JALLS J to ' ' - 1 , t'tj Cie,;-.- "V u" lit ,, V ) u com- -,, ' Ljm your d ; L- ;e, Crocer or . i , .coer. - . f vt.;t- ira jjrai JC3 ,! CO. YTXLLQT&N, N. C . 1 ''-Ill-liH Mj : j v., x i J . ir HHicst Cash Prices -C 11 For v. J iP-'V r ', " '" ;t V k " , ' . i CHICKENS. : ?0T!rl Heal It slwtyt bettor because tSia slow pinding . J Z ' ji V S "'! " ' n 1 - 1 . ' , v '2 k kJ 'y,-f j tire :. t b7 Test -. . A ; i Z-ton, C i - g FCI1 ICS CHEAT! J - f ; G2I3 cr.rr3 slow rrs T,iT.i,a c? irimiL cihtd clow fe:.. J M V- . .4 e i t i ' 1 i Co. - Vt - , . l A. " " i -:.. J ' ' V ' -.-ve.'J days t 3. 7. ' i : 1. r- .3. IT. la t .1 Ik' j,' 1 t3 lr,ow is i: .'"OVli J, , 3 I Lai hTcs to be home ia iprIL On Koaday eveiuEg, Kr. ' an3 lira. Jamie Teachey, whose mar riage ta Augnst was recently an nounced, were honored vnih. a mis cellaneous shower at the home of TZa. 7. H. with Krs. S. E. Lockerman and Hiss llargaret Teachey as assistant hostesses. . After registering, guests were invited into the , dining . room, where the gifts were arranged. Refreshments were served here al so. Music was furnished daring the evening by Mrs. Elmo Teachey and Miss Margaret Maness. . . The family of Mr. and Mrs. S. 0, Alderman, wish to thank their friends for kindnesses shown to them in the Alness and death of their daughter. . The Junior Class of Eosehill High School will .present ,"A Beady-Made Family," by Jay To bias on Friday, Feb. 11, 7:30 P. VC at Bosehill High School Audi torium, It is a splendid comedy with a good plot.: The public is cordially invited to see the play. Admission fifteen and twenty-five cents. ' - 1 " iifiprE;:i;:ssf.ncj;:iix-OLflviLLE MBS. MM. TEIGPEN , , Correspondent . Mrs,. Robert Craft, Sr.,. has re turned from a visit to her brot her, Buoian Mobley at Fonntains boro. - '' , -' " Miss Virginia Bass of' Jack son Springs and. Dudley spent the week end as the . guest of Miss Aileen Bumgarner. - - - ' Mr. and Mrs.. Peyton .Whaley, and son, Bobby, and Misses Alma Craft ana - Annie Mae Houston were in Einston Tuesday night, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Sholar and little son, James Deane were dint ner. guests of , Mr. -and' Mrs. SEA FOOD CAFE In Warsaw HEADQUARTEBS DT DUPLDI fiOTTRTT FOB SEA FOOD IN '' ' SEASON We Feed yon when in Warsaw 7e furnish you sea foods to carry ' home at the lowest prices Rkll GROCERY and MARKET PH0N3 318 - VALErmrs specials Stcv Beef, lb .... . . r. ...... . . .:. lie Rc'jr.d Sizdzy lb .. . ... .... .V. . 25c Hnnl"rc;crt lb .. .... . . V. . . V. . - 15c Svnns Dovm Cr.!:e Flour, bos . . 35c iLrVcct iwCdjj G lmrjo cslics 25c hpOviitake chony pie more than over the dessert to eerTeHfot a 1 February party, why not "a la!mode" It with Ice cream heartsT No gadgets or molds are needed to make the hearts Jnst dip the Ice cream from the freezer with an ordinary tablespoon and unmold the spoonsful so that they form a heart -on top of each, piece of pie. The following Ice cream recipe la especially recommended becanaa It la a smooth. Inexpensive "cream-less' variety and is just the right richness for an "a la mode." Combine cup sugar with 4 table snoona flour and blend with 1 quart scalied milk. Heat over low flame, i BfinHncr AAnatnnHv. nntll thickened . tnhtaannoTM of the mixture over i Anrhiv ami than aitil to eimt.ud mixture. Add U teaspoon wit. tivl 5 teaepo-ms vanilla extvact, and chflL . - ta a.m. wY.it ' See ereim mixturb AssemSla the "reel -ir. oover and p3k-vlth uii lure of S parts crvshxl lee and 1 part rock salt Turn erajk slowly, - fcnt ntrin. -Whna the mkcture becomes too stiff to turn. In 5 to 10 minutes, remove cover carefully, '&ke out dasher, and pwk down I Wenly with eijoon. Cover Ice cream wlrh wax japer and rep'ace cover. Loraw off water and replenish Ice and salt mixture. Cover and allowl to harden at leapt one hour before George Whaley Monday evening, ' Mrs. Cora 1. Fountain of Foun- tainsboro and Miss Etta Thomas of near-' Benlaville have been guests for several days of their brothers, E. P. Thigpen and M M. Thigpen . ' - -' -Bev. J. L. Powers it visiting hie -mother near lumbexton, She has been very ill but is ..much better now; - -' Services at the 1 Presbyterian Church last Sunday , were very much enjoyed. Bev. John Potts, of Southport, was the visiting min ister. - Mr. and Mrs. M M . Thigpen were in Wilmineton Thursday. ' Misses Vimnia Albertson , and Delia Kennedy, spent Wednesday with Miss Alma Craft. , I 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. M Quinn, of Einston were here Saturday en route to Columbia and Marion, S. C, where they were - guests for the weekend of Mr. and Julian Auinn and Mr. and Mrs.- C. T. Sloan. Mr. Quinn's sister, ; Mrs. Paul Parker joined them here, and made the trip to South Carolina .also, W - '- - - EENANSTIIXE, N. C, Remove from flame-and pour k leaten egg yolks. Blend Mmr- PtMt the mlxnre into a modern am ..tll -.tiff onri twmr AVttr thA serving. ' - Misses Aileen and Helen Wil liams are visiting near Tin City. ! Norman Smith, who has : been very ill at Duke Hospital, Durham, has returned and is at' the home of his mother, Mrs. Nora Smith' near Sareeta, " " , , " Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Cavenaugh, of Warsaw; were here Sunday morning for services at the Pres byterian church. -'The; were ac companied by Bev, Potts, of South- port.- ' ,' .'."!' j ' .Misses Willie Gray . Cox andf Elizabeth Sneeden and Mrs. Gard-, : ner Edwards spent Thursday after noon in Einston. v; - Misses Hattie and Margaret Hil burn, Charlotte lee, Buby lucas and Elizabeth Sneeden were ' din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M M. Thigpen Tuesday evening. ; Friends of Mrs. J. W. Weber, Jr., of Tampa, Fla., will be interested to learn of the arrival of a little son in her home on Feb, 4th. He has been named J. W. Weber, 3rd. Mrs. Weber was formerly Miss lu- cy Best, of Goldsboro, and was a mcrr.ber of the local faculty lor several year, and has many friends in this community. . Mr. and Mrs. L C. Brown and ions, Tom and Jack, of longwooa, pent Sunday wita their aunt, Mrs. Ada B. Williaais. BRTDOE PARTY Mes Helen Cunningham and Th"? ma Dawson entertained :hrte' tables at bridge Saturday evenug s.t "the home of Mrs. Sam Brad- shaw. on Main Street. - The oeca- sion was in honor ox the birthday of Miss FJsie McGowan. A delici ous salad course wes served at the conclusion of the game. BIBTE ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Matthews, of BenlavUle - announce the birth of a daughter, Zelma Adelle, Sunday, Feb. 6th. Mrs. Matthews was for merly, Miss Adelle Thomas, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thomas. P. T. A. , T" The ParenfrTeacher Associa t'on held its sixth meeting for the : ' 1 ;tio year on Monday night, "j. J, L. Powers, president, ' .rg. The program on "Citi ' " V was in chaise of Miss i Une Boil, iainMir of the pro- - a committee. An Intern ung "s was made by Miss Buth Shaw I te faculty, and ft short sketch ' 3-ing around the U. S. Flag presented by a number oi stu '3 of the grammar grades. The "s of riss Naomi Woods' 3rd i fvn a deLlitful playlet en ' "The Babbit Who Wanted -" An unusually large '.,.1 tlxe mectirj. , '"1 t . ! 1- .iy in hon-1 . r tf t.vo f.icU'y rff-mbers: L's r -r r 1 : r. JoLn little-1 s. Till .". y act d as hoDt, 1 1 " i 't I ra as Lotebs. 11a. lee ,1c iv. 1 Line Quinn, both stu J.a cf tlie clws were also guests. A color scheme of green and yel low was carried out, the furniture in the dining room being ; green and cream. A centerpiece of yel low jonquils was; used. The .menu consisted of -orange juice, oatmeal with raisins, grits, ham, gravy, bis cuits, butter, coffe with cream. The girls -of , Benlaville v-High School have taken much interest in this department, and they ; are making great advancement in the field of Home Economics. John- nye Brown Kennedy, Beporter. WOMAN'S C1UB - The Benlaville Woman's ' Club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. J. D. Jackson, with Mrs. Clyde Brinson, president, in charge. : A delightful program and social hour was enjoyed.. t r ' ' CARD OF THANES, ; My heart is almost broken since my dear brother was taken from me. But God saw fit to take hint out of all pain. '; He had been si great sufferer for years. And I had seen him suffer so much when he would not let anyone . know how much or in what way, until he would get where I was, then he would tell me about it. I can not realize that he is gone to stay yet, "Only gone, not dead.? God alone knows how I miss him. And he will help me. to bear all ' my sorrow and trials in my sad lone liness. -;,,. t ' I get cards and letters of sym pathy, but none of them take thei loneliness 'away from my sad I heart. But my heart goes out to all that have sympathy for me in my sorrow and sadness,' Dearest brother, thou hast left us. Here thy loss I deeply feel, xet again-1 hope to meet thee. In a brighter world above, Sister. DOLLIE A. SANDIJN, , Mag nolia, N. C, v,'. ' Most Craven County farmers are planting far more tobacco , plant beds than will be needed in order to insure themselves of ' sufficient plants should blue mold and sects strike heavily thitf year. in- G; Ri Dail Cash-Grocery Kenansville Chas. F. Cates & Son FAISON, N. C. Announces A NEW PRODUCT " CATES Peanut Butter QUART JAB RETAILS FOB 30o n Buy Your Home Products CATES' PICKLES ABE MADE FROM DUPUN COUNTY CUCUMBERS, BY DUPUN COUNTY 1AB0B ? - IN DUPUN county.; . None Better the World Over ' ASK YOUB GROCER FOB CATES PRODUCTS . Every Variety' Picldes Peanut Cutter It's the new 1938 Kelvin- RWt, . 1HHI' wim j. rf i jKS enough cold '' v -Jr making reserveJo do 8 job for - five refrigeratory! Nothirig like It in refrigerator history. Just lookatthe pictures below.ThenS i ome in and see the most beau tiful refrigerator in America, with the oldest and mos honored name in the industry AMAZING ECOUbbY! miA 10. st i . & : 'i . ' v M NEW ROOr.l! Kelvin-:, .We- i SEE- shelved to ve up - .u,hu4W , Ae 2S-ib. wtv" " , Wr ojent ever . torl exolwve', ' Vrtll I7FALLY MAKE MONEY WHEN YOU BUY A N EV 1933' ELECTRIC . i Kl I m i , n i I ,i -f. ii . . .- , i . s Let us show you the figures thA v ; prove how Kelvinator makei ,' -your food dollars go furtherf : J Vet you can buy a Kelvinatol , (or only a few cents a day. s t v Hll hi; Ms : Warca7 XT L v w w WARSAW, K. C.

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