. is - ;-r ' oy r' " -V; ft ,,., w ' Jk.''' k J '" V i '- , : V ' 1 v : north Oarolim: UOVEMBEB 4th 1937 " - , . rnn--, rs r - - , , ; Z"Z: Z " t v- yarsav Lc-icn Pc:i Uzztzd in HcncrjwiLLARD YOUTH; GETS 2 1-2 cJ Charles Uavsn, Bullets were flying find sheila " screeching in the Mense-Argonne' sector on November 10, 1918. and somewnere in tn nsro nu n 22 year old lad was fighting brav- f ely for his country, a 22 year old lad by the name " of Charles E' Gavin, vho had left his home near Warsiaw to do his part'in a noble - cause. ' " w ; s-. Peace was. not far off m that, - - da, but there wa still a war, and "V Gavin didn't hesitate. 'When the - sound of guns died down and mud . .stained figures sought their fri- ends, Gavin was not among them, ne nad aied lor a cause. ' But he was not forgotten. His ' body was brought to America, and . now rests in the family cemetery, near Warsaw, ' And the local post of the American legion bean his , name, in perpetual honor of his : bravery and as a token of eontin ous love and reverence to the ty - pica! American soldier. ' - - ' Young Gavin was not the only ; soldier from this section to take part in that memorable battle of the Iffeuse-Argonne; ' -. In the same section were our own renowned Henry L. Stevens. Prank Fonveille,sHobert Barden, H. H. Hines, W. PrBridgers, Joe, i Best (of Clinton), and others. In token of our great feeling ""for men such as there, who were willing to lay down their lives in . defense of their families and their : homes, and the Eovernment to v which they declared allegiance, vict us oare our neaas, lace the juuit, ana renaer wanes on . ivo A November 11, Armistice Day, the day when the option on their lives expired. ; v . '-. !proxin.ately 150 people "at d the 3rd District Young Jft- atic Rally held in Jackson- 1 je rnday . night of last week, e meeting, scheduled originally i j be held in New Bern, was transferred to Jacksonville : after t he New Bern club turned thumbs down on the meeting. Ironically, leaders of the New Bern dub stated that they would have been lasts if they had known such a 1 -vje, crowd would have attended. ' do jjthe comment, . but we . sorta boastful over the meet- dace it was hastily ' arranged tiie Duplin and Onslow groups, . ad our own members, led by Dob Wells were primarly respon sible for its success. Arch T. Allen, of JUdeigh, president of th North . Carolina' .Young Democratic Clubs made the principal .speech before over a , hundred people in the Onslow Co. Court House. Bob Wells, of Ken ansville, presided over the gather ing. Allen made a brief speech emphasizing the part Young Dem ocrats are playing in the role, of better government in North Caro lina and in the nation. , . Following the speech of Allen, Wells recognized the following: Gordon' Grey, of : Winston-Salem, Coke, of Asheville, who drove 458 1-2 miles just to attend; Thad re, Secretary of State ;v George s Pou, State Auditor; Cong 1 man Graham Barden; ' V7m. W.I0113, of Siniihficld; John Caf foy, of Creensboro; Bob Thomson, :y to uovemor lioey, Hiss Gnu.' " Was!.: t-n, cf , of ITew Eern; Gnmes, of Sn, IT. C; J. H.rr;h " ' h; I'-s. T.-b C.-a.'7. ; J " ' y ."ari, cf cfir-i- successful Affair, llly ID Present Vcrld Var Soldier - - ' - ' ' Rnv Srft!!t iyrW George W. Earner, former Soout Ejteentiv Goldsbor was given farewell party at the Community buiWinff '.lt'''Week':':,,,juit.-.before having for St. Petersburg, Ha. where he is taking up new work many friends among the scouting world in eastern Horth Carolina C. Harold Westin comes to Goldshoro November 1st to take up the work as scout ' executive and will continue -using Mr. Ham' er's lans. The Court of honor for Duplin and Sampson will be held at Clinton on November 26th. Hbj Shipment - County Agent BeynoMs states that 278 hogs were shipped from Warsaw last Friday, October 29th. Their combined weight was 63,185 pounds, and they brought a total oi ?i,EiZ.U3. The price paid for hogs in the top class at that time i was f3.40 ' According, to the furores issued by Beynolds, , a majority' of the hogs shipped were in the ton class, which is from 123 to 2"D lovnSs, . Another shipment will be made November 12th., and farmers wish ing to (end nogs in this shipment are asked .to inform the county agent in time for arrangements to be made, , , J . ' . Beynolds stresses the fact that greater gains will be made by sel ling hogs only in the top class, i , j "; " . t Every county in the district was represented except Wayne, Carter- et and Sampson. f. Duplin sCounty "shone" ' big - "that night, for as usual when Younsr Democrast are eettinz to gether our Duplinitesv are always on the spot. Duplin County ac counted for nearly 60 per cent of the crowd.- . CLAEXTON HAN, FATHER - OF WARSAW WOMAN, DEES Mr. Parson, 81 years old, Clarkton,; father of Mrs. E. B. xunrnan, oi Warsaw, oiea weanes day morning at 4 o'clock. He was buried in the Clarkton cemetery. He is survived by his wife, two sons and five daughters. Several people from Warsaw at tended Mrs. Parson's funeral - in Clarkton. ; Religious Ed.' v Ccmiitcs Mseet Religious Education Committee from every presbytery in the Synod were special guests of the Synod's Committee at Burlington, N. C. on Monday and Tuesday of this week. The special session began at 3 :00 jaonoay atternoon ana coneraaea j The chairman - of the Duplin with Lunch on Tuesday. The whole 'County Bott Call drive for the it program of Beligious Education imerican Bed Cross appreciates the wb uuuiuDcu uuuer ujo uucuuuu activities of the workers and con of the members of staff in Bich- .tributors to the Bed Cross in past mond. The finding of the int, years and asks their cooperation sessions were . presented to theiin th ni rn ' body and adopted and" ordered pub- lished, and wiU be sent to the var-jena ious presDyxerys to neip promote local woiiv The Wilmirrton Icl-1 1 n unJar Cie " V.1 i i 1 ' -, " r law' f IM 1 J. : " 1 YEARS, AS ACCIDENT. AT , WALLACE, N. C. The Other Side Spirits will run high ' during Warsaw Armistice Week, when the people of Duplin county frolic and gambol in the carnival atmos phere of a holiday celebration, but let's not forget just what we are celebratingthe signing of the Armistice, the dav when hovs -and men fronv every nation shontedJllil, 041 while joyfully, at their release fronv po tential death. . j , - - Those men and boys, who had left their homes with slim chances of returning, unbelievingly notio- ed the lack of danger and listened ,uu Drmj"eyi wa o senousiy m for the ramble of guns which had, jred that she is still a total in been hnshfid. But the huln't lunn;vaua. hushed too soon. Many failed to appreciate the newly found peace, They failed to return. Many more returned nanus limbs, eyes, or o ther parts of their anatomy... Therefore, let us remember that we are not only celebrating the day when peace reigned once more, but we are paying a tribute to men who died, men who . were wounded beyondVrecoveryf. Let us keep- in mind the black side of war and work to prevent another slaughter of our brave young, men. Faculty Play at Kenansville , "Xomanoe In sA Boarding House' comedy in four acts will be given by the school Friday night November 12th. -' The play was written by James C. Parker and presented by special arrangement with the National Drama Co- Memphis, , Tennessee. Aaiaracxers hsiay-vllJ .imaal ta a laan.a 4Va. . Kf. vtdnTm wi Smiths the owner of the boarding Vight, carnal hous? yon wfll feel Hjf' " Smith, her "ifooil for nothing w'and tmder 16 years of age. Plead band" you wfll hate Bill the con SffiSS ceited smaU town Borneo. Yon wfll' .f ? "fanlt admire Mary. Anne, the heroine dea weapon with ta for her courage in facing a rery ?J ti2 m0J8 oads difficult situation, and yon Ji-".-'Wl!e?r-can't help - laugh it Mrs. Brown,)116110 fudty. 12 nwnths.on roads, the' deaf lady; Miss McGillicnddy, the gossip; and Hattie tHe hired girl. f. ." - The admission win be 15 cents for children and 25 cents for a dults. " Come out and enjoy two hours, wVf twlii of fun and laughter - . Jplefd to ' - y Jsault with a deadlv weanon. li k , . 4 Farmers Notice! : AU persons , carrying out late I soil-building '; practices, ; or who) have planted late soil' conserving crops prior to October 81st.. have I been requested to notify County' ngent iteyncads before November lZth. . 't . County Roll Call which begins on November lltb,i mfa November 28th. Each locality wfll have one or more worlers. The minn'! i,n to.ii. ?Of Vt. i-A f,Ca C.ll0;J toth wiite 'vs, S. Cf' - U f ""y requested to J. I.;P ' t ii r ... RESULT : FATAL Eudolph Strcikland, of Willard, was found guilty of drunken driv ing and sentenced to 2 1-2 years in State Prison at the special term of Superior Court held here, this week under Judge Luther Hamil ton.. , i -t The incident resulting In Strick land's sentence occured last March when Strickland, admittedly aft er having beendrinking, wrecked his car while speeding through the streets of Wallace after a show. One of his companions, Miss Letha Brinkley, of Watha, was in stantly killed as a result of the accident, and her sister, Miss Er Other cases finally disposed of in the special "f erm were : " Harry Anderson, chareed with larceny and reciving and driving drunk. l-iead , guilty to forcible trespass. Sentenced to 6 months on roads,' sentence suspended on payment of costs and to be of good behavior. - . Millard Daughtry, charged with aiding and abetting Anderson in larceny, plead, guilty ' to forcible trespass and. received the same sen tence.- ' " 1 - - : -. RioTiarfl Tr0. iinn.i.raaVn. - MvwiaianA many T' SlSji ' Ed Allen, assault and attemn ted burglary. . Plead guilty. 6 months on roads, " suspended on payment of costs and to be of good behavior: v ' Bertha McKeithan, negro, for gery: Plead guilty. 7 months in state prison. . :. : :.' 1 "Willie Powell, alias Awl Pow ell, negro, assault with deadly weapon and hit and run driving. Plead guilty. 6 months on roads, I UUCUUCU U pUUUCUl, VI UUSW ' ad be of good behavKn. suspended on payment of costs and good behavior.; Lula Mae Proud, larceny and receiving and caryying concealed weapon. Nol Pros with leave. Johnnie Mitchell, negro, assault! 'sanlt with a deadly' weapon. 12 months' on roads, Jerry ."Son" Boney, housebreak ing and assault with deadly weapon. ' Dorothy Wright, assault , with deadly weapon, not with intent to kill. 5 months in jail, , work in courthouse as long as work prov- es-saasiactory. Schick Test Given 425 Rosehill School With several cases of diptheria in the community ' and others in the county, Mr. H. M. Wells, Prin., secured the cooperation of the Countv Health Department in giv ing the Schick Test to the school children' free. 425 students ana teachers have been given the test to v determine definately whether they are immune from this dreaded disease. , Those -: whose tests read positive on Friday morning should take the toxide from their local physicaq or if not financially able may get this service from tne r " I rpartment at 15 cents per 1 t cooTOTatio i : ''j ; ' ' -. u"" - v' - . ". ii ' i )! ..! i , i I,.,. , i, i,,,.,,,,,,.,, YOUNG DEMOCRATIC CLUB MEMBERSHIP YoiiTKT Dimnrrnts 1 I-'emOCraW Stage Roosevelt Celebration Tues. The Young Democrats of Dup lin vounty will hold their annual Boosevelt Anniversary celebration at Maxwell's Mill Tuesday after noon, flovember utn. The meeting will get under way 7" y n at 5 o'clock, when Henrv Stevens. nf Waraav will tnuV tha BlantOIL J crowd. At 6:30 a fish stew will be'S"1 D 9ai B- held for all those present. At 81?' Teaohey, Ben o'clock the night festivities , wffl!!1baJk William B. Teachey, begin. Square dancing sets will be called and musie will be furn - ished for round dancing, All Young Semocrast and their friends are invited to attend the celebration.. ; Alvin Kornegay and Jerry Smih are co-cnairmen oi tne arrange ment committee, which planned the celebration... ARMISTICE PROGRAM hbo m2L. Sr, rJS hbors are by Warsaw mt- Duplin county friends and neig- 'iseM. .w aucna ine annual xurm- Plan hon haan ' " what u expected to be one of the most cuocessful celebrations held there in years. Kaua . Greater nuows wiii noia a carmvai mere for the entire week,40ffenng an unusual variety of entertainments to visitors, ne mg uay 01 me ween wiu, w -r t day, November 11th, when an Ar-I nusuce program will be earned' out. At 10 AJL there win be a .uarade. beinnmne at the erammei atthegrammei ' 'uens to aiiena xae, annual Ann- .-j k p.v.-i t nr.. . , HSfiriK 5-SntSvS i next week. . In.i, v..n tt schoo.and ;. marching to the high nigg ir Richmond school, Flag raifcttiwill begin at(ICS U1 rUCmllUIla ltiiS, after which . the aswably Mrs. J. S. Fleming, who for will be addressed by June H. Bose of Greenville, N.: C. . av a a At . 2:30 Warsaw jugn school football team will meet Wallace High school. ' The day's program, will end Thursday night with the Annual Armistice, Dance in the high . school gymnasium, v where Paul Jones and his orchestra will play. The dance will begin at 9 0' clock and last until the wee small hours. Everybody is urged to attend the celebration and have the time of their lives. Warsaw" wiU be wide open to its visitors, ' County Deputy Corners 'Coons ; Looks as if nothing can es cape Deputy : Sheriff -German Powell. He went 'coon hunting Wednesday night, and:; before he had hardly gotten on the the city limits of Kenansville . ran over a 'coon weighing 14 ; 8-4 pounds. " Not satisfied with this sudden success, German went on and -didn't stop until .two . more 'coon were in his possession. - , , - Sheriff David 8. Williamson says that the supposes the dogs had something to do with catch ing he last two, but that German-' might have ' treed them, himself, , ' Mother of Mrs. Harvev Ronev Dies J I'rs, Bosa little Crump, 63, of Folkton, mother of Mrs. Harvey DRIVE SUCCESS ) The Young Democrats' drive in ew members, which onlmin tlLtti in the big rally in Jackson ville last week, proved successful with seventy new memberships and paid renewals swelling the organisation in this county to great soenguL. uraay Jiercer, secretary of the organization, re ports the following list' of members: new W. B. Gooding, Fred Outlaw, E. J. ik Jerome, T. A. Bar Can, A. Q. Brinspn. A. Kenneth Bla&ohard. it-, ir - i """ jaeroer, . v. Sandlin, J. G. Kennedy, Andrew Brown, Bommie Mallison, Bernice wesnam, A. W. Gresham, I, L. Miller, Harold Kornegay, Mx. and Mn. Bobert Wells, B. V. Wells, in, tt., y, uooamg, JBay SmiQi, A. K Bhodes, Fred Smith. Clayton Smith, I W. Bakes, Johnson Smith, Freely Smith, Hugh J. Smith, D. W. Smith, James A. Bhodes, Cleon Smith, Clarence Shepard, Mr, and Mn. Walter Stroud, W. G. ftnith, J. B, Smith, Macon Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams, . W- E 1PoweU' to.azAXi. Glen Blin.y jj,. fusiXli.j. T. GreshamTlIr. . -- T. i"jjiu" jTussell, 0. D. FusselL Ed- BnweTBen Kramer; Mrs. namwa v , v i. t ' 1 iVntv vim. n7,n,-i nrw..i.' ! nj j,,. c, p. j, x B Jerome? George B. Cam Miss Elisabeth Forlaw, J. M. Barden, w. 1. nawes, Jus. J. JL Barden. v, nj vn vn t 4WAIM1V t. PnrrriAr Diiriliriifaa a nusher of years lived in Warsaw and Faisdn, wikiv. Mr. Fleming was principal of tne schoda.died Wednesday in a hospital in Bich- mend, Va, where she had been a He TBiwrreW,lis wifeHel-, patient for about three weeks. I lie McCoy, and his f our oTiififrek, Funeral services wfll be held Fri-: Daphne May, D. a-Tumef Jr, Bet day afternoon in Iathonia, Ga, ' tie Sue, and an infant, all of Xin Final Services Methodist Meet In Wallace ' The final ' preaohing services for Xosehin and Providence Me thodist Churches before the meet ing of the Annual Conference wfll be held Sunday, November 7. ; The 'pastor, Bev. E. C. Maness, wfll preach at Providence at 11 a. m. and at Bosehfll at 7;30 p. m. The public is cordially jsvited to attend these services. The Annual Conference will meet in Edenton Street Church, Baleigh, November 17th, Bally Day services for the Wal- laoe-Bosehill Methodist charge were held in the Wallace Method ist church last Sunday, October 81. Eev. -W. A. Cade preached ; and held the business session jp the oonferenoe, after which Superin tendent of Duplin Schools, 0. P. Johnson, addressed the assembly. Special musie , was rendered . by members of both the - Wallace and Bosehfll churches. . . . ? - Dinner wu served picnio style in thft.bniemant afti tfca tunilQi- e,don v wer, and the ftcr. noon was given ever to short talks. J. S. T'.idx, J, H; Jerome, and o- of "Durham, Warsaw i3 Place For Celebration Since 1921 Duplin county's Ar mistice celebration has been beinf r held annually in Warsaw, amd justly so. Warsaw is the larrest town in Duplin County, situated I favorably for contact with larger ' ' cities, and enjoying the distinctiea,-, I of being one of the most prfr " 00s, progressive, and friar :$ , , towns of its size to be found. Eat - ' above all, Warsaw and Dnpin; county contributed freely ef their -stalwart men to the government f our United States when thewire called upon to go, and it is fit-""' ting that tribute shtfuld be eld.! to them by all the dtiaena ii. v Duplin county, and consequently ' : ' in the town most convenient to thfe-V uiuiens 01 jupun. 4 Duplin county men who served V id the World War trained distinb- tion then, and afterward have gone down in the annals of A- v TtlATnAan TaunAM THm4- . wv-ma MHMI MUtVlj . H .- wua HW W MUUhr aVUilafA County's own Henry L. Stevens, past National Costmamder of the American Legion,"and one oTthe most popular, men. everie koU that post or to behmj-t titat er- A ganizaion, hails from Woxsmsv His i is a key part in making the Arm v-' istice celebration a suooesa ekolt - - 4., ,'..-j j Such men. as Stevens; deter-j; " our praise, ana iney fet tt aeh M. i j' "V. 7. i ,CIU m uwce oeieDraoon. ; r I1" our token temembnaee .to them, and evei-vm in TJmrila countv should and does Ma fa tlu spirit of the occasion. Former Duplin Man Dies Wed. D. Cannon Turner, 37 years old, died in a Xinston . hospital Wed nesday night from injuries redev ed in an automobile accident in 1 which his back was broken, Tur ner was a former resident of the s' Kenansville section, although he has lived in Xinston for sometime. He was buried at Cove Citv. ston; and a brother, Clyde, and two sisters,' Mrs. D. It mith of Pink Hill, and Mrs. May Whitman Navy Enlistment Quota is Set Nov.l The North and South' digtriflt. Af til Van Wanrnifaav service, with headquarters in Xal- ' , eigh and ten sub-stations located -in other cities throughout the twe, states, has been assigned large r- quota of first enlistments for the month of November. The district has been ' assigned a quota of 84 -first enlistments assigned to any recruiting district in the United States for this month. '. The Wilmington office located , in room 208 Post Office Bufldine, " . " which is the proper place for applK cants from the following counties r. ' '-v New Hanover, : Pender,: Duplin, Sampson, Columbus, c Biadn ai ' Brunswick, has been assigned its share of the total district quota, ; The Wilmington office it ej:n from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 pm. To be eligible-for' enlists't white men must be betwen ther 5. if 17 and 5. 7Llte lO'ni r s enlisted at Ce t s cf 1 71 ored boys jn" 1 1 -5 r r 18th birtl.d..y L.e tl ; . ; j enl.'1'! - ' 1 J b.rt .r. Trad:haw, v.-cre hearl. '"TTJtTt Of 1 I 1