- IloundrUp . iTi-Min - Tn' lT- states of Eastern shortage area A-6 coupons are now valid. In states outside that area A-7 coupons are -valid through Sept. 21. B and Ccou pons expire according to dates on individual books.. :. All gasoline coupons in possession of car own ers must be endorsed with the owner's license number and state of registration. ; ; ' FUEL OIL Period 5 coupons In old rations remains valid through Sept 30. Period 1 coupons in new 'rations are -valid now. , Oc cupants of oil heated homes are urged to return their applications for next year's fuel oil to their ration boards promptly and when issued new rations to plaee orders with their dealers for ummer fill ups. '' . : ' SUGAR Stamp No. 14 good for five pounus $hrough Oct Stamps Nos. 15-16 are good for 5 pounds each for home canning through Oct SL , Housewives may apply to their local board for more if necessary. . SHOES Stamp No. 1& (lpalr) is valid through Oct 3L -STOVES Consumer purchases of rationed stoves must be made with a certificate obtained at lo cal War Price and Rationing Bo ard. .'. MEAT, ETC. . Red stamps X and Y valid through Oct 2. Z becomes valid Sept. 5th, and re mains thTough Oct.2nd : PROCESSED FOODS Blue stamps R, S, and T remain valid .through Sept. 20. , U, V, and W became valid Sept 1 and remain through Oct 20. ; HERSHEY SHOWS OBER OF INDUCTION. "The selection of men needed for the armed forces and the de ferment of men required for agri culture, war production, and sup porting activities are much more difficult than in the days when we had ample men from which to choose, ' said Major General Lewis B. Hershey, Director of Selective Service, to a recent letter to local uuanu. - ne acuu avtuiuuie men will be called for Induction in the following order: (1) single men without dependents; (2) single men with collateral dependents; 43) married men without children; (4) . men with children (nondefer able activities and occupations;) (5) men with children. SMALL ENGINES TO FARMERS Distribution of about 37,000 air and liquid cooled Internal com. bustion engines of 20 h.p. and under will be controlled by Coun ty Farm Rationing Committees. Preference ratine certificates will i be issued to farmers or operators of farm machinery for hire, based on the need for the engine In es- Dtial production of crops, live :k . and livestock products, poultry and eggs, and bees. When the farmer receives such a pre ference rating certificate, he can take it to his local dealer and buy the engine. FAKH HELP FROM LATIN AMERICA ' A total of 57,489 workers from Mexico, Jamaica and the Bahama Islands have come to this country . for agriculteral employment Mar- vin Jones. War Food Admlnstra- tor, recently praised the ability or inese worxers ana described their efforts as belne of utmost importance to the production of food and fiber for war needs. Jamaicans and Bahamians have been employed largely in East Pnsot at n too ami k. HfiUo U7ot Mexican Nationals have been em .' ployed in agriculture in 12 West ern states. . The workers have come Into . this country to relieve fawn labor row-rages m cnucai areas, wnen For beet prices and complete Job on Monuments, see or write Rev. H. J: Whaley Beala-IIle, N. C. f" Sash Doors ' Shestrock Paints Drain Ti!a Q" Terra Cotta Pipes Class Urn Cernir.t Crick , ' Flz:!r y:r A!-hr!t Shin! AnJAIIKirJscf r- ' ! 1 " - : r Wf $ ltll .:: 7 r j ' the need lor their services has pas sed, they will be returned to their home countries. . BesrPrices Paid s For Quality Eggs , Wnrth . Carolina SITES ' should reach the market in the best pos- I . . . . . I i Ll-k mini SlDie conaiuon Decause iukh ity eggs bring the oest prices. There are several fundamental rules to follow la producing high quality eggs. : . 'Dtvnai mwiiiPTinn nwimxu should include laying stock, bred for good egg production, free-of disease, properly fed and housed. Together with good sanitation and proper care of eggs ,. after they are laid." t.-d ' High grade eggs should , weigh 24 ounces per dozen, have a good shell texture, be reasonably free n umtarv wHtH. . And otherwise possess good internal quality. "It la important mai uie uw be properly fed on a balanced ra tion inna tha ftrv la manufactur ed from the food given the bird. Proper bousing ana equipment is needed to avoid dirty eggs. Clean eggs are not only In dec mand by the consumer but also by the egg drying plants," the poultry specialist advises, ing eggs Is between 40 and 50 de- The best temperature for stor grees.They should not be exposed below 28 degrees because of the danger of freezing. In summer the temperature should not go a bove 68 degrees for fertile egs "Every farm,, which - produces any considerable number of eggs, should have a specially prepared egg cellar or storage room", the specialist says. , State College Answers ' Timely Farm Questions 1 Quegtlon: Should I cull my laying Jf heavy or light this fall? . Angwer: Because of the shortage of feeds, particularly the proteins, you should cull your flock thoro ughly this fall and remove all non- SEA FOOD CAFE & FISH MARKET (Next Doer to A F) CREATORS AND MAINTADTERS OF LOWER FRIGES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS "Bofti Wholesale e4 Betall Know Toar Flak or Kaow Toe Fi Mao . WllnsBarUett . FREE " Pho-etSo-1 WE DRESSINQ WARSAW, N. O. DEUVER TirfiND of AA r r t. ... v.s.inrrrbf Eager bands reach out to the Aviation Ordnance Mate loading machine ran ballets into the U. 8, Hfvy Baantless dive-bomber. Every time the runs spit 1,040 of these steel-piercinr ballets it's taken $6.00 in War Stamps te pay for it. Torn year stamps Into a War Bond today'and keep that steel ribbon feeding oar planes. layers. During the coming year every eiiorc snovua oe n"u v tx, oraatoBt number of ecres from the feed which la available. Question: What do they make out of the pulpwood which I am cut ting in my sflare time to help in the war effort? Answer: Your pulpGood will go iu..u,.wl hnrat and MlDer containers to ship supplies .pi all kinds to our armea iorce. n it F In fVialVm Of For- . tti-a iAM a fitatA cnllecre. He also says that your pulpwood roes into metucai auppun, graphic film, plastics, smokeless z fj In nnrarhutefl and -.Iol Hnaaslnra. A COrd OI wood foorn your farm can be made Into powder to lire iwu iV of a 16 inch naval gun. , Question: What Is the best method of sowing small grains? Tha drill la bv far the best for sowing small grains. Septemboic b In iWAT miA tt Snfmkr KrJnV III elrMO w I -, ........ - . " i, ' .i, i Hurry! ) to the end of the 3rd War Loan drive. If you haven't boujtht $100 worth of extra War Bonds &ra, mind you dig up that money pnd buy your that ttdtyl ' Men who are ihtln for you . . . bleedJnl for you . . ready to die for you . . . are wait In! for news that you people at home are hacklnj them up 100 y HfX blow iwhai invasion oosts In felood dacic tk: attack... with war bonds ' 7; MaV Duplin Timet Less seed are needed and there Is a more even distribution of seed. Thev are covered from 1 to 1 1-2 Inches deep, which gives- more satisfactory germination ana per mits deep rooting of the plants. These deeper roots hold the plants in place when freezing "heaves" the topsbil and this helps prevent winter killing, i wnere grain is sown broadcast it should Ta cov-. ered with a section harrow. : If a roller or cultipacker follows the section harrow, the seed bed is firm and a better stand is obtained. State College Hints To Farm Homemakers ' By RnOi: Current : N. C. State CoUege If you're looking - for a good place to use honey, you don't have to go any farther than your break fast table. Hot biscuits, dripping with honey have been a morning delight since way back. Honey ran alan Via Head to sweeten frUitS. beverages, and cereals. - Honey sauce, with nuts or orange juice and orange peal, is good on ice- mvom FVii sandwich iillincr. use honey which has been creamed with butter, nuts.chee, jt peanut butter. Uanv rooks sometimes use hon ey to give their old recipes new life and flavor. When you cook with honey, remember a part of it is water. Vou can't substitute honey for sugar, measure for mea sure, without making some other change inr the recipe. For one -lfiv wAii'll hnva tn 11RP IpSS UlUlAl J"" " liquid than the original recipe calls tor. ... For honey cakes and quicK hMtaris mtv tho honpv with the liquid called for in the recipe. Also, be sure to Dane at ine low est temperature possible, so the honey won't scorch. For gingerbread, brown bread and steamed puddings, you can use hone yin place of molasses. In that case you can substitute measure for measure, if you use honey, be sure to omit tne so da that you would use with molas ses. Honey takes up moisture as it stands. That may not be so good with some candies and frostings. But it helps to keep your fruit cakes and steamed puddings moist. Be sure to store honey in a place that is dry and fairly warm. Don't put honey in the ice box. Low temperatures may make it crystallize and become cloudy. Alfalfa Requires Borax Fertilizer An annlication of 20-351bs. of borax per acre, along with regu lar fertilizer, Is. one of the chief secrets in successiuuy gumum alfalfa. This small application oi oorax cures "alfalfa yellows", wnicn is a leaf trouble, and it Keeps uie plants In a vigorous condition. . Borax response is so outstand ing hat faiiiim tn apt uniform dis- tribution will result In streaks through the Held.. and lives. They know, too, what it costs In equipment, munitions, supplies, that must reach, the front in a never-ending stream. And they're counting on you for the money that oes to keep that stream flowing. - -j No matter what you have to sacrifice ... no matter how much it pinches . . . you cannot let mem down I , They're callinj on you lo hurry, hurry, hurry! Get that $100 txtfa into War Bondf bifor (h.0 driv0 (s ovtr. yjUJm. aa..at M. UwM ii M .jJGu 0 7 On flrmllaatlon of borax ; will last for several years. Growers urarnod net to annlv more than 35 pounds per acre as large appli cations proauce a toxic eiieci ana damage the crop. Alfalfa should De planted omy, on fertile, well drained soil that is medium heavy. If planted in wet soil, the crop gets "wet feet" ana: tne plants aie out. ; PICKINQ COTTON ' Growers will be unable to har vest the cotton crop with the la- hop that nnw nn tho farm and all should help to harvesting uus viiw crop, The Life of. a Poet "A httle more patience, Miss Johnson. The day will come when people stopping aj: your door will jr i hi--: A A m b,j RIPE GRAPES SCUPPERNONGS, WHITE or BLACK 5c A POUND Begining September 8, 1943, the buyers listed below will furnish you with containers and pay YOU 5c a pound for your grapes. A. G. WALTON, JR. JACKSONVHXE, N. C. BUD'S PLACE ROSE HILL. N. C. Or Bring Your Grapes Direct To Us J. W. HOFFIER, WALLACE, N. C. GARRETT & CO., INC. ABERDEEN, N. C. N say: Here lived the poet Smith.' "Is that so T If you don't pay the rent right now, they will say it tomorrowi" COTTON SEED Feeding cotton seed is a waste ful practice, say Extension live stock specialists at State College,, They urge growers to deliver their seed to the crushers and take cot tonseed meal in exchange. : Dr. H. W, ColweD OPTOMETRIST , Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted . Fannanent Office At A. 3. Cavenaagk Jewels? Store IN . WALLACE. N. O, .WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING BNOBA VINI DIAMONDS JEWELRY WATCHES A. J. CAVENAUGH Duplin's Only Jewelry Store Wallstee, N. C M. L. LANIER CHINQUAPIN, N. C ABEL WARREN GARLAND, N. C. Save Home-grown Pork With-out Loss n.. n.,i4n a faw eimnle rules. growers can save a gouu iuivw m m.HHnArkAum nnrx wiihuul aww t-- r tt Rtfiriv in charee Ol mAor rMAflroh for thft Aericultural Experiment Station at State Col He suggests that since it will Vu timo tn hutrhpr and cure BWia vsi -- nn.li omuun should Wlite tO Win 6.v-v.. the Agricultural Editor at State .. n t I.I. M Jun AS-lr College, itaieign, ior a inx wFJ of Extension Circular No. 264 en ulo "TTio Farm Pork SuDoly' This pubUcatlon lists the equip ment needed: describes the best muthnHi nf hutrherin? and CUttln&T onH crivea two nlana for curine. dry and brine curing.. Infor mation on smoking and a recipe for making sausage is also inclu dea. THE ANSWER TO FUEL C'.L SI'.CHUCE.r.CET A CONSERVATOR COAL 11 EATER If oe caa $H abugk oil lot your ft oc,um AQoMUTuem to DfOTid aaaUlarr kM TUs bMtduoaabotthodrliitMi Hrnu to 8 rogmi MtUr In cold- Says wlthoal tailing. No durt m wttbti tioMa are sct-sm lays wlthol wiUlna. No durt .naa tntt into Malcd tlahl COB- aiMr.tMCoatervator gives 7" Of more Mat wan oraioary than cats roar fuel bills la half. Cone in and see iltodajr. V CONSERVATOR REASONABLE f RICES Quinn McCowan. Co Vcrsaw, N.C. atptcmrsr lC:h 1943. iOOOOCCOOCi I The Best lsLMotte ,FMivef,, WALLAetVN C SunrMon Sept 12-13 Tbo bo Starring, ' , , Abbott and Cottello, Tues. Sept. 14thtr Prido 01 Tfcs Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright. Wed.Stpt. 15th. Okl:!iona Hid Starring, James Cagne Humphrey Bogart. Thur. & FH. Sept. 16-1 7th So This Is VJashinrtcn LumandAbner. Sat. Sept. 18th. Chsyen Doodup Starring, with Johny Mac Brown Owl Show The Living Ghcst Starring, James Dunn. ooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO LIUESTOCK Auction Every Our Onttle ana Bog Sale are Ctoed We lave Bayers Fee Vattsaite Nsaekets HORSES Theatre Thursday AND MULE BUYERS We try to earry atea4 ; 1M hesit of. g4, kersee , and malee at all ttases We eaa satisfy yea la a bene . Cattle aa , keg grewers who bave aot visit. fag star aW are laTtted te pay ns a vlsM It "win pay yea ana pay as. WALLACE LIVESTOCK It