V ' - - . j a Jut h "T 1 f Ji . ; erI i '1 te cr e Ty te Lad - 1 in , i v.itli "J"1 ij the proposed veteran hospital The Warsaw Chamber pi Pom merce held a special meeti.Ig- last week and unanimously: voted to ask the administration of locate (. i t r t . o m " v t 'I ", if - no..- t tJ. ! F.r women " y he .J proJucM And t! why a c s p. 9 to ' ' "j for ' a oil '"if Ir " r t i i ' i S" " M, I ' ;J ' at' '-a J i a i a ( s 't your ' -r (' i " r : : sVe. f a i b.s t.Iul tof ' 3 iZ: l) 3vr packing : : . j. or l .'i Ce fol a a h:h i i.i en address ' ' "Ida last De' : .. r 13 U. r y ?'artment of eov , iiig to control or r;.'..wons. of labor - and ' ii i a Vab'jngton of opposition is well 1 fr tlie power to fix v a l vrne either carries with .11 lead to the authority to ; i mmum wages and the grad i i f wages between the min i a f..d maximum. i 1 I A'ycrs of labor in recent ; st-ls in New Orleans declared ' .t tl.e passage of any such legis ,,.ja would result in serious ec , mio disturbances, create more unemployment, and would in ef f t place both labor and industry u.i Vr bureaucratic control." . This cor'aence also pointed out that Ve the Core Ewe:. .-Jo ,lla t B. II. S. i - Hake candles afl eouk f. It tLJ are tie best. , 4 With our stoves, we ar? ts crrcTJ alterably op-, And'someti we 'sum own f We keep everytlarj so seat ri nice, , We sweop cur kIU,Lea, eve; 7 twice; , . When we Lave fluILw3, 5.1c ."1 see a crumb ' k Oud visitors look around 61 L.' their tongue. . ( . . Mr. Johnson gave the Hjmi Tseir omio Department great b:'; 1 'hand ' A large sum of money to bay pots and pans. The State also had something to do, ' '' ' ,- ' - That is it gave us two new stoves c 1 i,ry simuar eiion s xo vouirvx , , t v . ri and hour by law in foreign j. coTintires sign'ly failed except ;1 j1.cr.rottm dose to onr kitchen: It includes a table, tlx cLairs, and 1 1 i.r " rC 1-.n tie I .t rnnected 7 1 1 j t ! r.it.1 rooting it i j t :e vines are 71 t i j y be placed on j 1 - j f t i .rvals of every i tt. 1 1 tLis way several a;e s I from one cane. a vines tU be ready fro plant x they have remained cov- eied for one season. make under complete dictatorships and then with a total loss of freedom of actionJy labor and lower lir in? standards. r rarm croups oppose;" Federal The 8:311 of- Good Insurance Warsaw, U. C. J; HMlSi-WrMklns runcflOMd : fwre r'-i-t'onal pains of men- vt -t. vmpliig spells and Jan 4 . i mari & u no rob a womua ot lr' rttural. joi nful freslaiefJi. txJ 1 n'e taco too cucen j 'i i iule.ll sti i of vuln h'," trarl f 1 AU t 3 1 ' t V cy s t $ h e - f'1 B 1 t j t i f a. in thu.i f . 1 u o-ier' N.uel : ' (,. .!. .ccouuiut c t ' ! V ' ' r urc ' metfltdoesnt I 1 j, t a your t clur. their cushions. We have one large window cover ' ed in Jaoe, " - . Four shelves,' two bookoases, one ' radiator and a pretty vase. Mr. Eargett, and Mist Sneeden are 0. bo finer We carry them in our diningroom and let them dine. , ' With our host, hostess and guest, we have a fine time, t a We treat them very fine, sa they will let ui get out almost any time.," i.V'itiVf1 "l iJ V We are very proud and fond ol . our kitchens, , . j,'-'' If anybody thinks we would give iv up Home Economics, they can go to the dickens. ' , We want to study it as long as we live," - - - 4 -' And when we die we want :; to , think of it stilL ' t ; Dora Helen Edwards ID C". C'J Scrap Iron . ' r -"p Cast Aluminum ' r j fcet Lead ' : p Llock Tin ' stueet - Inc. : T. -O CT C c"" o,ir. C DUPLIII YOUITQ MAS Iff KATY I)aniel Battle 8eawell, age 17, unn.of Mr. and lbs. Charles Eea- well of Koute No. , Wallace, TS. C. was enlisted in the Kavy xnursy Jan. 20, 1938. Young Seawea was sent to the Havy Training jCiat ion. Hamnton Eoads, Va- where he will receive three months nav al training before being assigned to duty in some ship of the "0. S. I. ct. " " EeaweH was enlisted in! the navy through the llecrulti' Of fice Room 3. Tost C-Ioe 1 'j., Wilmington, which oflice wl 1 ac comodate f-" -s fT r "' ' -t from tl.e toi z .""' - " plin, Pender, C- ca, Trrr- . Eladcn, CoiuiLl'-s a" l i sw 1- over. 'Ail r. c. 11 - - - in the ahove Cv si n at tie ViLnirton C::ioe. 1. n..i e-tcr '-.!' 1 tf c 1 as re- c ly rv. ry. TLe i j (' i' -' -s announce the r , r C, 11 A. IL: Eur- . L. 7. I !er; Kack i ,'. L. C k. - 1 1 . 13, 11 A. H Zla I ' - , -..7. L. .'. Hv.Mlorj At I . I . T. L. CLiik; Teathey, lA V. T. Li Carrie; WiSard, r v. 0. I ness. ly, 0, 11 A. Jti r-wea, Eev. W. P. H. Carrie; C.k riain, Eev. L. W. Eessler, t.'ace, Eev. P. . Clark; South I" iVt, Eev. & 0. Harness. ban Jay, Feb. 27, 11 A. II.: JSt. Zion, Eev. P. L. Clark; Harmony, Eev. W. P. II. Carrie; Xockfish, Eev. S. 0. Harness; JSt. Williams. Eev. L U. Eessler. On Tuesday, ISur. 1, at 7 P. JL about seventy-five representatives rrom there churches will meet with thet Zion Church, at Eosehill for a supper and confer ence on the progress of the cam- paign. ; 1 e,vV t s "'1 tie -f-r 3l sry. Crr:i:0: How can I ma! ,A1Uji- cLocd4.e that will be saleable, AT: To each 77.5 ponnds of vllle milk add 8.8 pounds of cliocolate syrup, heat to pasteur i- :z temperature (180 degrees P.), stir for ten minutes and then cool and bottle. U a homogemzer or vucouzer u available it helps to run it through from 600 to 1.C3 Bounds nressnre. The svrnn may be made at home, bat most dairymen who are near .Wamw;r'':j,'tv-:v.,, , iLoDerc west nresiaMi -r Ann v..m "-"r-i.y-; hil . m .n presented :theLproposition t: the V'. Membmhip this club je clnb A veterans hmitol U.tn htX f Cuplin friends of J. E. Cjuti erland, representative of tie Jef ferson , Standard Life Iisurce Company, of Greensboro, will te interested to know that lr. ai.- erland had qualified for the I' xx est . honor a member of the field force of the firm can earn, mem-. bership in the 1938 Julian Price Club. this vice and a consistentk large pro duction of new insurance so care fully' selected that a very high percentage of it remains is force.: SYPHILIS CLESHC WAESAW; success, AinioinicE saro ; x-; SATED 1160,000 : KEW YC2X The cost of ' con structic? buililings usually ex cees esuiu&tel, but the modernis tio Administration Building of the Eew York World's Pair 1839 was erected for $743,030, exactly $1 60,000 lest than had been allotted. "iod .chocolate milk prefer to buy the syrup from some commer cial firm as this is usually more unuorm than the fyrun made at home. ' ftUESTIOff j What treatment is necessary for seed corn to protect it irom weevu oamageii , AKSWEEt Small amounts of corn to be saved for seed can be prrtected by mixing thoroughly about one part of lead arsenate with 2,000 part by weight of corn. This corn must be Bronerlv handled and safeguarded to pre vent its use v for zooa, xamc a- mouts of corn would have to be fumirated with carbon dissulph ide. This chemical must be hand led with care as ; the fumes are explosive after mixing with air. The room or bins should be tight, or if the floor is tight, the pile of grain may be covered .. -with canvass after .adding the fumn- gant. v v located ' somewhere in ' Eastern Carolina is expected to b6; con structed following the present session of oongre;s. The bill is before congress and is expected to pass most any day. The hdspitall will cost several, million dollars and will be one of the largest of .r.. .r.J t' I Dr." E. L Carr, County Health linaarT te 4ttd officer conduct i a nfk riinh,n 5Uv,Sr,nn KfaXrN m Wamw Wednesday which ftvivw iivi ir 111 sy nr 111 inr . s r w the test to 48 people, 38 beisf ; domestic servants. All servants al so were given the Tb. test and ex aminations for other .. eommuni-': cable diseases, TJr. Carr announced . that a' second clinic will be held in Warsaw in about two Weeks. Goldsboro, Wilson and Littleton. EEPAIa EOOK AT WUJrAa The room at the welfare De partment which was damaged by putting out foe sometime ago, was beingre- paired this week.- I 11 1 11111 II ,-!!C'WW" 'taiw-nmii 1 ni n 1 ' - : :V '-v':,y' : Fifteen 4-H elnb members of EStohell Oounty have saved en ough money to start baby . ' beef projects, but have .experienced7 tome diffionltv in finding calves suitable for entry in the Asheville Pat Stock Show. Tour Hair ban Look ,Youp' I ' Don't permit faded, or graying hear to mar your I oppeorancel Correct it with CkrfroL the shampoo' -I ; oil-tint that cleanses as it reconditions as it TINTS. I ' " imparting youthful fceaury. A 20-minute treatment : I 'win subtract years and add beauty to your hah I . .' i, add beauty to your looks. , &OOCOOQCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ATTENTION FARMERS!! uCu3 store is Headquarters for, alio Ycur needs in Farm Supplies Naturally, ,with (i C) j) FAO A53 QAETSI TOOLS C". 1 V 11 ...i.. IVgni. of how klnea you have tried I f i eHtlon, Gas or 1 "i cam ft prompt T t 1 A. 1 CL-I, a iclts I Hon, 1 1 ro1 T 1 rm H f ). ii' y-f 9' ? . . . I . lii. y c- ryinn 1 to 1 ex''M" s , T' e I :i!l.iy t c " 3 iioisHH!' " L.e r-"' - 4 for the j ir t r I 1 . i tlicrn. vi i S..;. I ! ? 1 your An; ..t k i-1 ' 1 1 I find rt. f 7 1 O f IJ, T Je Co., 1- n i . J '., - - Aon, r, Ic, J t 5. o o V. O o Q O o ASH T. fl. HELD XESTXD FSBTniZEK90 . iic uxa axs cmcEsr f Beaamber We Carry Field and Garden Seeds XgZTZZZZA (Kobe and Common) CASXZX GXASS ' 0AT9 AX3 IEISH POTATOES, Etc. ;We Appreciate Tour Busineu and Ton Ahraye Welcome at Our Store. Are C. E. QUINN 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ' BEVEH1T ENG. Co&AillaBt . f CkdroL Inc. 132 Wast 46 Street Naw York. It T. ". Sand FREE Booklet Xlvice and Analysia. City-Z ' My Beautician's Name is -State- CCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOI s s. y . r . W ' C OOOOOOOOOOOI LUaFor o CCI.rLCTijl LET3 OF. . r- - o U;SS.l LWLEMENTS2 HIGHEST MARKET PRIOES Paid For Scrap Iron, Metal and Fur & Hides GOLDSBORdj IRON & METAL CO. N. John St Old Rice Mill Site 12-Sl-49t ( O MY EAO-ACH6'S GONE! MY HEAD IS CLEAR! I :.'...:.M. MOST B VOOR AlKA"ElKtR DEAR. e J e Is k o , T-TON, H. C. , ooooooooop . 1 I P -' ITUmAKD MOeDOrOS ::z3 There Is a modern pleasant way to set relief from Beadaclie; Oaa ea Stomach. Celds. Haei.,. -'-bum, "Motetoi After" ana Macular rataav i Just drop one or two ALKA-SKLTZEH tablets in to a glaai of water. Watch It bubble listen to It flzs. ... Ai loon as tablet U dissolved, drink tba tana7 eohrttoa. (AnalsearfrUkaUrins Eflemaceat Tablets) Yon win ready enjoy the taste more Uka 1 : water tnan una meoione. . .' AIJCA.SKLTZE3L wfian dlaaohmd in wa tains an analgesic, (Sodium Acetyl-Salicylate), which relieves pain, while its alkalizing agenta help to ear w . sect everyday ailments associated with hyperadariy , '! Tour drugvus nai ALKA -SELTZER. Get a re yl ? or 60s package bn our "tiafaction-or-mons(y4iek" . , guarantee. 1 .'',' i '.'., 1. . i 1 '7, u. c. r i k