v. ' : I ( t ! r 1 el ere. iE 1 irl! ' 'ks 0., II. tii Turner f i I " iI."J,w(.ie t s'i c if i !o- 1 (" use the ex- ' "ays rise uelj as i to ir- r a 1 ".St t a i of , bad a hotel stances ra the ta- s a perfect '"tit eVer '. the hapm- ; t W- t. tto be, a good ' f st then ' r escort If! j an should - refuse1 'to l iTMi s t'and r form. It l "laies" " i the . li ')se rela- i Ja- cf I"t. fl 1'rs. V. H. t: ? t - " H'.t- . - at I ' " "4 Ciy recr-tly ECv... 1 to. a! Lis. JV"A Fu-pl. of Cd's a ty Edcwury V.jboro, was a retKint guest of.rela tf t'.e feosal c u-tivesliere.,y ; , "., e inqmpies are a di-1 ( . 4 ' " l! jf- i c 'tie,;' adyert:-:,', ' C'.ate is getting thruUe I CTK!Cr 1 T.-'- rubiicity campaign be d by the Conservation' Ut.rature,y went to: on; California Vends, v TorV ISchisan, Aria- romiina Tiiinnii Tffnrfh Keoraslsa, Ka8sachus-;vne q ww uiccu 'a. Peimsvlvania. Vewiio kowai. - ' ' ' ' s. t a, Pennsylvania, ew; -T, .Lama, Floridaj jTenne , 1 " ston D. Wyoming, m Eansas, Vew Hampshire, - , Lhode Island, Wisconsin, a, 'Indiana, Connecticut, i, West yirgiaia, Vorth Da- i, T -as, louisiana, Arkansas, ryla. i, Delaware, Iowa and Ok Llomr: "jecifio inquiries for cer- flf" tuiA pkxUcular localities are be- 2 referred to those localities by regnal organisation. Every eflfrt is being made to localise as :;x as xssible the statewiae aa vert ' ir of the Consemlioii and luTelc. jeat Department Sew lit- h. th. wWril eratiire is beinsr printed oiani..Uon approximately 63 days and this is being on to ue ' information . seekers throughout the; country. niNICHUJL saowia foeIiiSb ; Honoring Mrs. Norman Smith,1 a reoent bride, Miss Annie Mae Smith -delightfully entertained at a miscellaneous shower ' at her home near Pink Bill Saturday af ternoon. vj ftj-): H'v- t' Autumn flowers were used decorations throughout the rooms where lie guests were - received. After an enjoyable social hour, lit tle Miss Emma . Jean Smith enter ed, bearing a wagon laden with many gifts Jor.the bride. : V , , The hostess served a delicious salad ra with Jced UKl&p-;. Those ' enjoying the occasion were: Jftrs.'Snutn, tne nonoree: tne; nonoree ; Mrs. Paul Qmdy. rs. i. it. sou- therland. Mrs. Bavmond Turner.! - . iitKx.mJ.ijakMAW. B.Told and I Love lou Truly." i. Ooodine. Mrs. W. J. Smith. Mrs. ..'-ww terson,rMrs, T. Jtetterspn, Mrs.,Walter Pat-1 Patterson, 1IUS' toolaos mu wumra SmiUl'''Ml''Jonn L Stb,-Mrs. Ashe Miller, Mr CM , Howard, Mrs. Adolph Howard, Mrs. : Byron l"wnV. juub. (Perry Davis, Mrs.. Hew Davis, i "" r Dmiin, JOTS, AOUUM4, OBUkO, on. H. D. Maxwell, Mrs.. Ed Holmes, Mrs. W? Snut; ; Mrjii.; Xewis Westbreok, Mrs, Ambrose Smith, Mrs. littie Bouse, ;TSrik ? ' ithj, Mr"A":i. Ikyd Heath and Misses Olivia Smith, Elinor Westbrook, Sadie juxn,- uoroiny jaowara, jaiiian liberty Rose and Violet ,Ma- w-'v . " v:,".1'. 'C.-- ISdXAlS ' -.- ' Mrs. Joe TyndaH and Mrs. Iron, A :KnTdlle, TeUtf, were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1. PTdaIl for sv few daytrentr i Mrs. Corbett Weston, who has been, i1! at .the home,, of her moth er at, Loulavillft for. Sometime, has been removed to her apartment here 7 LflOOI "3 A ESCSXSr-- I Get exqited r.bcut Lo" Prices Tlicrc B Slill Oil! 17 Rf r 1 ! W. S. r. y, U 1-2 j a ' Mv's "9 18 achats ci C r funeral wu heu on twi 3 old, di lis ember 29, Dupun . '...-.v.-wr- tr. county wui remjm . iT. . ; T.-v The school was at one time very popularr and drew, many students from this section of the state,- '? In addition to his connection with the school, Mr. Cey acted for years as Uniterian Minister ; in this section, and became, - known to many people. He has for serefal yean lived in. Winthrop with his fainily;;' Hci had been coannea ; to ; jus bed for only one week before his '.f.'K; V.;. 'i r-,'..', :t--,.-!3-':vi--; . 1 WWMVW of ICr. and Urs, S. C. Waymack, of Bichmond, ya.; and Wintcn H. Vewkirk, of Bichmond, ; son' of Mrl and Mrs. D. H. Vewkirk, of Bosehill, were united in .'marri age Tuesday afternoon, . Ootober 12. at 5:30 o'clock af the home of the bridein Bichmond, with D& 8. .Stealer, pastor of Bam: bridge fit Baptist, Churbh, off ici- ' The tows were spoken ; before an improvised altar in. the living room, A mass of fern, chrysanthe mums, and ivy ,with tall candela bra in the background and on ei ther side, forming a lovely setting for fb;petmm!$.$ v'1-'-" ' Miss Elizabeth Waymack, cou sin of the .bride of .Bichmond, piayea tne weaaing matw. : jars. upxonvjaiew, aiso or oucnmona, sang "The Sweetest Story Ever h The?bride, wh was given in marriage by her father, wore a 'gown, of ivory.. iatin, which was made with, tight shirred . bodice, and full skirt,' extending into ; a ' semi-train in back, The full- leng- rth veil' was made cap fashion with coronet of seed pearls and caught at ithe side with orange blossoms. She carried an arm bou quet of bride'i roses and. lilies of the valley made 'with long show Her only attendant ' was - her sister, Miss Mary Waymack, who was dressed in' a Wallis blue, sa tin floor-length dress made wit short puffed sleeves and fitted bo dife,' Wit his she 'wore a turban and slippers of matching satin. Her bouquet was-of- mixed flow ers tied with blue, and gold satin ribbon. ' i i The bridegroom 'was t attended y his brother, Bobert P. Vewkirk oi jucjnmoina, i- a ' - ' v , Immediately foHowuur thi rmt- mony Mr, and1 Mrs. Vewkirk lef for a wedding trip in. the moln- wns or ntfginia.ATtcrt,uotober 20 they will be at home at 4700 JTorest-Hi.Av,. Bichmond, Va. svM,i"v.W ' Iboaaands of men .and vontn iow bW it Is to take Bltwk- Mitugltt at the tint algn at oonstl- - '"t.-. ThHf V the nfiwhlng re . . . -ui,' laey know.ite Umely niay ive them from feeling bwTr and posnttly losing time at t fvm iotaw torpviibf on by .. ' to take a laxative oc- cc..' a., jr. you tan rely on L laHyHt imir mrni M 'i. r I . 1 qTiotii -Cc -ry I tri-iy et T t f r ' ! C l, : tiTe erocp in tion cf tls L has fref-zl a I' son, Irn, Counties.. K? x t averse 1.C3 I hour. 1,7, A lias f-U t"-ftt not approye tl's rr.t: ' t j- Eecauso ci.tr e t. difiianlties &L1 is t J ti funds for the cot"- "J . A C0mDlC?"2 ---T U A compuc?2 f -:t , 8 f .now askinfflar.an iu. -v. n of tie same area: C. Lc Joes Carlson,' DrHn,..Xcr.cT, Colaxts, .Craven, Iamlico, z low, Cart-ot, Wayne, truajwi-i and, Eew L'anover. Counties.. . In 1CC5 IZ1 made a loaa S142.000 to the Tide Water. Po er . Company to .build. JUnes .iji number of counties in Ihe . same i general region.,::.":. '..--.' .j-- i'. - The Bural Electrification. Act of 182? prorides that prelerence lU be tiven to f States vTerritoxki, and subdivisions and agencies tla- reof. municipalities,; peoples jkEIs ty districts, and coojerative non- lMn. th. t, Vnti cf whkh comply .with tte, requirement cf this Act" i " .The EEA Bate Section opened negotiations with the Company tn March with .regard, to power sup ply for the cooperative; but tie Company did not see fit to submit an Quotation for nearly seyta months.' The rate finally: submit ted auuears to be so hiirh as U make, it difficult for the coopera tive to become self-uquidattng. The funds available .for loans are already depleted, and applica tions from oooperatin groups have been filed iu great volume. With funds so limited,; BEA has not found it advisable, to,., make any further allotment to the Tide Water Power Company, .especially since it" appears that : the t oonv pany's withholding of a suitable wholesale rate is the obstacls that has blocked the cooperative, . r Thb Sin ;.of gCcsi r Insurance, ; ' &With Prid THE name over our jito.refxont.ia. a" symbol of integrity and ; fair business, i i Warsav Dru Co. ' WAXSAW, V. C." TODACCOFAPJ.: V,"-7-A ' " - : VIA , I-" .s see ..a t. 1 . 1 C: $ lit ; v. . i . i 1 i.j ( : t tt r L"i f t s A ' y f It I j ' i c j ; jo r"-' 1 tue ,i L . e lie t-in'of . rewt-n f .' '-y rV- ,A 1 b" 1 1 V .i t e s"a ff f s .-1 1 . 1 i ty L. E. i i r' r 7 ri i'-e t" 1 wrortv-.li t:Bvet..aeg," 1- er da'""9. .e isull al ';s 1? D&iefi4 -our eauipent on the highways si as to render tie:a safe for o'iisr. pecple. It wfil ti we,U j Kmemiier that the spec! liw wjith' a t-iiler Attached s S3 nJIps an hojnjlif state. ' Social pecurity , 'S AM - vuuwl . Crirjnal jrwoution try the De P'Thrent of Justice f bojps, pol 1 motors of funds in connection, with the f jcial Security MV$ - old-age ip3yr?is program . ui$ been re-5"- ,J..id. ty tie . Social Security lured, 1 icey W. Wade, ISgaager of tie Baleia Field Office of tLe Social . K j oard, announced tifi .Tnrr Er. Wade "said, hw the department of Justice that it hfl revived, uforma,tion of , several i 4?,bs where money has been objected through . such misrepresentation, an4 : requested, the Depart: nt ' to - investigate them itnd i-tte. crminal. pro qeedirjs. i :tnt, statement sent Mr. .Wade, svnnouqcjn ,itf action, the Board said: "The Faf"?4 Security EonrJ lias no "oia-f Te , ben,t coUoctors,' iold-ee i .coneptors,' or y .oi' er tiad; of olleo.tors or "ncial jsts. It has authoris ed r 4 one O crect any fees from - tv. 7" i ia tie old-p.insur-j oe j : ..'e winh to caution T ,' t ir-l4ng a,nyyay s r to, j"nns. rep- resentiiijr I .c - Ives as agents of the Tna, pnd v1 o fnn,rntee the TT-!" iV n?-1' ri4e e"i.T spv'its r'a, one of the. test times in the year to r'vfia party...- 7 X far-Uity must vanish. Give sours i over.to. the spirit of! the occasici and, young or old,; you will hive a good time," said r .... luff-' ' ( i ' ..... , f Gccd Tcbcco HIGH - f J : fn. -f. ii V :-Jfn . .1 . - . A " 1 J ? , t-v. Ml - i Euth Curr'-nt j'te Jprne 1j at State CmIIt. ; Owls, black Cdts.'wi; CTrlc3 tai'i ,witcVBi"'u,i,si "ver Hallowe'en t -corat s cat J orange and-t " s 1 f; r J- kins, corn stalks, red er: '' s, and autumn leaves Jac::- Vi silliouettes, and 3.scaie.rvras u add a weird atmosphere,,. - Server. Chrisf'.'.as pom f-1! woveAr intora,',si.'der TeB,iu co ooraei't Paper sptdets' placsi ,in the center give, it a yeaiUUtf ef fect. . . " c The lighting j important There should be pl:atyr.of . Jack-o-lant-erns. Other lhti should be, dim med, with orange and red crepe paper, - - - '- ' - - Jcobbin? lor- apples-, -iuckt pea nut aiid fortune-telling- appeak to all comers on a tune like tLis. ' ' For a larrs group, Aeieral f jt- IsnettelMng devioes son ha placed m differen&.partskftths room, vtx gue ? gpiss jfroa -.one .to (. r a jwitefces' den nry. bs oenr. strted, fe'l VsWad.WiCl 'Oci o.i -n and, with; a.Kwit;h sit t. j i de beside, hex cenl'an to t"' 2 rtsn-j, of, aJi whft enter. - A Tuis.ome ghost story tolt by ,.-y. t , .. '::;S:f ;:"l';yy.; f v,, t'V I V .... - v'Ty t C r.vit;VlrThsr4fo.'ZlG1.7.: : ; "5 :-.Vtor.vy.: N. C 5 T.V-' 4 - ' ' ' ' ' , HOPE, Fr b- ;,Is auicoIui.e jno oa irmuments, se or r-''-- - i EeulaviHe, VC i i l-.p.--. Repreaantatlve Oi''.. 1 some one wLo has a gift for story-' teQing brings, n dramatic climax to 'the evening.' 1 v - -. , 1 Thpu fo tie eats " tHdei and doughnuts, or, sandwiches and ooee, or puirjldn pie with whip ped cream, or ginger bread-wi v coffee or oidermaybe you-' yill want 'to ft4A.nnts, .apples,, oiviop-. iorjOL to the list. , . 2J Y7 TTf

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