7fjlst- " ' i t n . . 8. "A u t cf a oa t' f 6 t.JC ts- 4 r r:,v i '. ""'lis yi I 1 . it t E ' ',! rti' ', , .i I s i er'L. Jy modern," -1. ....I "I L' 8 t .e t "lo-rt 1 i r -n:.;ir; I t JS t t , ii c, ,s i :v, '-.a. It r itjL.sf taf re-imnr-i" u 'a te I ; r 1 1 , ul a v --.u rct.. sIt f-iiity - x ..-..! , -. . I, V ' . ,c ". i ' . 1 1; n ... o n i MWH: wwmasF' -aw-. " -M wr-- ..-...-... -.mhmhhV M . awn -MMM ..:.: -,- . t. . met ' : ia , F . IiJ ri tf ' ting, r s f ' j " ' s ITr ." r ? . , .of as 1 1 I a mil-. 3 . . :.t Till ; - I .t! ' ' 1 - - ' .a who merely . j n go on dang , i r more difficult t s errand itself, ' ) r Tatrol," new ii I . ' .Lama, show 7it'el.;lln. -r : .1" tells a . vivid 7 t. srs in the Texas oil i r."3 v.!;o tranrport and 'i c .ives, tins living a co;:.'.iut sLadow of ' e f2:n contends, however, ' -It as tie task of these :.e nervous strain on their k. US womciifulk is doubly great. 1 . - land Saturday of this week, Joan The V7ednesilay double feature Crawford and Spencer Tracy, in at tLe r.lla includes, the ever'Uannequin." - ' rr r I icey Eooney in "Hoos-' Miss Crawford, who is the film Lt CJ V sy," a truly brilliant star wife of Franchot Tone, be irerrj of aotdig, direction, and.lieves that-women can best hold st.ry t' t resists in a sincere and their husbands by retaining their c ;IcL".y Stttlifying production, feminine appeal and she thinks It cEsnot helj but please everyone that no woman should try to be Iron tie ees of six to sixty and hoss. ( 1 J ve he rtl'y recommend it for the iss Crawford is" opposed ; 'to erjyiECiit of the entire family. i strenuous athletics '.for women." "A li or' 'andirg cast of Holly- moderate : amount of exercise is v.oi r-.anaLtics, - headed by 11 !t Trevor, Eonali Woods, Al an Il-cLart and Alan Eaxter is jrei in "T j Town Girlf" 20th ZJ.zry-Tox pluture, showing as or-. tf VTedssday's double fea tws at tie ruplin, , TLree new socg hits by Sidney r -re and Harry Akst, including, --tine Ewing," "Don't Throw ZLi" and "111 Settle for Love" are included in the picture, which we c rected by Alfred. f Werker i'.h Hilton H. Feld associate pro duccr,: ' ' ' " 1 FISEFLT lach recent year has brought to the screes a finer type of musical lJZSl -' - i 1 i.i . iJ"l Triiul's memorable ' operetta, wit!i Jeanette KacBonald in : her set teenth musical triumph, is r.Zwoci's new offering at the 1 '.la theatre, next s Thursday, Allan Jones and Warren Wil liam as the star's leading men will del:'ht the audience. - " - "The I'irefly" presents a power- i i r i II , I I F.c 7cc!: cf FcL.uary , TZZZ!. &lZZ2.TJb. M-15&:: . - ;. -r-, " TIio Hurricans "S . far!-' Eorothy LAilOTIR, Jon HALL, Mary ASTOR, C." Au-' 7 e freateRt pictures of all time.: llwiyui J, ' " 2., r A i: Ji : : IHCIIT $30.00 C2 1"C-3: . 1 r - '"-y-r -' T T, rrar ItcHUC J, Kat PENDLETON ' i.-;i-i,rfcbi7-i " J 12 7L "ial" 1 I t' tf a-. cs, Us. fark men, ari SLu. E. C. PriJen. , ..." Irs. George Steel and her ful story of dramatic romance, as well as a vehicle for remavkal'e music M-G-1I has gone the limit in its settings and in the artistry of presentation. v " - ' PAiurouirr msicN STAB CI" "liAJTSHQUnr SATS WOMAN JOTSr- EEIAIN JZZXZ APPEAL .'... The Paramount theatre in Kin gston is offering Thursday, Friday essential : to good ;' health)" she said, "but women are overdoing it by going in for strenout ath letics for which tney . are not physically equipped. .' Kd - woman can look attractive to a man wnen she is masculine inj her dnss, thought of actions.' "i;fe' K History, according - to ' Hiss Crawford, reveals I' that feminity has always been woman' chief weapon, 5"Women who havr con tributed the most to civilization, and whose - influence over r man has made fori better world, have all been feminine. A man can le led with" understandings- tact and charm, when-all else fails.; i "Bfo wif e,' the actress smiled, "can hold a husband long if she HHisi being a back-seat driv THE BUCCANEEB AMAZING STOEY - The Paramount 5 will offer on Sunday. Monday : and Tuesday, Cecil B. DeKille's production of "The BuccaneeT," with , Frederic March. The Buccaneer s( is the ptory of Americas most amazing hero, Jean Lafitte, the pirate t This is one of . . i. i f ' t v s. Iui.. 's ; - 3. 7. T. t ' i II' s lon'a lVl GvIIuoro schoJ f. wev!.enl witi rcl..'. i ( " T.TCr-), f iemer TBACY - T" Wim EC3 EAXIi ' i ' 1 cf vtild ncz:z3 . ierl"i-rres-L" 1' "if 8 Ca- A j ; 3 star 1 1 '3 Cow a. ' ' 99 r, C . , .., i . Jt i- i v .! 3 s' 7 ia Lt. ' left Taes- i r t ' ' rrt - . I;. L. T. -U, An , .'. . r. : ' .'-on, of , T. C, aul LTr. S. B. i E lay afternoon x -i. ii.1. ' - : :. . I-' If .f II ,. T-i'ih Jones mo t "r 1 1 C " a I-?-h Eondy. I'r. L. A. lo .. ell from Savannah, "x., i 1 1' e vecktnd with his mo r, I s. J. A. PowelL . i Hal 'a Towell is spending a moLaiil: - la, , . , Il-s. Ill IL11 is visiting her sis ter in Cl arlotte. r v Fiicnl3 of Krs. A. L, Humphrey will be glad to know she is improv ing.. ' T lt . Ucasles are getting better in and around Warsaw.' i" , - d3. B010TBT CHAMBERS . Urs. Torothy Chambers Conon er, a former resident of Suplin Countiy, died in Hopewell, N. J., last Friday P. JL at 3 , o'clock. Those attending the, funeral from Duplin county were:" Mr. and Urs. D. T. Chambers, Mrs, i Emma P. Chambers, Miss Mamie Chamben, Mr. A. H. Snyder, and joined by a sister, Mrs. D. B. Powell, of Bocky . Mt. Mrs. Cononer, known as "Dol- had many friends in Duplin that .M t,-A i... ji She is survived by four , sisters, Mrs. H. 1?, Pierce: Hopewell, H. J Mrs. D: B. Powell, Bocky Mt.; Mrs. J. Alvu( Powell, :; Wamw; -Mrs. Claude Hamilton,1 Magnolia, and one brother, D. T. Chambers, Ken- CIBCLE MEEIS Circle Ho. 1 at the M E. rnis-1 if, E sionary society met at the church J score prizees were 'presented; , to Monday afternoon. Mrs,: ) Wayne ; Mrs,! J,' M.i.Brook for-the; club Jordan had charge of the meeting , members' and" to Mrs. G. B. Dail and Mrs; Bae conducted the ;devo-lfot'visitors;':'f tional A chicken salad, mppe wap.f"! nlanned for Thursday night, week! MBS. DAIL ENTERTAINS Pol 1 9 maaw" tVio HfltnAMl BAPTIsf cIRCLES MEET '; v ! The .George Rollins and Rosa Powell circles held a joint meeting in the Ladies Parlor of the Baptist church Monday afternoon." After a short business session, the circles began the study of "Talks on Soul Winning," by Dr. EV Y.-. MulUus. Rev. R. A. Cadle, taught the les son in a most interesting and help ful manner. 1,- " At the dose of the study a to cial hour was " enjoyed - during which Mrs, F. J. Stric?ad, Mr. 0. H. Best, and Mrs. O. W. Aoilins, and Mrs. R. D. Johnson served wa fers and tea. ' '"' f KATIE MURRAY CIBCLE -, . i The Eatt? Murray Circle met with Mrs; L. H, Brown on Monday night with Mrs. L. 0, Williams, circle chairman, presiding. , The study course was taught, by Mrs. B. A. Cadle,. Mrs. Brown. . hostess, served heart shaped sandwiches,' wafers and punch, suggesting tne vaien' tine season. . ie:::.zuille i . EENANSVILLE PERSONALS ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Olivet Stokes went to Charlotte s one day .last v erk. - - Eeecher Sitterson of Davidson Cullre spent the past week end at his home here. --Caroline Jerritt of Peaoe Col lege sjent the week end here with! her family. ' M. E. Kornegay also Mr- and! Krs; M. P. Kornegay and daugh ter, Pearl, of Greensboro, .N, C! spent the past week end here with lis. Parker Guinn.- - I .Kiss Katherine' Sitterson, of Williamston, N. C, spent the week-. end here with her family. rr. and Mrs. W. M. Brinson were visitors of Kr. and Krs. Ellis j Vestal in Enow Kill Sunday after noon. ' ' lis. roses Tanner and Moses, Jr., are vUUg relatives in Kt.i CIivi it.itt week. I li; s Lii'a Linson left this week for lit 11 - ant where she Willi vL t s'ier. T'rs. J. E. Ju-Bley. l"r. e I I'rs. R. C. r.t'"n, who ! r ' t' 'r lioire vlx XIIss ' i : " )mi for several ; -, I j i " 1 1 j t' e country, j c f T -. E. E. Itnny re- " , ', t1 s is 8'tk Willi 1 1 - t v . w A Vv ivt 1 ytTier eu 1 i i i 1 - n a Cl.ve. no. t u r t. I r. e II s. Tue r" n spent last E ' 'y ia C.!s"e I ,ne with r;s. lien's sLler, Lrs.-Tan-ITess vLo is very ill. l"r. and IL-s. A. J. Elanton and clUIi-en, LacLcl and Edith, also Janet Eoney enjoyed last Sun day when Hr. Llanton and his sister, Mrs. Mary Elanton cele-i brated their birthday together in Wallace. ' ' ' ' W, L G's, met with Misses Pate, Sparkman, and ; Murray, in the home of Mrs. 0. P, Johnson, Thur sday, Feb. 8. -t Mrs. L. J, Bountree received a lovely "box of Valentine Candy for high score prize and Jars. Kooert Grady, Valentine Candy for, sec ond high. A delicious sweet course was served. The Valentine motif was carried out. MBS. WILLIAMSON HOSTESS ir,On last - Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 the members of the Hen ansville Kontract Slab were en tertained by Mrs.-D. S. Williamson who had several additional guests at the time. - Members present were; Mesdamea B. C. Wells, W. -V M. Brock, A. J. liresson. . 4. .( son, G. R. Dail, LC, Burch, J. B. Wallace :H. B. Boney and J. 0. Stokes, Mrs. Buck' Jones who was accompanied-; by hex; mother. At the k end of wv'iiterejttBg jfum;:?lf;lues'-- iavited'lwr guests into the, dining .room was fixed most attractively to car ry out the Valentine motif, Here the guests enjoyed tempting "Hie- f reshments in two courses. High AT BRIDGE Admission is by ticket 'jiMn'-BajT'enterfa ' ( t'n-- f . . ) . 7 iiiiTiflt- , ?V, ases 'W PLACE: V OASIS THEATRE l S. Queen Street Kinston, N. C. r ? TIME:" 10:00 A. M. "DATE: Wednesday, February 16, 1938 V ' 'I vJ 1VI - Lem Weatherbee to s --v;:- X VSir' ,i,v.l I X '.. -. nm, wivt mttinir rnttl: i . cfrh. .Oi j st - us for them before the day ot the snow 1'-:;'-'A-'-r('",l.ttyiiNST0N,H.c.'.,. J " ADDED ATTRACTION,: f . " r You are invited to a i . - f L. 'i ft t t " i cf Con 1 a t I ' 1 t IL:i,:.y after iirt taC 'y. After several . 'I 1 cria. 's tl e scores were to t! 1 e,!l it was found that lira. J. E. "Lice hell h:;jtt score for which sle was presented a sand wich tray. Urs. N. B. Boney was r -,r' T-"' "1 o I: .. -J.' J 3 kJU Li WARSAVA N.C Program for Week February 14th:: , MONDAY, February 14th :! " ' - i -; '; ;The prefect Tarzan finds his prefect mate in ." j-" ' ) Tarzan's Revenge u I - f Glenn MORRIS, the perfect Tarzan and Eleanor HOLM TUESDAY, February 15th:: .--' . v -' - , r': "BIG TOWN GIRLW 6 Starrin Claire TREVOR, Donald WOODS, Alan DINEHART, ' Alan BAXTER . ' , " t'i ; , -1 jacx m $10 w $20 ' ; - WEDNESDAY, Feb. 16th, DOUBLE FEATURE : : f ; - .Mickey BOONEY in f " Hobsier Schoolboy !? rJl - ' And Sally EHERS, John BEAT., Harry CAREY in y "Danger Patrol ..THURSDAY, Feb. 17th, ONE DAY ONLY:: , Starring Jeanette , MacDONAXD, Allan JONES, Warren ' FRIDAY, Feburay 18th.: : ' y'tysrV.:. ; "45 FATHERS w Starring Jane WITHERS, Thomas BACK, Louise HENRY SATURDAY, February: 9th, DOUBLE FEATURE : : :f tv;' :'-f-ir" : An' All Star sterner l "TRAILS DIVIDED " jL', and! Edwarl ARNOLD, Shirley ROSS in BLOSSOMS ON BROADWAY w 'jjjHlhi'll ',. fV V' nill. I' ' ' ' I . l.i 'll.J HI. , I I... . FREE PASSES: Mrs.. Alex Xornegay, Warsaw; Mrs. 1, M. PeirM. Wamw'rMrs. Alice V. Kornegay, Magnolia; Miss He? t ! Jen Hunt, Magnolia ; Miss Viola Westbrook, Seven Springs, Rt, i ' - ! V i farn ahout new mackinea. new methods ti?.yi ..:'m & i-1 J !.. 'S . ' , . . ...... .-'Vv; rv-:..';.jvi'.. 1 ASK FOR TICKETS only: - If you don't hve tickets, pt need morei sK I "HARVEY, Rr. SON COMPANY . ; -:l f , . the John lieere . warenouse. n.-wrocavuio Hi-Way after tne snow. a close runner up and was ' eiitcd a picture for second 1 score. Ilrs. T. J. I'ackmon i ceived the consolation prize wla Urs. J, M, Brock carried home the traveling prize. Tempting refreLh ments was served by the hostesi, assisted by Sirs. W. J. Pickett. ; ; ' xney are riuus. ' ' ;MJSt free barbecue dinner at . y f-- urn 7 JwiSi 'f i X 'y L rone :s she

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