t It -aioners 111 - tsve r-- r tf t '.I "i f X :n Tiaf 's t I 1 1 re- Lutitj ..-vutjl Cf CCTCSS 23TIL 1837, 1 I ! Jo.' j ISL . ci r.y ! .fir t tie la&ti "f " CuSatj Mil! " . If . s L -te tf C ... . t' -f i - r " ' f.' - i C " -i" j i'a very ' .,Lr!iLiared . s' i --L..'.iiiji&t use j u some t Ltft fitJIy. s preparations t t".a Cciment aecei leasee. .? ,., i -for "r-Cextl-Lb' law cot- ; t tt: - n:. -f con 71S8 of t'CH. ...I Titles reads at -"s;f.lVj:;' '-' .. ! : . .. ! -? " ' in 7 ' BY J i .. 1 - it Vt 3t;. "J f a? I. Mrm f t ; vr ttnw any ty rwi aiict&i iti a tcn- ."S- i -:rtr,M late of thii IV-1 r ' ' vil 1" -a nclawfuT. An 17 ' I Ti bsrvtliia dray a cm tie tzzi itora couater ia at. - uk nunn oemgs, tUUn saaka itraag friaadahlpa' faff which then U aita.axplaneiUon.-Por initanoa, a ut mually Jooka upaa a rat ai ooe- coursa . dinner, but .Buddy, the kitty ihown above, haimade quite a pal of a white: rodent. Both are owned by Joseph Lan: "tlgne, of Albany. -, Marco, an Aus tralian ' "honey bear," -rompe with his friend, Napoleon, the po lice dog. They're, in Hollywood. ' , ii tf tie :s ai a f At, -W tie 1 tie Cea;l':-s, ii L 3 ta c-"trKtt.U 1 tr.r:rs, aiLJoui. sta.-.ta-eslr .3- lie rt 9B'.iLilitT for hit 1 1 ,. druggist who -wjig liiaiJiwrand iUg' 1 "ami in ' inch c ,5-i i 1 and ia ad- ill. 1 ' j r ' Vi iltinf one of oif el : I tzimt to uj that , tiraejaont the State 4 rerlsrlrj distinct aerrioe 'I - r i "Knw sun. we rcepimuusy ir tae treat- It ' - . "'.1 . Muy xemaa aajneat X taeat tadindaili Boon f I! t rS-r"'- -fftflirriln -i. 1 1 .--,, li-i .iJ-w ,'f'' -""r'-'HrtiairiiaMigiMii V V 1. , lis. .11. rcDaffy, of Kaeford, who hai been ipending tometime with Her daughter, sirs. D. Hew- ton returned home Friday, We are glad to report that Kit. Be Cooper,, who hai .been JB1 for toe. past few days ia much improY ed at this time. ; r Mrs. H. F. Byrd spent Wed. in ,uolasboro., - Mrs, Carson Boone of Goldsboro, is spendine; ,ie wekend with, her mower, mrs. Annie jrauon, ; : v Miss Ethel Owens of Greenville College apent the weekend with ier parents, :tJlx,T and JIrs.'X S. Anions; those who attended the district meeting of j the - Hnsio cinbs at Sosehill Saturday l ;Ih window tox shocld - ba at I least eight inches deep. A layer of ismau broken stones over Cm bot tom will facilitate drainaa, One or two holes in the , bottom will permit (orpins water to drain oat fL. BT JAMES R POPS ; ft Washington, Oot ijTWtine the White Honse and reading the biographies of its former tenants. 1 s ' txl J. . - , W 4 wo piagosa waa me conncuon that there's nothing' new ; under the guttering sun not em CLASSIFIED in the New Deal or President ftoose velt's classical utterances, nor in were I the acensatioiis and charMa. vit- Mrsi.A. tt-.Witherington, MnJjH.fnperatiye and otherwise, brought PIAUO Due to previous purchax era inability to complete con tract, we will transfer to any re sponsible party for the balnea due, beautiful upright piano. XL's iano looks almost like new ani fnHy guaranteed. Credit ' glassy waanged. Por particulars where i piano may be seen, .write 1X3 PIANO CO Iynchburg, Ta. Oct? U, 81, 28, pd. J Fv-Byrd, Mrs, 0 L,-Taylor.' Mrs. Ernest Taylor, Mrs; J. E. Faison, Miss Bailie Hill, Mrs. , Bail, Mrs. McColman, and Mrs. -Edward Hill Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edgerton had as guests for the...weekend'rMiss Patsy Wheelie. of Mass.. and their daughter, ,EdnaEarle,r of college. -Mr; and Mra."3. P. McColman spent the .weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L Jr. Henderson, Of. Wallace. by Kew Deal castigators. We seed 'only to turn back a few pages of American, history when, , lo,- we nave the same, political dramas, comedy skitvand the same locale, with claques and hecklers behav ing much , the same manner they have behaved since the birth of politics; Only the actors and the stage hands are sew. Let us consider the Roosevelt iPBIOHT PIAKO . only 4 feet 8 laches high.' Mahogany ease. Will $68.60. Cash or Tsrns. Write the KtDD-FBIX CO. P.O. Box 145. QOLD6B0BO. H. C. Mrs, Katherin, Thompson, of K , administration and the blactnir is. fli f A, A.1.W ' t a ' n i ... C. T. Ci spent the weekend with her; parents, Mr. and Mrs,; W. I hompson. .-. . 1 as a fact Cat durirj'fysiciana 1 jtax cndlsg June, S3,iiatezi fk ners preeea 1 ; .:.r jzLx to tie is i rcs<ion ,tlat ; .the j rt'aoti it osl'lai sc-s ly tie act a : '.1 asi tlat lt ",.':a is sot in exeats "i cf the amount by r .;jti,M:sr8saia.: lie jroceeilr hal by i st m Wsular meeirv r is, . i(, auuonst- ' sol Tsn.lt be axi tie ' repeeki and that I Crier be e4c;ted is who . are aware of the the ue af this druar t-1 wt as is pwidkm to supcr tl Ces esscl zt treatment" S, - 13 IT t tla T;si4 af Cost' f tie Cotisty f Dnp- a, as fellows: 1. Tamest to " Tie i?tf rartiCer 1, Unit of tie Carolina, t . to be is- "M pi -'-si a - 2 :.1-A for ; 1 sreiaafier desorib- ! s rwceeda' ef said f'T'-Icl iciilv ,tei CaYPaCO Tie, r t-7er Associatios wia zaiZif slrht rovemb- er 1st at 7:C3 o'elock. A rtsod'pro gmm baa bees arranged and a WZ pcToeste of careste is ex- pectea to ee ftesest- O. asl JZa. Xobert Britt and duster Ass, af Wilmington, JZzt. Tstrmter and Hss LLiabeth rorrester of ITertS " WCkesboro, !:t Caniyr w!3f Mrs, Sallw Kr. ami Brs. Xobert Farrior. of Ctase, :t the, weekend with L ;. anl I .s. 7z-a T. Albrittos. sr. 1 rsn.' W. Cterhess ai f r ;t Xanra CorJos . are ai" S2v;-J dsys witb friends T C 4 Xitt bu . return. e 1 f. a visit witb Miss Tirginia i s ia i.w sen. - ; Is r-ty rerriBg spent the weekend at L!. 1 . ae ia Beaufort. ULi CixeiTS Ijatie visited her sister Ers. Carence Pope in 1- aoiia Cir.iir Ce wtana. . .Kid Velma Gimrnit . innt 1 TOB- w wj tae weekend at ner home in ' t-rl .s. Paul TyiZ& and H. E. i" '' Caolisa-Tu- leased C d L.lz. iy ;.ri-' t T ' i" virlici Jier 5i. - ) FicJian, of Balefh during the weekend. ' l"r. ami Ilrs. Cordon Crice, of GolLboro spent the weekend with ?. ani I" 3. J:-;-C-ioe. ' 1 " A!!.ert Tice is cii-ically ill in tLe ClLloro EorlM IL ari IT. W J. Uteris s!: : 1 ia CoIi,Wi C .rl'v, I.v. Iiiy Tidis jr ltd at t.e". ssrvie at ue T - " r ia tLa absence cf i t j cr i t t i '1 be ... 4. 't. t cf tie : County t Clerk of ' -3TS ef to pub- - JTtllle was a New Xbrk ipaniaL she roamed the streets hontalan aad hungry. Har eight puppies all died shortly after they were bom, be cause the-pear thing had beta undernourished. But in a home for stray animals tfellia found elgbntw-boni kittens who had lost Chair mother. She adopted them and they adopted hr, proving that there is always an outlet for 'motomrJaV r-'v'--'. -.-v'i.v 1 'Plcwred 'faalowaind'.'hat 'saSnsi brood ia-anothar Vodd atdteal affection. "Tha Blbla'lari That ihmrmll enma Mma tshm rh. Kn. .-j lamb shall lia down- togetbar,- and hare la tha King of Beaata practicing pior the occasion with hla bosom pl, a Httla black dog. Thair owner Is MravA-Jt, Nannettli of dakland. Cali if FAISOM COTTOH MABXET 8TB01TO ALL OF SEASON The Cotton Market at ; Fatson has been: strong all of thii autumn with buyers competing k for- all kinds and grades. Early 1his week in Faison the cotton market was 8 1-2 to 91-2 cents per pound. BEAR. IV1ARSH 'The'' Mrs. Skipper circle of the W; UT V. of Mt. Olive ' Baptist ahd rendered a very impressive program.' i Miss Hilda Davis was in Green ville for the' weekend visiting with menu is the college. , Miss WOma Dixon,' of Stantons- burg spent the weekend with her home ioBcs here. ' Mrs. C M. Ivey, of Summerlin Cross Bead spent the day last Friday in the home of Mrs. J. E. bwlnson. sues enveloping it in J937 in comparison with the administra tions of the two great patron taints of all Democrats Thomas Jeffer son and Andrew Jackson and the red-hot issues of their tumult uous times. Soosevelt now is ad mired, feared or bated for his constitutional or unconstitutional extra-legal short-cuts toward court packing, crop control and . wage hour dictatorship. Epitomio of all Roosevelt antagonism of today are the recent utterances of the learn ed Dr. Glenn' Frank, who decried LAUD FOB BENT I have 9 acres fot rent Good for 3 acres of to bacoo,3 of corn and 3 in cotton. If interested see or write. B. C. HOWELL, Mt OUve, N. C, BU. Oct. 28-pd. FOB SALE Two good Tobacco farms. For information call at J. McB, Grady's residence on Seven Springs - Kenansville Highway, near Holt's Store. Oct. 28. Nov. 4-Pd. exceeded his constitutional power. Many newspapers of that period printed cartoons and editorial car icatures depicting a crowned "King Andy" sitting on a dicta tor's throne! Furthermore, the Senate, probably with the thous ht of proving to the world that it was no mere rubber stamp, refus ed to confirm President Jackson's ad interim nniwiintmmt. f Vntntr our most valued institutions and b. Taney as secretary of the trea "emergency leadership", and vow- gUry. This same Mr. Taney later ed his "uneasy sense that spate of 1 became Chief Justice Taney of the traditions can no longer be taken I Supreme Court, in which capacity for. granted." Dr. Frank's words he wrote that famous document, or will at least serve as a concise summary of all that which stands for anti-Booseveltism in 1937. What would they have said the able Dr. Frank and all these worshipers at the shrine of Thom as Jefferson had they lives back in low when Resident Jenerson saw and seized upon a first rate opportunity for dickering with the Boyd Walker, a student of i war harassed and financially em :3ffwwHWWj Kim Campbell College was home the church visited with Miss Annie Swinson last Monday afternoon past weekend, y , Mrs., J. E. Swinson and Bennie Bell spent awhile Sunday after- barrassed napoleon, and came a- way after trading him some small pocket change for that vast do main lying west of the Mississippi Biver known as the Louisiana 1 Purchase with the "dust bowl" L, noon in the Seven Springs section. " Mrs. T. E. Bell and son, Delmas visited Mrs. Bell's sister, Mrs. Lo la Miller, of Faison Sunday. We are very much delighted to know the tin for! covering the church has been purchased and is on the- church ground ready for the work to begin. - - Mr. Griffin, of Dunn, was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dixon Sunday evening. ; Mrs. M. E. King, .of Washing ton,, JK C, was home last week end. . Furs or feathers, it really makes "little dif ference.' Above, - an A us- trallan Tabby throws a paw. about harlpaV tht cockatoOi .. ' At right ia a . bea in a Chicago suburb. - usprivea oi per cniciu, aha" adopted a brood of. eollia duds. 1 ' - v ' rtlaUtake ti: r f. J H -".!! Itlf! : it. - U S-- JL V. ft t i f r t' e ';'And Just to prove once mor that mother love knows no bounds t animal life, wa present this kind-hearted kitty who adopted a brood of fcltty yellow chicks,"' ". '"8 . .-; ...,.s : V, , r. ' . Herbs Give Zest ( : it,'.;.'. ...J.. - ?v ' i To Many Dishes During Winter I Spring ia in the kitchen all winter for those fortunate people who have an herb garden in a window box or even is a few flower pots, , .' , .. 'v (Basil, chives, summer savory sweet majoram, thyme,, and pa ley are a few of .the herbs - Jthat can be grows indoors through the winter1, said Cornelia C." Morris, extension marketing specialist "at ttate:Cones'.t-vt;-i'-&iw These herbs, she added, will add eest to many a winter dish. Pars ley, for example, can be used fresh or dried and its flavor combines wn witli ; egg,5 meat, and vegeta ble disheJa.'S--yix;:.-' .The cleve-flavored leaves and flowers of basil and the young thrown in for good measure I .Neither the President nof Con gress had the constitutional au thority, express or. implied, to purchase this or any other foreign territory. The land was already involved because of war bttween France and England. President Boosevelt today could not legally purchase all or any part of China or Spain even were he able to ac quire both for less than half of what he spent on TugweUtown. At first it was proposed that Pres ident Jenerson put through an amendment to the Constitution which would give him the author ity necessary to consummate the Louisiana Purchase, but , there came a hurry call to the fffect that Napoleon might back down, or that the British would . seize! the territory. Jenerson consulted his Drain trusters or college sophomore and they advised against delay. The deal was made in open disregard for any or all constitutional limi tations. K ..S. much regarding President Thomas Jefferson's short-cuts and hurdles in overcoming objections and circumventing objector! to the "achievement of reasonable objectives," and his technique in tunneling obstacles left by ;' a Constitution which he considered had failed him in his country's need; for "emergency leadership.' lniamous, depending on your personal views the Bred Scott de cision. More than a centry ago an un employed country school teacher dreamed dreams, and partly be cause one of his dreams proved too realistic President Boosevelt was forced into the perplexing predica ment of calling a special session of Congress for November 15, 19 37. Another incident, more than a century old but wholly unrelat ed to the dreaming professor, help ed to intensify this dilemma and laid the groundwork for Mr. Boo sevelt s allegedly business paralyz ing session now in the offing I Al so, one fresident was an official hangman. What I Who? The answers wiL appear in my column next week. New Dairy Move ment Underva in Mountains Small dairy farmers ia mountain counties of westc. North Carolina have already cap tared a $200,000 annual mil!, business from other states " plans are underway to greatly pand the industry as fast as p tures, cows, barn and other equi ment can be added. About 1,000 farmers in B combe, Madison, Henderson. ' Mitchell and Yancey counti" sold over $200,000 worth of mi for manufacturing purposes to th Biltmore Dairy Farms near Ashe ville and E. D. Mitchell manager of the farms, says that facilities will be expanded to take care all the milk produced by the r operating farmers. ' , Milk ror have been established and cent gathering points have been locat ed. for. the convenience of th farmers "interested in selling t! milk''aad'.creani,."-;".5i;-: . The movement is sprerdi - needier emergency leaorsmp otflef , ft y, u T;,"- ittW ml fat the nearby foothil oomparison with President Boose- Sfc TJTi Z v velt's maneuvers of today. Now' what about Andrew Jack- tender leaves of chives lend a detl;. - r-v, ,wm -iiicmocracy--m wnai way oia m: Farnham, dairy extension specb1 1st of State. College,' oooperatir with the county farm, a?' Small demonstration pact mUSt I Th faram ulliV. th. i f r .at . A tr - .'9 -4 t.9 Ci iarl' i x i''ty Ua ' ' C t aM f it. ii "j ia f:.flt. erson's, and how did it serve as i' trau-blaser for Mr. and some of his pet or proposals ? r.,l.-' 1;; " ..--' $ ..President - Andre X Jackson's conception of Tories and economic royalists had personification ta the directors of the . United States lhave from two to about 15 each and the checks which receive each two weeks run about f 12 to $75. Y IWja. .4-t. -4f AL. . 1-.- Bank; His first objective in Wliti,.;.-?. ed European mint 1 popular, for meat and poultry dressings. v '" v -fhrert majoram, a native of Me diterranean countries, is' much sought by people who come te A- mercia from those' 'regions ' and are fond of the pleasing odor and aromatlo taste of 'this' i herb in soups, meat pies, and dressings. r Herbs grows in a window box do best is a south window where they can get plenty of sunlight They should- be planted is good soiL A good soil consists of one part well rotted cow manure and three parte food' garden loam. ine ideal sou has as its founda- w raw puub. auu uieinf all mm ut. S rotted manure, -aome sand, and l! bank. This was carried out hfle .v. j .a . awi, i uouo meai. tontrress was not i'Biff kn till s.J torop-Mvand aor..i.- r. . yJJZZZT 7," een out t-7 Yarr:t tLat may be in f nate voted a censure the , - lesiJent, declaring that h'. ; tad bur milk cows they from mi)l-the -w , --.4..-, B quantity ex urade "A milk w iSPW8! .Iprodnced for th, retail trade. wit xoui century iiora maran.i . t.T i . . . r . I " wiuuua says , wuicauuiia Bit ? rteni.B;orth4 Carolina Jackson ordered the z withdrawal f i. k ii.." .. is now definitely Jftn the ., way 'to become a great milk producing section. The lush pastures; lack of wild onions, the cool nights , and " pure running water available en every farm 'tend to make? dairy r