Thursday, Nov. 5, 1942 - MRS. WOODROW BAKER BEDMNGFIELD of Bunn, who Srlor to her marriage In Frankllnton on Saturday," October 10 was in Eunice Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rep top Wilson i of Magnolia. Mr. Beddingfleld is the son of C. V. Beddlnrfield and the late Mrs. Annie Williams Beddingfleld of Bunn. J ROSE HILL NEWS MRS. ERC1IIE LANIER, Cor. . T . Phone 881 .. , Mrs. R. A. Jennings has retur ned to her home fai Louisburg afte.1 spending last week with Miss Betty Wells Fussell. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lanier and Mr. S. V. Wilkins attended the funeral of Mrs. Lula McArthur Lewis in Clinton and Falson Sun day afternoon. - Sgt. and Mrs. Charles A. Lltch f eld, Jr., of the Marine Base at New River, were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Fussell last week end. , Mrs. H. A. Tate and Mrs. A. B. Wells were dinner guests of Or. and Mrs. Barefoot in Wilmin gton Wednesday. ' x Miss Eunice Margaret Williams tof Weldon spent last week end wi fth.her parents Mr. and Mrs.. L. W. Williams. . V v ' ' Miss Patsy Wilson spent last week end at Duke University with her sister Miss Betty Wilson, she attended the Duke-Ga. Tech foot ball game Saturday. Mrs. Leonard H. Ground spent last week end at Flora McDonald College in Red Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Teachey, Mrs. T. R. Murphy and Mrs. Ed ,wln Teachey spent Friday Jn Kin-ton. WELCOME TO WARSAW FOR THE 1942 ARMISTICE DAY ', We're glad to observe this day along with you, -, honoring our soldiers of two great WARS and as we do so we pledge ourselves anew to do all in our power to' hasten the day that ends ; . - 1 - i this war. ' BUY WAR City Market , C. C. MILLS, Prop. rhone 235-1 WELCOME LEGIONNAIRES We are glad to serve you and your buddies, & those younger men, who are fighting this war. We hope they will see another Armistice Day, end be back with us. We have a good stock of Zerone Anti-Freeze. Texaco Gas ancf Oil. RIVEN3A&C 'SERVICE STATION . - v ,r'. c Mr. J. M. Jermone and Mr. E. G. Murray have gone to Atlanta. Ga. on business. ' ' Mrs. Lloyd Boone of Wilmington is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Fus sell.... Mrs. Eunice Rouse is visiting her daughter in-Wallace ; - Mrs. .M. F.' Allen' spent Friday night in Wilmington, her daughter Mrs. Robert. White returned with her and spent the week end here. Miss .Edna Fussell of Roanoke Rapids is visiting her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Jesse Fussell. Mr. N. L. Reid of Savannah, Ga. spent last week end with his sisters Mrs. B. L. Harrell v.and Mrs. P. S. Newton." "" v" .. Miss Charlotte: Sasser and 'Miss Lillian Herring spent the week end. , atttneff homes in Mt. Olive. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Teachey & son spent Sunday with relatives in Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar B. Turner, Jr.., and small son of Richmond are visiting Mr. Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar B. Turner, Sr. ; ' f Mr. and Mrs. Garland Scott, Ma ster Joe Hart Scott and Miss AA fttllla Scott spent Sunday with OBSERVANCE BONDS Warsaw,' N. C. Mrs. Scott'3 mother, Mrs. C. C. Rouse near Chinquapin. Mrs. James Brown and Master Jimmie Brown were week end gu ests of Mrs. W. H. Merritt and Mrs, J P Tucker, Jr., In Wil mington. Rev. G. A. Wilson of Wilming ton' will1 preach the 3rd Sunday morning at 12:00 o'clock at Oak Plain Presbyterian church. The communion of the Lord's supper will be observed. , :.". The Rose Hill and Wallace Wo odman of the World Camp had a barbecue supper Monday., night,' Twelve new members were' initia ted. v. .... The ;Rosa Hill '.Woman's Club served an Oyster supper to the Civitan Club, in their hew dub rooms, on Tuesday evening at their regular social meeting. The East Magnolia Home Dem onstration Club met on Tuesday a-t ternoon at the home of Mrs. Le land Teachey, president, presided over the business session. Mrs. Hinley Carr gave some - facts on storing fruit and vegetables. Mrs. Ai' B. Lanier gave clothing hints and Mrs. Holland Carr talked on. "poultry." Mrs. Norma T. yelv- erton demonstrated made-over agr- ments and talked on materials and patterns for fall clothes., The hos tess served refreshments. Anastasio-Cavanaugh The marriage of Miss Essie Ca- vanaugh of Rosehill and Staff Sgt. Frank Anas'taslo of Wilmington took place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at St. Mary's Catholic Ch urch ins Wilmington v The bride's sister,' Miss Irma 'Cavanaugh, was maid-of-honor and only-attendant. Sergeant George Armbruster at tended the bride-groom as best man. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Macon Cavanaugh of Rosehill and attended Rosehill High School. Sgt. Anastasio is the son of Mr. and Mrs." Sam Anastaio of New Orleans, La., and is a graduate of the Jesuit High School, New Or leans, and-Tulane University He is a popular member of the Mili tary personnel, stationed at the Wilmington Information and Filter Center. Following the wedding the bride and bridegroom left for a wedding trip to New Orleans. Charity Observes Week of Prayer; Revival Comes to a Close The Woman's Society of Chris- tlon Service, of Charity Methodist Church observed the "Week of Prayer" on Thursday afternoon at the church. Mrs., f , . R. Murphy was . program leader , Those tak ing' part on the program, were: Armistice Day Welcome to Warsaw for the 1'42 Armistice .-. ... ; v ; ' ' ..-t , ,: , Observance. We are always glad to welcome our friends and customers to Warsaw, and to our store.' This year we will join with you in honoring the men both living and dead who won World War I, and with you, too, we will vf . : '. . Lwy.-'..-.M.' :!. honor those men, your sons, who are fighting 7 : for Freedom of the World while we are hon- oririg these men, let's don't forget to back V.. :.,;;v-h -'t,.: ' - them up, buying War Bonds. Royster's Field Tested Fertilizers Farm Supplies Groceries Men's Shoes and Clothing Duplin Trading Company ,'.t 1 1 .f : mc I WARREN A. SMITH, Sec-Treas. Phone 3171 Warsaw, N. C. Mrs. A. B. Lanier, Mrs. Boyce Fussell and Mrs. Lloyd Boone. Revival services at Charity Me thodist church came to a close on the fourth Sunday in October. Dinner was served on the grounds. The services were conducted by the Rev. C. T. Rogers, pastor. : FAISOU HEWS During the past week there were revival services in the Presbyter- ion Church: The Rev. Charles Hu bbard, Methodist pastor of Rose boro. assisted by-Mr. D. L. Jones of the local Presbyterian Church, conducted the services. Special music by. the choir and by the church added much to the meet ings. Mr Hubbard is an earnest speaker and the services were eh joyed by a large number of people. Mr. Marvin Bell and Mr. Ralph Prcythe left Thursday for Fort Bragg where they will begin their training for the army. Miss Catherine Thompson of Wilmington spent, the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs, Charlotte I .Thompson. Quite' a number of citizens at tended the Democratic speaking In Kenansville on last Thursday & enjoyed the speech by Congress man Barden. Among those who at tended were Mr. John Warren, Mrs. Ishah Hines, Mrs. Marshall Williams, Mr: Addice Cates, Mrs. J..E. Faison and Mrs. Archer Williams. Mr. Lewis Lathram of Wilming ton spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. T. L. Lathram. , M;ss Hepsy McCullen has gone to Wilmington to accept a positi on. The Auxiliary of the Presbyteri an Church will hold meetings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this week commemorating the Week of Praker. The meetings will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. Isham Hines. Wallace Mrs. Jack Klrkland and son Ja cky of Wrightsville Beach are sp ending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith. William Franklin Johnson is a patient at James Walker Hospital Mrs. Johnson is staying with her son. Miss Annie Mae Telms of Ral eigh was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jud Cavenaugh. Mrs. John Ivey Matthews and small daughter were visitors in town over the week end. Mrs. Westbrook Murphy spent the week end in'Fayetteville with Major Murphy. Mrs . Sebrim Blair of Elizabeth- town was a visitor m town rues- dny night. . Miss Flora Pate-spent the ween 'end at "her home in Pollocksville. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lanier le- 7 v ft Sunday for Corpus Christ Tex as after spending the past week here with Mr. and Mrs, Graham Wells., , The many friends , of Manuel Whaley will be glad to know he is doing nicely after undergoing an operation for appendicitix in the James Walker Hospital in Wilmin gton. Mr. and Mrs. Reed of Franklin are here for several weeks looking after some business for Camp Mrg. Co. Miss Mildred Baits is in James Walker Hospital where she under went an appendictis operation on Monday, Her many friends " hope for her a spoedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Covington have returned from Clio, S. C. Always the best in THE AIRPORT Wallace, AlRMHSlilOi PAY ' We do honor to the men who fought World War I, and we also honor the linen who are fighting this War. We hope our Du- plin Citizens will come to Warsaw to help us celebrate Armistice '' Day. Duplin did a good job "m the scrap drive just past, but we unust continue to salvage iron and rubber and buy War Bonds - and Stamps. '". ,.'; v' V'v"'',.'.'- We are going to win the war with-Men-Minutes-Money Munitions, and Morale. "Buck" Jenkins is recovering from an appendictis operation in James Walker Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells and Mrs. Edward Johnson returned Thursday from Winston-Salem af ter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jap Pate. Miss Margaret Evans of Kenans ville spent the week at her home here. Revival Services at Wallace Baptist Church Revival services began at the Wallace Baptist Church Sun . , Nov 1 ,at 7:30. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Rev. Oscar L. Powers of Jonesboro, Ark. ducting the services. FOR GOOD EATS AND DELICIOUS TRY OUR -DAY OR NIGHT M. J. WHALEY, Owner nn n n?m nn ni n- uwJL Attends P. T. A. Meet In Wilmington Mrs. D. W. Sykes, Wallace P. T. A. president, attended the dis trict, P. T. A. Conference held in Wilmington at the Nem Hanover High School on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Presbyterian Auxiliary Has All Day Meeting At the Wallace Presbyterian Church on Monday the Rock Fish, Willard and Wallace Auxiliary held on nil day mission study. Mrs. Dudley, wife of Winter Park is con-1 Minister, led the discussion a bou ! ntiful picnic lunch was served. : town FOODS CAFE North Carolina i i 5I IF. it Warsaw, N. C.

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