pickett of his county and J. H. Height of New Jersey. They have decided to let it go to the highest bidder. This is a won- deriul opportunity to purchase a desirable residential lot tor those who would like to build. , . ' - Oldest Jewish Cemetery ' '- The oldest United States Jewish eemeterv was established In New York In 1028 through permission of I ct. r Sluyvestant It Is maintained i y f fpafl'sh and Portuguese iyo t . . . -re L 'mi. i L iwmJl :;jmvD:3:pm:3fORv::.v:'' RED CROSS J SPONSORS YOUTH ' A comprehensive picture) of ac tivity created by members fif the world's largest organiwttWn of youth,, the Junior Eed CroW, was given yesterday by J. E." teitt, Cross Chanter, who nointed out chairman of the Duplin CeV Eed that the organization functions in 52 countries. , "The erowth of the Junior Bed Cross, not only in the United Stat es but in many foreign cofhtriel as well, has been phenomeneJ," Mr. Jerritt remarked. "We in the adult Bed Cross attribute this great erowth to the fact tfi&t the Juniors have been organized for service, and that there hare' been so many things found by them to be done," The locai cnairman pointed out that members of the Junior1 Bed Cross had been responsible dur ing the past spring, for the inaug- I oration of a recreation and nlav- ' ground service among the ehildren of fiooa lefugees in Bed - Cross camps and temporary shelters a long the Ohio and Mississippi Val leys, thus creating new standards for disaster relief work. Members of the Junior Bed Cross in 111 sec-, turns of the country contributed? toys, books and money fdr this undertaking. Trom the national children's fund maintained by the ju&ior so ciety," Mr, Jerritt said, "appropri ations were made during the year to buy playground equipment and books for children in communities unable to support, such projects and those hard hit by disasters; lunohes were provided fof school children in disaster districts; li brary and schoolbooks for schools destroyed by catastrophes of vari ous kinds, as well as for Schools in mountain or rural area . with out funds for such -' expenditures, were purchased from the fund.".' Be also told of Junior BM Cross groups engaged in work for the blind, including- the orintinfe and binding of books in braille, all fund, The organization also provid ,ed many thousands of mend coven to be supplied mess rooms M ships of the United States naval fleet at Christmas time, and for Veterans XLOSpUUS. "In 36,500 elementary ani high schools in the United States Junior Bed Cross members are actively engaged in a campaign for inter national understanding f through the study of problems amonf chil dren abroad as. well as carrying on a large correspondence with children in other lands," he ex plained ' "A much greater Inder standing of other nations hat been achieved through the exchange of photograph albums, letters, :, and samples - of : handiwork, thereby stimulatixlg an international inter est that would be hard tt incul cate in any other way.w p.y'v,. The Bed Cross ehftirman inii. that at the present time the Amer ican membership of the i Junior Bed Cross had reached the im pressive total of 8,577,19ft boys and girls, an increase of 226,00 ov er the membership figures tor last jrear. xius woxa, ne t eonciuaea. .is sponsored by the America Bed laou, and funds for tuch work come from the annual Boil Call held each vear from WovmW ii through Thanksgiving Day.- ' .nearly ail ox the white schools in Duplin County enrolled tn the JunioryBed Cross last yea4 : and many f the colored schools, thru the efforts of Mrs. Norwtd Boi ey,chairman Jr. Red Cross. She isvery eaxious to ret 'all f the! sAool e- -i'Jed during this year'slroftl t enve, v i is i"w on. Trj cocp-tas eVnt: , i l.ers thr-'rhout,verv NUMBEB 42 Warsaw is laying plans for the ; ( biggest Armistice - celebration in its history, according to reports from the committee on arrange? ments there. The celebration, as n- ' sua! will be held on Thursday Nov- ' ember 11, national Armistice day. Fun will be in store for everyone, the entire week, however as Bans j United States Shows will be there. The day starts off with a parade in the morning at 10 o'clock be irinnine at the enaded school and - ending at the high school Every school in the county is urged to join in the parade. At 11 o'clock . . Flag Raising program by Boy Sc-. outs from all over the county will - be held. At 11 :45 the speaking will take place iiv the high school auditorium. , In the afternoon a football game will be the feature and at night the grande finale, a dance in the high school gym with music by Paul Jones and his orchestra, "the swing band of the land". Watch next week's TIMES for a full account of what will take place, announcement of the speak er and the football teams that will clash in the afternoon. Duplin Man ' Rises Rapidly With A C L. Friends in Duplin will be glad to learn that Mr. James L. Wells of this county, brother of Mr. B. V, Wells, Clerk of Court here, has been transferred from Miami, Fla. to Wilmington to be gener al freight agent for the Atlantic Coast Line, with headquarters in Wilmington. The change became effective October 9th. He will move his family about Christmas. . Mr. Wells first went with .the Coast Line in 1910, working in auditor's office, auditing - freight receipts. In -1917 he volunteered in the War and went to Fort Ogle thorpe; Being, small in stature he was soon returned home. Later he joined the naval reserve and work ed in a Charleston, S, C, account ing department,, traveling for the government setting naval supplies after the close of the War. Leaving the services of the U. S. Government he again resumed work for the Coast Line as assist ant commercial agent in . Miami, ' Fla., in 1922. The following year he was transferred to Bichnvemi7 in the same canacitv where he worked for a year. He was trans-' f erred from Richmond to Sanford, ' , Fla., as commercial agent, stay ing in Sanford for 6 years, when he was again transferred to Miami . as commercial agent At Miami his work covered the entire State Florida and , Cuba.' About three ' years ago he Vas promoted to as-. sistant general freight agent. ' , In brief, this tells the story p. his rapid rise with ; the Atlantic Coast Line. ! - v , . f Mr. Wells was married to Miss : . Louise . Anderson of Warsaw. They, have two children. Man Injured -i: n ii RAnairirsor Cur ' Boland s Potter, i of OullaVs Bridge section,' .was hurt at I ring's Store when a jack und car he was repairing slipped, 1 ting the car fall on hik face. 1 is in a hospital in Kinston w' his condition is considered , ' seriousrv?l.vv':i'i-",?:i;V . 'i Pottef 'was reported t'X beer caught by a part of the weight of which f cheek bones and aero: tearing his nose If"--skull and exposing i, Mihovh he g car wa s t r U.1 t arprecit. 1 nnnft

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