,1 A ,. S- a i , i ,aia, Xisa'-Beba TULX Sirs. Eolert Car 1 V. minton on Tuesy cf t-ii shojirj. Lus. 1J. B. luuey accomr,.i I'rs. Litchfield Erne of Warsaw to til ;, --"- "if ' 7 .epent - : : .iit-y , i ' ,ra- JlgO ; j, and then :.v vas-. given "ri t"e fruests. i, i e bingo . t 1 - ..'.1 was it ie Aaiattsur con- i acf the games, the ; mgs fr-t and terred i itu'I seu cream to r--V.,J Euo Club met iinu U 1 VI 1. .... : 4 .. J. r iciuvury w, aiwilYiiiixHbati on TnesJav - where " ' ' 8 .I. ey attended en IUecutive Board . t J. T. Penning a assist- jg of wilmiii-ton Pn.sby. " s' ' ' l' . .. terial which was held in the A r-?am of "Expression in cnurcn of Covenant. - ' o," prepared by Ers. H. 8. . jg Dannie Pollock of the lo vU ari lira. L. A. Wilson,1 gcaool faculty spent the past i Civen. Ers. Wilson gave a week ena at her home in Trenton. I-xif! iion on the program topic, Misses Eartha Pickett and Pat and the following musical nam- tie Loftin of Baleigh spent last bers were given as illustrations 1 : week tn& at SarecU with James Piano Solo, "Schuberts eerenade" 1 pickett. T . bv Mrs. L. K. Alderman -y Duet, jjm, I, Stevens of Warsaw "Song of India," by Eesdames. H. peen spending some time here C. Marshall and 7. T. Denning. ,i with her mother, Era. L. A. Bea- The hostess served a sweef sley who has been quite ill with coarse. , ' -.- I bronchitis. jilts, oviui a. uuvui una mums EERTH ANNOUNCEMENT ' - Er. and Mrs. Beid Fussell an nounce the birth of a daughter in February 18. . , - , , . New York Planning to spend; not less tnan .wuuuuat tne week emi at Sarecta new lOTK wou I stus ooo, TV,.,. raMt.,, Martha Southerland went to Mag nolia on last Saturday afternoon to visit Eiss Ella Cox. Mr. and Ers. H. B. Boney and children sent last Saturday after noon in Wallace. Jimmy Jemtt, Jr., spent last it James jxrr.::3.. The Febn Kenansville Jr.' was held on I..- this week in the c 7 :30. at which time 1 . o j of the Senior Woman's clu; v invited guests. The mcluont, 1 i i- " was vr---e ( a." ; . I ..vet" -U i.4 t . r?r as o. s ' venlvl'rs. C. A. ;re i e pr:, i .0' '-:J i: -r s J -irs f Ue d n of tlie r j. s snrei a t it j d c' :,en s 1 c ' !T e E-ci- i .-:- s 1 were prej ej a 1 s Eamie'c - ' r i, iiuin jaoc .is of her JUoiue t trantham scl Bobert Grady presiaed over . t..c 1 business session. . The program 1 which followed "was in . charee of 1.,.," Visa ' . Vjiriptfa ."Napp rhm rt .. Fine Art Department. She intro- jZwit ivuLers duoed Mrs. S, q, Shelby of Gold- onomics Cass at sdojo wan gavo s spusniua inusi' I ' , r oal program by' playing a group .- KKfESAL SIEDTGS CLU3 of peices from the works of Schu-1 ' jjei FELHUABY 18TH. mann, MacDonnell, and Chopin.! ' ' $ She also gave tone interesting! -The meeting wis held lat Bow sketches of the three composers. !dfn' the wrartesy A social hour was enioved dnr-1 Mr- E.iarsHe had a heat- it tie v Er. f Norfu'.., v , Shou'.-rs . were V : diof tkl! Park I n Mrs.. Je . to her h-". ai ter spendii ? a . x Bland Pickelt. The sick in tov -t a e c'l proviEg, friends ;4 s i learn. zil has sisrned a contract for 48, j gizsii:-, Catherine vOO square teet oi exmon space. V v " yc? ll:o Land's Salie !' ococoooboooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o 1"' Misses Elizabeth ing which time, the -hostesses, Misses Margaret Williams, Nannie Kornegay. Mildred Pate and Bot ha Murray, served temptine . re- Ward and freshments. - 17A(1SA17SDG2TYhPERS0!1ALS er installed and tlie building liga- xea so mat mo :may nave lis monxmy r i "fing and noid socials in the hall. ;.t rMiss Jayme Eartin gtcre dem onstrations on the . majo? project foods. Mrs. E. B. Hales KDorted .tne pressing neea n liDranan and what it would m to the club MBS. 0. P. PBIDGEN ' Correspondent : mm: 'Olive, w C:; PBESBYTEMAN AUXHIABY - OF WABSAW CHTJECH "The Secret of Leadership" Was the topio of a most impres sive devotional period at the op ening of the Auxiliary meeting uio vuiuvu vii MUBUH7 picr- noon. The life of Moses was bed by Mrs. B. C. Sheffield to devel op the subjeot The program was led fey Mrs". W. E. Sines, usinr the toirio. "Ehe Kecro A Near and NeedV Besponsibility." . This subject brought oat the marvelous econ omis and educational progress of the race and the great need for more trained Christian letaders among them. Assisting in the pro gram wrer Mesdames J. W, Far rier, L, B, Huie, W. P. Bridgers and Miss NL Bowden. ', . ,. -Daring the putingsi session (and community. Mr. Henry Mid- 2nd. - ..... TJ. D. C. MEETING plans were made for serving sup- .dleton gave timelyiemirtders of lain, " per at the Stewardship Meeting the garden and its reds to W-? ) r to be neid in the cnurcn on joar.iiamuy. xne auo, u Ers. J. 1' .' - ". ; Corrc - The Comu regular mon school build, with Mrs. L. t presiding. le sion new of were elec' ' ent, E"i. ' !;nt den Pond is a ve. for their club met helpful program, t ,am . i (more people and tl TfZJT?fft tS Unnity shows a L an Chapter of Uni, A t u ven The Feb: James Kenan ted Daughters of the Confederacy was held in the home of mrs. j. A. PoweQ. with Miss Eula Pawell mm 3 ' ni i. TT er Soyder and Mrs, . . f , ' Gresfc am as hostesses, . ,. Mrs. 7. W. Farrier, local pre- WIVaV 1UWVUUWU U9t M MtftgVIw of White ville District President, wno spoke to tne chapter on tne main features of the work for the year. c M - , The general proeram of the year is the study of ''Some Phases of the Economic life of the; Old South." The study was introduc ed in January bv Mrs.' D. E. Best nitiw 4aiiia ' . T1ia VaahaLi'a Army Behind the Fighting Me: for all dab familu f .St ,J; -t , " " j r- .-II J ( -M 99 QUALITY ra.v, . 1.' 7 i J 1z?h?z T.lixture - 3-8-3 Special Truck Grower Dark Horse - -Crop King ... 5-7-5 4-4 3-8-3 OF POTATOES, BEANS, PEAS AND SEEDS OF ALL KINDS 1 AHIUVED ANDA'ArE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY YOU AT LOW- :.--J3-E2E US BEFORE YOU BUY ,1 .11 ,j 5 TT- -TT A ft The SaBie E. Jo! Class , held its res meeting v ia fhe ho Surratt, Cass preL the meeting with a ional Mrs, E. B. Ei the Bible Class, and t tore of the meeting Y cellaneoai shower r Bobert Lewis,, reoent t Mary Stevenson' ' Mnu grandaughter pulled i t led high with gifts into oeption room, and placed the feet of Mrs. Bobert .1 delighful salad course wa. 'by Mrs. Leon Britt ass; Miss Mildred Curie and & Pridgen. ' Circle Kg. 1 f hafch met in the home o loint nesteos. jr," bad ohatge, V4mj. ened" with -a-sBftr-w Matt, 9:2340, Ib6 W transacted and a short go iod enjoyed, Mrs, MUler by Catherine Pridgen serve ry tarts, toasted nqts, and ; The Y. W. A., jnetin tht of Bertha Miller and Evelyn , as joint hostess. ' - Mrs, JL E. L. Wheless, lei Evelyn Sales had charge . of program, A most vital subject, f'M&sionarv Activities in China." A shower was planned fwMra. Edgar Pollock in the near future. A very Interestinsr nine was played last Friday night f- when the Warsaw ' High school .'boys played the Warsaw town boys; and Warsaw nigh school girls a gainst Warsaw towjf f girls. The high school boys Aud jprls won r 1 oyer the 'town eboyand girls. . Wallace; boy and "prls - played, the Warsaw -teams la Wallace and won ?; over - Warsaw girls by a soore of 32-H, However, war-ti saw boys brourli home a seore of ; 80-9 from 4a6 Wallace boys. ' Mr. and Eri w, F. Floyd spent the week euoVto ysyettevme w iting relatives.- . jffy Mr. art Mrs. W. 1, Surratt ns ited BV & Surratt in Greemboro this pjt weekend. -' !- Mr! and Mrs. Paul Potter of Carrie spent the week enj with Mn., Potter's parents, lr. and 1 Spn. Sund Seve. tended .1 land Smi u , afternoon. , 4;';" ifr,-- VALUABLE BOOL.. The Wotia's Book5 L has tesT Seen presented to ooisinupl KMr nere"iii ? ansyiUe by Jfrs. , K. peH. Lake. Hew . Jersey. E.. , ight has a deept interest - iu r lihronr am iu aiHattpA k thrt v nnmironi books presented W as by her, These eti(ti oi pooks, W . a imaJQ library mean a great dew' to the school age children, as well: ! as adults. The entire community expresses many thanks to Mrs, Height. ' -s; vr-V' ' 1 r 1 j, 55V Royster Tobacco erky Write IRbyster ! sold an average of 1, powus of .tobacco per acre Aaa .TiOysWAVERA rr . 1 1 l':By?