a i Licet ia Rccell SztezC-j c the Southeast-, Ers. Frank Cheek, president I f the North Carolina the Tennessee Federation wasan " asio dubs held in (honor visitor, and told of the work rresbyterian church, in her state ia an interest way. , in i - 1 . ' TTi. finnthftAKtern Di&triCt tiXtO- . xae State President,' CorreU, of Baleigtt, em- b need of music in com- , a i : .1..4 1 "i Carolina rates higher j l eases of the work, than ority of the states, leading e Rational Federation in the . tment of Eusio in the Some, -1 uhich Ers. L. 'A. Wilson of r trriiiii ii state chairman, sod standing second in ' the junior work, of which v Eiss Katherme C jans, of Charlotte is .-State Counselor, The state it also among Ce highest in the rating of sot- era! other departments. i T4ATTT5T.TE Good Grade i W Y v. KKH'S WOBX SHOESi- MEFS WOKE SHIRTS. ICRAMER'S DEPT. STORE EOSEHHX, v0RTH CAEOLEJA Waiiams' Art Wave Shop E0SEKLLL, HOtt CAJUUUI&. .oooooeooooooooo Prescriptions Accurately, Filled , QUALITY DBtfGS AND SlTEDZXElS AT BEAS05ABLE PBICES TBY OUB FOUXTAUr 6E&VICS Miller's Drug Stcyei ; ; EOSEHELL, KOEI3 CAE0LCTA 1 V ml ROSEHILL "THE FABEZE'S 8T0BE" B0SEBTXa nSupply -? Heeds. Whether It Ca : tor, Ers. John Eorns, of Golbo- to, presiaea. mr uw m..-.-. had been given fytoltor.lUk TToi-nai nf UnHfthQL the gUCStS were wuuvuicu vj president, Krs. fi C. Karsnau, am4 vBinnnan was made bT ' Ers. W. A. FrenchVof Wilmington. The following sUte chairmen were present, nd tautea ox vne ,, wot of the various departments: Jun ior Crabs, Iius Jfcameruw uvg gans, of Charlotte; Junior Compe titiye Festivals, Ers, H. E. Eo Alister, of Lnmberton; ILusio Club Magasine, Ers. I. Butler, of Lnmberton; florin varowui whu- LAiIiS COATS $5.95 to $10.95 Children's Coats i : $2.93 to $5.95 Ladies' SiKc Dresses $K3to$S.95 -. Towels, 10c, 19c and 25c (BOYS' BHES3 SBIBTS J 4So I3ED TICICCfa ' - XO. up mGLB BMSXBTS : - Vta TtT.ATTrET9 ' 1.49 and Homespun 8 1-8 and 8 l-2o yd. ymmTflrarfl md LADLES GALOSHES 87o Ladies' Shoes $1.49 and $2.95 . $1.49 to 83.95 J 48c to 87c u Look Yoiir BestI ENJOY the confidence of knowing you are perfectly groomed. IrreitiBle curls 'that fall softly and naturally. Pattern-. ed for you individual: features. TRADITG CO. OAECLCIA Fccc3 Fey tl .i Mc3Ty tiEmrcl f ' . ' " 1 w.J W... rosersTErs. r-y I'sriis, of Eal t V, llailo ia t j Y , I'rs. L. a.' vs-cn, tf r. 1 i l mu- ... a v T " A. 3.0, 1 ? Xr 7 . t .ciuuut, r tiLs r-"-: l on ine B -j muri f l rrt -1 WC1C a:1!, 1 " t, I re- UCCUl VllJf . , - ton and Ut. Clive. Xuncieon wus7hitfieid, and t rs I -.'ca t mil in tha nnspmenx 01 w Eethodist Church. Th nftpmnon tro!?ram directed by Eiss Fannie IL 3wis, of Eich-Tt-Gtridt Junior Counselor, was given by the Junior Clubs of j Eew Bern, Eount OUve, Bichlands, Eosehill, Fremont, Boiasporo, ,w- mington and Kinston. r . -i. Program of musical .;, anmben for the day follows: : "Impromptu A la. Eongroise," Paul Lacome, Eesdames B F. Ec- Colman, A. H. Witherington, HeT- ia CluB FaJsoUrt '. -.v-i - , W Sa Loved the World' Earks; 'The Xord Is ,Ey Shep herd," Foster Jftom jwswuu viuu . oflnirH H Vinne.w Schubert- jUszt, Eiss Ivor Aycock, Schubert Club, (Fremont, i ' ; - - "Impatience," Schubert, : . Er. JmIto. Accomuanist. Ers. Paul Webb, Eorehead City Clnh. .Vii VArte. Vissi D Amore. IT. ToscaL Puccini: "Sex Kusa- baum," Schumann, Ers. Laurence X1 1 f ' 1 - . ; Bradsher, acoompanist, En. ueor gia Lee Bynum, Major and Einor Club, Goldsbofo, 0-s:'i:i "Hoctnrn ia E Flat," Chopin, translated by Sarasate ; "Ziguenei Weisen," Sarasate, Ers. Erio Nor den, acoompanist, Mrs. Horace Pearsall, Thursday Morning Club, Wilmintrton.' ...iii-i- J$::r.Z. . "Th Baanr.M Nevin. Eisses Lucy Jones, Fattie Jones, Virgin ia Jones, accompanist, Juss jmto- thy Barnes, Earmpnio - Club, Et Tav TyrBntn." Liszt: - "Go Down Eoses," Folk Spiritual, Ers. Osccal Fusseli, Miss aauueea jtus selL , , " Selections, J. D. Jerome, accom panist, Eiss Buth Fusseli, " Bose hill Club. . Luncheon, in Methodist Church basement. Eiss Bosa Farrior. ' -1 JTTN10B MUSICAL PEOQKAM Bfflv Bov. Song, ihvthm Band. Nrw Bern isainriT ""June Showers," Bilbro; "March of the Wee Folk,'? Gaynor, Alice Sylvester, Kicnlands. "Bv the Camn Fire.? Thomnson, Edwin Tenters Steed, Bichlands.: Turkish Earch" (The Bums of : Athena V Beethoven. Eisses Buth FusseU and Annie K. Bard- en, BosehilL - - - x - IDrowa: Tmpromptu," i Heller, Kenneth Wilkins, Et. Olive. "At the - Donnybrook Fair," Scott, Lillian Boberts, New Bern. '"Trois Eccoises " Chopin, Eun el Pippin, Fremont "Pranks." Williams.-! Harriett Thompson, Goldsboro. " ' "Toccatina," Bach; f'Xhe ; Bos ary," Kevin, Monica Jackson; Wil mington, . "Liebstraum.'' Lisrt-Thomwon. Charles Thompson, Ooldsboro. , i i .. Halloween in i liioseisui ocnoui . ' The Athletic Association of the Eosehill School will: snonsor Hallowe'en program at the school hnildins1 on Fridav nisrht. October 29. The proceeds wOl be used for hnvinc haakethalUL and otner atn- Ic' io supplies. The publio is invit ed.-'V -i i x Den't let ccld vca- Cir caleli yea nep- Let r 3 pre pr.re ycu . mm-. enr fcr cc.J v;c?.- G-3 v: F.c i. r-. The Girl Scout work, which ms enjoyed ia EosO 1 1 -.t viz' i under the direction of I " s If e ..... . . . v n. uunftn m l.o idhj b wm discontinued dirir? tls s - J- mer montLa, but it 1 s L'.'a i". :t ed again this Tall. t' 8 f - : capable and entLuJ'ie 1 s in charm. A meetiE 1 is hell ea.th week. at which the attendance is very good. ' However, the Soouts ana v:c-jt xam . aututjuoo job ox tisja-l activities ta the weetlv racelrrs only. Their chief interest aow ii in irettin? two rooms ia an office building ready far a regular meet ing place, and in fact a place tnan thT inn nail their SooUt home.' ' ' Th Goldsboro Girl Scouts have been invited to come and give a demonstration of an ideal , Scout meeting;. i -- 5 , Dallas, Herrinj -Phi Beta ICcppa . Dallas Eerrine. of BosehilL senior at Davidson College, -. has just been elected to Fhi Beta Kap pa; ranking American Honorary Bcholaiitut Fraternitv. ' "' To ,be eligible for this honor a student mustmake an average ex 94.8 for three consecutive .. years in college. ., r" , The Times extendi aongratula tions to Balhu. How many more nf anr Dnnlitt Conntv students will be honored bv Phi Beta EacnaT It is a worthy goal for any student ROSEHILL PERSONALS '"I Eisses Ethel James . Tonag, and Elizabeth' FusseU, E. C. It 0. students were at. home for - the weekend. , . . , . t ' Mrs. Katie Teachev is snendinsr Teachey,,wmenme m-wasmngwn, u. u, ' ' J ' UUUU U W VUUUUUWVU VJWWWw w WW O O o o o o o o o o o a o o t i. o o ; o " t . 1 4 o o , o o o o o o ! o i: ; ; o o o ' ' fTn '' o f ' I1' o , "ft- t vfr n -t-v ,,r: 11 r I ' y Eent tie .. : ii-'y, of i :.-,( i lis. v. '., .. ' . ' i, v. ere ,i cJt it tjwn, fet- 1 ii f 1 3 I ; ;t ef :.Jof E.S. JLn- i 1 1 t v : . L.1 s I" n.a HLch rD"", i i V K, u o ia a s.iunt ai juoi- j was ft home for the wk- e.'l t ; Times E. r.lLi is speniing sonctiie in I luiaioni, Va. 3rs. E. S. ' -rs has returned from a vLlt v.L"i Lor sLtcr, lis. J. C. l'-r, ill -Shinto, Ca, IZzt I ? Lee Vick, of wu- miPrtoa, vl l i-js. usoar aus- selL Can,:;?: Vick is a mem ber of tte U.aat Clive school fac ulty. . - . - Krs. Eaxvfy Boney attenoea a State Welfart Conference in Cha- mt iMt ?eek. -. ' litae Kiss. Patsy Wilson spent Sunday with aer 1 granamomer, Krs. E. IL ttTjon. of Et Olive. Er. and Krs. Thurman Denning visited Kr. Eosning'i fanuiy near Et Clive; C3ly;.M-' V Kisses Frcoes ana Jtsnei rar rior fit W&llcje; visited Eiw Be ty Wflson Cturday and attended the meetiiig tf the Junior ana se nior Eusio Clubs of the Sonilieas tern .District,!' rt kv' '-i Ers. J. W. Soyal, d George town. 8. C Is snendine sometime with her sisUr, Kiss Bessie John- on. , : Dr. and Hit. H. F. Hawes, and Vr. and Kra.iT. B. Bouse attend ed the circus ta Baleigh, Tuesday light -' ' - , 7' Wallace, Rcsehill rLERdUyDay TUTI Dav services for the Wal laoe-Bosehill Eethodist Circuit '1 .sUn ri Artrtnrkf "1 1, c - r n- rn: r GRAD2 TOUR T03ACCO; ATCD SELL; IT r ii as juic:oly as possible. WE SELL YCltt TOBACCO V' DAY NEXT TEEIC .... , 1 CCI3 TO see us at MsaV. J i a , sm ;: A c - i i r J i jtV.r, I.t. W. A. I La i .,ct to lie a , j. -n e-1 ho' 1 the j Cu' ""ce for I -v. Tzut . P-ad-' a rl 0. P. Jtn iiaviZs. will be the r .t n t f . C t' ; n ? . sn, L o.rr v rr-" j:u lors to have part on, the rrocitJl music wu oe rjr. rci to nuuie ifie oct-uu core erj-yaMe. Cool' attendance from each of the churches is to be expected. , , a ii. . n. nimnir Water A home without a water system could be worse it alight have no heat to keep it warm in winter. Bnt next to heat a nod vatcT rretem is the mort nceJci co-vn- ience for the farm home, s: 'J Ra chel Everett, Johnston County home agent of the Ctate, ColLe extension service. . And a fairly complete' water sy stem can be installed fo less than the cost of an electric refrigerator, she pointed out , Johnston County, home demon stration club women have taken a great interest in water systems lately, she continued, and at ev ery club meeting water is a sub ject of discussion, , "At one meeting, every woman present said she has promised her self she would have running water in her home before the end of the year," Eiss Everett continue! ('We have one set oi itools for Mittine and fitting niue. and we ham fonnd a Dlace where - tools are loaned free of charge for the purpose of putting in water sys tems. ' "At each meeting recently . our , club women have disoussed r the f arYt mMifinO TMtftntlV . AWT v w v vw w w w w w L -1 tLe c m&Le ik out water f, own homes.'' 1 1 s f r I Fcrc:l F" .1 Eu1 : is sc: ; bout i " are ou t' 1 1 fires, b1 La a it every f ' e e the cc. ' 3 fire was E t. 1 have seemed a l ! 1 vonr lend. e 1 1 - --ve in harl a i i ' ment v, your fire. TZ .'-"8 1 j 1 edtoillcf ;t' ! f ' ' ' - it i- J ' .X e c 3 t tLe state, VThenT iT r "3y fire he n - I ' - f ' fire, an! ' t i f . - ' ' leaving t' 3 t- r t J ' - . tie fire. If le f''s a,1 - "re that tho f j:e is to be s'. 1, and the roan in charge of tl e L 1 ard burnL-T Ysl a r'-ir : nmt you will f 1 f i?or ii -' fc Eowever, if he L a Crt y"u have not oonforn:ed ta t' e r "eiu then it will t -a t -.A a f-r you. Lets be very careful ta cons with all st te e-i co'y 1- s ia our fall ani tr-J 1&Z thus reduce tie great loss,' from forest fires. ' -. - College stua3nts dresd in rain-' ers' garb wl e .In the mining industry's r,M t U r"'!ons of virltors at t'-3 : J cf f s '-aeral i . 4'- r.nl.lfln Gate .myuT: m feternatic '1 poson. . Or fi' OQOOCwCt - - - - - - - 0 (,"iaa. .V J 4 ; t AX4Y V (TD(T1)