e- d t 1 r 1 " e here. Ilr. a' 1 I . . I ' 1 1 ? tJ TT-: ,.n rl I mes 0. K. 1 L r r :o " 8 ti use the ex- ' ways tise wel as i to ust it a j of . bad a hotel isarjr Jn stances I cn the;ta- s a perfect r.out every--ctt the hapjji- cue of the most one oi wc 4or- wuvw iui ... asnk , -i 1 1 -j or fojrnL It -i "lades" ". 'Sic the . uan is i 'ose rela- 1 ty Ecre.ry H. it t' e re-tarsd crn- s inrmiries are a di-, i of f e . advert.1 , . T -i ' iClate is getting thru tke FcTHiCr KO. C"T.r.-T : xullicity campaign be-4 , i r 1 . .d by -the .Conservation El-crtC? V '1 lratuS to: I W. 8. Eey, E3 1-2 years old, df nSievadaijed at his howe in VTi Irop W yorJc lSchigan, Aria- Uchrwtts z,fRZ?leiid Carolina, EliivSorth! Eehraska. Massachus i. ( 'a. Pennsylvania, Hew -v, .Iiama, Florida, ' Tenne- " - jton, D. C., Wyoming, uu Kansas, Sew Hampshire, - oae Island, Wisconsin, la, ' Indiana, Connecticut, , West yirgbjia, North Da ' , X 'as, Louisiana, Arkansas, l 1 1 Al.HMaA Tmm aw J Air. f 1 iyiUi.li XrCittWtuc, tun v UOiOHu : pevllio xduuimoi u w . . . ... ... v. .mill TinnittT imiiLiM in -tro- fog referred to those locate by fax' as possible the statewide ad- vert-vir of the uonseryatwn ana rerelo V&t Department New lit erature Is being printed by the organisation approximately every 69 days and this is being; passed on to. l&e " information seekers throughout the country, v; PINICHILL SHOWtK FOE BBIDE ' r Honoring Mrs. Norman Smith, a recent bride, Kiss Annie sue Smith -delightfully entertained at & miuttllaneoni shower at her home near Fink Hill Saturday af ternoon,.' -! Antntrtn floweri were used as decorations- throughout the rooms where the guests were received. After an eniovable social hour, lit tle Miss' Emma Jeau Smith enter ed, bearing a wagon laden with many JJ!AXfMiA The hostess served a delicious salad pp,ui.witb iced tat f?'. xuose enjoying - u - vwmwu nr Sttiith. the bosoree : Mrs. Paul Oradyllrs. I. X. So- therland, Hrs.vaymona,v Turner, Vn TO J OxaAt. .Mrs. 'W. E. 10 v8 tenon,flIrs. Adolph f Patterson, J ! ftilwB '' 60 Smii Willard ber-eJcAil . . . . n Mrs. A4olph Itoward, Mrs. , Byron i lHowaTdMrs.cJim. Daviv TMrs.1 .B. Tk.-4. T Vmam: Tkavia I iPerrv Davis. Mrs. Hew Davis, . nn. iura omiuu jots. , . , Johnnie ,010110, juxs. xwjaiiu. mmm, w?-m H. D. Maxwell, Mrs.. Ed Holmes, Mrs. TfiW, Smithy Mr, lewis IwestorooK, jus. Amonwe onuta, Mrs. littie Eouse. MnCIt; F-nith; Ilrs.' Adoloh' Howard. Hxi. Iloyd Heath and Misses ; Olivia Smith, Elinor Westbrook, ; Sadie au,inily4 Mae Howard, Agnes Smith," Dorothy Howard, Lillian I Jberhmv Eose and YiokjLKa r 1 . ' " ,jr f J i4'!i V T'ru. loe Tvndall and Mrs. Iron. I EjuJvqie.' TentfM we. guests ia the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. 1 TirnilaTI fnr f davft. Tenftllt- IT. RoTbett Weston, who has beu V at the home of her moth t t L.mlaTilla for. sometime, has been removed to her apartment 'jEwhoof ..' ' TSAKOXES-. ) tjl Turner &1 i- 1 --r, wei e t !""" of I"r. '"J Ers. V, n. i flat-L -t at 1 "id City recently toV a !Lrs, Eern Fuel, of GolJs- boro,.was recent guest oi, rem tivesere. 3 io honors. , 1 WUC4 MV v uwvw v- - The older peep oiimpuu county wfll remember . iey as t,. nnWf East Carolina In-(wv jDrRi,ftnl t Shelter Neck.!?? "frtfV.w fr-i 1- i w. on uu xaoruieuBk ti TinAl mu 'st one time Very populart and drew many students from this section of the state. with the school Mr. Key acted for 'mn Unitarian ' Minister ' in this section, and Decame, xnown to many people. Be has for several yean lived in. Winthrop with his He had been: confined , to : ms bed for only one week, before; bis iHflst Violet WyuPk daughter of. MrVand Mrs. C. Waymack, of Eichmond, ya.,' and Winton H. Sewkirk.' of Eichmond. son of 1 Mr.' and Mw,; D. H.:Newkirkof EoaehilL were united in mam- aee Tuesday afternoon, ' October 12; at 5:30 o'clock at the home of theibride"fai Eichmond, with Jh. 8, T Stealey, pastor of Bam. bridge St. Baptist Church, offici- The vows were spoken .1 before an imnrmrised altar in the divine room. A mass of fern, chrysanthe mniM and frr .with tall candela bra in the" background and; on ei ther side, forming a lovely setting for: the Jseremony Mias Elizabeth Waymack, cou in of the . bridev, of Eichmond, iriaved the weddine music. Mrs. TJpton- Elett, lso of Eichmond, ag rThe Sweetest Story; iiver Told, and "I Love You Truly." v Thafbride, who was - given uin marriage by her father, wore a mwil of ivon aatin. which was Llasjde with tight ihirred : bodice, and lull Mart, extending into a wmi.train 4n huV Til B full- lfillff- th vewna made r;eav'ftshjton with oorohet rf ed pearls and RUIB1lt i th With 0Tan?6 blossoms. ne earned an arm dou- the valley made with long show er cascade. Jj IStae 'onW attendant " m -s her sister, Miss Mary Waymack, who was dressed in a Wallis blue sa- tin floor.lenptli dmsa made witt short puffed sleeves and fitted bo- : de,,Wit v$ sho 'wore f turban iftoil' ilinneri ot matchine satin. Her bouquet was" of mixed flow- en tied wth blue , and gold satin ribbon, u i j The brilMnyintn ' waj ' Attended by his brother, Bobert 7. Hewkirk or juciunotuk a . ' 1 i ; Immediately following the cere toony Mr. and Mrs. Newkirk lef leer a vrrAAina frln In fh Ttinfiii. tains oi virgnia..Aiierw;UotODer n they wui be at home at 4700 forest - HiJJ j.Ave,., Eichmond, Va. ninmnni1iK f mfin And 'lontt f-nnw bQr wtoq It is to tain Blacks XiiaugLk at the firit sign ot oonstl-r--.. Tby lv the refreuhlng ro i . .iii.4.' Iney know.ua timely it may sve tbem from feeling buTr and ooasiblv losing time at r-n gtirns browsht on by to take a laxative oc- C&i-' , you caa rely on HI i darir quoted ,t'- tricatv at ,t r. 1 4 a r tire group ia tie x. x ' tion of tZ-e r,-3. r a cc . a has prorosed.a rro; ct & : T'nPti and. i' r Counties. The ,rate ictc Jr. 1 average 1.C3 ents per, -i.m U.T1A. has felt Cat ft c-'- not approve this raters re '' Because pi ,tae --" AiffiimWM TLTA in II ""'.12 ta &, ! ,fnnds for the cocrerTS r - A complicating Itsr ia t; , u itie coa.rary is " jr.iV-i t ton no.i to build L-:s tt I of the same, area: C-'ena, Leaci Jones Ear-son, Jft fjn, -Tender, low, Cart-ct, Wayae, Brui?wLi tun i?mr 1'anmer Counties. . i if?5 rTlA made a loan i. if tid9. nnn .t the Tide Water Tow. er. Company to iuwl number , of oonafaeain xae i iaine The Jurai ueciruuuuB.ui w 1839 provides that preference aha!l h. r!n tn 4'Btaiesw Territoxki, and subdivisions and agencies reof, munidpauues, peopai uui- districts, and cooperative non profit, or Umited-profit dividend associations, toe project oi wjuuu comply vWith Jthe.requiremwia m The EEA Bate Section opened negotiations with the company in March with jregard to power jup ply for the cooperative; but tie Company did not see m to sudki nnntatinn for nearly , seven hMmtiw; The rate finally submit ted appears to be so nign at w make, it difficult for the coopera tive to become self-liquidating. , : The funds avauatue xor. .wau are already depleted, and applica- tions- from oooperative x groups have been filed in great volume. With funds so limited, ju nas not tnnnA it advisabla. lo. make any further allotment to the Tide Water Power Company, espeoauj since it ? appears tnat tae ' oomp nanv'i rithholdimr of a suitable vholesale rate is the obstacle that has blocked the cooperative, the Sign pf tGcrJ . 'Insurance,, ;j;;iWePopt':-;. THE name, over pvx jiore,frontja a" symbol of inteerity i and fair business. - t . ' Vcwaw; Drun: Co. ' 1 ' WAHSAW, N. C.N ' 'iter e- . I 1 S 'SQ j leal, i V t.e J " r t" i f i :t r f.cn c j sat 1 r' Z - ,t tV f i n I ; Jt 4...S Of t 1 t'e cli.r L . ,e t-e tm ct i '-yrVt. ,A I . 13 9 t 8 S' " 3 Cf 8 ... i ly L. C v a"l l-c' e 1 1 liti repT- ' ,e sluull al s I? Newton f .4 S t. L-"! r r wror td i er dam-e. 1, c-r eu:r t u.vi nt on t a der t - i safe for o'J;3r. people. It will I well to remeTler that tie s;&" . liw w$i a failer attached is 3J miles an hor pi Uus siaie. t . .. Social Cccurity . firhninal rroseoution bv the Be- purfcreujfc of Justice f boas, col lectors oi funds in connection wilb the ocial Security Ac"! old-age umice pwjram has been re-c-'d.ly V-ie Social Security Lord, I. y W. Wade, TrT of the Ealeili field Cfiwe te Social ?eccrty Board, announced today. Th Pnar. l!r. Wade sail has advised the department of Justice that.it has received, information of..,sevgi,l't'-t6B!es where mqney misrepresentation, taz requested, the Depart: "Pt ? e rnvesngai them nd titte criminal pro ceedings, i . - . im svitement sent xx. . waae, annpuncjjs.itf action, the Board "The So,rf8l . Security Board has no 'old-f e . benefit, collectors,' Wd-er-fc",,ra'fle collectors.' or y folder Und of olleqtors , or aaciaj e -sts. it has auuion (1 no one 1 ) collect anv fees from ""rtlsp"" " i in the old- insur- J oer- . e, wiBU, to cauuon .erye f- ' tn-yng nypay tfs vv r ,to j""nna rep I resentiiur te ' - Ives asaeents of I the P""i pud v vo fufntee the ""r-ett ti t'd r -!. Lzturanoe." - TEt iV-c!:c: Hide C rall'e'fn, "A -witcLcs ride Ht "hi smrits -is one cf te lest times, in the year to rv l-?? ; 1 " 'I far-'dity .must vanish. Give your;' i aterlto the spirit of the occajdci and, young or old, you will hive a good time," said r .3 ;v v-.-f-, r,- - . .. ., ,.f.,.-.W.rVAt .fc i-'.'-;i.',;'."".,'VH.';V'.:.''--'- - i SX'i H Buth.Carrpnt,, ji'.te ,'touie rdwla, , black cati, 'with.;,-curled' tails, .witcr'1ir;?'!ns, 871, jp ''er Hallowe'en cicorat:. cut ',',, orange and' t1-';'; f ; ; r.j-;)- lpns, com staiis, rea ari's. ana autumn. leaves. 7 Jac-o-- rSf,xr silhouettes, and ",scarecv?, a w add a weird atmosphere,,,. " SJverConstir.as com C'u.jse woven, fnbj,V,ldej weB;in w; cornei'. Paner sriders niacci J the center give, it a rea&titf, ef fect. , . . c The litrhtine is tmportant There should be .plcuty, of , Jack-o-laat-emi. Othn lights should be. dim med, with orange and red.1-' crepe paper, - ,-; : itniihini vi arntfea-. -mcKT Dea- nuts, and fortune-telling" appeal to all comers on a time like this. ' Pot a lara group, aeieral f-r-tnnetteiling devices can . be placed in different., parts ifLthtt mm, v'th gue;tv gofeg frca .one ( r a witcbea'.den jnf v b ocn- stractedi m'yiih.ti.Wti Jidc 0.1 -n and, with . wiJi sit t ri de beside. h?x c&ul'ran to t "1 ' 3 fDrtaimoj: eJiwhfl entar. A z "ue.aome ghost story loll by 1 - . .... . . .. . ' k- . . W 2161 HOPE i j .,.,1. Fqr br 1 and. cuiIvla jr-i on ITjnuments, s?e or w-"1-)- c7.H. J7Zr' 1 Beulavj!!e, d a, ,, ' RepreeentatlTe o.',. some one wta has a gift for story telling brings 31 dramatic climax to the evenings - f s ' " i Th forvthet'" ."Cider and dorghnuts, of sandwiches and oo,ee, er puir;!.in pie with whip ped cream, or ginger bread,wi' ' coffee or cider- maybe you' will want;to add, nntSj .apples, or fc-p- corn to the list ' N .' .