1 ,tf, '. t ". . visa n . THE DUFUN tl.V.ES Friday Sf!ml7r"lf:?i. 11 ' X KCTlSa of ADMINISTRATION Tke Undersigned, having auaii- f-l as the Administrator of the l...tata of Fannie L, Miller, thia is to notify all persons who have c&.nis against said estate to pre sent the!: claims to the undersign ed Administrator or his attorney i on or before the 21 day of Aug. V1344, or th)s notice will be plead ed as a bar to their recovery, and all persona indebted to said estate will also make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned Admini strator. 4. .--. J'-.;' .!), This 21 day of Aug. 1942. W, T. Brock, Administrator of Fannie L. Miller, estate. H. E. Bhlllips. ay . -10 1 6t H E P . ; . ' . NOTICE OF SUMMONS r In Superior Court North Carolina DupMn County ' Lucille Whitley, by her next friend, Maggie Brinson ADMINISTRATRIX OF JOHN FRANKLIN SWINSON. GAVIN A GAVIN, Attorneys. 0-24-gT. Q a - .: NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION , " Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of M. J. Lambert, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said es tate, to present them to the under signed duly verified, on or before September 1, 1944, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This September 1, 1943 Mrs. Virginia Lambert - - ' Calypso, N. C. 10-15-6t R. D. J. Herbert Whitley The defendant, Herbert Whit ley will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com meaeed in the Supeiror Court of Duplin. County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce, on the two year ground of separation, and the defendant Herbert Whit ley will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplia County in Kenans vtlle, North Carolina; on the 24th day of September, 1943, and ans wer or demur to the complaint of the Plaintiff filed in said action on this date, on or before the 15th Sy of October, 1943, or the plain f will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint This the 23rd day of Aug. 1943. R. V. Wells Clerk Superior Court. 9 17 RDJ NOTICE NOTICE Know all men that on August 17, 1943., the undersigned sold all of his right, title and interest in and to the stock of goods, wares and merchandise by him owned and operated as The City Market, in-the Town of Warsaw, North Carolina, to H. E. Register, of Warsaw, N. C, and discontinued business as of that date. H. E. Register is now operating said business under the name of City Market and is responsible for all debts and purchases since said date, he having acquired all of the interest as well as the good will of the undersigned. C. C. Mills. 10-l-4t. . . NOTICE OF SALE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of. Williams Henry Hines, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is te notify ' all persona having claims against the said estate of said deceased to exhifilt them to the undersign ed at Warsaw, N. C. , on or be fore the 27th day of August, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Thia the 20th day of August, 1943. Mattia Williams, Executrix of William Henry Hines. B, Walker Stevens, Attorney. 16-1-et E. W. S NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix on the estate of John Franklin Swinson, this is to noti fy all parties holding claims against said estate to present them, duly Itemized and verified, to the under signed Administratrix on or be fore February 18th, 1944, at Mount Olive, North Carolina. R. F. D. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment This the 18th day of August, 1943 MRS. ADDD3 LOU SWINSON Under and by virture of the po wer and authority in me vested under a judgment of the Superior Court of Duplin County rendered by R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court, in a Special Proceeding No. 1837, entitled, "C. E. Steph ens, Administrator of F. D. Scott, et al", on August 30th, 1943, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door in , Duplin County, on Monday, Oct- ober 4th, 1943, at the hour of One O'clock, P. M., all the following described tracts or parcels of land I lying and being in Duplin County, in the Town of Magnolia, Duplin County, North Carolina, and boun ded and described as follows: Being lots 1, 3 and 5, described in a deed from J. A. Mathis and wife to F. D. Scott, dated July 15, 1903, recorded in Book 91, page 168, and bounded and described as follows: 1st (The one on which the said F. D. Scott is now merchandizing) Beginning at a stake 65 feet from the center of the W. & W. Rail road track and north edge of Car roll Street running with the rail road line north 15 1-2 West 71 1-2 feet to a stake; thence south 74 1-2 West 89 1-2 feet to a stake; thence South 15 1-2 East 71 1-2 feet to a stake on the north edge of Carroll Street; thence with said street north 74 1-2 East 89 feet to the beginning, containing 1-8 of an acre, more or less. 2nd Adjoining the above de scribed lot: Beginning at a stake on the north edge of Carroll Stre et the 4 corner of lot No. 1 run ning with said street south 74 1-2 W. 89 1-2 feet to a stake, known as the Old Wilson corner; thence with said Old Wilson line no.-th 15 1-2 West 144 1-2 feet to a stake; thence north 74 1-2 East 89 1-2 feet to a stake; thence south 15 1-2 east 144 feet to the beginning, containing 1-4 of an acre, more or less.''"-."-' -:' ' :-'.; : '. - 3rd. Beginning at a stake on the Railroad line 143 feet from the beginning corner of lot No. 1, and runs with the said railroad line north 15 1-2 W. 71 1-2 feet to a stake; thence south . 74 1-2 west 89 1-2 feet, to a stake; thence south 15 1-2 east 71 1-2 feet to a stake; the 3rd corner of the above 2nd lot; thence north 74 l-a east 89 1-2 feet to the beginning, con taining 1-8 of an acre. (These three lots are designated in the plot as lots No. 1, 5 and 3, respect ively which by l-ef erence to plot will show). EXCEPT: A lot conveyed by F. D. Scott and wife to John F. Cro om on the" 17th day of July, 1903, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin Coun ty, in Book 91, page 170, and boun ded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the north edge of Carroll Street 186 feet from the center of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad track, run ning with said street 60 1-2 feet to a stake; thence N. 15 1-2 W. 144 feet to a stake; thence north 74 1-2 E. 60 1-2 feet to a stake; thence S. 15 1-2 E. 144 1-2 feet to the. beginning. 4. Beginning at an elm on Del way road, running N. 195 feet to a ditch; thence W. 135 feet to a walnut tree; thence S. 195 feet to Del way Road; thence said road to the beginning, containing 1-3 of an acre. 5th. Beginning at a corner of Carroll and Railroad Streets run ning west 120 feet to a corner; thence E. 120 feet to Railroad Street; thence S. 70 feet to the beginning. 6th. One lot in the Town of Magnolia, North Carolina, begin ning at L. D. Dail's corner on Railroad Street, and runs thence W. 83 feet to a stake; thence S. 28 feet to a stake; thence E. 83 feet to Railroad Street; thence N. 28 feet to the beginning, and being described in the Homestead of F. D. Scott as recorded in the Public Registry of Duplin County, in Bo ok 411, page 1. The lots are first to be sold sep arately and then in bulk, as pro vided by order of court rendered in said proceeding. The purchas er will be required to make a de posit of 10 of his bid to guar antee his good faith. This the 31st day of August 1943. JOHN A. GAVIN, Commissioner. Gavin & Gavin, Attorneys. 10-l-4t x ' NOTICE" OF SALE J , ' By Judgment of the Superior Court, Duplin County, . in civil action of Duplin County .gainst Laura Bell Truzzells (c) and others, . the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Duplin County, on the 4 day of Oct 1943, at 12 o'clock noon, the following tract of land in Duplin County, Warsaw Township, North Caro lina, described in the-Judgment in said action as follows: Being the same land described in a deed from Emma B. Wilson and J. S. Wilson to Laura Bell Truzzells, recorded in Book 406 page 425, Public Registry of Dup lin County, and being the same land listed for taxation by Rufus Allen in 1936 and Drior. and bv J. S. Wilson during the year 1938, and by Laura Bell Truzzells dur ing 1939 and 1940. containing 1 lot This 31 day of August 1943. I. N HENDERSON Commissioner iu-i-4t. u. Co. - NOTICE OF SALE M: F. ALLEN! JR. General Insyranpe KENANSVILLE.N. C. KENANSVILLE'S ONLY INSURANCE AGENCY Bv Jurlcmpnt nf tho Siinerlnr Court, Duplin County, in civil action of Duplin County against Minnie Singletary and others, the undersigned will sell to the hfghest bidder for cash at the courthouse rinnr in Dunlin County, on the 4 day of Oct. 1943, at 12 o'clock noon, the following tract of land in Duplin County, Warsaw Township, North Caro lina, described in the judgment in said action as follows: Lots 70 and 71 in Block 74, ac cording to official map of the Town of Warsaw, being the same land described in a deed from W. S. Hill to Minnie P. Singletary, recorded in Book 209, page 385, Duplin County Registry, and being the same land listed by Minnie Singletary for tax during the years herein set out containing 2 lots. This 31 day of August 1943. I. N. HENDERSON Commissioner 10-l-4t. D. A. deed from W. H. Walker to Annie Walker, recorded in Bpok 154, page w; ana in a deed from W, H. Williams to Annie Walker, re corded in Book-154, page 249, all of the Public Registry of Dunlin county, and Delng the same land listed lor taxation by W. ti. wal ker heirs and Annie Walker during 1938, 1939 and 1940, containing x acres. " , .- .., This 31 day of August 1943. I. N. HENDERSON Commissioner 10-l-4t D. Co. ,. . .,, . NOTICE OF SALE By Judgment of the Superior Court, Duplin County, in civil action of Duplin County against Willard Sutton and others, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Duplin County, on the 4 day of Oct 1943, at 12 o'clock noon, the following tract of land in Duplin County, Warsaw" Township, North Caro lina, described , in the judgment in said action as follows: Being the same land listed for taxes by Willard Sutton during 1938. 1939 and 1940, and known as the Willard Sutton land, con taining 8 acres. .. ." This 31 day of August' 1943. I. N HENDERSON Commissioner 10-l-4t D. Co. Notice of sale NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE By Judgment of the Superior Court, Duplin County, in civil action of Duplin County against Mary Alice Best (c) and others, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Duplin County, on the 4 day of Oct. 1943, at 12 o'clock noon, the following tract of land in Duplin County, Warsaw Towns rup, worth Caro lina, described in the judgment in said action as follows: Being the same land described in a deed from Sam Wilson and others to Mary Alice Best, record ed in Book 304, page 230, Duplin County Registry, and being the same land listed for tax by Les sie J. Best estate during 1934 and 1935, and since that time by Mary Alice Best containing 10 acres. This 31 day of August 1943. I. N. HENDERSON Commissioner 10-l-4t. D. A. . By Judgment of the Superior Court Duplin County, in civil action of Duplin County against Annie Walker and others, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Duplin County, on the 4 day of Oct 1943, at 12 o'clock noon, the following tract of land in Duplin County. Warsaw Township, North Caro lina, described in the judgment in said action as follows: Being the same land described in a deed from Daisy D. Jordan, Executor, to W. H. Walker, recor ded in Book 305, page 121; and in a deed to W. H. Walker, recorded in Book 222, page 103; and in a By Judgment of the Superior Court Duplin County, in civil action of Duplin County against W. V. Parker and others the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Duplin County, on the 4 day of Oct 1943, at 12 o'clock noon, the following tract of land in Duplin County, Warsaw Township, North Caro lina, described in the judgment in said action as follows: Being lots 18, 19 and 20 in Block 37 according to the official map of the" Town of Warsaw, and being the same land described in a deed from W7 L. Hill and wife to W. V. Parker, and F. W. Johnson, re corded in. Book 230, page 174, and being the same land listed by Johnson and Parker for taxation during the years herein set out containing 3 lots. This 31 day of August 1943. I. N. HENDERSON Commissioner 10-l-4t D. Co, 5 By Judgment of the Superior Court .Duplin County, in civil action of Duplin County against Kate Hill . ;.;jj v , and others, the undersigned, will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Duplin County, on the 4 day of Oct. 1943. at 12 o'clock noon, the following n-act oi land in uupiin county, Faison Township, North Caro lina, described in the judgment in said, action as follows: . Being the same land described in a deed from Handy Darden to Kate Hill recorded in Book 270. page 304, and being the same land listed for tax by Kate Hill ana Known as tne Kate Hill land, and being the same land described in a deed of trust from Katie Hill, recorded in Book 416. aatre am Duplin County-Registry, contain ing 1 1-4 acres. This 31 (lav nf Amnio 1U4 I.-N, HENDERSON Commissioner L. T. BAIXEMTINE How a minority.. Reaching marjority, Setting authority, Hates a minority! JU II. Bobbins. FOREST PRODUCTS The total volume of forest pro- uucia m wiu rail below mili tary need anil sasantlol oiuiito.. w ' viruuui requirements, says the OWI. Farmer nrill nam) n mi aaih al lumber, logs, and pulpwood. Varlna. Bent. L Staia Samtar I- ' 1. (Stag) Ballentlne, Waka Owantit farmer 'and dairyman, today an noonoed bis candidacy for lieutenant a-evernor m tna Democratic primary) pen spring. "I am a candidate for the enV afj lien tenant governor of North Caro lina, subject to the Democrat! prlmair," laid Ballentlne. It Is en-j tlnOy too early to begm an aetlTO campaign. However, I feel the Deo lido are entitled to know that I am a) (candidate. AS the nronar tlm. 1 (hope to Tbat wM section of the State! ad so as many of the people aai ipencie. In announcing my candidacy, II jpledro att that I bare la ability, (capacity xor semee, and knowledge M pubUe problems. In rapport of i fthls Pledio. I submit my record and wparleneo aa s member of the Wake Ooanty Board of Comtnhsjoners for tight yean, as a member 1 1 the State Board of Arrieulture, and a. awv borecthe State Senate m feu ran. I and tnjauU msJomV j SWEET POTATOES To be eligible for support prices on cured sweet potatoes, growers must pack them in standard crates baskets or hampers and offer In carloads lots. Every effort should be made to sell them thro ugh normal channels. - RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION - NOW, a M os r a r t IN 7 DAYS Liquid foi kloUi ie! Syraptuuv OleiiwwwoaHwattywwiwMiipiiiMi f"T"1f "TTTrJir! ' "mf 1SWJ 1 . . . be ready to drive right over " r. 1 No fierce border forts or haughty garrisons separate the U. S. and Canada, where peace t loving good neighbors welcome you. But there's fight ia the fish up there. "When the lights go on again, all over the world," you can steer for the Canadian Rockies or quaint Quebecwithout even a passport. You'll need a car, of course, but .re-design-fag and re-tooling for new cars will take long months. So for prompt recreation after hard-earned Victory youll need your present carl But note: Rationed mileage that might seem to conserve your car now, may actu- ally be destructive, because it encourages the inroads of engine acid! You don't want that, and that's why to have your engine oil-plated by changing to Conoco N'A motor oiL It's popular- priced but includes the modern synthetic whose strong "magnet-like" force attaches orL-plating and maintains it even for days on inner engine surfaces, sort of "walling them off" from corrosive acid. - Always produced by combustion, this acid was little worry when constant driving kept the' heat on it. Yet now, despite ag- gravated conditions, acid can be still less worry! because you can oil-plate with N" today, for your engine's future. Continental Oil Company ', CONOCO Is LJ V MOTOR OIL .... v - if . . " r u . JLul .3 fl ..... . - - L m .'.vit y, , n 1 ' ;VV:ssriagg J - , 3 L o h J p 3 U . lsc W huiiu4 , ,- t ' TVyoaUoo .1 -L3 h aMslwisrsanisa y O ' ""P.;o o o ) Erwf day INVASION battles are taking the lives of gallant boys fighting under the Stars and Stripes. f Your dear ones sons, husband, sweetheart, iaihor, brothers, relatives and friends are, or soon may be, en gaged in those' bloody battles where the scythe of the Grim Reaper flashes In every rollay oi the guns. , ' " The 3rd War Loan of IS billion dollars must pay for I : . the equipment, ammunition and food our boys need so ! - desperately and yon must raise the money! - V Buy at least one EXTBA $100 War Bond in September ' besides your regular bond purchases. Go all-out with every dollar you can scrape up and keep right on slap ' ping every eent into the world's safest Investment War Bondsl . ' , , ; ! V- f v -. - ' Make the 3rd War Loan a qrudc success back up your soldier, sailor or marine ALL TK2 WAYI . d A - - - J ' J . Ee c c c c r 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ) ) ) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 if .- I J I 5 )' ) ) ) ) ) ) ' ") ', ) ;!;