nDurLiNTi.v.rs FRIDAY $ei-icmcK 17fh ' Continent Commuters - 1 -. '''"-weoo - ..m ,,mm I J? IMilllil ?V f i' 1 Flyers of the U. S. Army's Air Transport Command, shown In March of Time's, "Airways p Peace," fly key personnel and supplies to dig- taht outposts and front lines. Th.ey are seen receiving sheepskin coats for protection against cold along with first aid kits for steaming jungles. J : .v.--- ''''' ' - -''::;::::v':' :'!.:i' ':.S:,::::-"-':::,;,.:i r v- . y - j Huge ships of the U. S. Army's Air Transport Command shown in March of Time's "Airways to Peace," insure the swift arrival not only .. of troops or technicians, but of thousands of critical items of equip- -meat needed to keep bombers or fighters in the air in distant war cones. ' V, S ! f '. L - T : -:-:;.:;:;Xi,. a ''Briefing" or thorough preparation for the flight ahead, la but one lafety measure of the U. S. Army's Air Transport Command shown , hi March of Time's "Airways to Peace." Information gathered In previous flights Is passed on to the next pilots to fly the course. "Home of the Free" In charge of Mr, Ulrich, program chairman. ATJW MEETS The AUW met in the home of Mrs. A. D. Outlaw Saturday af ternoon at 3 o'clock with Miss Elithe Outlaw assistant hostess. Mrs. I. B. Sutton, president called the meeting to order, opening with a song 'Take My Life and Let it Be" with selection on stewardship and song "We Give Thee But Thine Own" led by the chaplain Mrs. J. H. Parker. - Opening of "Mite Boxes" was an interesting feature of the program. - - Officers elected for the new year are: president, -Mrs. M. W. Simmons; vice president,Mrs. H. A. Outlaw; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. G. H. Ulrich. A delightful social hour was en' Joyed while the hostess served re freshments. There were 16 present The meeting closed with the Miz pah benediction. i , . ; PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Outlaw and children of near Kinston were among visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M. L, Outlaw Sunday. ; . , Miss Mans Outlaw is a student at Klncr's BllslriPS rVllloira In Rol. Mr. and Mrs. Let Smith of the B. F. Grady section vlsfted Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grady Sunday. : Mr. Jesse Outlaw and sister Miss Fannie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bedford at a barbecue supper Friday night at Belfast. Clifton Jarmon of Kinston spent the week end with William Sutton y. . uuuaw Bnd family of Mt Olive were visitors with relatives Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruth Hinson of Monroe is visiting Miss Annie Maxwell this week. George Payton Rouse of Liddell Satay night and Sunday Outlaw C0Usin Erman Manley diwrMypas and boys w Ser Pents. Mr. and Mrs. 2SA35.ta 016 Uvnm B. F. Outlaw spent the week end in Washington, N. C. ' ' Mrs. Frank Kornegay of Snow Hill spent Sunday with Mrs. Gro ver Jones.. .. ?.'. A. R. Kornegay of Kinston was a visitor' here Sunday alternoon. Miss Essie Mae Outlaw of Selma spent the week-end with the home folks. M i 3 (gALCUlATEP FOR THE WEEK OP &MM ADO VC HOuH OH WAW Time , SEPTEMBER 13. . 5 38 . SEPTEMBER 14. . S 39 SEPTEMBER IS. .SIW SEPTEMBER l&..5'il SEPTEMBER 17. 5H2 SEPTEMBER 18 5.U SEPTEMBER 19. 5H4 SEPTEMBER 13. 6: 1 6:lJ 6 ii Time civen is standard BiJLOVA SEPTEMBER IH. .6.12 SEPTEMBER 15. 1 1 SEPTEMBER (6.. 609 SEPTEMBER 17. 6 07 SEPTEMBER 18. 606 SEPTEMBER (9.. 604 iCH TIME... M cconce , BELLOWS AMERICAN Aitrisr fS YOUR NAME BELLOWS? IT IS DERIVED FROM THE NOR MAN FRENCH WORDS - OE BELLE E AU"-MEANING -r THE' BEAUTIFUL RIVER . CGlWll&a!!. MOOT; Mm SEPT. 19. 1881 - JAMES ACAflFIL 20TH U S PRESIDENT DIES OP A WOUND FROM ASSASSINS BtUST "HE SAVS WE CANT EAT HIM UNLESS WE CET5 SOME RED RATION COUPONS TO REMOVE TAR FROM YOUR AUTO, SOAK SPOT WITH LINSEED OIL. THEN PUB CAREFULLY WITH A -WAO OF CH EESECt-OTH A BUY LMJ THE STARS FORETELL A PERSON BORN UNDER THIS SIGN WILL WIN SUC CESS WITH THEIR HANDS AS A CRAFTSMAN OR A rECMMKAJ. WOflKBQ . "THE COD WHO CAVE US LIFE, CAVE US LIBEBTYAT THE SAME TIME G He Goes in First ' .. S. .. f ... y '..., ....;".! . ..,J , - t" , , ' ' . . - . ;"-; ,- v.'-'J I ; "i : r n ' i 3.-: I . " - THIS MODERM-STYLE British Naval officer'! duties iocluda darin oJcbt raids on enemy-held coasts. He is in charge oi British Naval Beach Parties, no of whose jobs is to land ahead of invasion troops, wade ashore with anna linked to discover any mines or underwater traps, then sifnpost the beaches .lor the troops to follow. It is little wonder that he bristles with firearms. Th:a picture was taken duHni ptepsrationr fOT ihe invasion -ei Sicily. OOQOO'OOAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAOAOOOOO O OOOOOOOOOOOO Of OUTLAW'S DRIDGE JEWS HOME DEM CLUB TO MEET The Home Demonstration Club will meet in the home of Mrs. Katie Outlaw on Monday after- noon Sept. 20th at 3 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. Visitors are invited. PTA HOLDS 1st MEET The Outlaw's Bridge PTA held Its first meeting of the year in the school auditorium on Tuesday night with Mrs. Leonard Grady, president, presiding. The meeting opened with the song "America". Invocation was by Rev. Ulrich. During business period a discus sion was held on plans for the lunch room. Program for the even ing was a reading on the 129th anniversary of the "Star Spangled Banner" which was then sung by the audience, led by Miss Elithe Outlaw This was followed with a picture' show In technicolor. Vj oAUliE OF MtHlf H " CFUJi Jt . jour shin OTBon ioftt Hi''"' .: -: . O O O o o () o C) o () () o ( ) ( ) ( ) f ) t i o o 3 C AND D CASH STORE Where Your Dollar Goes Further , Pink Hill, N. C. i iy .y . r v ' "": '(' .":''.'.''." ;' ' ''; ;' Get your seed wheat seed rye, hay, wire, and feeds of all kinds here. Also .'". ';' ','.'''";','".' ;, ';..:v'' ; Defoe Paints, linseed oil and turpentine FRESH FISH DAILY Cuy WAR BONDS with the extra dollars you f3V3 by trading with us. ' . V O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o () o o o c c c c f - V f t s V o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o () o o o The LEAST WE CAM DO FOR HliYl- 070 V0f v a w- aasaw a mm m m aaaaw- - . A t !';. V ) r IF YOU WANT A THRILL - See - "This Is The Army" At Paramount Theatre In Goldsboro Wednesday, Sept. 22 Here's what YOU must do to Back the Attack THIS AD SPONSORED BY NOW, as America goes all out for the INVASION your dolUrt wuutjohi tbtfigbt, toot For the very least you can do for your country and for your loved ones doing the fighting is to invest in MORS War Bonds in Septembers ' ' Think of Jim fighdng with Elsen hower 1 3 1 or Bill with MacArthur in the Solomons ; s s or Bob up in Kiska. They've given their pledge to fight and die if need be for their country. They're ready to go ail tb , And we at home must see them through mlltbt wy, too! That meant every individual in the country who ' earns a wage or draws an income or has accumulated funds must i ovest in at least one EXTRA $ 100 War Bond if he can possibly do so. Those who can, must invest more.This in addi tion to your regular War Bond sub scriptionj Yes, the least you can do for your men in service it to do MORE in Sep t ember. MORB in the safest securi ties in the world U. S. Government Wax Bonds. But do it now if s for the INVASION t KIAiaiD)WiiII2 DISTRIBUTORS OF IS BILLION DOLLARS (Non-banking quota) V1TA- VAR PAINTS GOLDSBORO, N. C. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o - o o o o o o o 6 O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ) () o ) ooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopooooopocno