j. r.o::T gbadt, r::tor-cwner rrrir.3D at ties post en icn. jeiansville; n. C. A3 -SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTES. . . '? .;' . BATES OF SUE 2EJFTION CX3 TEAR (BY MAUL),, POSTPAID LZX. MONTHS ........... 11.80 .7a i t. Ii LJLL - far a LI ' - t Loners. V . s revest And j', t rj t.-udy fvllow Chrkt knwi and caring nothing for His revenues "TNuse. hnt desiring to eat and lie (filled, It is. sad-'y true tlikt many make a proiession m jvj-a,v-a. in the sake ol worldly advantages. In Matt. 20:20 we notice tat "the Mother of Zebedee's children" disnlavi a much neater anxiety about the worldly prospects .of hare children than- about the wel tfam nf thnr 'nla. Ia it not true l,o man-r narentl todav ': WOttld m, 4. 4-h. fTnA.Mnn whioM in oWaTii -.Ved when "someone has rather see their' -children riding A DKMOCBATIO TOCRNAIa PCELT ":3 EY A CKAX A23 DEVOTED TO TUB BIATRIAL, EDUCATION AJU ECONOMIC AND AGEICUtXCSAI ITHXESTS OF DUPLIN AND 8 C GROUNDING COUNTIES. , Whose Vault Was It? t 'Si .-0. Le rrc7 ' r i ' V Ir. t : . - i ' ' - 1 f ."'..8 f tUi. llrs. 0. A. i -a-hey and Xev. H.u. larne-S. . . f -i cf fie - EoscLU school, eEjecfiL'y the Eoom Eer- erade moiira, are 'urjea' w time m t-ton, ua, present. . ; . . ... ' v Xr. aal tli. S. E. Eutlin and Jeroire ar 1 Eyra uuuer, w llrs. r.' . 1 isi. r. ' tf c. - y v -a D. J. r'sell is s c. r. r 5 811 -w.oae. " -adcr:-Ti, and l 'afl :'::k, te . 0. IV;se. . , ct Cljiton, rrinj. !tj some 'The followi T noI December 19, 1--: :r.A m tie Chailotte (3. C.) funeral services fur Tv. Tr . v. m. B. C-K-frA'cf.-War-saw, Dr. C-J. :- f C cord, and Ev Cu. a Jackaonvillc' reces filled theu: an accident, but the answer doesn't matter a great deaL If someone u AcaA ar crinnled firf life, nlaciwr the blame doesn't help.. And much as we scoff at the value of money, that is another serious rob . it kl.ma tnm an nniMsnf nl-uwA An MntiAATm .who ift HH' 1C1U. t WtG IWHIW AW. m. .anv.wH " w " ' able to pay the costs of repair, it really doesn't matter-that he has! been stampea u guilty. .v irTianciriin -man Tcfntlv had an accident which did oonsid- orftbln damage to his own oar and the one that he hit The accident strange request . "Bat Jesus said ri thnn Vnnw not what V ask: can ye drink l the vup that entuio utuuogc w vw h - -v - t drink oIT ana DO oapuzea was caused by a third party who didn't know what he was -doing u tiam that I am .baptized or didn't care. He was not touched and n damages were done to S81i. Those who at- nis person or property, juui ii. um tou t.wuii "B,Tiir t6 a olace near the tnrone i -j .m. a-l. .:J.4t ..J Aa4-tliiwf 4Iia milt . man . n I?1 . i . M . a unmeiuawiy na mcui . vj.6 ,"..lb r ' v'unust expect to De cauea upon w would have remained free from any Jiability for the wreck, as he . . 'tn Mn1j; gtriTe 'aeainst failed to stop or notice the damage he had caused. ' - ; -' 1 ' l, g0 through, fire' and' , water, Each of us should Keep in mma wnen anwuK um .wo , m, . j jbaptized in the furnace of KAP.n in mma iae ami uuu uic . . r- - affliction. No cross no. crown. j Jesus does not deny that there ""itivwi near Tayettevilla. I v.-.i. nionaa ln TTia Irimrnnm . hut I , . w TJ k.M f n jiltiA 1 fMfflA IflVft. hilt other man probably won't Auto drivers are like donkeys ; i theirJ mental quirks defy analysis. ' . , MbiVh nlace. in His kingdom but . " . . .. j r i li I ' r TT K - V 1; ' ... i.M. r r.. . "l it do-, nnveil' the terms :, on . . , ... .,... .f.i-'...., . j u. .-j. .iwhnn thpv mav be won. Is it at the price ofj self-sacrifice and much suffering T Are. we ' wining .here Tt. Eoh of Eichmond, Va., are atives here.1-, , . Mr. and Krs. ESired Soon ana Paul Scott, of EichmonO, va., spent Christmas Day with Kr. tad Wm T. T Rnntt Wr nd KM. D. B. WiUiams were dinner guests ol Krv and Mrs. J. M. Jerome, Jfionday eveii- wr mA n. V. H. Sail and children spent Christmas Day with Iah.1 visited relatives darLj tLd Loli-ays. - - Vr'nii Knrohv. who is a rion, Iadl Jla, is , spending the t . r TaidbI nnt finrdavl Members ot ,i juui .wnv- -r - - - i. . . ... . .-j , Va tinma . ; in I ii mnnnna of tne 0. I.ll . .111... . u . Uil . V IWIMV l'1'-.! ""r Er&iahaw,!-,.. . . ,4. v, . -1 number of fnends attc i viditia? rel-! . V .i - ... i w m -i Tfftt in k. mnmnv. oi - imieritns of the First . weanesuay u v the church. . -, The services ' body pf the ctur.h, ird G.'iany, rr'--r h a, pastor of Vet v Thomas, nastor of ' Eev. Dr. John Van da Lve, p (Huguenot) church. Va., were L-JJ r t y a CGrTT-""'-'---?21 v ' ' 1 'tVir r ' -i: ' i:..a. , Will " i'innrt.h: L,.ytcrian cLuroh, a.l 1 S.C. leston miniBterial union attended a tI ,ton.der?ymcn to a ocy; n. , "ommittal Ktes in xe c-. v- --v - X gently said, and dont wait up for To BE-LIEVE Orf w might not be there'. Wot To BE LIEVE: tsri1m5r-t.-n. recentlv and Ha. . . Teachey. Kics v: ' inia ward, i anent the 1 jlidaTS with er, 12. I-rta Ward. , ' . 12r. and Krs. . O- Murray, and tik Itm..' O. W. Boney. and SSss tut- Hurray spent Christmas Day wiQ lax. ana jus. w. a. Hurray, tt Kenansvflle. V,'V Kr. an4 llrs. A. J. uavenaugn, ' . bv hueh maxwell ' y ' i. ' IT'S come and gone, folks. Yep, still talking about Christmas. But there is one thing for which your woosy would-be word wielder re mains thankful, in spite of Aead achss, blood-shot eyes and turkey itis: The fact that we can sort of taper off from' those wild yells oi Merry Christmas by way cf a few slowly fading Happy s New Years, without necessity , of changing miritnal altitude too sudden ly. We hereby take advantage oi that fact and say a Dit too tow ly, ''Happy New Year to you all WE stared with V'bc'JeJ wlic. one time during Christmas we . . . ..... j . "raised our neaa irom luiuei a i .i.. . ., ... ,. ' i i groaning xame xo see a young -.tidy in the midst bt tuxke::, baked ham, sausage, liver pudding; oys ir dreiaim- and iust nlain oysters calmly nibbling at collards : and corn bread. We don't know for - l.Mi Lm. j. n n MfUtlui. tioK of calling in a psychiatrist on the case. Should have if we did n't". " mmmoMK9t,tt, pay the price! It, ii.onething 'r a ' Si. u.n , and . annt.bpr to say "we can". . and . another thing to do it. Tnese iwo aiscipies as recorded in verse aa saia,,.-we flan" hnt later when the supreme trial came it is recorded that "all the disciples " forsook Him , and fiAn Ttnt in later , vears after counting the cost they both paid the price, as James was aiain wuu thi sword, and Jonn was onvea Sunday School Lesson I By Bev. B. A. Cadle ; the gospel or mark, " PBEVUEW - , . - m.A ... t 1A OKtJlK . . -i jifsson iairAVK((ivaw.w,':'i ----- - m i m.... J 1. -av 9 IIV TWTRRRUL1UI1 LU LUC MIU V you will be the chiefest shaU be'Patmos. They karned what nuay servant of alL'i For the next six.of us have yet to kar that hon months we are going to study the (ours come to those who endure gospel of Mark. To get the tJJ out of these lessons it will bene-. s V cessary to know something of the "use of Christ; ,and m ?bl Author, origin, and theme of this 'the end. By way of the cross they book. Scholarship agrees that' 8 a CI0WJL ' J1UU S. IB UiC , VAUGBb VI MW ivwi RV I jucls written nrobably before , 601 4. The attitude and ambitions of the ten. . "And when the ten heard it, they began to be much . dis pleased with. James and " Jbhn." Perhaps they heard the conversa tion . betweea; Jesus ana ine xwo 1. The Author and Theme of Mark. The Author, John ; Mark,' was the son of Mary of Jerusalem, place for the disciples. From this W ... 4. vo know that the author came L'om a Christian home. It is be . ' AND then came Sunday when we went over to help the kiddies on the Children's Hour, over WF TC in Einston. Found ourselves compelled to kill five minutes which had been left over due to a miscalculation in the time element. Started on a little unusual item in which Bobert Bipley's - column don't you know himf Just a con temporary of ours been mentioned, a , collar for half a minute during of the worldly ambitions, in their own hearts, i Not expressed v per- i ATiT-TTt rL- tL haps but there just the same. I lieved that he was led to Christ by ; ., ... 1n fnr Peter who calls him "Mark my I " w"iT rt ,-m ,. . t, r TT ii . their indignation as they were son." (1 Peter 5:13) In later Mt . Jame. 'JoM we know that Mark accompanied re-jiy constitutes great Barnabas and Paul on then : re-' ine hononra: The turn irom Jerusalem to Antioch character, reflected and became their attendant m the ' .... - , A ,,.:- early stages of their first nu-sion-. d ft them, ary journey. He left them at Per-.1! at ambition. gawd returned to Jerusalem L 9Ug -d them unto Him" t.bat bi rpfnupd tn tak Mark an. other time so he went with' Barna bas, his uncle. We know that a bout ten years later Paul was glad to number Mark as a fellow- and thi indicates that the"v need led the lesson just as badly as Jam- I - a ' . m il 1.. es and John; Ana wnat is xne les son? That the mark of true great hm i. service. - Jesus came ; to J Vn c.f A. IdtchQeld and children, of Aurora, ' visited friends here during the holidays'. Mrs. A. B. Wells - and small daughter, Annie Davis, visited re- latjma in unrraw uus weea. - : Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Teaohey and children, of Wallace, spent vnrure mas'Day with. JDr. and Mrs. Chas. Teachey..', . -f '.;.''"' iriB.nieKBMd. of New York City, mtitfA relativei here durinz the Juliette Davis, of Bnrgaw, ' re cently spent a few days wjth her aunt, Mrs. A. B, Wells. " 1 - B. F. Newkirk,. of ' Eichmond, Va., is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs D. H. Newkirk. ' . s ' -' Mrs. Virginia Teachey has re turned from Washington, D. C niimt b iMnt a few months. :'( Mr. and Mrs.' James Peak,' of :Eli2abethtown, .recently visited, ir. ana jnn.. w. x. mub. .i Miss Sallie v Hendexton, who teaches in the' Nahunta school near Fremont 'is at home tot the holidays. , ' ' , hn. Marr B. ronaw ana mum Elizabeth Forlaw are spending se veral dan with Mrs. - Cornelius Leuweenburg in'Wilmington. , - i Miss Sallie May Jonnson, wne is a member of the Fuauay Springs school faculty, ? is spending the holidays at her home here. - . Guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Allen during the holidays were; Mrs. Nixon, BiUyXixon, andMit cheli AUen, ol Wilmington, i' Mr. and lira: L. IL .Marshall. and Barbara Marshall, of WiLming- lon,: ana jwss. jaary itaarsnau, oi ' , -V I T. , ,. oK'tmirm old and a native - he sunerea a iracxurea mV. j . volll,v t.T of Glasgow, Scotland. He came io tia.oountry as yonna c. y ' and was reared Wilmington, N. C. I J, :" 'i Sprunt was" I nephew of Bev,' James It Sflrunt ; . J; 1 "of Dupin County: .He attended the Uhioa Theoloal EemM -t 1Sa- Virginia, and preached his first sermon ia i . wif"---ir row. E was .licensed, to k. j. uavenaugn, , ; , the town oi wuiuisvuic : -.m . pr-qVv. ' of Waflaoe, were dinner guerts o , preach, by Wilmington " B 'hiear Char- . Mr. and Ers. I hutaer, ana i tery held on Apru o, oio, - . n: small so Leo, spent. Christmas ityf flxia County. feJ-'Ss present Day w5 Kr. and Mrs,., B. : J.j mington, father of i sident Wn Jj, w- V-. . !?. meexmgw ; u tUn . His otner examine wcao wo - - ; " . w e - Vpnansvffle " Jo. ph - KateS .at , UnSfStt 'to: Duplin County was W fl-' sin oT'thf SXifcl of GW churph,:XenaWviUei Novem- her a 1936. when he dettverea me prmmya - dinner was served, T1! 5fi avn " worker. If we. are in the habit of "erve " rs should have , iJ , i , ., " dav. as 1. looking only for the failures , in and tore at our "V.i .. .. .. . .f the w 5 fdtf -ly-iSuln EBVE. which we franfccalty repeated the . . . v JL 0-.r th. ... . . , name 01 literary gem unaDle M . rM to recau tue name oi jupieys. serve not to be served. And to- never before in the history world; Jesus asks us ' to w; YOVB writer never knows when to stop, as several people will tes- ttfy, no doubt, so we might . as : well tell you the story in which the above mentioned incident oc curred. The several Tyndall fam ilies of' Pink Hill have joint pos session of a Police dog named . Znox Knox is more intelligent than most dogs, so he learned to take a nickel in a paper bag, go down to the meat market and re turn to Tyndall's store with a bag f!l of beef scraps, waiting to eat ssii beef until he got back home. C3 of the stockholders in the ." : was told by a clerk at the t market one night that Knox '. 1 sen down to try to buy beef 'i, but the incident was I off. Then one day Knox otting down to the store : bag in his mouth. Nobody a him a nickel, so they 1 what it was.' When he r it was discovered that " a bag of beef on which lied a note reading, "Knox V beef, five cents." Now s an unlimited charge ac Very remarkable.' Your ,.t has no such thing. , ' ' r if youH pardon us ; well ? alonsr to eet another Mnt in bit rwinrd An tn t.bp theme of this book is quite evi dent tnat narx writes a straignt forward and realistic story of the work of Jesus Christ the Son oi God, "Service" is the keyword and the theme, 'Tor even the Son of man canut not tn, h miniitorAo1 unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many." Mark as presented in this lesson ' OUTLAW'S BBIDGE MISSION CLUCLE 10 ; MEET 8ATUBDAY P. K. The - Outlaw's Bridge Mission Circle will meet Saturday after noon, January 1st, at 2 ' o'clock with Mrs., M. L Outlaw, Jr. All members are urged to attend and visitors are welcome. Williams, near Clinton. . : - WCLL&L S CLUB MEETLHU . ,' tt,a ttbill Wnman'a Club was "... A UV WVIVMHH entertain! on Wednesday after noon, Deoi, 22, in the home oi mxt. D. B. Hefring, with Mrs. W. B. Herring 1 3d Mrs. J. L. Bradshaw as assistant hostesses .The .pfvSram for the meeting had been arranged by Mrs, C. F. Hawes, Uas Bessie jonnson, ana Mrs. W. 1 Bouse, members of the Literatarff Committee. They were mr fortShate in beine able - to have present, John js. jramor, jr., fnrmATi kkn nf the Carolina Plav- makers, t(lu read Dickens' Christ- , Th hOesses served ' iello top ped with whipped cream, ana case This was allowed by toasted nuts. RTT.U.VTOrri filTNDAY i.TTi Asm Karnrs - ' ' .. ; Sunday 'School win be held at Smith'. Cfturch Sundav at 10:15. Bev. Howard McLamb will preach .At-' H vin nreach at Lee's Chapel at a n'nlnnlc. The nnblin is invited. Methodists t the Beulaville .vic inity are especially invwea to ax tend Lee'l Chapel, as" there is no Kethodisf church in Beulaville. Bev., McLamb urges everyone i . u i. .ii.MJ OnnAV School axi church every Sunday. v , Mr. an4 Mrs. Clayton Smith, of Smith'i , JkOwashipv. entertained guests at Christmas dinner De cember Jlh. , NOECKE BIRTHDAY PARTY Friends and relatives of Mr, and Mrs John Noecke enjoyed ' a Christmas dinner Dec. 25th which also was in honor of Mr.,Noecke's I birthday.., Ati-- An improvised table was erected in the yard, where the elaborate After dinner 'the guests gathered around - tie piano and saj' Chtutmas oarbL, after" which presents vere opened. Everyone enjoyed the dinner ; and expressed the ' hope that ; they might be present, next year, v ooobco o bobooooooooooooccoi ELL'IS::r':STGRE'f o o o o o o o o o J , 1 ' I 1 f f 3- I m j j rPuispn's fed Dcpt ! Stor I j -WISHES TO THATS TUB 115113 Cf DUPLIN COUNTY e I 3 rcn THEa pATitsAca duxt:3 tt ipt year, and i rr-rr-r nnrTl TTTTT Tr TT 5" 7 T" 7 APT TTS . . v( VUJf WWAA1M . ' . ' m . v . . . . , roTnra can zz nzzt eian j good will be- ( TWEZar ICIIAST AID PATZC I WE HAVE EN- , joyed rnra tzs y&zt t vz, a; j we eusuy, I lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LiLl ItUC U ADDRESSED TO YOU O C'aJa. v. . ' '.' ' As the old year conies to o c c c . c o close we feel deeply' grateful for q g the business you - have i given us, o o and taiie this opportunity to ex- ( : Aj. WW VII -..VAAAWm W , MMMUW Wit . AW. .. o wish for you a Happy and Pros- c : 1 3rous IMev Year. V'' Gratefully I Yours o o o o o o ;) o x e. ir rfpr T'T TT TTT'T. C .'T "Tl IT "TS TUS CCIuG Cm. HATTY NIT7 TTIS TO YCU Aii4 AT3 KAY YOU a.. 't tt i-t , "W i. ,-:.L. ' 1 U..l'UiU. .,J V. A. A. - , -if'i''v",K, , -1 j WLS2L3 TO ESABTTLY THA3T2 T33 f-OPLE CP DUPLIN I iivtrrnw WD TTTTTIl TATT""TAf!'!5 fiiiCSS THE . NEW : TO irVE , UP TO THE i !XD j WE ASS CLZCnUXT TBYETa TBUET YCU HAVS PLACED CI US LI CITLHINa THE I j izct mvrca act jgbeatest yaksty cf jooia i AYATT.AT-.LH " ' 4 :,, t, . . accttt cm rrci wkhe3 fcb a laity new yeas, ATD LET US C2.VE YCU DUIIT3 TTS NEXT TWELVE i::thSa . . . - i . ft ; - . 5 . , v,VVaiPaw 2 Welcomes' vou. We sell for Cash. S 10 lOSS On DOCKS .or uciiyci y , w, penses. These ! are some of bur 0 SPECIALS? FOR THIS WEEK" g Kllnw Pn.....2bldrs.for 19c o g Qualicr Oats lrJ boxes for 23c, g o rieinz r ig rusauig ...... t. v ft VOW3L, f,IUi UUA , . . . r. ..... 4 . "- f 24-lb. bair Flour ;v:. .... V . . c c ) 12-lb. bag Flour . . ... . . riV.- ?V3Sc. J , Vnh O.rnn Kit HORlinV : T "1 ' .5 J No. 3 size cans; each :) Carnation ftliik 1 I 1 Uirire cans. .3 ' for .V.;rr.,23c Powhatan 1 Peas 1 or Beans : " 2 cans for . . ... . '.V .'..' . . ti t' .". Z3c ' ! Stoke!py,s r Finest Tiny; Peais or ) Deans , 2 cans for 39c , ; , Swe6t .Corn, No. 2 Cans. 2 for 17c ) Skinners LT'carcni, 3 Bxs. for 23c v. ana xu. Vi raps juice . v .s , o . Qut cn :V;;:r. Pint Can , . : A . . . . . . . . . lCc c Spinicli, Koreans . . .:2'for 23c Dacca, nicb and Lean, perlbJ. . 20c ' FULL LINE. CF FBESH MEATS, VEGETABLES '" ,'. ASD FBUITS DAILY - ' ... FULtlJNE CF JTZXVI AITD JAJ.CY GBOCESaTS - HABDWAR3; CCLLAL3, PAX3, EZILLES, HAKES, TOOLS, mzX EALnors; stals cuttlzs, rLCWS;, . plot: .2 YCJ LTJY. WE WILL EAV2 YCU 'ZZTZY () ( ) f i' When in .'ar;aw come to see us. You dont have ti I";.te our s' ;re your l-".!inarters. ve always Lave a ir s' ;re your i-".:inarters. v.e always tave a i . : nrr;'l. V,"ef , eci e yout pstronse. j . -v ji-n-fc -Ol . :cr. A very , Happy , c " w w w w w w

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