I t) 1 .5 ..Ia ircr.t wis f ! f Rcn ggciiiy and L1ARICEX AffW AAA - GTiOCEY Gr n Leaf Flour (y ! ; 12 L;. 42c; 24 lbs. S3c I Ird Cr Lbo head, lb. ,4c Trich Pclatoes, & i 3c llo, 1 Svcet potatoes, pk. ... . . .30c Freeh Tomatoes' 2 lbs. , . .1:25c Lzzt steak, lb. . . . . . , .7;. . ; : .".28c Chuck Roast lb. , 15c Stev, lbM7j; V. . . 12, l-2c m mtmmmmm m warn i Campbell's Soups, email cans, 10c When Planning a Parly, .U C0ISDL1 A HIKES ICE FOR BUGGE3TI0E3 FOE EB70Y HINES ICE Z ; mmim' . I scornzs raw tavern The best equipped station in iaESZLT-a ETEA23 and 624 riCSLUC DASC3 HALL, CAE3I3FCR RENT. Pay us trisi val 7 .tcaonU.S.Eo.lEignwayatityLbnit ou Southside, Eoutiera Kaeii . , t ALTCZJ CCCT7, rrcjrietor . j tj le : t'"ca, of j vL ;d lira. V I-5, of Norfolk, j a week with her "ill Jerry Cot- t -1 I "Vs. Carroll Soott an j t" e Lli-ih of (t daughter on i !" 7 Cjo Wilins ipent 1 at fcer hom r near . ' KTrAXSVELLE, V. c. CPECIALS s: CREAM DEALER v r REFRESHMENTS CREAM the Sand C3s, We specialise FCOKJ. - . ie what we hate.. i: rirst C.nIj: ".'-.' We'-', 2. B. Lanier, r ' ' 'eVi, ,lry Frances I 1 cor ..la: Curtis Enowles, Their i j. Lrowh, Li'i. G. Alder man, ani G. FuaselL William S. We , Edh DaxanJ.r Tate, Jr., J. 0. Enowles, Earl Carr Jones, I . .aie Cottle, Jack Browning, Bor ; lliy Thomas, Ella Mae Starling, Lassie Bell Smith, Angleta, Kar tin, Sally Jerome, Xattie. Pearl Herring, Evelyn Fuss6!!, Elizabeth FusseD. ''t -' 'V TMrd Grade i Eva Benton, Irene Alderman, Fourth Grade : Kathryn Young, Dorothy Johnson, Sollie Grey Her ring, Helen Ann Griffin, Marilyn Alderman, Evelyn- Kerritt. Fifth Grade; Anna Eolmes Lew is, Allison Bryan, Pansy Alderman, Dorothy Johnson, Baby Ann Han ess, Hilda Mallard, Gayle ; Wells, J. C. Thomas. ' . , 'rl" , Sixth Grade: Joseph Grimes, Eria Bouse, Henry Ward, Snenetta Alderman, Perline Branch, Mary Ann Bradshaw, Betsy Hall, Cora f Jane Johnson,- Martha Gray, Mur 8eynth Grade: India Begister, Estelle Thomas, Helen Teachey, Louise Barnes, Louise. Griffin, Grace Robinson. . . rt-r.. I . Eighth Grade; Bobby Herring. I Ninth Grade: Aaron FusselL W. I T. Batts. Marie Casteen. Cleo San. derson, Beba Young. Tenth Grade: Emory Turner. Eleventh Grade ;- Edward. Beach, Robert Ward, Helen Batts. , - THE DUCK t The duck flew high up in the air, without a fear or 'ere a care.'. The huntet lay low in the grass, He saw the duck as he flew past. The hunter planned to try his luck, The bullet whizzed, but missed the duck. , The duck then flew, on to a pond, To find his friend, the snow white swan. - s. ? " On the way he met his mat, ... Who took him to a nearby ' lake, : Then they heard a lively cluck ing, - ; - - ' ' ' Of a hen, then saw some ducklings Three, the fuzzy little balls, v - Then thy saw him, each and all Soon they'd each learn how. to fly, And they'd leave thenvy by and by, Jesse Wilson, 6th Grade. LOCAL BOYS WIH - FROM CHEKQUAPIH ' On Friday night January 7th. the Rosehill boys basketball team' defeated the -Chinquapin ... boys' ' team with a score of 38 to 11. 'Garden Teachey led the Bosehill boys with 13 points followed by jFelton Baker with 11 points. Cot itle led the Chinquapin - Quints rwitn points. , I umsouAPIN GIRLS li DEFEATED IN GAME Chinquapin girls invaded Ros hiH territory on Friday night, Jan. 7th and carried home a defeat of 7 points. The score was 26-19 in favor of RosehflL - IMPjROVE BOSEHILL 'i PUBLIC LIBRARY During the past few v. months much imnrovement liiu Wn m.ila in the Rosehill school library. All I f 1. C . - . ! x! ' ! PLANT BED SPECIAL V WE HAVE IN OUR WAREHOUSE A COMPLETE OF FERTILIZERS' AND FERTILIZER MATERIALS , FOR ALL CROPS. SEE TO IT THAT YOUR CROPS ARE, GIVEN THE PROPER PLANT FOOD WITH .OURv QUALITY; FERT ILIZERS. , V" ,;, " ",;,'.," i,f ..('A' . Fertilizers for all Crops : k ; t PLANT BED":; TOBACCO :: COTTON ;: CORN -POTATOES ; : STRAWBERRIES , : ; BEANS . CUCUMBERS ii AND MELONS " z :p WE APPRECIATE IIP? RICICS BROTHERS -. 1 1 t Buyers of Cotton r.' t sfr THE HOME OF Kount Olive ; .:: WAmwwA ; : - '"Tovarich.'" the1' world-famous comedy dealing with an exiled Russian Prince and Grand Duch ess, which, has been playing on th tatr all over civilization for several years comes in film form to the new Wanoca next Monday ana xuesaay. Starring Claudette Colbert and Charles Bover. it is said to be the most massive and expensive pro dnction that Warner BroB.have turned out since - "Anthony , Ad verse ana "xne vnarge, oi .xne Light Brigade." .The director se lected to handle the nwHiiiy of the immense production was Anatole Litvak, Russian-born genius who several, yean ago in France made the highly successful "Be ' Mine ; Anton Grot desifned the set ting for "Tovarich." The lanrest one, a copy of the Belleville sec tion, in Paris, ooverea .two acres and cost 60,000 to build. BMide the nlavers alreadv nam ed,, the cast includes such popu lar actors and actresses as Basil Rathbone, Morris Camovsky, Mel ville Cooper, Montagu Love, Hea ther Thatcher and Reine Biano. the books in the central and grade libraries have been cleaned - and mended.";-'-- ' ' T "-' - - Around one hundred and sixty new books and one 1 unabridged dictionary have recently been add mi to the library. The securing of these books was nude possible by the cooperation ox w Jr. i. a. with the county and State aid.' DR; K00HCE AT R0SEHELL SCHOOL' HV .E. T. Koonce , snent four ibm in Kosehill school examining and treating children. Seventy-se ven children were, examinea ana eiven some fom treatment Fortv-one had teeth filed, seven teen had teth extractea, ana sev- eny-seven had theirs cieanea. There were 193 treatments in all inrlndine' the silver nitrate treat ments.- There were no r ohfldren who were mot in need of the den tist's services. - -si. f Dr. Koonce did a very helpful piece of work, because then were many' children who would never have had the opportunity to visit a dentist. WHAT'S THE PROOF ROOM FOR ? Guest "Waiter, there is a but ton in my soup." - . Waiter (one time- printer) "Typographical . error, sir, it should be "mutton."; ' Five hundred black walnut trees have been purchased by SO club boys of Person County. Each boy will set1 25 trees lor a ciub pro ject in 1938. v - ; " TAKE 131 STRAIGHT "If you should sow wild oats ' -my son.' " ! ' Said father with a sigh, "Be earful that the kind, you sow ; . .Are not nuxea wun rye. YOUR PATRONAGE Jb i: t 3 ! and Cotton Seed '' GOOD FERTILIZEE B jf North Carolina DTJPLEST :: WARSAW :: - ; ' WITH Edward G. Robinson in the title role, and James Stewart and Rose Stradner, glamorous new discovery from Vienna, in the ro mantic leads, "The Last Gangster," stirring drama of a man's term in prison, comes to the Duplin Thea tre next Tuesday. . Robinson plays a gangster who serves ten years while his wife hides her identity to save' their child from disgrace. Prison riots, a grim trip in a prison car, peni tentiary life, gangland intrigues, dramatic action in newspaper of fices and other vivid scense form the background for the central ro mance. , r The dramatic highlight is the scene in which Miss Stradner, as the disillusioned wife, tells Robin son that she must disappear with their child to save the baby from his father's disgrace, She encoun ters, a newspaper roan, played by Stewart, who not only falls in love with' her, but saves her life and that of her child. - '"Sailor" . Vincent, Hollywood stunt man and bit player, was the happiest member of the - Warner Bros, troupe on location at the U. S. Naval Base at San Diego, where "Submarine D-l," the. melodrama that comes to the Duplin theatre next Thursday and Friday, was in production under the direction of Lloyd Bacon. r - ' 1 San Diego was. one of Vincent's old stamping grounds when he was in the Navy and when he was for several years heavyweight champion boxer of Uncle Sam's fleet . Although Vincent has been an actor for seven years, his reputa tion as a fighter is still good a- mong the enlisted men and so far none of the younger generation has challenged him to defend his former honors. Movie director Bobby Connolly, formerly of Broadway show fame, isn't so severe on press agents and newspaper men as some of his con temporaries, when he characteriz es them in a picture. In his current Warner Bros, co medy, "Expensive ; Husbands," which shows at the owl show next Saturday night at the Duplin thea tre, a Dress agent, who plays an important part (the story being ! that of a Hollywood movie actress who is very much in the news) eats peanuts while talking to folks, instead of appearing as a drunk. Allyn Joslyn, who played the part, consumed about half a bushel of the goobers in one day's scenes and needed neither luncheon nor dinner. MAGNOLIA Mrs. L. E. Pope has returned from a visit to her mother tnd sisters in Pa. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrews were his brother, Mr. Raymon Andrews and wife of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Hillie Justice of Faison. Mrs. J. I. Thome of Farmville visited her mother, Mrs. Leah Croom last week. Miss Elizabeth Girlie is back on duty as third grade teacher in our school-after an absence of i two months on account of a fall she had back some time ago. I Mr. and Mrs. Edd Sheffield are moving in town and are at . home with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. John Earl Brown of RosehiB. spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Mary Haste. Aris Tucker entertained about twenty of her friends at a birth day party Friday afternoon. After enjoying games and frolics, Mrs. Tucker and Miss Elizabeth Tuck er served the guests to cocoa, cake and fruits. Mrs. Lester Matthews has haif a second stroke of paralysis and her condition is quite critcal No hope is held for her recovery. Her son, Andrew of Chapel Hill is a gain with her. Lawson and Jam es had not left her. Several cases of the measles in town. Wo hone that wa will not have an epidemic and have - to' close school. Mrs. A. C. Camache and daugh ter, Kathleen of Wilmington spent Saturday afternoon with her sis ter, Mrs. C. V. Joyner. Two showers were given for the newly wed, Mr. and Mrs. ; Ned Potter last week, Mrs. F. 0. Hoi lingsworth gave one at her home Thursday night and Mrs. Potter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. - Henry , Quinn gave one at their home Fri day nignt."' . - - A shower was recently given home of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Lan - ier. Rev. Mr. Andrews filled his ap- pointment in the'. Methodist Church Sunday night, and deliver ea a line sermon.: ne stressea tne point to all church members that GIRLS, AUXILIARY C a church never rises above - the AGED WOMAN ON LIILI . membership and laid on the mem" . - - - ' bers the responsibility of making! The Owl's Auxiliary of t. a strong church. , w - , . tist church cheered the he? The Sunbeam Band of the Bap- ' dear "Aunt Fannie" Wilson tist church held a most enthusia-'aty afternoon " It was her stic meeting Sunday morning with birtM mi ten bri ht fact: 34 members present, eight visitors Zzr'. 6. . and two hew members?They plan- mhe1 m her room ned their Golden Jubilee work for P7 Birthday." They sang many the year, and the children we.e her favorite songs, .filled her 1 "jubilant'' over their plans. Gold .; with love gifts, chatted awhile r ie viuorein was appoimea gener al Jubilee chairman with several others to assist her. Ethel Metritt Was Appointed membership chair man ;i.;;Veiieys..il'rMelrose Quinn. Ester Baker, was made at tendance chairman, with Mattie Bell. Begister and Daffney Brad shaw and Susie Lee Spell was made Finance chairman with Clt ra Maye Baker and ,E. Taylor. Martha Emily Chestnuttj Person - al Service chairman, , with , Jean Wjdson and Nazarene Stnckland. Kenneth Johnson was appointed to read the Scripture in the meet ings, and Pauline Jons,a group leader. AIhe singing was unusual ly good with Eldred Evans at the piano. Several of the G. A's assist ed in the meeting. Miss Macy Cox, leader, called on Mrs. F. W. Johnson for a short talk, and in impressive manner she spoke on the importance of being faithM k.u,LulnL iillliiliiiin LiinJiJiiliyliilikiSliiiiiLj s WALLACE, North Carolina Program Week January 17th :: v, MONDAY and TUESDAY, JAN. 17-18th : : "TOVARICH" Starring Claudette COLBERT and Charles BOYER ' Also Comedy and News WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19th :: " The Lives of a Bengal Lancer 99 Starring Gary COOPER and Franchot TONE ,i Wish Night : : $50 or more v THURSDAY, JANUARY 20th : : , New Songs, New Laughs, New Steps in ' -; "A Damsel in Distress" ,y: Starring Fred ASTAIRE, Bob BURNS, Gracie ALLEN . Also selected short subjects. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21st : : " "Every Days a Holiday" Starring Mae WEST and Edmund LOWE Selected Short Subjects SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd : : . " Yodelm Kid from Pine Ridge " Starring Gene AUTRY SATURDAY NIGHT OWL SHOW :: - " Expensive Husbands " Starring Patric KNOWLES, Beverly ROBERTS Program Week January 17th :: MONDAY, JANUARY 17TH :: " Life Begins in College 99 MUSICAL COMEDY WITH THE RITZ BROTHERS TUESDAY, JAN. 18TH :: Jack Pot $$$ 20.00 $$$ :: "Last Gangster" Edward G. Robinson, James Stewart, Rose Stradner WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19TH :: "Th'under i;rail" With Marsha Hunt THURSDAY and FRIDAY, JAN. 20, 21 : : " Submarine D-l " .' Starring Pat , O'Brien, Wayne Morriss, Doris Weston SATURDAY, JAN. 22ND :: " Roll r Along Cowboy " With All-Star Western Cast SATURDAY OWL SHOW, Jani 22nd :: ; " Expensive Husbands 99 . s "With Patric Knowles and Beverly Robertsv f 1 r '.., i'. ..- ,...,...,-11 .- . i ! . 4, r 'if f jto th work, c 'Attendance cha. j by Miss Cox and be placed for eat ent this year, v as they were leaving sang, "I B With You Till We Met Agr. Everybody loves Aunt Fannie, her bright smiles and gentle wt makes everyone who goes to e her feel that "it was good to ! there." . ' HARDLY CHEAPO 1 "Scientifically speaking coal : of the same composition as the ,, '"?.,, "Still, it is only a carbon copy." NICE IRON HOSSIE! - "Hallo, where have you been?" "To the station to see my wZs off for a month's holiday." - " "But how black your -v hat Is are!" "Yes, I patted the engine." IIIHIHIII9IIUIf"l ,, ' .... w illl II If""' Mil II SSllllll iSllMll mmmm warsaw,n.c. h- BS fct " t I Ir. and Mrs. Bob Everett at the