ihat Thar Learn at z:l const of the natural wells near Uagnolia appeared Im out . nnty newspapers a few yean ago. The account, written t lia, is substantially ai follows - ' v .1 aa isolated sandloU near the lgnolia-Delway highway,' ' t cie and a half miles from this little Duplin County town, : Tiral WelLi of njaaa.' . . , r . . . f ' t Lr.it one of these two water-Oed holes, according to . 1 ;,-?ni has no bottonv and if geel ista or others hare er- , L rated differently no one here blows anything about it l..:y generations ago so far back, that people hereabouts 1 not remember these wells were discovered in theij isolated 1 r -Irjs, amid dense, natural growth. Presumably they are Bow ; . ,t as" they were hack in the forgotten past ' Dim outlines of ;Jj lead to the brink of the' wells, for hundreds hare visited, i them through the yean. Traffic now speeds along the nearby , road. Occasionally peop-indiridnally, and in groups, walk. throu-h the underbrush to Tiew these wonders that nature has ; ' provided, but they go away as greatly pooled as ever. And man " has never been able to do much about the mysterious waer hoi- - ' People of .the Magnolia section take the wells as a. matter . of course.: The wells are too ancient to be news. They still hold ' their secret) just as they did when discovered back in pioneer, fcys. . ' They cannot be classed as a wonder that would attract . throngs, for it must be admitted that a hole of water is not much to look at especially if it js a hole that man does not dare to explore beneath the water's surface. Sot they remain just as na ture hft.1BUw!'fr?fW: t"u& k-1 rC '" - The wells, are located on Jand owned, by BvJT. Groves. One of them is very large, being about 100 feet across, i The watef in this wen rises to about 35 feet of the land leveL" ' The walls f ' ef it go down in precipitous fashion: In times past steps were : cut into the sides oftheweE, thus "enabling peo go to; the water'iedge, but these hare new been; obliterated. Timber, , seme of it several inches in diameter, grownup to the edge of the J hole, and it is said that several large oak trees hare been blown ever into the; well, disappearing entirely from sighf A huge; log now lies acroa the well and apparently is held in its present; . position hythcroott. er--4-, ''V Legend has it that 'Minethins; like 1W. yean ago a man , named George Xiulon: wan" determined to sound out the depth : of the large well.'; He nnraTefcd a worn' stitching, which had been knit from materiaLmuch stronger than that from which the sheer hosiery- of the present time is made ; tied 'a weight to ' one end of the string ana let down as jar as at ssnng woum DEFOBX she is tent aloft JD to keep airline pas ' : aengerst comfortable and I' happy,- ma- air-stewardess ' most learn . the - ropes- In : special classes, such as the ones conducted at Kansas Oty, Mo, and pictured . hare. ,., v . The atria, most of whom -are graduate nurses, must bo taught the proper man ner In which an air stew . ardess greets passengers at A aw door of a plane; how j to more about in the aisle; What to say and what not to (ay in conversing with "passengers; the eorreet way to serve hot food pre f pared in the plane's buffet; how to make up a berth neatly and correctly t (ai pictured at right); the cor- . rect make-up of faee r ; j. . ' . 1 t r t ..Ian. li . i re is a r ', t "j r . ... .i t i a .'i i 7 t s 1 i' ;n -s. I i r s i" " " y ia f i! t' t ii s i j . r&rlf. t i . 1. j tic f r. I t tie e-i:ance to t L-rs t -e is a sr-n? sin ':.id - ia l-"e Mteis,' " lis Ij C - Vuii PAIIII v For TLo"i ..a Care." Cne oant nails. ' vnaiiH lnrtmei bottom was found. ' - Another attempt was made later, acooroing w me swry, l determine the hole's depth. This time Major Taylor, , now. dead; tied a dock' weight, whidh 'provided momentum for the . old-time docks, to a cord 60Q feet long and Jet it down But this 1 effort to sound the depth was, like Linton'v a failure, and thus folks hereahoksaaS( 1iuf teHia nd bottom.' They have fomd , " no one who' can authoritatively dispute the alala?.rn. As fai aa known neither of the wcDs bar inlet or outlet , i' JTo streams are nearby, but,- accofdmto hwar reaidents, thef water seems to be pure. It is as deai as that found in any isandr. ' hill stream. A few minnows have been seen darting through the v water,- butif there are any larger fish orother life in the. wells s one Jiere seems to 'know.r;:: - There was a time when the wells attracted attention of sci entists, and it is said that in years past seVeral westenLuniverv titles sent representatives here to. investigate them. It is also said that a group of scientifie'iJen from .Washington made am . ' investigation.- It was' not learned here what the iiflds of these ; ' men were, or whether they ever definitdyf determined what cans-L ; as the wells, k H" " ''r". - t v "Apparently the- wells are just as much a mystery as they ' were a century and a half ago, or. perhaps, longer when ttey were discovered; ' Certainly, their . seereto still remain , n the ;; depths of thewatei' ai far at' IsagnoHa people know.'; School Mosrrapbie have mentioned them along.with other phenomena; - of the State, it is said, but tab much remains to be deternuned,. where doe the water com from and where does it go ;r :f f and, docens of other -J. A A prospective stewardeM -must be of tomewhat me- ' , 'ehanlcal bent, too, for sue , must 'understand ' inatruc-: -" Moo Jn the bnflding of an '- alrMher; in the heating syftem of the cabin;- why ; and how a plane flies, and f the duties anf ability of the i pilot while aloft' r . help tut t' ' as one hurries by on tie h';"iay"yest Well, who jaresl" " ' : Eeemi as Hood's Drug fitore, in Einston, is an excellent place for picking up unusual stories, relieve it or not, this juler of rosy words was in there a cocjle of days t;o and saw a tight hith erto unknown to man. Something came in tl door, and on dose sxaminatlr it proved to be a wrinkled c. j Indian, with flowing black hair r i a tea-gallon hat. lour " cor. :ndeut stealthily trailed tin; t, jocjhthe maze of cossten r J tables of the drug lepartesnt, where the mysterious herb doctor proceeded in awery :ommonpksi way to buy his herbs. Tut, tut, such a disappointment I 'CL !':tributionof xrcstry ' Seedlings 1 ' . il X. A. lattay,' District1 forester ) r:?etteville, announces that f e fall of ' 1937' and ' the r of 1938. two and a ' half a forest tree' seedlings' are lie at the State Forest Hur- rtvet Clayton, H. C, which is 1 by the Forestry Division : I. artments of Conservat- 1 Eopntent?";' i- act Jrorester. ' urges , I : Plans are underway to double, ; Forest vrrW.IWi A lcal ""I-wWeh might b served aloft to an airline msW i the rau oi IVSS ana me spring wouia mcwoe fried chicken orJamb chops, potato chips, frolt aalkdV of 1939. i.) ing at the nursery consist of lob-1 lolly or old field pine, longleaf. pine, short leaf pine, black locust white aa) and slash pine." The slash pifle is not a native tree of ITorth Carolina and its' planting is recommended only in an "expert1 mental way in most of the eoun ties of the state; ' v : '- l-' ' i eoffee and but. By the way. your typinr tattle- hde hu found a very staple neana of drterrokj how hih tabaoco is t Ulr? in any -given market wiUiout lavir; to follow ales and l'i at bills. Ton merely Aok into warehouse, count the number of drunks, within 80 feet if. the bookkeepers ofnee, multi ply by five, and divide by two. Ihere you tare the average price .'or, the day's sales mpyae. At tiy rat if 'ere'are c,l.j a few atppy xarrcTi reeling about arm is am inq jring for ' the' AXC jtore yon may feel confident that pnces. ,re rMM if ti-y trt sitting on t -sri,. tobacco with( sacjy soser- errreesiorst en tLeir drawn rr J T? .mey Je -e:-' asconfsi.t that,pricti areJow. k Welti I see between the sr pnBe wi?- ut tvs q-rl ' M bus Dai - e inA- . r- me that U 3- is - 's U.'3, h sew ma-to . rarr.cf t'er I neef to U daj, so J'lJ see yoa .SdlTrcco j On H' i:-rl zt InVi!nNow "f It Ms' Byc6et.,lfc-Wajnwrf!;ht)' vIlA T faSMMelTSul .leaf J'f tilantimr t.h.iA Over Xlfj million forest 7 to apply for Ihe plant X Applicationt and an '.s of terms of distribu- f liable at the District; c::ice at the above ad- v,jw sjw saaav sjaivvej) sm" . .".am the' state Forester' ffS 'treer- were planted in the United States 1 but year on Federal forest land, and the son" astern, states- dis tributed f J il. a ten to Fri rate ind. Jlaals from State L'ar- iae appiicauons are : c i Jer they are reeertv ET.-yi exhausted. I -.a the supply of . Uca eonal to the de- If you are interestca in settis trees this fall or sprin fct in touch wi'Jt Kr. Lattry at I'ayette ville or Ealph 21Ier, XLa Co. Forester will be glad .to; assist and ad vise you. .'VPs jCset at COXCO.CCO pom: 1 4 , s.ajon,, the ti V?on tobacco , nif '.et cs7Bed . off r its r inth week of -selJrr this year i ith the(8le.of 81,7(10,000, lbs. i v hcih t an, official average 11 , I, , - , i f t .1 'ay's', activities : will 'mark -Tmaer lr-' ,ftior this great i- xr ax i & viotuaaas Of farm- i here to get more money for t- eir prodit are watching the (..Torts on W part d the tales acrs ii carrying' tieir each .1 tyty 1 t to -a very rbr:"'j fjint. ld k,vie price fur'to y is to faU ever last ; "s tj '.jt 1 tar evu ever l , e I h l is tl-t 1 --ay . i : " e f r 'i cf t"7- s feT't Tiii ' s, a .d ia t a j ' j I t -! i s, r- j c ;n Sue w&L, - ia i . are I 1 t '."t J'- -y c 'i (- -r T C2ADT, Edllor-Owner ' in rcrr cffict, kenansvuxe. n; J us are usually used for meals in the slcv. but tha "4 (as shown above) in the liner's compact bullet verwaro tlet t.;s s - f - i2 f li V. I -1 Af' r i ' Sf-l ' cf e 7 t i i t i u ' in , c-t 7 j r I p "j. r ' i ' j s r: "I et a r et 3 ; 11 4i : J - " : ") t-i ttts tt tLe , at tie 1. -t.ltoe T -" Uta,t : t a ft 1 1 - ' ii..- n Joe E. r .ae, I it p - Mvi;; feiday, Eoyrrra jis: - -'SATURDAY'S HZriCZiS v ; L 1.. ' j t r.rfcfTB f on, X V;" 1A,V. . ' M " ' " JACS BASDAL ' ' r r r i.rrc.iTEbj.nssmi'lii'-: 1 p . '--".i v' i-i . :,..: - ' V- L . i. : : ccurmiY eggs, Czf FLCU?.,...,12L:.::c,2ir :L A 73, 4 Lb b:1 U v 111 ' O Till f '