s ha one of "the most nnforsettaMe. fLa past five R f 1 13 t i Varans c all tune. -i.e. i-u- -l tSl v " " ik" i story of love and.t.l t v;..t v.l t 1 1 L te aU disappointment " after! frr r s : - ' the Anr; ";ce freed brave 'men.! . v 1 1" r of!:' r li v in 1 ,r ys to r- I froa tL.8 rrors of war to go lack , ; .in ' into a r ul worli and f ice tl I ( ' lL.s lit isj - - b-ir-1 tj borrost 'rv?'nn, v- -j :-. - B la i. 1 to ' t 1 1 'i few i ). .Iyf 1, ; h'.'t of 10 c. j , i" e ir.an who ' is il-IItj at getting off : '.' wif e.iacl3, as well .' .77 drama roles, is j man OPat O'Brien, e he is co-starred with .11 and Margaret lind i i'o tie most capable fern 's in the cinema world. t1 "Eack in Circulation." t ie best newspaper stories r this year. the V i.rrc V e-t s written ) -s rmn Lo f ti J' t ' errors . -e g--t f J 1- nr-Ti i pm. a man who 1ihb thereof he speaks. Erich Haria . t . j 1-1. Eemarqne nuKea nis isie " J which he been so carefully guard ed, and 1 1 them before me puo lie in "TIxe Eoad Back." Everyone should see the picture. 4,J pabaiiottjit, or kecstos jiJ6hV.-'OUr.Oi:,"i..Biilii'i .,,.., - - , CARLE FERK1S Ite ..'EST- iuJ;i,jn-to the Impressive array of nroK In moal : li studios te-of alt thinga-an out of date telephone book suppi r by . BobBumi The Arkansas philosopher brought It tow the Music bU ' sary to, f W 1 n.::a r ' mas, a new c ( ' e cpie, Eargaret lindsay 1, Iliionaire's wife, becom ed, and the entire' plot i into the most interesting ,! ij te filmed with Pat OBrien ..-y a moon, Dont miss it .'.-'' .-. . i - 1 Thursday,Jlfovembex 11th, . '. noca neatre will present ' e which is appropriate for ' 'e day, and should jpove to ;Bob 'Th Tnnunonnt theatre, in Sin- ...... IX. - h.-J. r uui ; SlOn DrUlgS w 1IM TKma diuukij, in Circulation", is theVjnday, and Tuesday the greatest if the results of a million-1 picture yet to be filmed in Liiley ii.j'&w:iiuuB vcnuif mw ucl einpjC S vaW xuo- wm ;f Fat O'Brien, a fast-talk-', waited for its star. "Heidi." brings paper editor. m-Jesusl - suder -leiiintovnogm'. glorious ion of Johann Spyri's beloved sto- n. Rtiirlit in minnnrtAd DY j that lovable actor who has played, to many neart-toucning pans, jean Eersholt 4 s it 4 . 1 ' The story of a lively little Swiss girl and her hermit grandfather, ana ine iuwes iney iina m m;ihndilSm on the luck they give mg to stay together has been fle- i ta on their programa and pay humJuI 1v imam 41ta ' R iW lof--1 L.nM waIT vpka ftinRtAMt hftVA found IH.Mljl JUViV , VVW Avr ten from Shirley Temple fans in ' ; nlnht for Liigcha Levitskl. the noted -concert :ar who. was t ppearing as a guest on the show. . It came In handy to raise . Um piano bench. ' which was . too .'low and the ' directory ia kept on hand perma nentlyfor future J gueetar use, Kathleen WUson, who nlava Clan tfiS lit "One Man's X-amllft- Is Uvlng m a mountain ranch hi the bills i jovo aollywoo 1 and she has named k "Sky Banch." after her scrlptual nme in-the radio serial. VPbenevor Olsea and Johnson, the i-omedlans, beard 01 01a vauaevme Lcialre Trevor i always w ""P I. pressed desire. M ne Swoman. The lovely actress has baa 9- f II J. in LLL """"TP EDDF JEAHHEESHOLT The.story thai wad for its start The' picture you'll remember her by ' for always,! :s p. m; 1 Sights Ibho wnrl At tb paeamoukt wmrnAY 1:00 to 11:00 . Continuous - Showing tuesiJat..-. 1:00 to 11:00 Continuout.. Showing 7 J W J. vIrJidlilVi WARSAW, NX. it Tram- Wwk of Novemtr 8th- 1 -'-r ly ' "s. v ' MiabAY, K0VEMBSK 8TIt- 7 ;MT CERTAIN WOMAN f.- " ? Wiarring Bette Davis," Henry onda f ' : -; : wftvir.'MTin'n. , kTTr u. ,;i ,.'. One Rlile Ffci Heaven Starring CIL' Trevor . fStarrmj I. - 3,1 y - TAW 'iS .1 i 1, i n f A rru" ,Eobert "Taylor X and rti cor.' Innous through the day rkiWi Tha fiinRtAM hava found shat these old-time showmen have nuch to contribute to radios - late hi November Marlon Davleef in ih mrfW nnln. Thaktra ner-l formanca. This time tt wlU be "Peg! 1 V , ( Unrtri mil her thn i weekly air eontrlbutlons over CB ii She lasiuona ne? ' style of current newspaper colmwus ; which discuss (Oincai eveui. day. ; , p.! 1M - x . , r . ; c r j..: a.. ,.!ylL.:3. ' 'j e,.t te' , , - and. c. r cf 1 " ' -7 "S -nu-3 T? vk:h c' riiJ -1 ys. IH'S t . . s r d "and kr tie t'Js to t e r"j:Ut ccr.tinuons- ly. a it 1-3 rcsullea in young- eT ta i smallor turseys oeuig uiw- keted.- . - . : w 'n rAiti' mt fhas. since v - f rrkevrhas dropped iaV -ty tj until it closely ap- omndfit mce of cmcKens, ine I- t rf m' - 'Ion to the farmer hpiv.me ff vital farportiice, n-, -'h r"ta of soupx ana mrariv tr, ' pvs and ecier.t and eoononJcal feeding enter larly intoulhe cogt of proaucuon, me Rtatf. nniie?e nouitrvman says, in to been found that from 3 1-2 to 41- pounds of mash and cprain ara reouired to produce one .'pound of live turkey prior to 23 j I. 1 1 t C T1 T f f ,j weeks of age. cr ydl'el i C ' , xt i.l i L j r . ha.nialc Ion, for f ll tation there. . The certificate wl'J 1 7 J natures of Presil;Et Roosevelt and Coven .rt',') Koey, and the fz -.et' i v .i t similar to those Uaea wlva ic certificates presente4.to the Xreai- dent ana tne wvernor. ' - : tnnnirv oil to whether Zis Ua- lesty's Government would accept the gift was maae inroc i -ouic-t'tiTI irtiA a(lJr,s,-',d the Trit- va c j ") w - ii-i rmbassy at WashL.tua on the TTip Rtate CrTartmcct has for led Dr. Heynolds the -fol low;, g formal reply: - 1 3f i, 'Where mash and grain are fed ' l j HP t this age, the approximate J v I consumption will probably be a- ' a wlU r'-cach ' i i" i C fteh J it'll:' i- -,i1fty let 13.03. The It "l beat 3:00-, -' 7 s houl at - '). ji are to make - E-!f";3 j" r g'rvioes. : at zsiLzmzz-; rev. J. LTrt of Kount 0- live wCl be " - '-est speaker at. En'r1 1 c. " ia revival in this' je- I v. ,n many "r Wa.itv's Charsre d'Affair- es presents' his compliments to the Secretary of State, and, with ref- v t. n.- m i ri c,t the church are uiu.l t te present ior w service. , . . , , jDE, ETCUST At TrACKEY 7- " t UARION DA VIES ; ' My Heare: and an all star east Will support BOss Davlesv Each year Ulss' Davies has been starred In Radio Theatre at least oncfc Last time she took everybody .connected with the show to her Santa Monica home after the broadcast for a big Peter Van Steeden. JTown Hall To night maestro, Is a fastidious young nan mrttn will lnti?h at a lake only when It IS extremely funny. That's HOW waiter, JJ-jaeeie, comtxuan u" the program, finds out at rehearsals what his strongest gags will be dur ing the program. ' - An "f"" column" Is what Mary CLUBS TREVOR her wish oome true via radio.,. She 1a enacting role of a society reporter ? In support of Edward a. Robinson's managing editor characterization on the CBS series, "Big Town.T News paper friends coached Miss TKpvor , so that she lends authenticity to her interpretation. -( , With 1937. down m the nook as' the year thai made a ventrUoquist's dummy a leading radio personality. it also marks the debut in radio of ' the acrobats. ' Clarence and Claude, r the- acrobatlo . Stroud Twins, are a ; new discovery of Rudy 011008 pro-1 Brum ..uui hsn iiua nbtAbinl a regular berth on the Sunday night neisonisaay'-vnanieiticuBruiy jiiuw. . However, the boys donV do acroi batics on the air; theve: turned -into comedians. ; - Radio Is responsible tor the reap- pearanoe In pub-. , -., ' 110 lire ta many .,. starsof the stage f ana . screen wno , had gone Into ' retirement. Ooo- rad 'Naget . ,ls a ; hlnlns axamDle. Lured away from '.. the ..movie fac- 1 tories, Nagel Is no w - winning, t new . plaudits as ' dlreetor and: 1 producer of the j Sunday After-. . i A. 'I HAS . Theatre which . Conrad Nagel features promt- ' , , nent movie names Jn, staring roiea of 11 1-2 neunds. Even where there-is-an excellent ranee, the Yi bout 80 pounds for males attain ereuce to his Note No. 3-a 01 tne ' Dr H. C. '-orcy of Wilmington ;' ; i, preachir- " -7 &t Teachey,. f V Prebbvter:. i Church V-w week. He t -ptural mes- . Ration, ion with people ' Hons f;om His Majesty's principal are -- ' flrv nf State for Fore Af- of teacly u this; series ol servi . fairs, t'.-1 Eis " str L.overn-cc- ine a weikth of 18 pounds ana ap- xtttn &cpemocr ma, 7"-- - r(;..,re nwnmatelvSO pound, for youig.or to inform him, under iustruo- 3 .to Mge mdo hens attainip? an average weight ' I " " t . ' " ' ""'"r",ny .. - "" 1 . . r" TTn" -.... . . . - , ;,-,-- - " -".irr-; .f: . w,-str' - -t-. fiS-.-, , OTT. CT71TT 'fT -T: 'i, y- , --4-A., l' ' 11 ' -yv; ? -.-V -A' -, '"VALLACiS," lorlh taroiona Program tVeek cf NoycfnbjBUi-- J 1T "ir MAUm j f . . ... j" 1 .1 . "Bade mCirculalicny rf With Tat' O'Brien, Joan Hondell, Earguet Undsay . 1; ,, ;f ITS , ALIilY0UHS:: : j i , Starring Madeleine Carroll, Francis lederer, KSscha Auer I V7EDNESDAY, N0VEMESS 10TH, KGHT, ?0.C3 CI ; "THE LADY ESCAPES With Gloria Etaari Echad Whalen Z. . " , adfeesikential buildings in KenansyiUe. Lying aa it does; kiainediatdy adjacent to the business : ectioit of Kenahsville makes it outstanding pro- p-rty : for " stores! or other business houses. : l, , V,' : Sale to be conducted on the prcmjses. 11-00 a ni, WEDNE it 4 C Si. TSUUSDAY K0VEKS22 HTHPEOAL ASJTICZ RC TUBS - ' j - i . U " ! "y ' " THE ROAD BACK r Sequel to AT1 Quiet On The WestenJ Front" Every sol::, should see this, picture. This is one of the ten great picture of all lm. Don't miss seeinz it The show ovens at 8:30 rut straight Crsa to twelve. Une day only. r'arrin- .f.rri.1 1? Jon J'tti.Vl ' :l 1 iTEHBAY, rsvrm IZ7Z ' ' - w i i JX1 leanest of Mr."Sowman we have subdivided thia fine old home-site into" 10 unttl, Each unit will have frontage on the KenansviWwattaw-Wilmington pav- - ' Eaghway. .,V i- , 'HcJ 7v iv , -v" Whome eonsfctsf six roonls and. hath, front and back powh. One lot'has small ' offioe building on it snitable for different kinds of uses, EASY TEittiS! SNAPPY LIUSICI; PRIZES! ' Vorfler to make the proposition more Interesting to the generaljpublic we -have arranged for unusually easy terms A number of valuable Friges and one CIIA" FIU23 wiU be given away., 'And r&EIO wiU begin about 10:33. So let noth'g keep you away, ir-rect the subdivision of tiiis jropsrty and te t! n, A'H) lf:C0 ""IIILLII? CI? 99

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