!l. t v "r. J i c," i to I re u 'i : s n. t, , u- ... . Ji ixw.iil, who t bri iJ. ali4 k.-s Ey i..'T""' l of W a. I Ca' 1 I' iene I 7 U.s i JiV'At' - ? irv-l i t..e cl TLiilrt. s.t' i' e VcU v . a . - it" ,t. 1 Jmrtitivy -d, Lemma C iW. , vl . i Tel. 1 1 1 r. and 1. ' I i J f . t. i:ive, . i ' i - -a- ji mt riBsian. i uj., Tom jiJy ud boys, .r mi ; - tr i- ,1, ivUUrmiry t -a, merman t .-w. , ,--- - , I... All, adults and lses Jfaulae and C at- wee vuitois u x a. urged and cordi- law, stu f"JKffi , pro-tram that, will Vand Bund y. ! .. 2 Grady section 1 chudrci v. .d relives at C. , U will be presented. J; -Mr. J. A Parker, Beta. and j Grady, of B. g , llll -y. - . and Mr,. JL L. Canfield, of James Parker ft - -4n Yo.u : Tcr V. C a ' oro. were guests of Rev. and who - is 4 if vf js. Alvin Out'aw, of Hmoa LelJ Uur r ;u or i e 2 s. O. 1L Ulrica Saturday night Herring Hospital i WaUoa T5et Sunday with the at the parsonage l,J i Eandav. Mrs. Canfield was day. ,j .- . ..,. -.runt Mr. and. Mrs. I. . TI r; Jilhinterestbya.plendidl - GradV llCllTCS -nation at the Sunday mom- Golojo ew tw wr 5- s; Weitos. fcoUt Ecu- - 1 ' a ...4.. I v. n w Mtos. Scout liXecU' slices. aufc jiw- - - ---r.v "- ,-. aiti. r Gilbert Jones and WflUe ..Wflta.t " . . . , . , n i.4 Mini Oil) : af KlUMi -x wl-li . , inaies,. oi DparwnourKj . vi j r w-ia. I .., jlwaL Amos J. Outlaw ana jue- t m , . - V'" " 1..' ' t- ' r,' -' gTJLBDABD Service and QuaL: - v t .kouldkgs SPECIALTIES ; i i-,,, i , , .,.1 . S V' . J. 1VL Peirce rJnufctunr Company j ? rr f ; ; 1 sash : dooss mm ircxzx - cf mc t " ;i r'. .piii 242-1 .vh? : ? fffWOi x. t "I 1 1 , MONEY TO LOAN (Continued Troa rr-"t To) limitations; and l" T t ;J tinctionandcrei.ti.l .. ' i' -' present incuicl"! 1 1 great and urpor . 7 1 the Voters of V-iel - e ' to elevate me to V J 7 ! sible position, doul, . ', t -J be able to fill tl e 1 distinction and'c t tj t . and the State f t I 1 t rhfint and the ks I U...1 a very dear fnu 1 c ! 1 do promLe t't .'ImIi choice of the vol - cf t i - . in the June r f ed. 1 will endeavor t t. ' i and responsible oc f yr I3 nartially and jus-J fcmr4 3 i t i f irmer of UtU IVUVHW ' . manaser of the co-op. Tn Association is a i i.'.tof t'.e about 303 f ers ia County . secure; ni' f i tie Fftvfr? t t L' - '-3 a L -c s n -a " i'Vl tj I il r Bl'Cl1- tl-or ' t I 'en CtUfuiua. He i: t i 2.1 s a eo.l stor fai.a I v 'tis. The -nit. LsVki.himeniL st' . 'erent vesc'wblcs, buys l markets them. - ,;ef.rE..-,I,Utocurir3 house, sock. StaerrV; 1 turnery, r-" "d ' storage ed to V... County farmers V E - '" i n fi ' f -r v ', WA Klva nUfv nf mnnet to loan: TliSs bank is nvinii tn Prvft Dunlin County f oiks who need conduct business oh during 1938. Loans solicited oh approved coDateral , ; Waccamaw, Bank & Trust Co; 3;. Roseliill, N. C.'; Member Federal Deposit Iasnranoe Corporation if j O i If V partially and jus'j , Howard lea or liis mr - v my campaign 'fo tie l'iot tl Judge of the fnperiaf C:nst tf this District, I sLaa alisja love and be very grateful U tie r:'9 of the District for Li ship and loyal, support in tls Cve campaigns -wbioa I ben through for the Eo&ritorsblp. 'la nffi'M T tendered ta - veil best service that I was apAHe ef rendering: and I taamk eao vaao every voter of the Bistrum . wo-i the bottom of my ' ' With very best wifi-, remain, , -, v y - Youri truly, f . , J. A. ? ryiBTf Ciat it is time for Duplin cj Caslow counnes w snare ' VTJJ it seems rtaat i uns L y ry r-t ia, rejaxdles of any . ,. . tr. - m- 4" mm J- tie Hist wmsper , : we , , ucuu, wzi taat John Dawson of .oa las the bug ia his . ear i tns. ler for the judgeship, Cr-t ev--t it seems that it will ie a tree fir all and may the. best f. Abier latter, of- Eoseooro, I nncr Cl-le Beiator and Judge of t" e C Trr-JL County lecorder r --,rt is a candidate for the solici ts', place iardless of set-up or el'-M. Kr. loiker is a very like- man, talivea to ne -capawe, itl aas rct-iered good serrice .to i - tni-;srJ suBTwrten; tne r if 1 v-ii b of Anna uwinson j , t Uattie Swinson, admrx4 esxaie m E. H. . Swinson, , decs.i'va, m Johnson, trustee, and ftuiim "c Gowea Co vs. JoLXW. Swinbuu and wife, Pearl Swinson ana.irq mont Oil Co., judgment, v. rwiA nf the loncest cases; of the last term of civil court : was that a V. Rtihens. Admr Oi wtf.ilefaii. deceased. vs. Martba E. lfiddletonf et, al. Judgment was given ia the case. , ,-, j v - " " . J 'I f 1 Aurora Borealis Seen Tuesday, i.ntifni. hut to" some weird tM t wen in thr, Northern .v;. Tnendav aiehtof thia week T'sb. Prelibly a former set of when the wonder oi pnenoiueuuuo VnJa Ccity Commissioners win the aurora noreiuir r - roan lentor Barker. r V bout seven o'clock.-.' i ' ' ' , UC : IT;: - ' I ; A hard wind was DWwmg, neu . at WarSaW 'vr black clouds wfe veepUg ill V !l . wrHf -Wt and South. tI!A' CmUmaI - liurM feawH n tornado, Across the "i" - ISe skiesa bright, red light ... a .! appearel Ksemuung, wrest me tli f tnerninff of Jaa 19th. mp-ratara tf tie local ehapter of C Halted Daughters of the Con- fiaemcy --mt ap to we i juga Khool for the Chapl : Exercises I mmTneniOTatiOa of the i fcdrtiLday 6ea. Eobt. x. we. sm nf iliR older neon's describ ed it as a wind .light "tt -first ap peared somewhat in ire nonnwem aipot vas seen in the Northeast and it formed a solid light from !northeast;to;,JiorthwM;g;;V oi fide Waie . .. ATmTmflBP i .''it : Jf .... .-o, ,, .JK. . '' HM W 6 SBWrSfJBW HISBBB"SMai j. j.,.; , ,'(-. I .Koathmra mbj were sunar by County Gos?-7: tt r- j- i w,-r""r yi Z borealis, CescriDea.u in? uu-mob ' (Continued From rroa i,.a. -Ham hai tank aat leaoxr ones Powers, another oa s-oee men from Tender County, aas fceoa Alitftn "frnm' Tnoir..'CoUatf , 0Uavw - - r years and therefore shoulda't aave tlie place, j many uyuw" i, A" - J f I . ..-. :v ;.',? ; mmunbiiily'. r ' V f Eff&S&Wltk Meter Reading Beginning February f, 1CZ3 t ktj ' mm'm ainiiffe nffllUnfjr Quarter of alI21!oa Dc!-. r ,- f if yiiqi unit vft ''." o " . i. S annnaI& Lir boen pauod on to dur electria. customed JUjc " Now EScsiidoniinl ; Mates e f tH next 1 KWH 1 a9? t t' i i , She for lh rwxt KWM ' "i ' 7 2e for all addlUonal Wtt v ! ' Bttapt for Electik Wafv DmMI ' jfSt ' JWi for &B rrf 200 KWH ' , t . k jiff ,i i f : CoMamptM - iU';U ;S5 KWH f.w'. S.C5 M mtwrtUl ah sm ortlw PnM during the purt sewa jrww iwve gw- JrT -m.T" Tuli aw ( k m kmm i.i.fcf ban aiarwuwa mora (uaa wa., ; .. v?afcj Before Tide Water Bzrdcd bi Ttio Foltiwinj Communities; 15c per KVI will be of BBtWMt so oonvaM Pirr Company. , v' AtVlnson . . " - Me par KTa .... ,.--,V.i', -' rf.' ,.::.0- ITtV?! '., ' (.'.'T! - J 2yDOre ''" . "A ' - ''o) F It - 15c par Kr:l -tf - I I U r-.- vll'.e - v , t -si i . - ,;vv, 15e cer 1LU 1 -k ' -I, ' 1S par f t ' 1Z t"-r L... jW L.JI T 1 - IT - 3 '4 - -" .. . "i.i. ... m m f IB. I ' ( 1 ' '.' i t" I f3 In l '--. Bt i r 9 ' 17c per K. ,"J " 15c ppr I. I lCc ft t".. I .v lCc T-r Il'w I lie p.r Im.l . 18c p-r II"... J wn nnrrliuhW, 'in '"'' '"'- icni4 trni that ceuU bo met by it.tl I , '. ; W-. fiTir nresented1 X3r. Eatt,t West wko, m speak-! mm mi tae aeeasioa vaid tribute to Lm as a vaa among men, a har- aateat warCjr tf trnay ana erouia- A ptuft firl saaf way ITpea the twaaee River." Kra,, Or B. Best, bistoriaa of the James Xenaa chapter,' present ed a framed picture of Gen.' Lee. Mr.' Miller graciously accepted the picture on, behalf k of 'the Later in the day a visit K I made by the Daughters to tne Grammar School wnere an uuor mal program was- held and a pic ture of Lee presented to the sev enth grie room of Mrs. Sadler. Jhdsmehts Feature it (Continued From. Front Page)' Inence Unce responaeniB. Jteman-. ded to the Judge oi tne ju venue T. J. JIcQowan n. J.;W. Davis, judgment $300.00 v Leon J. Eimmons. vs. 8. If. Jack: son, et. al, judgment granted. ; Mrs., iiauae &euy, vs a. i ju. Bailroad Company, asked damages In the mount of $10,000, Plaintiff alleges that she ws injured. while leaving a Coast Line Train, the train movii1? while she was on steps and throwing her against the side ot tne train injuring ner back. Case was left pending, s -r ; Q. Ciina -jreceiver, margar et Houston, judgment, in favor of Miss Houston.; ir'- i. ,Warsaw Ilotar CO,, vs. Coy Eer ring, jui,' -ent - ' ' Carrie a. leele vs. Jim i t rinw W. . Houston. Josie .Kedar Eryn and Dick Tears a'.,, iudcrmeJit ia ' favor of tame : h. Peele. Jas. L. VJHs. by his euardian, rranch ruL'.-'-g & Trust Co, and 0. 0. T - nd, trustee, vs. lenor PowcU and husband, M. 0. Pow- e", and L.roy B. Carter,- judg ment. - - ' " IZUrt tirady and Jnfant, 17 years of "e by his iert - friend Fr.l Cr.' , vs Leslie Grady, ten ant, an. i J. D. Gradv. as landlord. oTdor. - ( Fi-mo'-t 11 Ki"s Co.,' and N, , B. I,.. -?, vs. V7. B. Carlton and I wJo, C " ' i Caxlloa, order. -; I l t 'aw, vs. lis. TerCa C i, f ' t cf t.e estate of D. I I. r i. . L. C -I'a Jr., 1 "r oW a. "m itWHinnt nosturnal rad ianr of in! suf fusinff i!ie skyaf .aiA aorthera latitudes.!fajeir tittM ttn mil ine litrufc mi yu on thfl imi. lt it Beidowi seeir this far;south., ,r . V, "te tothemoviesta:,- T.impi U. Smith, came for luplin County, is iJ r of a memorandum, ii"- Chalk, Commissiorne, date! . ary 20, 1938. ' The memorandum is u ! to Sunday hunting. ! it are as follows; "At Ue 1 yesterday the board pisf 1 -ulation prohibiting Sunuay i jug. This act Will Become c ive immediately after -beir 4 lisbed as required by SecUua paire 11, of the uan-e Laws, ? will be none next wco, w . will be effective Sunday, Ji aTy6th. ,,. -"violation 01 w .uuu ucf,' tion will be a misdemean r f. provided in Section sa 01 . . u. -Game Laws, which is f oui . 0 1 page 35 of the booklet, and 13 also a violation; of Section ConjoUdated Statutes of 1919. "One of the .morning newsr ers, -through; error, stated t Stiii1o alga becu ruled out, hut this is incorrect, as Ueither the Doara reguiauon. nur the law makes any -reierence w Sunday fishing; therefore kinky see that all protectors and depu ties are familiar wn me iac that people are permitted to fish n Riindnv th same as in the past.": i - " - lv' IALPH B. SHAW uoranan: . 'We appear to be cramming non fiction down the public's 0 ptic nerves whether they want it or not She result is jaey are g-. INSURANCE ; 0s- 'r V t'-r One usually thinks of insurance a purchasing proteotion ire loss by fire,' wind, and various hazards, or insurance on one life fromvan investment or protectiye standpoint. Butt is' another kind'of insurance that means far more than eu fire or life insurance and that is; : Vv, TRUST FUNDS ;A What mod are itfe usuranoe polioies unless the income fro those policies is property nanqjeu. n yuu wuu.u self? If you had a five thousand dollar policy paid up ai 'the cash turned over to you today you would know how t ' 1 andle and invest it? -zk what about those children and fh j ITe who will be left helpless if you should, suddenly be snatc'J ea irom mem c , v 11 7VESTIGATE ; i i r.: '..lima warrant. in yiMir t-. r r C..1 i r e r- '.i, f if I'.'i. J- T1. Our trust .department and. let us help you plan a sure way c ?roperly protecting andi looking after your loved ones. We ui. you to call on?u about this or any financial question yitU,. obligation on your part Branch Bin!iir.j Cz Trut Co. - ". " OF DUPUN C0UXTY ' ' " s J " - , . , , ' . i ':.1-l". v , : . '' ; f .v " , ...... rj-f "frt rrriftof 1 r r ' 1 I ";.It I ' 1 'nre CeToir' i (