I i to t tLe.I .: e f rl. W . - i --" , r , i, V.Vt ,1 el' .on, Kdcy 1 ll'J;ctk Vernon. . rs rotter than ... ; L A S S 5 1 I - .3 E 1 1 l . acerics, hardware, feed.'VLj - ' , LCLT'3 CTC23 ' -" ' , Seven Ertes, Route 1 , v - - f I L."-l(il tmucH It 3 ' I' 3 f-"t was it a t fiance, 1 e e -1 v.as a rOct by "i C ' i .t-nse Tyn 1 i I ;ret HSowan ao 1 1 1 1 3 jiano. . . 'if ? f e even: included j i: t. ? umor class. o . l r Illce will wives ; ; r. and lira, Til- L'j. and Urs. Jes oa, Ix LIrs. Lawrence erlaad and Br. and Era. 0. Cocuirg, The Eigh School fa& Asa .-. :llo The Kosyilto carries Ealaria germs in Ms body, therefore he is a dargerous insect. AU parents should keep their windows screen ed so the mosquitoes can't com., in, and there will not be much danger of having malaria. Do not let the children eo to old ditches tnat nave stagnated water in them because there are a lot of mos- j quitoes there. The little child will not notice the mosquitoes and some of tl;f"i will bite him before he knows w! t it is. The child I will reep r.t on playing and he 1 11 "t v . 1 1 :. e 1 1 a. Eow- . C 'ii J t. . ' r f..r t ; -j r I i 4tou . r i i ls 'uis. Tiny 3 veae ; -a sb! tLe res- .1. The refresh were dnlininnn. All report a d 1 VJJ occasion, ij. j H d Eichardson of Eian V 'rf?1 hope spent the week end with her i -.We tnntlipr frm T" ,1el TT TT.I 4 Fiise very , end ments semi Hisses VL-inia Turner a 1 t-v.ia CocVlcjr, Itr. and I" 3. , T rnr r, L'r. Iretb. I -?s r.:i.h Eenniig and LaxtU, were guests of ll-i. 1 bel U. Colt, Sunday afteiTf and for awhile Eunday jift. V enjoyed the "old time" . picture. It's amusing to look them over. This is hoping that all our cor- d a Uu";.prl. J ILh- -v after- . 8 Eoru lmth, who teaches respondents will cooperate "with y: A, J. Kckson, 1L B. Eawyer,wia le 8eTeral TOIilEVOTEHSOF . : .: DUPLIN' COlMlrV . , I hereby announce myself a candidate for the of fice of CLeria cf rr.plla County, subject to the will 1 cf t! e rmocratio voters in the coming primary. ' ' v f ' Tour cooperation and support will be appreoiat- ti. ' " ? 1 4 ' :' , 4j fe X'f If coiratcd I pledge myself to the fulfilment ' - ; cf tLe duties imposed upon me to the best of my - trail fe and ability with partiality to none and, , fiir treatment to alL ' ' " " " 1" ',t' .. Sinserely, "j" fT:"v"-'',i'",'.V4 Ales Kcriejay T. ? Jessie Eaiford, Kiss . Ihebe a-lund and Miss Markenzie Boss, '.rr guest included: L. L. Mo- .1, Irs. v. S. wJliamson, Mrs. ux Outlaw, Mr. and Mrs. W. 15. 1 :ao!Js and ev. and Mrs. F. L. Goodman. ' ' , The menu called for a three- Try to keep your windows and doors screened so that the . Mos quito can not get in, drain the old ditches, and turn over the old cans around the place, and any place that you cannot drain, yon can put oil on it. -Scout Billie Whitfield, x" , noon. ILe latter has been for sometime with the flu. X-rs. J. D, 7Iiamson of. Pink iiii vuted her brother and sis' ters in Chocolate last Tuesdav. Mrs. Georgia Eornegay visited Krs. Warren Maxwell one day last ween. t - t , J. W. Bine and . sisW jria Tooding and Mrs. John William t coding ' made a trip to GoIJiboro TnesdftV afternnrm . Hiss Nena Holt who is a stud ent, at ECTC CoUege, spent the wcck ena witn ner parents here.! ' with Mrs. Eichardson spent : the our good editor and staff .in get ting out on time the best pa?" "ituu xiauus." i weekend with her f amilv here. ( 'Mrs. Jessie Stanelv had a. onilt. i , : . in? Tartv Wpdnlflv Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Maxwell at- U. S. AR1MY tended the meeting of the Eastern',-- m ' . v Carols Killer's Association at WANTS LIEN, Sassert MilL near Kinston, Wed-' - - A nesday. FLYING CADETS Mrs., Warren Maxwell visited; -: ' . : ' .'V.- ps, Mabel M. Holt Thursday af-f. - War Defent has ' ii- ' ternoon. She u always a welcome nottnced inase in the num. guest, scattering sunshine alonsr k.- u.a m er way. . , . , .. i trained to become j . Mr .and Mrs Worman KwitV t heTSn&t.611 terdMr.andlto. John William authorised increase, there are a I T;&ILi Mrs. Gooding Wednesday night ? . . .large number of vacancies avail- .last Mrs. H. D. Maxwell and . dbil- ' ' " , " i dren. Hnerh. Smu Anil VinW w. i. John Wm. Goodine and. Kinston shonnen Batnnlav .77 , . i i AOTwcanis w oe eumme iot an ; one returned home from Parrott hospital Sunday afternoon. ' " Mr. Poland Smith Continues very m at a junston hospital, re r ir? k ii iiiJI 1 '"., i ! x ...... . .t..JOi- - ' ji: 1 " 1 TO THE VOTERS OF DUPL'N COUTiTY: , r i I hereby announce t! ..t I am a cadidate to succeed . r ;"-lf in the orrice of Clieriff of tuplin County, j - t 1 ;ict to the will of tLe Iwocratic voters in -, J"3 PrLrr 7. ' ' I ar 1 1 " ' II vl cnnt.'nue to perform 3 cf t' e c."; i i i I 3 "3 i 1 V S J" t. 1 f 1 1 . 1 1 " r : 'ad. c e. r... - , el r. d. w r ui ft mrt "Pat hnrt vuv , . I f - hM been our tobaeeoftnuiv ." Imc and pla to dm it t, ' v; again this yaar. W think . -t,'; . that van mora pofauh could ba wed to advaatag oa our tobacco and will tart it out. ' Tha extra potaab in 3-tW hue : proves both quality ; and -'- ' yields. Tha leaf it imoothar " - ' " with better body and there it laai off-grade tobacco. We also use 8 potash in our cotton and corn fertiliser.'' CUFlOlf BEST. H. F, D. i. GoldsboroM.C.(aboTeLaaTsi , :' "1 found out about tha value of extra potash in improving : tha quality of tobacco by top dressing with NV SUL PHATK of POTASH at the first -working. For the last three years I hove been using -3-8-8. pxtra potash smooth ft. G. week.-. Mrs Mrs. Mabel mn 1 AppUcant. to be ebgible for Irene Smith ; : Tuesdav afteMonT.."? Mr 'aJ M wui.' ' pointment must be between the T . -m, , vviHVIT ' IMIUUl nrV&al Af Ull AM4 UK fiiMii1Mal e fbS S;GhcTco17and ftrSfaS:. "d ttust have a mini- vS tM! n of two year, of college edu port are that he a. giveS a blood, Mrs. VerdabeHe toonTvirit: ShTrtSent aT V , ,- .. . . iuo cwiusc w. insvuuuua uceuu s 1st the Air Corps Primary School, . Randolph Filed, Texas, and is continued at the Advanced Flying School,- Kelly Field, Texas. After ; this instrnotion, cadets may be as- 'j signed to tactical units of tie Beg ular Army Air Corps for further " .experience. Flying Cadets r who , Icomplete all courses satisfactorily I will be appointed Second Lieuten- anst in the Air Corps Reserve, and many of these Beserve plficers will be ordered to .' active duty with the Regular Army for periods not exceeding five years. Many ' will also be ; offered comr- missions in the - Begular Army, , within authorized strength limits and appropriations. i AU expenses incident to train--7-ing art borne by the Government, and in addition, Flying Cdets are -furnished their clothes, "."comfort- : ! able quarters, a subsistence' allow- . ance of si per day and pay at tne.,. rate of $70 a month. Beserve Of ficers on Active Duty receive the . same pay as Begular Army Off i- t cers of the same grade. Beserre I Officers who complete three years active duty are given a bonus of Any applicant who can meet eligibility requirements as stated above and who wishes further in formation should apply in person 1 at the nearest Army Recruiting i Station. Recruiting Stations is the Carolinas are located in Charlotte, I Asheville, and Winston-Salemn, H, C, and Columbia, Florence, Green- ' wood, and Spartanburg, S. C. Of fices in all the above cities are in the Post Office Building, " exce at Columbia, S. C, where the'' fice is in the TJ. S. Court fTjLm Building. K'Ville Scouts J Assist in Service j The Boy Scouts of Kenansvflle, visited the County " Prison last Sunday. aJPternqojR and. assisteain the service there in wMchTSevTr. . L. Goodman was the minister. The ; boys sang two hymns their t part on the program. After the , service at the camp, the boys Vji J 4.1.. o JM.Ia : Ml.. BEN PEACOCK. Mgr. Books) Brothers. lWont N. C deft), aaysi We havo aorao kmcf on wLlcb tobacco ahowed conelderablo dlseaso for sovrcd ytxxn. Wo woro about ready to sell (ho place, bat dsdied to change oaf tobacco feruww from 343 to 88. ThoShasdoawd up be ea and product good quality crop. We ' bxrdocIdodtolnepfjMpkic ,' " out the leevea and helps to . prevent rim fire and tipbum." F. B. COLET. B. F. D. 4, Wttson. It CI (above), sayai "My to bacco fertilizer at planting carried S POTASH and then I used a top-dresser con taining 20 POTASH at the ' first working. Lugs at $25.00 and better than $400.00 per acre it good enough for ana. Extra potash hat given ma better yields and better qual- : ity. Extra potash does not pro- 1 due extra growth, but gives 1 a smooth, better-bodied leal j ' that hat mora weight." L A. LANCASTER. R. F. D. 4. Goldsbora, M. C (above), says, "3-8-8 is a better tobacco fer tiliser than 3-8-3 for this section. 3-8-8 brings me more money than I am looking for, , t every time. 25c tips and 28c ' lugs look mighty good to me. Tha principal thing that extra ' potash dose is to improve tha quality of tobacco.'' ;:: 4 . . . , . .3 and fertilizer men have discov- )t ' ' t: ..t . 3 more potash than it received in n t "is tl:.t you deserve. The farmers whose :! -..2 rc:-.d tlove est only a few of the many thousands . .i i tl. -1 it ? . ys to ive their tobacco plenty of potash. : ; r r,i Cc.r.-r-lttce now recommends fertilizer con- ; :j j 13 Y TI to be used at the'rate of 800 to 1200 : M ' iai" c'rc r.i of potash equal to 120 to 240 ' VI . : C T OTATI per acre, the side-dressing to be . : : js c."..rtri.r.rplanting. - , - - "". Ill Is c1-i to supply you with 3-8-8 TO : f;r i ; ft r'-.tins and M SULPHATE ' . If " . ; r,t Uzt yields of better r"II t1. j year. It Pays! , B. E. MctATJOHm Florence. 8. C. (field above), sayst "For tobacco, I used 3-8-9 ferti- i User before setting, .Tola smoothed out the leaves, giving them much better quality and body. For cotton, I used 4-8-4 at planting, top dressing Just after chopping with nitrogen and 75 pounds of MURIATE of POTASH per acre." ited the men's County Home. division the. District Court For Scouts i J The Boy Scout Court of Honor will be held in .Warsaw on Feb. 25 at 8 :00 with Chariman Hen ry L. Stevens in charge. The Troops from Kenansvillel Bosdr", Clinton and Warsaw wiimL-fe part in the conrt. The parents and those who are interested in Scout ing are asked to .be; present at the Court. J . u ii -'4 ,', A complete four-year crop rota , tion baa been worked out on the farm f X N. Honey cutt, ' Coats, and a three-year rotation on the farm of Louis Gilbert, Dunn, 're., ports J. B. Gourlay, Harnett Cpuu-' ty assistan farm cent. To remove snow, ice and i 1 ifrom their tra-! s the rail. "3 of this eorr'w-y ii 1SS3 c. S thiteen mill! i e" m. 1

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