r Lee Strickland 1. . wiv.i Crady etui ae, als.0 L'r. J. . aw, were guests . . 3. A. J. Strickland ! r in .the afternoon , An to Swansboro, - I ITrs. Henry West and y Jr. and Joseph ac I ."t. and Mrs. Gordon , ,j LlbUands Sunday on an .r roast. -, ' , " , i. and Mrs. Robert Hollings- ti - 's rr. and Mrs. 'w ; veek end riests of Mr. ' ' I r "ay AH. ; a ' E-a Tiwiv- la Warsaw. - 1 .Ilia has return-1 Eoscoe Coopc, of Faison ,a wLere she will" as a Tecent vu.itor here in the ome her duties at f ; me of her brother, Jim Bo wdea 7 S'-.uw; alter a u jn . t Wd her mother, Mrs. D. E. Jessen W' D' S J018 ?.d 6 -family. 'I iW. meeting of the Farm Agents. r Miss - Mary. Wells, of Wallace spent a couple of days here this week. She .-went -to Warsaw on Monday night to spend the night there with her sister Mrs. Glenn small Alton Newton and daughter, Sallie, spent the past week end in Kinston with relat ives. ' '-.v'-V; "',"' Miss Bonnie Farmer of lit 0 live is visiting Mrs, Moses Farm er. . ' ' t f Mr. and -Mrs. Jack Sitterson WRITE TODAY FOR WOOD'S ,59i Annual, Seed Catalog ; MAILED FREE , (jbntalna fuU description1: and' planting' information about the Newest and Best Strains of !,l . Flower,' Garden A , t and " ; iy . V Field ' Seeds v ; " 'adapted to the Souths- CIRCLES KHET , r J .3. ..a i.ncy was ku-t s to a few Lien s and neigh bors at '.too taLIs of Eriw'e. At tractive tally cards seated the guests and after several progrei- sions scores were wkuco. waa found that m, J. . Jerritt held 'W 3Ui; ; Fiteclb, td: Preside ipth, 7 1 .iTioon aii . ' , , . , Ithatnowtlm Presbyterians Launch Drive A nammiim endinff on " Feb. found that E2h. J. a. jerrut new ir. Tv -.v jrh- tn. high score and Mrs.- P. J. 8 second high for wmcn tney were ibyterian church for the purpose of raising funds lor tne mission wors in- the sue fields served oy ine church." Special emphasia is being put on the need tn unina ai tnis tim.' A statement from head- ... -' '.. '.L-'A'lonartei in ITashville iecnf'ttfli an, iwnaia tuaia w J"H - , fl rfibeM.teiv 1 remembered ; with annronriate gifts. The hostess then served as sorted sandwiches and fruit cake with hot tea and accessories. -. had dMiberatefv nlanned in ain tn interfere most directly with China Missions of the Presbyterian ennren in me United States, he tconl not S have i!imi ntimiwi nn at rnn wnm. . r . . v. wiir be miss an's Auxiliary, of Grove Presby-v Wend t.ri, fn,n.i w.t M WrtTidn af-l71"? inenas. ternoon of this week at three thir ty H'nlnnk with Mrs. i. V. Wells. A goodly number of . members were present The Bible Study for the afternoon was in charge of Mrs. O. Hooding wno- aijeussea we tonin. "Christ. Our Eisrh Priest". using the book of Hebrews.' Mrs, Moses .Jfarmer nad cnarge oi xne business session whichi followed, At the. close of the. meeting ;a social .hour was enjoyed ,;, when visited her' mother," Mrs Emma ftuinn one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy ftuinn and children have recently moved on the waJtoce mgnway ""jW mues ana xne cnuttrenaxe ,-"---7-7 . k,-. coming to school on the bus. They.v - ,.52. wVameVRam SMrton and Denial, January TOBraraj The January tern of " criminal BniSic ? !i3' f " a ... ml STM.iutrii in i.iir court will convene, January ,- with Judge J. Paul JTnzSseue, a 1VQTV10TT in 1 J ' run to the corner V4- i Jurors drawn for the January term of criminal court are: ' Johnnie Mo Wells. David 8. Williams, Wesley Williams,' LJ. Sftott James Lanier. Jr.. - .' x.. package or two of sc. to forego that pleasme. son is the new pure s pies of which mercha count? have. received, t which none of them are A,m V I Umt. A. Ti. Mans- uuul' "uc - field. W. A. Carroll. J. Lester Ma- Be.em . B. Sitterson have been on the sick list this week-'1 -'- .""-i-Mr. Oliver Stokes has returned to her home here after having spent some time in the James Wal ker' hospital for treatment Her many friends s here' welcome' her back and hope sincerely that she has come to stay. e ' "-' r. Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Johnson and .' son,' Jimmy. 1 were recent stouh nvm ""f "M"" guests- in WiUard Of Mr. and rs. "" 7 t. . 7J 1. ) mcxiair jonnson a a xanuiy gai Boneysemd tempting sandwwhes'jjjj , .r , , and frnit nake with hot te&.'' - -. S.. -t. - ..j - . . -'-' Mullen nuiuucr w uuwu fHivie nnmher two "met bn Moll- day night at 7:30 witty Mrs, Leh -Wl',Tl JT w- 1 spent the day here in tne aome 01 u " v . "v--- , - nr. and &rs. a. v. weus miT-mtrnjt Whnle 'in iet V new! ' , rT7 . . x. i. : J'T. W. WOOD & SONS, Richmond, Va.: , " y , 7 Please mail me free: v; . - I , r WOOD'S ; 19S8 SEED CATALOG NAUB i...... aisrigss .-. . . . . .'. .'. . U'- . V. ....... I 11 I J 1 1 ...... Chrvstine Whalev, in , Iter new home at Carroll's station. ' near Warsaw. There were fifteen young ladies present. The Bible Hoar was led by Miss ixuse.,iJowen w - - .. .... a 1 . I a a . the local faculty, iuxer vne ous iness session the hostess; assisted hv her istr-in-law. Mrs. Milton Whaley served a aeucious iraseii 'ThwTrne tobacco crop iast vear-mv best s VET. AND THE CAMEL PEOPIx BUUWU iHtuJx imdt MIHMF MORF THAN I EVFR "-. GOT BEFORE. $0 1 KXOW THAT CAMElS U5E FINER, , aaadc cvecNCiue mnarca. CAMEI5 ARE THE ; ' CIGARETTE I SMOKE MySELF. AND MOST PtANTERi, ' FAVOR CAMELS WUSE A IWAN whu whi ;. TOBACCO WJOWS TOBACCO SUKE tnwuwi TniB bm who rallr know tobwea th , 1 ttoma thwmelwplck Cmel u chU" Snatin cisantte. accoedtos to Goore M. j t 1 .In.a . f .mill moku.be (in now to eniorOuneli the agm mn thit to made from finer, MORE EXPEN-! ' SiVB TOBACCOS, Totkub and Doowttic, MR. 0IOROS M. , CRUMBAUOH, ucoMtful tab ptanMr. l Mlativeaf : Miss Bettv Souther- land, from Bosehill and Wallace TOBACCO v ' i t ? ,r M asiWDt CICAUSE VE KNOW TOBACCO,r say "v;e s:.:o:ce camels thews. W.; D. Bouse. Boland J. Smith,' T. M. Sogers, B. . Bail, Joseph Williams, T. J. Houston, Harland Q. Carr, F. J. Bostic, J. 0. Guy, H. T. ftuinn, A. 0. Grady, J. J. Bishop, W. S. Kornegay, L. F. Byrd, Jr. Billie McNelli I. C. Burdh, F." N. Barden, , Mordecai Blizzard, J. M. Sumner, i. F. Byrd, B. D. Ennis, C. I. Phillips, W. D. Hall,' G. A. West, B. X. Sumner, T. A. Barden, Thos. Carter, C. F. Hanchey, Dallas Jones, I. D. Fred jltoiiiiu, uituuj vvw v 'jaancney, iraiias j ones, 1. u. iim- 8th. we hone to raise $225,O00.,;Br;nv n t. Aveock. W ' Di Camn- Them has been abont $100,000; vn t n nwV WdTvev Raker. damage done to our work there in W- jrew, L B. Thomas, A. E. a material way whioh will have to j Williams, J. P. James, Bansom be rebuilt before we can go on in Mercer, S. E. Ellis, Frank Baker, tdi mit ffiolont nntv W hone t . nr TT.il..Mnn.A4-V r T VUC lUWW.VMWW". .'"J. c- xiU. TV . ' AUilillgowui bit, v. V. that all the Presbyterians in the, Marshburn, J. Milton West, James State under the direction Of Bev. Worth Davis, Leon Teachey, Ellis Norman Johnson of Bocky Mount, ftuinn, I. D. Mathis, F. W. Futrell, make this a season of sacrifice and Waters, Henry B. Cates, Burrell prayer. Edwards, on Wed nesday of this week to help cele brate tne formers Dinnaay. ' M Vrienna if Cenni -Dail will he very glad to know that he is get ting uvng uiixiy w uu uviuc jucu Kenansville after being seriously injured in a car wreck - a few weeks ago, . Mr. and Mrs. " Cenus Taylor, their daughter, Ruth, and their grandanghter, au of jraison. were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baa on Sunday afternoon. - We are riad .:' to welcome ; Mr. and.Mrs. George Albertson and family to our community. TAKDTCt THE JOT OUT OF UFE start, "The Sigh bf Good Insurance .Warsaw, N. C. : ; "We dont pay much to' hit-." ," . x s Better Inck next time' , ."Mind if I give you an I. 0. U. for that?". '. . - , ( "Decayed at the roots, old man m.'ll -ntilt it eh t" . r . i v . "No, but here's something jutBrad8na Smitll as good!" ,...', i , ,vwny aion i you k mo auow ? II could have got 'em wholesale for ITATI 'r BVille Wins Over Magnolia 1 - The BeulaviUe 'boys and girls vim Another Dunlin oountv sche duled game Jan. 7, over Magno lia, The'trirl's score was 29-26. The playing consisted of good pass- work ana snooting. , owannie Thicnen scored high for Beulaville with 11 points. The line up tor tne giris- game Beulaville: S. Thigpen, D. Bos- tie, D. Kennedy, M. Kennedy, E. Home, G. Edwards. Magnolia: Bolungsworui, vnes nutt, Herring, Pope, ftuinn, Fer Mil The Beulaville boys won witn h anmw nf 10-14. Parker led Beulaville With 10 points and Smith and Carr lead Magnolia with four points each. line up for the game was: Beulaville r : ' Mercer, Thomas, Parker. Brown, Hunter, Thigpen, substituted tor Beulaville. Maenolia: Blanchard Carr, j AND NOT A MILLIONAIRE? - Beggar-Today is my copper jubilee. "What do you mean!" "I have been begging twenty- five years today." f ' t oooooooooooe KEIXUM Oyster Roast Jacksonville. N. C EXCLUSIVE STUMP SOUND 0YSTEE9 Served Steamed, Fried, Stewed On Half Shell Take Some Raw Oysters Home With Ton. PRICES VERY REASONABLE Feb. 1. oooooooooooo SUBSCBJBE NOW TO THE DUPLIN TIMES r 1 0 i & r Dr. Miles Nervine 1 ' " CLiquid of Bffervetcent Tablets) Soothes irritated nerves, permits refreshing slpfiTi ' fiplrMi van h ,utteit hnlt nf mnimW Check ib.o lev delivered prices cf .. ' - - a aw sr. jefflh.. wnm m : Ysuil $ava la c!l wcy$ witJi Chevrchti , r I V " I O1 -" 'fBinldingtb great Unea ... of traoka and -commercial ear, in fire separate wheel- ' bate length, with tWrty-oneiiaato model, Chevrolet avow offers frocks tot every trade. All model are modern-to-the-mlaut and bring ' ton the moat efficient serrioe arail able today in the lowest price range. Teat theee new trucks - ati your Chevrolet dealer's, snd prove that they glre mors puling power lor leas money. hm4iUmtkr Pgrmmu. 4 Cmtnl , n Valm. it , CH15VBOIFT MOTOR DTVlMON (Mural h ,brt Half CorjMnU w ' Lamoir, M1CB10AM?, a kiEARLY everyone Is nervous these days. Financial s IN worries,: street and home noises, late hours, hard ' x , work, and exciting recreation put a strain on the nerv ,' ous system that brings on Sleeplessness, Nervous Head- ' ache, Nervous fadigeatian. Restlessness, Irritability. . i An attack of , nerves may make you lose friends, quarrel with your' husband or wife, appear a tyrant ',to your children. , , "DR." MHJES NKKV1NE has been soothing the nerves " of the nation for nearly 60 years. If you are nervous, ' geta bottle or package at your druggist He will refund your money if you are not entirely satisfied with the re- - uUsr1 -i, 4' : J"' i , -n: Large padcaea ec fcorOe-SLSa, LOW PRICES ALL KINDS & WIDTHS Tobacco Cloth One of the Most Complete Stocks in Eastern Carolina NEW YORK CLOTHING KINSTON, N. C. Poorly Nourished Women They Just Can't Hold Up Are you getting proper nourish ment from your food, and restful sleep? A poorly nourished body Just cant hold up. And as for that run-down feeling, that nervous fa tigudon't neglect ltl Gardul for lack of appetite, poor digestion and nervous fatigue, has bssn recommended by mothers to daughters--women to women foe over fifty years. '.;::.: ' . Trjf ltl rhotuaadi ef wenan J2 Dot baMflt TOD, eenralt payalnlaii. understand is tin ning this year every merclv. sells seeds will have to pun $10 license and as One crc store merchant said to "t Talk" this weeks , 'lait-wesfcitlWe sol mostly for an accoinmoaali, couldn't make $10 profit c ing seeds here in this store year's time to save our lives, ve already cancelled our or1 seeds for this year,"' O Asked what the garden t in the neighborhood would C thaiv sixvlar thw AnnlH onlv f Fi-obably buy them in tne i ; towns, where -merchants i a, find it profitable to pay tLe ,1 " license, or order tnem direct i u : the seed houses. , Just si ano e s law! - ' " P COLLABD stealine is the Lmv. , . less sport of many young pTpli fx j bent on an evening of ont 01 inr , i ordinary entertainment these ,;t ' ; f , Just what they get out, pfftV", i -lard stealing is hard to?if . they do get some extr r ' )J in bracing night air, I j (' , ' , thing to talk about next 3 1! L ' a THE planting of tobaccobeos f ' ' one of the most absorbing occu ' 1 natioTfc for the countv rieht now! t The mild weather following th . ' holidays this year nas prooaoij - made work on the beds begin a lit tie early. Drive up to almost anj farm house, and ask where the man of the family is, and thejt say, ' f i . "Planting the tobacco bed." ' DISCING, and plowing lands for- , this year's crops, though notas, advanced as it will bejn-ff1ewv' weeks is already under way, one ' will note in driving through the , county. tf ' j i , j . i DRIVING early this week from . Calypso, through to Beautancus, .' ' and from there to f; Summerlin's J' ...... .a. s. . a . Cross ttoaas, ana on, noiea a gwu j bit of building. Some of its is en- f ! (tirely new construction, V homes, outbuildings .tobacoo barns. Oth--ij er is remodeling, and rebuilding on ' .' older dwellings and outhouses. ? Looks good for the county, money . going into permanent home .' and ; j ' farm improvements. - . s -, AT Jieautancus, sxoppea lor a yr few moment's chat with Miss An- nie Swinson, who writes Bear Marsh news for The Duplin Times.J . . . . ;i - a . . "N Miss Annie always nas a suwe, lor those who visit her ,and she is al ways ready to get right .into , things. It will be of interest , to 'people in her neighborhood to know that she is also soliciting ' subscriptions to The TIMES now, I as well as writing the nCws from Bear Marsh. Miss Annie wilf ftp I predate it if you will remember her when it is time to rnew for The TIMES, if you live in her neighborhood. I MISS Mildred Summerlin, is the -new correspondent for The TIMES at Summerlin's Cross Roads. Miss Summerlin will also take subscrip tions to The TIMES in her neigh borhood. S. P. M. n Dr. H. A. Edwards DENTIST v.' YVTK BUX, ; Friday Baturday, Monday EJSNANSVILLE, Tue- day; BEULAVILLI1, Wednesday; RICHLANDS. Thursday. Ktoasxnexs&s&s&SSSZ . An .i vv 1 3 it" TH2 WORLD'S GOOD NWf , ; will soms to your hams svtiy day euoos ' - THS CHRISTIAN SCSCNCE MONITOR; t- l-trm6md hail StUKtattT " . t m or iiaoii: MiUMr fa U Mtt ri.it!. ... v.iiur tm biu nan and all to. - . w mmwI. fnm ww fth. r ,1! ooec not aimt erun tntr mr ndwcripUoa to TU auruMaa m mmMi ta a. 1 4 WkIuhum wea, buuuuus luufaM SwwuuS I at SS.i - kaaM , Addnai. BMW' '' ' 1 io,ituMiSie i is We Spotlight The" Spots ... . vBE it ever so tiny, ourseeing eye ' will catch the spot on your clothes, and tur 'expert leaning will &ntove it fOxa work if guaranteed, , GOLDWAYNE lAWDM. & DRY CLEANERS Imoldf.boro. N. 'W i Our truck is in .Calypso, Faison. Warsaw, Magnolia, Bosehill, and Kenansville each Tuesday and Thursday, Mr. Biggs, Driver. ., i Si i i rir2 nix, ECT3Cir;:L2:A. M Ski ' liui.i.i...jijw"'i'''i';1"

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