L Per Fall end Vbtcr Wear T 1 2 attractive at you eu, I --sue al Kfce other fellowi iJl dressed up, It pays to near abetter nit ' $25X3 $2X50 Clhcrs Lev as ; $14X3 A. BROOKS Gets Qski Frca Pocr1 . ...rime IB POVOW Wtm i . - brinat ann'-i - l' 'r..-... MUM n 'lu . jm OT aari I- fttioa tr' I ' k' "'! s . 1 to UHltt ". 1 4 1 '" l St.. - -krawki ' V t o. M ajl aw ' . . t; - -J 3 A' Cole 3 es te . ' X Lore ' for . u a vJixt of ..I'y tJsyar. . 3 (if ICr. eni Jr., will re i 'v y Lve E.C7 . -e Ir. CanJley s ii tie practice of . at'j future. I ' ! ! ' " rti tjent ' tie t ' i ! : I e ia Wl' a. 1 . il.l i west, e : i . . C. Z. C. f r tie we.1' 1. 1 , ' jl-iUoandllrs. U 1 : i were viators to Kia- ; ir '.'.Ia tni Kararet i f --ztfvt their pa t i 1 -lero over the i C ';" lee went to her t 1 t kit weekend, i I 7 1 ; .is was a week i it l ;,r home in Epeed. l I V I ati Opal Ervin 1." t Zrria were recent j tl aid Ext. T. Y. Dob- l rTtttiae WiHianu has t) I' rnrj and Eichmond. .l m (La will fisit relatives 1 "8 : ri " TC raemben of the lo . 1 f -j tzzz. ry the weekend 1 1 were: Hisi Panline 1.1,: i. C?e; Ii ITiMred Ker vz, C.iaj Tina eagan, Elia Pavson, Clinton; ..L'.l, CreenrQle; : Eingleterry, Vr. tzi X2n. Earl O. Xhomai and i.li in, Jeyh Earl, were -".-'.i T2ijiy night at a wed v j Closer and shower given in 1 r cf Kr. and In, Hilton VI .. tt tLehome of Hr. Whal t r r:xta near Kenansrille. . IJ.' i A. rrown, who hu been " 5 ii i r:r""ted to be improv ! . Iji dar-'.r,-; Era. Walter ! r il .-liicoa ia spend i wfii tore wilh him. k . 1 i cf I inrioe Jackson will Is 1 ' 1 1 1 learn of hia mar- t i tils Tera Eloas of Foun . : . 11:7 were married Sat- i'- 7 17 t. Zraxlc L. Goodman it 1 j tome ia Eenamirule. Ia. rsrmaa rn&ton ana Mri. T.JLxza Esaston of Sareota were HirivrJ. aerrioet are being 'held week at the JreewOl Sou- aesa &xz2l' v: rw. -ZAf tvjtoJ ad little izr;' vidian, and 2bi !1 rrs, of Eichntond,' Ta., azl 13, C. T. Thomas and ohu- &a, C'.tsa and leaora Watts of aaizz.izxSf : spent.,;: .the wee' ..1 Lvra as the gnest ' of seiimes Ida S. WHliama and XTjs. I'jjy JStvn of Bowden, arl Ht. titert Jackson . were r -:'J tly af lis. Ada a. wn- rr. azi n. Adolph Jones,' of KaseLCl, t;ext tho weekend here tso rs:-ts of teiaurei. W, P. thfrren of Xethel and B. L. Ci.lA cf CarlrttesvOle, Va,, were riKts weiiesoa7 ox JSC. and L IL ttipen. C.9 rtcr-'ar hu retorned aft er a tlj U tllOw ; T7 are t .a t know ta&t lrs. Clb E.t.',...r is alio to be out of the to:; ".'-J. CLs is the guest of re3at.7es ta , - rr. fi Ilrs. Lbuter - Jenkins, ct 11 Cramp spent Sunday as the gnests hero of Kr. and His. littler Jeniiafcrt: y't Vst. Owen Cuinn, of Chinana- H i f;e fnest of her sister, Krs. 'r. t- i Leo Jackson, Kiss es T- Ilcias and Bnby Smith, -l tails trowa :atteaiad-a' s at ti'vU ' last Thursday r-'ulaville girls and boys line npjllrs. Warren ZlaxwolL for fLl year's basket ball team it s&owtay much interest They are ezpeciiug a successful year, wLick has already begun fith a ban'.. The girls have selected Evelyn Home as Captain and Gladys Ed wards as manager, tiher girls in cluding last year's team are: Eel- la Kennedy, Swannie TWr!en, l!Ia tcl Kennedy, Dorof-y .Wjufred, 0 vil Eaker, Ilamie Eth WMvield, Virginia Albertson, porotliy, Eos tic. The new members are: Alma Craft, Eessie Craft, Eunice ,, Hae Thomas, - liivis ,.C?j Kennedy, Joyce Eollingswortlj Eary Enen? A. "Dunn' Smith. At present Powers, Eazel Williems, Eora He len Edwards, Kildrei Ketherontt, Kayo Williams,, Or lie Eazzard, Juanita Knox, Kary Bell Cumbers Dcctcr Dcinj : Vc!udbbVcrlc Ealeigh, Oct, 28 Gratifying re sults of the; Statewide' Health Week program carried on under the direction of L. 0. Blackus, as sistant State Supervisor of Recrea tion Work for Hegroee, have been brought to the attention of 1 Dt. Carl v. Beynolds,' State Sealtn Offioer, ,l:"?f -r Dr. Eyenolds, called f upon to cooperate in the movement, ren dered the assistance requested, as did Dr. X, X, fox, director of the Division of County Health Work. Dr. waiter Hughes, associated with the State Board vof Health Mrs. Smith's sister was inarriedj for work among negroes, . being B. 0. I!axwe!l is repiiJlv im- provir-y siaoe Us rcijra home from Carolina C:rrjJ Eospital at V7ilson. Ee- is b -;li!r j to use one orutch and Lt;ss to soon be a'.Ie to use two. He enjoys his roll- Hiss Louise EaCrper, daughter of O. and l!rs. Baford Harper and Ambrose Smith were married re cently. They attended the Baleigh Fair last week. Both are graduates of the B. F. Grady Eir:h School They are making their home with the groom's parents, Kr. and Mrs. Cc : : V I " War recently in Los Aneeles. Calif . 0, P. Johnson, of KenansviUe, and Kr. and Mrs. Ed Orady, of aid Maybelle Williams, : totaling ' wnito EaB, visited Mr. and Mrs, 24 girls with J. M.i Hargett as. G. Maxwell Wednesday. . . coach.- , - ItT Bmith, of Smith's Township The boys prospects seem even i patient at General Memorial better continuing with all of last I Hospital at Kinston. His son, John Parker has wuui nu aome ana serv- ye&r's squad. Linwood Parker been selected Cautain and Pan! TTtIVIAW PUAOnto 111 A.:.. ... i . Tne boys nave beautuui ' new playing and warm-ip suits ; of which they are very proud. , . The boys' squad this year con sists of the following: L, Parker, captain; C. Mercer, 0.'- Thigpen, M. Brown, P, Hunter, ?o-captain; H. Home, J, Thomas 0. Garvey, G. Byrd, B. Kennedys B. Kennedy, L. Bostic, W.- Thigpem Bommis MaUison, co ach. . . Mrs. William Lanier of Cypress Creek is visiting' her? sister,. Mrs. Joshua Jones.. . Miss Pauline Parker, of Ahoskie, was the weekend gueft of her pa rents, nr. and Kus. : Willis B. Parker. Her, sister, Miss Ethelen Parker accompanied her back to Ahoskie for a visit While ' there, they will make a trip to Norfolk, Va; v;.tA:r;:1'-:-; Mr. and Mrs. B. K Hollines- worth and children, Joyce, ' Theo and-Alois, went to Bosehill Tues day to visit Mr. i Hollingsworth's mother, who is very ill at the home of her daughter,. Mrs.iiSol aouse, 'x'-" rT-" 'i ice station by fire reoently. Our sympatny to tne lamily. 1 Kiss Myra Maxwell, supervisor oi varouna ueneral Hospital at Wilson spent Thursday night with we (anuH, ouu xunuy, JUT. ana ats. it, , suxweu. sua came home from Wilson with Mortimer' maxweu. - Baymon Potter had the misfor tune to get bis head injured while working on ear Monaav after noon. Ho operates the garage at uoo herring's store. He was rush ed to Parrot Hospital in Kinston where the doctors say his injury is very serious, s , r -..y-. ' Mrs. H. D. Maxwell and daugh ters, Host and Violet visited X. G. Maxwell and family awhfla Thurs day night. ' ,- Mrs. Magnus Outlaw, Kiss Ad- the first negro to be employed by any state in this - capacity,:' also rendered valuable assistance,- , the report to Dr. Beynolds said." - ;'r Planning meetings were hefd in the key cities ' of ; Asheville, Hew Bern, Greensboro; High Po int, Smithfield, Charlotte, Bocky Mount, Washington, Elisabeth Ci ty, Greenville, Salisbury, Hender son, Baleigh, warrenton - and Goldsboro. Clean-up campaigns were carried on, health ' sermons were preached in many churches, lectures were given, literature disr tributed, yards cleaned, houses painted, tin cans were gathered up by children and presented to pio ture shows, which gave tickets of admission in exchange. Various other movements designed to pro mote better health conditions a mong' negroes were x prosecuted, and at meetings held throughout the State thousands of negroes were addressed directly, and it is estimated that at least 40 per cent of North Carolina's negro popula tion oame within the scope of the health week program's influence. State, county and city health de ('V; WOMAN'S AUZSUABx' The Woman's Auxiliary Of the Presbyterian Churcoh net Friday niwflf Tiri Ww Hr11aM Mrs, Burtis Thomas, peoretary of Home Missions, had charge of a very inspirational program. . Special services of, prayer 'and. self-denial for home missions were held at the church on STuesdav and Wednesday afternoons, with a large number of ladies attend ing. An offering was taken to be used for home mission work. A social hour; was enjoyed, follow ing the meeting on Wednesday. ' die ford,. Miss Elithe Outlaw and porhnents all gave their coopera Miss .Annie Maxwell faMi.' : -: IUWA ' flit AnnAva fffl . . -A . C t -v. , . , Mrs, W. C. "Billie Cook" Kor- lOOOOOOOOOOOO negay is on the sick list this week. She has been in bed part of the time. ei"-.if;.';i -Mrs. Warren Maxwell and chil dren, Mrs. Mabel M. Holt and Mrs. Kewboren, f Kinston, ; visited friends in Chocolate Sunday aft ernoon. "J .".-; :ii - ' Little Joyce Maxwell, daughter o jut. ana jits, warren Maxwell, was a guest of the Shutts family MBS. ASHE MQXEB HOSTESS ' On Saturday evening Oct. 23rd. Mrs. Ashe Kfller, intectained 'at a miscellaneous shower? in honor of her sister, Mrs. J, I. ' Smith, whose home was burned a short time ago. Games were played dur ing the. evening and the hostess served deliciuos refreshments to the' 65 friends who were present. The Ulrichs are expected home soon from Baltimore and Chicago. v Bommie L. Holt writes that they are Having very cold weather: up in Chicago. He expects to spend unnstmas at nis old home ' in Chocolate. ' ' David Grady, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dave Grady is in sohool at State College, Baleigh. ' James XoB. Grady will cele brate, hia SfttA birthday, Sunday, October 31. His sons. Warren and Henry Grady, of New York Cityl are expectea to be present. ' Owen Stroud's son, who suffer ed a broken leg recently, has re turned from the Hospital at Kin ston. I ! r We regret to learn that John Henry Outlaw, father of Albert KELLUM'S Oyster Roast Jacksonville N. C BTCLirsm STUMPj SOUND OTSTEBS Served Steamed, Fried, Stewed On Hatf Shell Take Some Baw Oysters Home With Too. PUCES VEBT BXASONABLE Feb. E pooooooooooo p. ,.,' : " Dr. B, L. Carr, Et'il- Coutj Health Officer, says that k com pliance with state reguk" ..ms tiat all rwvroln who . are I . ,lllltics ,r M r.-. "I I - sorv. I, "O-- 'J . retsij CROSS- WORD P u 14 17 a m j is" T T" 35" "T " 49 - , il 68 71 A Ml A , J j T ' " TZ2i ; " .; 41 jJ , t 1' T 4i ' T T- jw jI i. j4. T "" 0 . t, ', o) - jj" HORBONTAI Jl Priwtly vestment . 14 Hanger-on In polities P , 15 Learning 18 Obstruct 17 Bank 18 Ireland . "19-.Piece out ,20 Exists . v2l To n earlier period v, 23 Bos -:' i 28 Something to chew )' 27 The Celtic Neptune .pi 28 Heart i 29 Destined 4. 31 Jewish interpreter of H 35 Floor covering ,38 Wortbipi U . 38 Huilcs of wheat i0 Jewel , J 44 Mexican dollar ' !iJ"f,!nft05 eo.tmm4itati . 49 Rendesvoua - ' li p.fant 51 Teacher - , " . ' ai Domeirtle fowl , 1 I-'-1 - , e i '.I- Si J r-.1 . ''(-v 841 ave 42 i :.f t 431 lUr : v' 47-riudumg oo wuase Of 64 Country 67 Ready moi. Da a ewe ::3a It able. . - ei-J The silkworm WX WILL PAT gifts including thirty-two dollars. "i , ) il CHOCOLATE The honoree received fifty-two4 Outlaw, our register of deeds, wnom we au admire is very sick at his home in Beulavflle. We hope for him a very seepdy recovery. , - Among those visiting Mr., and Mrs. B. G. Maxwell recently were T. W. Mewborne, of Kinston, James. McB Grady, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grady and little daughter, 'Teggy Jean," Hildreth Kornegay and sister, Alda, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Gooding and M. L. Grady. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Maxwell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith made a trip to Wilmington to'viiit MisrBnby Mae Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H, D. Maxwell, who is in training at The faculty play at the B; F. Grady school. Friday , night ;was .largely attended, and enjoyed by all present.'- "Amy of Arizona," very verygood. Jiugh ; Maxwell, who had a leading part, with the faculty, was complimented ; by many people. The . "cake walk" was very amusing, and the lucky !-.- .. nr.---a tr ,- T-l KaxweTdauffiT-"ana,the - W 10 55 Ocean J8 Tie -S7 Have reciprocal ttlaSHat SI Pronoun , ; ; " . 42 Expression of surprisO 53 Variable star , 54 Apartment for woman tvaaX w iun a taste 89 Hebrew meatnra ?0 Become apparent . 1 Fiery f2 Peruse i T3 Country I VEBTIOACi 1 Article M 2 Roman money a Clear oroflt 4 White of egg . t Leases 0 Before .; 7 The genus hoaao .,1 it. ijo' i i s FOR THIS AD ONOISE DOLLAR Purchase STANDARD DRUG CO. : Kinston, N.C NOTICE! Discount of 1 Per C j ioweid on all 1937 Taxes Ptud cn c. Before Nov. 1. 1937. i i 'tv- . PAYNOWANDSAVSt DISCOUNT U L Tax Collector s

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