V , t 11 U ihone ; : i. 2. T. r 1 ,s. V ' J I .te'fo-IMn3 ':":tL- : 3 . ' i i i I xobcL T-i. J. C. T' oic ; :n, cLairman, . C. II. Voniack prer,:.Ld. lie secretary was in- f.wa Tenr.ee, stmrtrd to o:Jer six copies of "Re k has been on. on" " i .inj, America." to be nV'S I., . . r the . cis de- i ' , i .'o. lor pub-; A t ! i : v it a be l" a t tf -CJ.CO turcs v ; l : i tj - ..wood. , and I .-y t , , . ... -' when lu - i are ro oouut aware a jon c0.g' . ;, S. C, boy won the,rred j : .A JUa ui:e 01 "U Hainan ," end is now in Holly- t wined and dined by : L i :i.-s. The youngster's e in toy Harris. 18 I. Cooper is spending a with his son, mx. Clay cooler in Ealeih. 1 . - " Ilrs. Elanche Wilson, Mrs. C. F. Carroll and Eill Carroll spent the weekend in Ealeigh with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ledbetter. They weie aci ompanied home by Mangum ; r 1 10 i il.-l- .L ' I . s i i 1 Aiuer- j i i, u.., "a as - i e b' ry cf t ; u :aLtai;'!.ns. ! a '.r f"3t c t 3 mold cf America's '3. i .Ljston as the grim, ..luted circuit riJer; Jam art as the detprir ci, bril rran; Eeul:ih Ee v as the r, Amon tlie notri'e rlay- a Jfra"" '' 1 f ' "1 ct raramoun i Winston it , aa.ee i- 1 ss a dou i"':a next ""I "T3 r in i ' -1 pio-1 day ' - ' , t i : ur&Jay I Attending the Westminster law i i , catre, rus i Conies-' here. Ilessrs. B. L. Matthis. R. . .6 Lombard, ji,, wheless, and - Glenn Brown, . 4 hlta Iiarry-. Rnniftra. Jones' Grimes. Fan- mnre, r s Uue, ' ' nie Wilson: Hr. and Era. Paul wto,;;. r i. s-rport of the three , LZ st?rs 8 ij a lavontes una jser- ---- keL T ' ;ir Irnnv, Lynne Over- e" will ce xne regular xmra man, 1 oiler I. all, 1 ntz i'eld, Jonn ounuay aiorug evening i mw T. Larrfly, Eichard Carle and in the M. E. Church. Kev. C. J. Tommv Ln?an. - Andrews, nastor. Subiect for Sun- "True Contession" was directeu , day. Feb. , 80, To Christ -Or ENTEETAIN AT SHOWEE used ia ils Ei:rias mission suuuy. llrs. Tliotrjon also read a let ter from Rev. A. S. Barnes, upt. of the orphanage concerning the little boy the circle has obligated to clothe during the next year. i Til t ie nhftftTlftft Of mra.. iLODeri V. . .. . i ir west, I ra. Q. J. Button ieaa tne'B"-u, uu j, c likrt Eiaj. i s t' j tlie guest of I 4 1 .Z' y X ..'.cr, : ' y & 1 1 s-t the Baptist f ,!i will Le "Cl.'.rch Auxiliary I The pu.lar, Eev. . " C. Cl.amblee, has aked the S. S. B. 7. I. U. and the five missionary Ctieties of the churcn each to fcave five minutes on the program. Attend the service and . learn what the organizations are doing. Krs. J. H. Alpers and Miss Min nie lee Herrings motored to Clin ton and Warsaw Monday A. M. host of l'-'noll rer;'.e r.iLi.. with buckets and put up a heicL fight to save the house. The roof was destroyed by lire and shing les torn off to help save the in side, and other overhead materials were so damaged it will require a complete roof and partial ceil ing. The furniture was all saved, and everything in the house. --. The four children were all in by Wesley Baggie; XIOTICS OF RESALE . .... .vhwv :r fv;, n"vw ,sjjl -1, t . X a I . in f I ftii'fl l.,ij so often there comes a I t "re which everybody simply 1'iui.t see. Such a picture is "Wells larro," t!;e stirring and inspiring sory cf the building and main t ,inirg of America's . first life 1 r8 of empire the Wells Fargo Trail. This is a powerful and in spiring story ofv American great ness in the makii.f-as.tory ZSTZ-JrZrrrj7ZMtnms. in the most thrilling and g amor- ." "nJ211Tr.-" , Mondav nicht Feb. 14. By virtue of authority contain ed in an order of re-sale made by i irtimiin f!nnftr utim o rai f ' nough to be at home. ma in - .01. rfih t.nv.l i Mr. iMiver Jones is devotio,.J. 11x3. Kary Beaton and Krs. Clyde Surrat gave very in terestirj outlines of two outetnd ins Chinese Women Educators. ,, Gold.boro, last week from They were Lass Kwe Tuin Kiang, and Miss Grace Yang, principal 01 McEyeire School. Miss Kiang is considered the best educated wom an in China, , Mrs. Park Pridgen gave a very interesting summary of tie District Missionary meet- in? held in Wilnuneton, eo. 9. Mrs. E. B. Cinman closed the meeting with prayer, 1 ' - Hot tea, sandwiches and valen tine cookies were served, by ;v the hostesses, ..' ' '. , What!" - Mr.' and Mrs. Emmett. Pollock, of Charlotte, were with their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion West this weekend, . ; - ' ' ' Friends are hannv to learn that Mrs. A. L Humphrey i veil e- bed with measles, one was' able to be up a little. 7 They were all car ried to the home of Mrs. Culbreth'i sister, Mrs. Frank Chestnutt, lat er moved to her mother's Mrs, J. , S. Sutton. The family wishes ' to ' thank the neonle who foueht ..to A shower was given Mr. , and save their home and ' furniture, Mr. Thornton at the home of Mr. and to Prof, I. H. Fussell for and Mrs. Ellie Pope Saturday bringing the school boys over to Mrs, .- Thornton:' assist. town has morfc valiant were married in December. They and wise "fire fighters" than 2 :n.'-k . M , A. WM ' ... ...V.. reside in Clinton. A host of friends greeted them with useful gifts. Loads of fun were enjoyed at an old-fashioned candy pulling. Magnolia, and they are always loyal to every fire emergency; Dr. H. A. Edwards r.lAGNOUA FIRE DAMAGES CULBBETH -HOME ON TUESDAY Tuesday morning about nine o' clock fire was discoverd on the The alarm was given and quickly ayi BEULAvUXE, Wednesday the fire engine was carried and a BICHLANDS. Thursday, DENTIST , V ' ' YIHK HILL, '. Friday Saturday, Monday j KENANSVTIXE, Ta'e improving in ' . a when the West was to be won and 1 and J. H. Colwell to J. T. Ores- "'.' Md--a WeHs- Fargo," the J ham, Jr., Trustee and wooiwl.?!5; mighty story of an empire Cufld- in Book 844 page 250, Kegis-4 " try of Duplin County: I will of-i "V; w!: ."IzTJr ,n. r.ri f Amvmnn history. ! wust executed dv Juane coiweu lUIi. - kid. - iAX'. iub. 17 - 13 -19th ,1 M! II I i ' 4 J I JICTU." Ulie UlfaLtlest Adventure Bomance Ever Filmed!. With' . . ; c-hill -: . . 1 IT AIL " -T ipg which opens Thursday at he Paramount theatre Kinston for a three-day showing. , The back ground of the beautiful romance is the (building and maintaining of America's first lifeline of empire, the Wells Fargo Trail, the path of the pony express and the stage coacn, of adventure and romances which connected distant San Fran cisco, treasure valut of America, with St-Louis, then the furthest American outpost. It's a big pic ture and an important one, wit'1 Joel llcerea, Frances Dee, and Bob Bunts at the head of a cast of -uore tiiun a hundred, "Wells Far go" is a picture that ; everybody -uust sec. jant forget it will be 3iwvea aV- Kiiiston's - Paramount uneatre Thursday, Friday and Sat urday of this week. .- . - ' DUPtIN THEATBE MOLEBN NIGHT LIFE IK Wi.W P0JS3 11LM ' ' jNisht 'iiie in Paris and New with the ditch and the line of J. L, " Jordon 270, feet to a . stake on College Street; thence with the : southeastern edge of College Street to the beginning, and lying and being in the town of War saw, N. " The bidder at this sale is re-1- quired to deposit ten per cent of the amount bid with the trustee, .21 22nd '.1 re tliat CL.Jlcr--s f . cf "r:r.Tii cf a t to insure good faith, s in rami uuu . jnew 1 .. ..... 1 .. . . ... . j.vi ukcmom. ... .u. York come in lor prominent "at-- f" 1 -000 D ' "'face. 3. Family Altar. 4. Tithing, tention in "liittintr a New High," i? : . " J Tonio for woeram. ?'The Home Lily Pons' latest filmusical with : l,1'.uj"jm " .1 Land." Their subject being dis Jack Oakie co-starred. . , ;A. J. Blanton, Atty- , The story tells of a cabaret stag , er, piayed.by Miss Pons, who u anxious to crash grand opera. 1'iiroiwh complications provided 1 main.j by Jack CuLic, sl-e never quite realizes the ambition, anaj much of the actkOU tL;s place in 1 nift clubs Li the two mttrcroli i t, -i centers. 1 ' . ric More, El yard Everett Cot ton, Jol'u Howard and Eduardo Clannclli head the large cast of gcr-r-oi t players.' ' "i ...,-r a i;ew i.ign is tne icLt"i -1 ol.s.ring at the Duplin n. t l.Jay nij,ht. . ' . , . J L2J LJ I. TLLIE'S HAT tou;e years ao Sophie Tucker used to sin? about a bird on I-ell-1 ie's lat, b(t never thought sre d v r one. I'.ovr, starting a new ca re; r ii pictures after attaining in 1 m:-- nr-l fame as a "red hot s," f Lie stTd into hTi i T-i.'e ari ik.to a hat, '. a 1 1 m it. i . e r .ays a race 1 T r 1 1 MiM Dorice Peterson, of ' WU niington, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Paul Bass. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Calhoun have moved in town and are at home in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Howard.' ' ' MesdameS Mary Haste and 7, P. Tucker, Sr., spent Suny A after- , tv, w. nH nf th iM. noon ,UL .1 ayettevuis x ano. x xovi son. - i ' 1 , : (Bragg. vl ' - Th littln Stwd bov in a Golds- ' MiM Bettv Home motored to iboro hospital with pneumonia, ItsjGoldsbora Saturday afternoon. 1 reported improving. v r Miss Dorothy King, of winning- Mrs. Joe Piokett, 01 near JBeuia- ton, spent a tew wyi. ;asi ween with her parent, llbvtna jots. u. B. Zing. . ' , Mrs. J, K Alphers, cf Bichmond is visiting her broth r Mr. -Altun Jaylor and her aunts. Misses Elli and Macy Cox. She and Miss Ma- 3' motored' to Goldsboro' Sunday tfrnogn i see Miss'. lelrbse Gaylot, wio Is recuperating in Whispering Cedars Best . pome. She has been ill since flf?t the year with flu and after. U fects, She is improving now and able to be up much, of the time and to ride out. " Weekend guests of Mrs.' ' Mary Haste were Mr, Varlan Gavin, of New Holland; Mrs. C. T. Meach- fer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at the court house door in HenansviSle, N. C. on the 2nd day of March 1938, at twelve o'clock noon,, the ' following des- II- .J 1 , ,...-r ,. ........1,' f: nZ, 1 " , , ,1 yille, is spending the week; with Beginning at a stake o College K?' uriVPicktt . , - Street at the intersection of Col-1 "t-hS JJnS 7 "t iM'n. lege and Eell Street and runs with Jff W JU?S the eastern edge of College Street! "V.; Za Z wlZ 270 feet to JohnFate Best lot 243 SftJ? ? lltS feet to a take on a ditch; thence, .Wth BAPTIST W. M. S. MEETS : . The Woman's Missionary Soci ety of the Baptist ' Church met Monday afternoon at thjs church; Mrs. B, A. Cadle, the president, presiaea. . , v Devotion taken from Gen, 12M9, Mrs. B. A. Cadle stressed four things to be learned from the life of Abraham. -1. Faith. 2. Obedi- -M'---"""",;!'iiMiiMiiMMHUI f II I if ... j.niijmjijiiimB I -per, 1 .C7 - -1 1: c..t c. i t t : . : " " 1 L j Iy IXp r 1 is, ff ini ardl . Var-' t a Lt of .," s' 3 c,nn n t e ss:n it 4,-r- d! ; i't U. "i i '.-'U. I ever wear Prcrm Vcc!s of February 21st- KCSTAY, nrlABY 21st:i "' V ', . "I A Now HfeK" : KLli Uy TCi:3 and Jack OAKIE . '-" TUECSAY, IZZZZIZY 22nd:: ' l-,., 1 EAiJI riCIIT, $10 01 $30 , r , " " Thcrcr ,I:Lrcds Don't Cry? - With JuflyC.V ' , C. Au J I , T key T'iCITEY, Saphie TTJCKEB, . J. aiil r.niali SIXCLAIB. . W . -Y S2:: EOUELE FEATUBE;: ' Ilorence LICE and John BEAL With Tred 1. CiJon JCIii:, loroihy 1I30SE, With Frark and 'Berton CI.IZZ -IX Wil'i Carole LZ'.'T'.ID, I.rJ I iirj!TYi::,Ta:&!;:Ti: ".Y R '.a John BEAL LADIES' AND CHTXDBEN'8 . Hair Cuts 25c 8 BEGISTEBED BABBEBS You can't lokk your best without one of our haircuts. - Hunter Barber , Shop Caswell and Queen Street Under Stroud's Krug Store - - ' B3NST0N, N. C. lit I' f M , , l n ; II Si l1 I II IH J 'l I I I h ll III itk It 1 IF I I I II. VI 1 II L Jl ,,..,.1;...j9BL.i)lllll.ii;...aii..illi..4Ulilllllllllli '.!'' i WALLACE, North Carolina - " Program Week of February 21st- MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEBB.UABY 21-22ND v ". You're a Sweetheart " ' Starring Alice FAYE, George MURPHY, Charles WINNINGEB ; ' WED, FEB. . 23BD WISH KITE, $50 OB MOBE- , County Chau-mah " v ' ;v, . Starring WILL BOGEBS . THUBSDAY, FEBBUABY 24TH 1 "Manroo" f ' ." Starring Myrna LOY, Franchot TONE, Bosalind RUSSELL a FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH Checkers" v a Starring Jane WITHERS, Stuart ERWIN, Una MERKEL SATURDAY, FEBBUABY 28TH s" v:' Sudden Bill Poraii" - Starring BUCK JONES wwwfcwgw. j. ' ..Hi jj jmii.mm gATUBDAY NTfE OWL SHOW r-r , "Bulldog Dnimmond's Revenge" With John BARRYMORE, John HOWARD, Louise CAMPBELL NEXT WEEK: "Hollywood Hotel," "Scandal Street,1' "Hap. py Landing," "Baroness and the Butler," "Blondes at Work." mmmmA. BOUND TBIP FABES . ' : Goldsboro ..... $1.35 Wilmington . $1.70 Chaileston. S. C. Richmond , $6.85 Clarksville South Hill $4.95 Cincinnati New York $15.15 Tampa Miami $23.75 DAIL BROTHERS STORE Kenansville, N, C. win $4.90 95 ?9 L -$15 $18 0000000000000000000000004 See Us For COMPLETE LINE OF The Sign of Good Insurance Warsaw, N. C. o o o o o o o o o o o o o O , i FARM IMPLEMENTSg ) n o. KLNSTOH. M. C. . ' " Feb.24-4t - , - V" W JO00O0O00O0OO00O0000O0Q90. ; 1 'v WOODWORK SPECIALTIES Service and Quality MpintrsaS J. M. Peirce Manufacturing Company ,4t ' ' MANUPACTURERS t? , l? ;;.'r-;- SASH D00R8 r BLOBS - LUMBER SCREEN WOW ' 1 ; ,fkjr .4 ,? - TTAtlwil Sash. '. Bniimh1 nT ABnreclated '. iu "" .....iir n DIAL 242-1 5" y. l V ... TDJ) 4

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