Id t i ti r -a w. '-v v. v i i ' i I ', ;apn tf t..'" o, si f , 1 tuiuth, Jr. uiil at. ' . 3, cnnan.Fussell f f 1'iz.X 1 sur vive; . " 7 ' ; ' . t-a Ke-svCe, g't, br, y 11 .3. to r. "y go ti ai'Tt. s- a a f?r' s ' e I wit:i U i i i f f , k j tie t e r wi k y ; i" 3 I j ' .1 i -j a 7 i J k or a lew i s u i t ! H 1 . ' r f r a v i ' f! f 1 I j. . j c ; H to 13 -s I.-. rj ai Ii.. r 1 .on .3 1 tf 3 VS 1 t s J if" o. r TT- t if Us r.e nn ,r?:r far r i . -1' n XL's -la rto- 1 1 t Ler- t .ci Ce t " .a ectcd X and -t ex- . in At.' in ot to J.orth that; 1 tr i l ao- ".of fay er t tjid e L t'e -ey; e it , 5.' trust2i ,1 k"y " purpose u 'liut 7, it u not ' good f in- not good government. "rous. To forever unsound, ad above .ce. in Korth ; Cata-f ;n of our state have - Ives.-We iavite ' ve participation Ated citizens. ta' .n Pbs One)1. ( t of the j - to vote. I - Yper cotton , i . ' teoretary ; rzctM will be As; in the T. cri will be i c xest their atas will not crop should . :T.inf of the , quotas will be tlr-t acreage al ' ? from mar- r t s sew act allotments 1 k t under .rvanon pro- "led after a 1 rade of 1 t e am- l L-rmers j t Irirj ti line. 1 vt I noJ I oct in a - caesura r t e r.'3 cf t.s court. Both III C tV-.- ..- 5 ' J to La t. Lea from the' V?. -C-- , : wO r--r-i:e hand-. ' ' r? . ura went ahead 7 t j to 13. - ; 1 1 .on t.t Eefinsville --"lent was "Cle IIoss" j .'.t at L-st 7 points j. A3 the - boys play t L" U ani no outstanding 1 f.' coull be fHtted. J. !W. ' " 'son and EJ Crady were .. t -;iBji while ' Lester, Brin ssn, l James Leary were k" t at f.iward. Larry1- Bostic and 1 i F out'" 1 " - i also played very wul. l1 i i . 7 in the tourna vrt . I is t,a one ; already i ji'M were Arnold ' Bub son, Lie- i Li ',-ci3, Permit Brinson and 1 -Lert Jancst - t .-- EansrlL'e also defeated , four t." ad'.s r zt," ii tournament ' 1 play. 1 ' -y v s n Lasehin by 18 to 14, I. a. aaw J to 11, BF. Grady, 23 ' -, i f piays a team nere mat nas given - constitution. ,-ftcr 3 rf her 9 defeats. This team l.aniered hi t , . ' is r JUiiVilie. In the last meeting iciation. In this. (.IvZl they won 9 -to 5., Beulaville w has one of the strongest teams ia rt .iaBMirtt xnorui uuvtuw iuiu ' . . , ill . J.J VI B1 ')att:le anticipated. .Games' program rendered. T start at 7:30. . ;, , " .i T, much fun and at the t 1 v " - ' . I was great review of J ' m i ' 11 ' If acts, - '.J.-' - -Cciziiy Death! i,";. her, vsvaa u..jAflus3 "l from r'Oscai H.Tauej, tormirly'a "xesi I dent of Wall; died pn Satmdy VI v l . L, '.-k : Funeral from burial Wallace:" Mr." 7"nes served aS-",a nrallviio i-H Macv Cox in Maimolia mail- canier, f o; ,'J3 rs He A prominiittly 'identified yith all the iv' and social m 1 m of hit eommuBity. He uss the son of the late 7obnt I- and Mary C ' Janes, of Ouplia. famii) .that was iden tified w.-h, the liiiiiory and- tlie up- j Dnplint. Mr. .Jaims mamed Itliss Aunic Ha-arestiie1 daughter "St Wr. und Mrs."Bffly Hav e of ftoVh:il. : . ; He is su uved by.his wife, Mrs-. Annie S,-Jamt hi J?vc children! Lionel anl Hornet James, of Wal lace; Edna Anni, EliiabetK and Fanester James, at' Burgnwr. 3 Sister,1!!., 0 -IT Horn, of Pen dleton; Mis. P. L. Page,bf ,Wai srw; aid Mrt. T, C' Hawes,ii ii- smUra A. SMTTB pies r v T; e announcement by telephone al. casta gloom over Pink Hill and surrounding community, . ' ' Alth -fh he had been seriously ill for i e. past three weeks, re ceiving .wo 'OHUH-Bn w m " WM Y1??111 he was i ely deat many A son ( and Mrs. Mr. Smi": ovmg nis untun- Te-as SChOCk to his " e late-' Leslie Smith Xnn u.nn Tn n in . oeen employed oy w. n. rfox. 1 vo- since the business tei 1 ened here, several years, ajo, e . Jarje crowd attending 'rKi " JieraL.and : the I .A wh'V j err refreshments -when it is such an easy lcv&; l-t ': x i cer or druggist settle it for. yon in a prc'wicru, minute. Yc . ' Ve s Tiised dcsLasinLc it - i serve. ' ,c ' : pee your r, t i :or confectioner. r He will take yourWder a: it tvered just when you want it. . ;'!' 1- : 1 ai ICE CREAM fv " 7. 1. E id S'OLIA. Feb. 21. I'pnolia Parent Teachers i.r: i ation teld its regular r'Wj meetinz Konday mb.t, Iv-iary. 7. The attendance was simfcht below normal. This was due rrob ably' to the fact that so many of tjie memoers nave sicjutess in their homes. - The" meetii' was presided over by the president, lss. a. T. trick- ett. A -short bnness session, was conducted; at which time a com mittee was arpcinted to nomLiKte officers for the association for the school year 1933-39. The program, centering- around the Constitution of the l 8., was conducted in a very .unique and interesting manner by Mrs; I. H. FusselL As an introduction, Mr. Fussell related the historical back ground for : the writing of the constitution, after which Mrs. Fus- sell led a questionnaire about the These questions were members oi the asso- wav. important. , stitutional laws were given.' The (concluding feature of the program i was snort contest sasea on tne .1 . .. . m.. . j . xnis created same time, it outstanding factat Hiss Gurley's room took first place for attendance of parents. Eef reshments were served Jbe; f ore the .close of the 'meeting. t- OBirtTABT diej Tuesday morning, Feb. 8th after three days illness. ; . '; , J She married-John S.' Berrin of Eenansville Oct. 8th. 1838. Hiss Minnie Lee Herring was the only child. Mr. Herring died Feb. 16th. 1919.Besides her daughter and twos sisters she leaves .several neicts and :nephews. She was a member ni the First Presbyterian Church in Durham where she made her homff several years after leaving KenansviQe in 1919. Bev. P. Ic Goodman, : pastor of- the Presbyterian Church of Eenans ville conducted the funeral serrio es in the family, plot at the Rut ledge Cemetery in Kenansviile at 3 :00 Wednesday Peb. 0th. He was assisted by Bev. E. -C. Chamblee of the Baptist Chursh of Magnol ia and the Kenansviile Choir sang "Abide With Me," and "Saved By .Grace.".. r ,..,,,. m j 1 i T . .m-i.' v mi. . j Eenansville. wuw nH mwwww Ml y Honoray pallbearers, Dr. B. F. ttoamt a B. Hunter, 0. G: Brad- sfaaW, Paul Bass, J. P. Tuoker, Sr. lT , w noem, 0. J. JEzzelL L. M. Sanderson, J.. J. Howard, P. A. Smith and M. T. Tucker of Mag-' nftl,. Th flnww Hrl mm, yKfZL t ; es Aline Wilson, Elizabeth Tucker, Aima xucKer and Jwrotny regis ter. 'I-,'-,.;', ' h , - Out of town relatives attending Xee Herring of Richmond. Va.. ,her -eices. Mrs.vJ. 0. Andrews. were ner aaugnter, juss xunnie Mr. Andrews and children, Patsy FE'S-ICE CREAM ; the Party Favorite . at the many special flavors and , t ? Jif 13. v.- . r:' l r 'i c; -s t ;lUt 1 1 " 7 ft -s' r v' ' 1 vi .-: J, E-1 9. E. U K. . i. ls I - t r;Iir. of r .1- e'-li vL.-i h:r toie here L-t ' erJ. ' - L-i. njroi ' Caterer " tr It L. " L here pn a a;,', y: . ' 3 I d f-i'eats, 1j. , as! 1-3. T "7" aa4 Kvi. i-;nry Irf i-'a for fee new rr" '"J- ium ts rca s Oak tree i ' t:. ';ctcl arrJ a ? a r ovcl. I on tle b .llr wlJ le w6. wili mnch i ly Ce e." re ' community. e . J've felt tie need of such a bol: as this for a lor? time asl we feel very grateful t j have it irs.t.riaLc.l. Uss Vimnia Led went to Angier on I'co&Jay ta Kke ar rangements to move her bsauty shoppe fixtures from tiere to Carolina Eefh for the summer. Boroliy 1 jorto'v I'-iifa Lat ham, Alice C&scy, U. C. An ar. f William Lewis aiteaied a c- " " meetin? - and -uarv of tl 4 Clubs in Eenansviiie on tor..;?! night. : ', i&Iiss Rebecca Eicerton of Coll- Bboro spent the past week em here with, hex mother, Mn. La Edertoa. ' " . . " Mr., and Mrs. Maury LeSever cf Aroma, Va., have returned hoe after spending few days , wi Ji Jut. and Xlrs. jsoy vates. -Mr.'and Mrs. Cromartie of Eli- cabethtown spent the week eni in -tlie home of Mr. and . Mrs. Boy Cates. ' ' '. k Mrs. Lee Herrte-r and -. I - Mary Etta Srri cf Eaow - L. spent xnurs"-y here wiai- taeu sister, Mrs. D. E. Euffaloe. '- - Ai P. T A. MESXS - - ' The P. T. A. celebrated Found ers Day on the eveuirf of Pt-b. 17. A short history of ue c-au- sation was given ty tae 1'rci. nt, Mrs. A. H. Withukston, ca!Jr names, of State presidents ana Buth and Frances of Eal' '-h, Ers. J. H. Alphers and llr. Aii-aei of Richmond, Va., her nephew, Lhas. D. Gaylor of Golliboro. ClLer re latives, Mrs. Alice Smith and Mrs. Florence Brogien of Ool:boro. : The deceased was a noble chris tian woman, stedfast in faith, un wavering in perseverance in life and cheerfulness, always seeinz sunshine through the clouds ana brightening the way for others. Her loved ones and friends will sadly miss her, but she has Just fallen asleep in Jeros, :pcd through the Golden Gate and juri ed her husband adn other loved ones waiting for her. , "We shall sleen bnt not forever Then will be glorious dawn, - -: v- We have a UaNDHETH Strl Strinjlcc3 : : : AS G R O SlrbIe:3 Green Bean . SEED . V1' , SURE CR8P VA1I 7TJJZ::5 FAVORITE and t: -zvzl'i: I 0. ADAT.S SEED CClu ! c ? ; w ; quality -direct freni ?, c. : IT WELL r Y Y"l T) f . - i : ' if in t- ' ' T i , - ? e ? t a t i l t i J t 1 ; ' ( . I s -Lvr of I... i a Lve rs t j i c -t 1 vii"a f-iirf 1. - j, v t .c-llve jut :'..lo o .c "' t - riti cit ii tie t -, i it in t" 3 T"L" Si t ' H . 1. . L II. V. 1 -' i r r- i ! "i r '. 1 t .' ii i s. i-3; t I :r, t ;! ;e Uos i " v l a l-jt,' ! Jr lesui if . r ?- tle du.Ii. L e . 3 t- j i t f second t't a scwe cl i. It bottle of pime. i.e f j - iis.LF. V.J-.erL" ", . i. T' Ie Of I t. C--i, ' i. J i Lal., C, '.Lorn, s. F.. ... ' a land, Hit. l -y C 2 1 . r-f-a raison, Lu. D. ii. " 1st. J. -E. Fa-n, 1". L Lii es, Mrs. IX C. Loien. . l!rs. Cbi ei Pecker en ,at ti-9 t 's of bric i i n' t and e ia t.i j- 3r i r r -t at tve Lome of 1-r r r- ei L r. and 1..-J. J. 0. EJl Ji vU i sle is ending the , winter Ca Tuesday night, Mrs, M.. C. rwIn received high score, a beautiful ash - irav iLsined in factory,- iSrs. A. F. Lector second ' a score, a' plant with beauti ful pottery container. ' On Vednesday night the rns were identical, Ilrs. A. . 1 ' s, Jr., ws wirner of - h'i svure -i I J. B. Etroud-rect;ivirg se oo? i 1 t.iicious -salad, ' tea, nuts aul caadyv were served at bo'h parties.: O AJTSIVEILSARY SSSTSTEH PARTY . : Mrs. Eva ' EJerton And her dauter, Mrs Cenda Roberts en teertained jointlv for Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Croom on their seventh. wedding anniversary on February i 'iae valentine season was em T3:ei in many interesting ways throvhout the dinner. Mif Eeb eoca i.Irrton and Miss Claudia Xany of Coldbboro were " guests for L occasion. , - . - . ELRTHBAY SUPPER . " " Miss Kartha Faisan entertain ed at a bujrjt supper in honor ( her friend and neifbor, lirs. W. L. irieks on her 71th. birth day.. After srpper it . guels were invited into tLe Lvii't room ar jj each, was as!;.ed to f, ea oriaal poem or to' t to uetva- loree. Era. Archer Williams pave i ii t j I-3CJ! ' t . it. Lizt $ ; . i t j f.r i" i i . " "" x 1. i t ' . i t) L eid tLs s '. tie past, - a t swear to tb.3 i , because tiey . i , : lar..r's to sce c t der U.t tattoo t , a symbol or letter ' ed to a gru c fanrer ta t t r j a nuaiber: I x V i v y t 3 ' ity of the c 4 . -vi j 7 I ? atc'y estalL. UJ."- - , ' Ij. rarrL"i said t" "e t.. Cc u., , We say tl!s because our ami has tier a a Godsend ,to , Cnr errnence and stz'y ai!i cLIircn has given us a I fat!.r ioet not in "jrstii i, 'l pa - Vy a few exc.rt;;) tl s t I cLillrea Cicir f" , ." ' Come in axi let t One never IrcTs x.1... 1 tle'i I.anitlcn it is t a I '3. r plan youi.trrt f.- ' f ta- trait i rcj t 3 " 5 r ii f

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