7. r fj ;1 1 Cuano J. C. JLUC3 Warsaw, K. C. Doctor:; !. DcVilt Racldey announces . The opening of Offices , For the Treatment of DISEASES OF THE1 EYE, EAR, HOSE AND , .TKROAT " 1 GLASSES FITTED , . . WAYNE BANK BUILDING GOLDSBORO, H. C. ; , 7i ft rid" . 40- . 1 Money Talks ' j , "- 1 f . . AND we can make your mo- ney talk louder by helping it go further. Warsaw Drug Company Warsaw, N. G, i GOLDWAYNE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS A Goldsboro, N. C. Our truck is in Calypso, Faison, Warsaw, Magnolia, Rosehill,' and Xenansville each Tuesday and Thursday, Mr. Riggs, Driver. oooooooooooooooooooooooot I CENT SALE 1 v r g o o o o o o o o o o o o " - o KATZ DEPARTMENT STORE P Men's Sox Sift and silk-wool 25 and 50 cent hose. Nothing but ; r samples, au sine- i gt tlyfirsts. , - 1 ' , I pair 25c; Izod for Friday, CU2 WEEK-END SPECIALS ARE STILL IN FULL SWISfG ( gjyjj 2LT " ' tz DEPAnir.rjirjT stchz V e family Kaowi. '7 st ir-'tc' ' Real crBort unity for n-a io wants permanent, proflUXie work. Sales way np tms year. si-an promptly. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCA-1C9-K, Richmond, Va,., , . JUST RECEIVED car load briquet coal, $10.50 per ton and tax. v We. E. Belanga ft Co. Kenansville, N. C. ; l-13-2t. np. ' . 'r " . 1 " EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Havine qualified as Executor of the estate of Ira E. Westbrook, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said , deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at his home, on or before the 5th day of January 1939. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment , - - This the 5th day of January 19- 38. ' . ' . "...RE. CHESNUTT, Executor of Estate of Ira E. Westbrook 6t. Feb 10. - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Arthur .--J. Chesnutt, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the" under named at his home, on or before ' the 5th day of January 1939, or I Mrs. D. L. Carlton, Mrs. John this notice will be pleaded in bar'iiiddleton and son, Jack, returned of their recovery. 411 persons in-'Saturday night after a week's stay debted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 5th day of January 1938. " , ' ' S. R. CHESNUTT,' Administrator of Arthur J. Chesnutt 6t. Feb. 10. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to all who eave flow ers ,and expressions of sympathy, j or aided in any way during the 1 recent fJness and death of our dear'mother, Mrs. J. W. Williams. ME3. C. T. GRADY and FAMILY We Spotlight The Spots BE it ever so tiny our seeing eye . will catch the spot on your-clothes, and our expert cleaning will remove it. Our work is guaranteed. o -V, i V 2 pair Saturday, Tslon. .V.... 26c J: : fij r ' . i. 1 in Cii'.a- ., 1 cy were j.- pll7- V.'jt ai: I v " , L.. f t I T les I. Liyne who wert v. on a week tour to II V Mrs. Charlie 0. I. o- i ed to her home in Ex. Friday after a wer'-s her motUr, Mrs. 0. P. I. 't v J Kiss riUrei Cu;ia i Sunday after a sWt YL..t v Kiss Bona Alln st r-ro. Ilss Lou'je cs boro spent last ,wev'; v-a I i brothers, Mr. J. V. fnsjen ana R. C. Pridgen. ' 1 Mias ; Maria Loftin. . returned Monday to take up her duties at Pineland College. f ? Frank Pickett after. few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bland Pickett returned to Jonesville where his wife is teach ing: !' - :-? - i if 1- f ' v Miss Hester Ann Farrior , has returned ; to Favetteville after spending the holidays with Dr. J, W. Farrior. '( Miss Amelia Farrior has return ed to Peace College to continue watV there' ''.''. Eccles Pridgen returned to Jack ' umville .Fin. after spending a J few days with Ms parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. G. P. 'Pridgen. Mrs. Leon Britt and daughter, MaTsLrof ft fflSwS' with her parents, mi. ana an. WiUl , jfwp -i iP-- Bland Pickett for the New Year.! Mrs.' Herman Andrews of Mt r OUve visited Mrs, , Park Pridgen Tuesday. '"' Miss Moselle Benton and. Miss Helen' Payne of Thomasville visi ted Mrs. H. M. Middleton during th iiolidavs. with Mr. Stanbaek in Salisbury. Mrs. J. B. Lewis returned Sat urday after a week's . visit .with Mrs. Charles Clark.' ' Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Buss, Ann and "Sissie" just returned Satur day;' They left Christmas morning, motoring as far as Silver Springs, Florida, and stopping to see rela tives in Georcria on their way back. Mrs. Park Pridgen returned Saturday night after a week's vis it with her daughter, Mrs. B. I. Andrews in Jacksonvibv v. v'-" BAPTIST CIRCLES MEET The George Rollins Circle "met in the home of Mrs. O. 8. JJest; the Rosa Powell circle met in the home of Mrs. Oscar Best and the Katie Murray Circle met with Mrs. R. A. Cadle on Jlonaay. . The programs consisted of .de votionals and business. Refresh ments were served during the so cial hour. . r . ' . . ; , - METHODIST CIRCLES MEET ' Circle No. 1 met at the home of Mrs. D. L. Carlton, Monday. The devotional was 'conducted by the chairman program leader, Mrs. Judson Rea, and 1 busineu '' ' was transacted.- " f . -Circle No. 2 met 1 with Mrs. Nedham Warren Wednesday even, Mrs. J," C. Thompson, chairman, conducted the meeting and - Mrs. Robert, West had charge of the program, after which they enjoy ed a social hour. - '" PRESBYTERIAN ADX Circle No. 3 of the Presbyterian Mrs. Dora Swinson and dangh Auxiliary met with Mrs. F. P.I ter, Miss Mary Swinson, and Ten- Fonvielle on Monday . afternoon, CROP PRODUCTION LOAT3 At 5 Cent I am glad to announce to the farmers of this section that I have made arrangement with ''.., , Four. County Agricultural Credit - Corporation, Dunn N. C. whereby they will loan money, on proper security, far mrp production purposes at less than one-half of one per cent p?r month. , . . " j - 1 There will be no stock to buy in the Corpomtioii, no isfpectisn fees to pay, as is necessary when borrowing through other lending agencies.-- (,'''', " - -See me at once , " ) y My Office, Mount CSe tlC. ' , and let me explain my money-savir-g plan more . tul'j. '-,-', : DAVID -"'" V r:r"T tT GET TS ett? v.:: : 1 " ; : by fay; j c: : . 1 A, J 2, t . . c. ii i.V.j. t I -e V" . ! i of r 1 f far- 1 . ! I t!" ., V. I I 1 :ia ti : L...SL' '-'7 I a-y fir- r tr i is sarvis .1 17 l rotirsca C. i, I'rs. S. I ...i,t: 7Z.fi, d "0 SKIS, T. 3. I TarmvLl i, a. I I kins, of 1,,-jr It John R. Croci, tl I Forest Crcc;n, cf . " Active fwaic Hcf-er.Walce; J.r GolJdboro; L. D. 'x, ari i. J. W. ;rtr ett, R. C. 7iln, J. H Ta or, 0. G. EmiLLaw, L. XL CaJersoa, liaimolia. ' - - Honorary pallbearers were: L. A. Beasley, R. V. 7e!:i, F. V7. n- Gowen, Lenry riL I-etiEsv, Henry Stevens, Jr George S. E-n- nett R. D. jonnson, J. T. Cresli- am. Warsaw: J. A. EarreH. A. G, Robert 1L Carr, j.',-, m . i., w.. ' .I.-. mM : The chairman,' Mrs. L. B Euie, called the meeting to order with a beautiful reading, and conduct ed the Bible Study from the Book of Hebrews, The topic of the .program was, "Fresh Facts From Afar." , This program was led by Mrs. D. E. Best and was of much inter-; est because of the effect of war. jj Mesdames J. T. Gresham and Ben Bowden assisted Mrs. Best in pre-' senting the program. fin.... ntoMiniii ' " . .J . es L. b. Jiuie, u. jl. am, 4. v. Robinson, J. W. Farrior, E. P. Ew-; ers, J. T. Gresham, Ben Bowden, I L. Rackley, F. r, Fonvieuie anah MissAnnie Ross Williams. , After the program the fcostesa bBUy tTZ- . . a a.k;S. v.- .v. -riii,;&. and Kri. Sam Phillips, of m and coffee. The nlates wtn lovely with little bouquets of vio lets and quince. - v J - ; PHILLIPS DAVIS ..: f Miss Ruby Herring Davis, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. B. M, Da vis, of Goldsboro, to Andrew Phil lips, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Phillipv of Warsaw, on, Decem ber 28 in Raleigh. At home, War saw., k , ''; u, V..... BEARL1ARSH Miss Anna Brock, tt Warsaw, is spending a few day here with 'relatives. - i , . Mrs. Emma Fate sad daughter Miss Christine Pate. Deloris andillams Lere, Beverlv Brook returned home last Friday from Bambery, 8. where 'aanour B the birth of a son, Hu they spent several days withlbert CUailey at Memorial General Mrs. Pate's sister, Mrs. Joe Hand. I Hospital in Kinston on Dec. 31. . luring Mary Brodsen returned tot Rogt. Strickland,; of Spring Flora McDonald College, Bed Hope vs a recent guest of Miss Snrines. Tuesdav. fa resume her Doris fith at ier home near studies there. -Boyd Walker left Tuesday for Campbell College after spending the holidays here with his parents, Wi .And lira. Jo Walmr. nie Bell, visited at 1J. and Krs. Per Year H a. ;.!.' b. I 1, T. I.. 1. 1 Jv el .1 i. "j .a I ' -st" s::n ii lZ'". ill" Ti a ' 11 t Ijvct of Towers, a . :ci tlu.,-ils of LoiU' niit cr"--y ana aroaa wa -nts of cut, i. i .i .a 1 7 Lim a.l Lis son , ' yellow and -11 v.. :u, eal hc3s of relatives bsc4 - ;out. the tov ,;r li 'i lLfi tie room in. tie dinirj room where . -1-i encliclirj the .casket were jseryej ta,- fruit c&Le. t !t !vw!ycoyerhg the grave variety of other cakes. ' a .e arouui it , bells were showered f ' ,- fie 12'. r J. t(.. tit: v u. til C' til( I'r. ai L"rs. reyton Brown, of ( ' v tie local choir. '.. r aso a " j Ce i 1'ouiLi. 7, r.s. Brown at the pi-1. JS. e sbo 82r- a solo, "It is i ITy EouL"- Cther songs services next Sunday at U o'clock .oir were, "How Firm A by the pastor, Rev. G, H. Ulrich. n." and "Abide With Sunday Cschool at 10 o'clock.- . 7 , . :. J Rev. and Mrs. O.' H.s Ulrich and t'r. Crnnm will hn keenlv miss- ed by a host of friends and in his'Hrs. George M. LaPoint in. Kin- Jkmily, to whom we extend sym: pathy. Joe Kizj's, of Bones Chapel last Sunday, ' v ' ' 1 KesciJ. C. C. Ivey, John Vans, t i :.i. .-j i:.. v. trn.ii X-rrr7 vilbS I f her whool near Greensboro, of Sum-erlin's Cross Road, visited!. ' myyk. ll,.(laSr. ii.iui 1..4. ' -Mv.., SS - ' Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rose and' baby, LDby, were weekend guests of Mrs. Rose's mother, Mrs. die DmnV ; - ' , Mr. aud Mrs. Leslie Southerland moved rear Warsaw last " week. we re- a very mucn wjose mem from otr community. V-r ITn I II WTrnin'anfl --". " . , Mttte r of Oxford, returned holidays here wiOi her parents - " - " ".r:. ' . . or; those visitog Kiss Annie Kaste of (Mt CI e; Aldine Whitfield, .of Rones iapel and Miss . Eunice Walker, of Smith's ChapeL r I ilsw HILL Mr. sad MrsfT. A. Turner and faminly, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Turn er and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Jones, Clarence Jones, Dr. and Mrs. K. A. Edwards and daughters, Mrs. 0. M, Turner, George: .and Harvey Turner, Mr. and Mrs. He drick l .jore, and Mrs. Melvin Jon es inert Sunday in the home of Mr. at Mrs. Paul Smith, at Roo ky He t. Miss Christine Pridgen, of War saw, n i recent guest in the tome ! Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coomb si. Mer mes " Jesse ' Southerland and I srt H. Carr, of Wallace, jnt : ,lday in the home of Mr.! nd I' i. J. F. May. Little Miss Clot. Carr. who had been vis-1 ir J .liicia and Ann May for several slays returned with them. Tie r eest announcement of the "rroa 1R2 marnaee or luss A.incei Chankle to J. D. McColl, :f ' zville, came as a surprise to her r any friends here. Miss tl srV l;is taurrit first jrrade tie i: ; Hill school for. the past sevenJ -jars. - '"'. Urs. '. 'a XIaxwelL of Eurgaw, brjir"- t"9 tf i L.", ly armounced the marri- r (LrVier, Tielma, to wen, cf Burgaw, and a. 1 " s. Bowen is the " r cf tl e late Don s 1 lira. lTax"!l, who 'rrt -risk Ll resi 1 tUe death of Ilr. Max- vere x -'11 L ' - lie f la-sds students have re- t " 1 j r. m?t ticir stuJs aft er t 7 rl ".s Rt tieir homes 1-3 Leul. e arl , Grace - J C" ;e; T. J. i r,-e; Lylton ' 3 V:-: ly, Bur 1 I ?f'i r I Max ?. C, C He. r ils returned D. C, t " re she I r i rela- j 3l i? 1 r i. 'ives . k i fi'o n lors ed f. ii r l 1 s Ii r e clock nc n,to Oifcr cocjpratclu-s f- .1 "'""'ihps. Attractive erl i were received. 'LgvJj i . . " - , . . . , IJs'lLlVira "rs- - Regular second sunuay morning children were guests of Rev and ston Sunday afternoon. ' Mrand Mrs. Thos. S. Shut and children returned Thursday, night after spending the Christmas hoi idays with Mrs. Shutt's parents, at DeWitt, Va, Miss Lucy Outlaw", left 'Sunday having spent ie houdays T with her parents. " College students reutrning to , " ? . i "K" """"" .Z?l 1 otZ'Z.- Z I College Dempsey Simmons to State College; Misses Pauline and Hazel Outlatf to E. C. T. C. ' Garl land Simmons returned to Naval Aerialchool at JTorfolk, Va. - Mrs. Eva Roues, of - Liddell, spent several .days last Week with her daughter, MrsY M.' s0utlaw, Jr. - - "V .i"-v; Mrs. L B. Sutton is an operative patient in. General Memorial hos pital, Kinston. . ; - Mrs. W. N. Griffin and chil dren from near Seven Springs vis ited in the home of Miss Rachel Outlaw Sunday afternoon. Miis Sallie Outlaw is returning this week to ner work in the North Wilkesboro School, 'after spending the holidays- with ber mother. ' - , "v '' , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sutton and children from near LaGrange sp ent awhile Sunday. . afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. H.. Parker. Miss Bessie Koniegay of the Ca lypso School faculty spent several days last week with her : - sister, Mrs, M. W. Simmons, -Mrs.' Alton Barnes - and little daughter, of Lucanm, visited Mrs. Barnes parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Outlaw. . - - Miss Patience Sutton, student nurse in General Memorial hospi tal, Kinston, visited the folks during the holidays. at 4 tmm kt 1 :C - ! I -:i i r . in L -'-I H . - 4('-ki ww . M Iw , ... i , , , - , -t '- ihadtjie dandiest tosacco ccpeoN " ThiE CA,V.L FECPLE FAID A'E THE DIOCCJT j . ) PRICE I EVC3 COT FOR TIIE IZST OF IT. ( :-"5oir. . .;TicyusECC3'' AftVJELF. T..LYF.E TKE LI....j C'CAr.CTTE ( V . -0C.VM in ow s:cr;c:i ; - TVTIIAT rirwtte do' th to!acco rriwrrrfl c? T CV J.-r"S nows tl.iitCaii 1 is t'.t vO'.-v''ij' . -TIirylnow OtfrU are p- ' Ht"J cf I - r, I-'O S IX tLtiolVB TC ' ' -'JS-TmL;. ! end Dot "c I f i . - fuls t-f tLe Cdi.iii.-i. v. and 1L3. Uli-Lli " "ie Y. P. C. U. n- - t Oi.. ' esis ai a k,. ty j 1 . se parsons e on nib t f last week. I. and c tests were e:-" frebl . stswere serve 1 c evenly. All rerftrt a r . D. .J. Elalock, tf 1 r : was amcrg visitors . . Mrs. R. Q. raxwelL 'The Mission Circle hell i' , ular meeting with Mrs. M. L. . law, Jr., SaturC-y afternoon, Mrs, Claud Rouse 1 s assi..'. . 1 ' tess..Mrs. Erio Eci-t, j-t "called the meeting to " "-r. A. G. Outlaw led the k f ollbwed with a business s f Mrs. M. W. Simmons p; the Mission Study Book, "L. for the afternoon program. ; A delightful social hour enjoyed, while ' the hostess Si a salad course. There-was a r. did attendance of members . several visitors. JThe mc; ' closed with Circle prayer to r with Mrs. Ulrich at the , pars, age in February. . . New Health Inspector Na. Jesse S. Canady, of Hope I a graduate. of Wake Jore t ( lege who' recently compli,t, l iversity of North? : C. : a his duties as inspector for .tie 1 plin County Health Depart:: Monday,. January. 3rd.'. The f woik to be assigned Mr. Ca. will be hookworm work thro . grading of cafes. - ,K t , ,y.n.,.r,ti . 11 .1111.1 11. 11 n. Hi : -,. i-- ' ADD KENANSVILLE 3 :" - Jatue juornelia vumn, uat. ter. of Mrs.' Parker Quinn has ; turned . from-, a visit with i aunts, Mrs. A. C. Bolin and 1 C. T. Sloan of Marion;-S. C. Mr. ,and Mrs. " Roy San.! and children of -near Eeulu. home (Tiite Sanderson's s.' ' ., r.jMrs. Parker Quinn. A ! fa -" ft ! to A kmnr Itwa ouhc ti j. Round Trip Faras Dail Brothers ' KENANSviLES, N. C. MR.SOYJC , wall-known tobacco grow -7. w w V W