...J.tY, ft a r-T TT ,TT T-Hk'l 7a T 1 ( The D'jpIIn Tfenca Kanurvflt, H. C, couaty. teat of Published each Friday la "rT; .nv snrroR OWNER " . i vnnville N. C. aa second daw Enterea at uo n mall matter. ' Va.1aakaaS ' RED ARMY BARELY FAILS TO CATCH GERMANS IN TRAP CUT KEEP ON SEniNG OUT BAIT ' anwiOWrriON BATES: 11.80 per ye to DupUa Cwntfl "Ffr01!;: t nunlto Oonntyln Norta Carolina " 5.5 par year outride North Caroline,. A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, economic and agricultural inierc- f , ABOUT' BCIWO LAND It taaot our business to advise ffsuch advice would, necessarily be bawd upon iuumj - - ntTeeerrrourob- ligation to Call attention w ting trends, to gWe facte and to reoort responsible ..opinion. To gether they make it possiuie 'Souals to form considered judgment before Uklng action. Stw o Agrlcultu Wickard becreiary t threnten- ing land boom." reflected by toe la. HAtll IU1HU HIIU increase iu ' ... . ox ianu, - We are not prepared to suggest that present land values are in , t wmild be unwise to'ase Val estate at this Nevertheless, the present trend is strongly sugeesuve w which occurred during and after astous vlduals, effect upon many indi- TBYING TO FIND THE FACTS The value ol a firee press to me people of a country depends upon in ntihlishlne the news and its fairness in present ing conclusions. While thoroughly appreciating the difficulties under which most newspaper writers labor, we call attention to a recent observation !. inmov nnvis Director or tne Office of War Information, which, we feel, deserves tne careiui cun sideratlon of newspapermen in this country. Mr. Davis asserted that the practice of newspapers "of trying -. finri nut what the facta are is W . . . . - not as general as it was 20 or 25 years ago. Th ewmt of the Red Armv through the Ukraine is underway but despite threatened disasters the Germans seem to have re treated without loslner anv ereat number of prisoners. ' Time and again the Russians have seemed on the verge of cut ting off large . segments of the Mn7l invartera . hilt , j evierv lime the trao has closed just a little ?aa lata. Tn rarnn rnp pnnnv. stubborn uerman retention oi vt.nl Pm illiictrntra the noint. There is no aouDi 01 tne exieni of the Red Army's supremacy in the fighting now going on but, inc.- the name, to avoid error, it . . ... i a ' . . .I.A ml. ib lntemeeni o -ooserve uic duv res with which the Teutons are moMner their tmv homeward. IMQMIIA ... V Soviet Celebrata seal victories Thn finviet verv iustlv ; cele brates the recapture of vast areas It. er.ll nnil ulthraltrh 10SS Of Jl bw, - m . . . . Russian territory is not fatal to Nazi defenses, It is a monai mow to Hitler's dream of a new order in Europe. . While "most of the able men in Washington are very careful about checking on the facts" there nre "men in tha unner and lower which occurreu uu.a- brackets that aire not wm JncoUaedwith dis-!.o careful." NOTICE OF SERVICE I I , BY PUBUCATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY FREDERICK W. STBGNER VS j SYLVIA F. STEGNER - The defendant, Slyvla F. SUg nar, will Uke notice that an ac tios entitled above has been com menced in the Superior Court of puplia County for the purpose of obtaining aa absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of or mora years separation and the defendant will further Uke notice .k. tm renuired to aDDear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said county at the Court ku in icenanavills. North Caro lina, within twenty days after the 25th day of November, 1943 and answer or demur to the eomplaiat ..ia .nHnii nr the nlaintlff Will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the aaid complaint. Thia the 19th day of October, R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court 11-86-gm.V.W. NOTIClfbF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY I HENRY V. REVEILLE ' VS VERA VIRGINIA REVEILLE The defendant. Vera Virginia Reveille, will Uke notice that an action entitled above has been omrntnitd In the SuDertor Court of Duplin County for the purpose f nhtnintne an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of two or more years separation and the defendant will further take nouce inai ane u re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court ,pf aid county at the Courthouse In Kenansville, North Carolina, with in twenty days after the ,30th day of November, 1943 and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief deman- , ded in the said complaint. This the 29th day of October, 1043, : R, V. Wells, Clerk, Superior . Court, Duplin County. U-26-4t, A. J. E. , and nther vq Hpnrv MobleV. Nancy Mobley and others, the un- dersignea wiu seu 10 me mgnesi bidder for cash at the courthouse dnnr in Dimlln f!nlintv on Novem. ber 29, 1943, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following tract or lano. in uu- nlin rVtnntv nnmed hv NanCV Mobley, and being the excess of her homestead, adjoining me ianas of H. D. Lanier and others, and bounded as follows: To4nnn7 at n mania on the north run of Muddy Creek, at the mpih urost mrner of the E. G. 1 IW. ... TW Batts tract of land, now owned by the G. B D. Parker neirs, ana runs thence with the said Batts line south 24 1-4 east 3100 feet to a stake, the north east corner oi the homestead tract, thence along tk hnmattead line smith 54 1-2 west 580 feet to a stake, in H. D. t Bnim line th nortn wesi cor ner of the homestead tract, thence along said Laniers line north 24 1-4 west 2540 feet to a black gum, on the north run or Muaay uwx, H. D. Laniers corner, thence up the run of the said Creek, as it meanders to the beginning, con taining 36 acres, more or less, ana being a part of the tract oi lana alloted to Nancy Mobley, te the division of the ianas oi u. . r anier aa nrmears from the Re port of Commissioners in Office Clerk Superior court, book o, page 375. This the 25th day of October, 194. .. r.. in T.. D. S. Williamson onemi m Du plin County. ll-26-4t D. S. W. wnulfT not' have n n-Anrlara the lana and cities for which they paid such a heavy price Despite the orderly nature of the withdrawal, which gives testimony iu ure -cipline among Nazi soldiers. The abandonment oi nuasmu been the result of mUitary pres sure." " aHam in fa iv rroceou vimniHviM. - The steady retirement of the German army in Italy continues. uHth the withdrawal ia Rus- HiUlia w v" - sia. The two fighting fronts carry naitra TA Tnf 1HZ1S. noBuw riT. l,n In Italy, tne rsazis ivc up good positions but, each time, the AnglO-Ainerittui patienUy brought up adequate strength before attacking.-- This policy is responsible for the rela tive low casualty lists that come from Italy. It may not capture Rome auickly but it saves thou- sands of lives. : NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havine this day qualified .as Executrix of B. C. Sheffield, t-s-i.i. ki. I- nntifv all oersons having claims against the said es tate to present mem to u ui .i . verified on or .before November 8, 1944, or this notice will be plead in Dar oi u.c" coveiry. All persons indebted to said estate ana to me Drug Company, of which he was the owner, wui piease mediate payment. This November 8, 1943. Allie J. Sheffield, Executrix Warsaw, N. C 12-17-6t R.DJ. Italian Baaea WIU Help .irfiolda in Italy X rum fc-apiu ,., j- i.. i v.;JT nf formanv -will be intensified. Quite hkely the ton nage of explosives aMf "ft Germany wiU soon toUl 50.0W tons a month, . . ' ... .. Tn The map ireveais tnai "" basea will be of matermi iuu homMnff tMtU -ot Austria- and Czechoslovakia, which are , more than 600 miles irom r.nBuo Since 1939 tnere nave v.. many attacks against V"""" held' enters, .The heaytest lu areas are witnin uv, English bases ; ?,sn5J Rhur has been visited 289 times. Manheim 83, Cologne 122 1 . Bre men 106, Emden 87, Wilhelms haven 81. In the low counties and France airfields . " have been, attacked times Belgium im. y( "7 wanA 99, St. waxaire ax, Brest tunes. . i " lana Face Crisis At Babanl slowly moving to a stage ere the Japanese will be compeUedJ-o Sake Tdedsive attempt to our advances. - ' . before this - article appears In print. , ., son of Bob and Mrs. Nannie Mae Tyndall Jones of Beulaville, is with the Army somewhere in the Southwest Pacific. : He enlisted in March, 1940, and trained in South Carolina, ueorgia, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Arizona and Cal ifornia. His wire, tne lormer Miss Marcla Adesj-resides with her parents in Des Moines, Iowa. ooooooooooc This November 8th, 1943. J. W. Blanchard, .administrator. 11-18. J. W. B. L I. BANDLCf, O. mr jr. T T Sandlin KUU W MIIU U. A. W. """ of Beulaville, is with the Army Air Forces in England. He enterea the Army last February, trained at Keesier rieia, miss., ana i- fprson Barracks. Mo. He was hnnklreeer for the I. J. sandlUl Company store in Beulaville be fore entering the Army. His wife is the former Miss Joy Edwards, daughter or Dr. and Airs, uawaras of Pink Hill. T.nm restfl UDOn the sea and it is necessary, if the Japanese -mm -noaah BA"i!! ,v ' and reinforce oit:r.contt lost in the aoionwiu. - - chaiiengea kuuvc : - thrMt The Japs must meet the threat Afi..J that is vital to Or give K'uv"" their aims. , NOTICE 0H' n v ' USE m tAdinSALYL NOSE DROPS LIUESTGO.I 0 possible," Knox said." "The woodsmen who cut , the pulpwood are doing their part to sustain the home front and back the boys who use a gun instead of an axe. Duplin Theatre WARSAW, N. O. The undersigned wiU sell to the highest bidder for cash atthe late Residence of W. B. MW f ceased, near KenansviUe, on Sat- urday. rsovemoer im 10 o'clock, Ai ra ui " of the nersonal property belong ing to the said estate, consisting of household ana jureneu ture, tbeds, mattresses, 'tables, desks, chairs etc, also all the farming utensils of said Murray, now on hand inciuaing puma, wc, i ...v.rca urnirnn. x caxu uuta hatrow. plow gear, pea puater, riding plow, and cultivators, ei, also 1 horse ana cows, aw ed notices. Knox Endorses Pulpwood Drive Navy Secretairy, Frank Knox, recently endorsed the 27-State pulpwood campaign sponsored by the nation's newspapers m an ei fort to avert any further short age of paper for essential civilian and' military uses. . Tn a letter to Walter M. Dear. chairman of the Newspaper Pulp- til . it A wood uommitiee, ivnox ueu th. 'Mairv lnnka to the Droducers of pulpwood r from which paper Is made to provwe enougn iaw material to package the food, and m. 1 i J A. A MAMnl supplies Deing sruppeu u ano and aiiiod fnrres overseas. MIUO irh milnumnd ruttpr and the 1 cart, disk tt c TJaw have the name aim. it is to win this war as quiciuy ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE u..rfs tMa dav aualified as ad' i.i.tAV . nt the estate of B C. tj n lata nr miniin Louiuy. noiucu. w v- . - z t tv.li. la tn nntifv Piorui wjuviiim, - . IF all persons having claims against i said estate to present mem ui .n1ara1emed dlllv Verified. Otl OT before one year from date of the last publication of this notice or this notice" will be plead in bar of their recovery. ' A Tl merorma Indented w saw es tate will please make Immediate This the 8th day of November, IDA . ..- , . : :i ' '. t Ransom Harrell,' Admlnlstratoir T C Harrell estate ."w. - . "... H. E. Phillips, Attorney. 12-17-6tJS.E.P. Carolina, on the 10th day of De unhoi iodt and answer or de- mur to the complaint of the plain tiff, filed in said action on ui date, on or before the 31st day of December, 1943, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the complaint Thia Qth dav of November. 1943. R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court 12-3-4t. tUJJ. WATCH AND JJCWELBY. IIPIUINO v: BN B A T i u PIAMOND8 JIWKLIT WATCHES A. J. CATENA VQB Dnpllfl's Oaly Jewelry Store . Wallace, N. C. ' Son. - Mon. Nov. 21-22 "LET'S FACE IT" with Bob Hope and Betty Uuttoa Tuea. Nov. 2S "GOOD FEUOWS" with Cecil KeUaway and Helen Walker Wed. Nov. 24 Double Featura "OLD BARN DANCE" with AenM Antrr "One Dangerous Night" with Warren William , ThunC - FrL Nov. 2M "Above Suspicion" with Joan Crawford aad FreM MacMurray ' n"- Sat. Nov. 27 TMiDhla FeatiiM ' 'Robin Hood of the Range' with rrharlea KiAITntt '' "Murder in Times Square" with Edmund Low Auction Every Thursday Oar Cattle aa'd Hog Sales are eed We have Buyers For - Callstlted Kambers ' . HORSES AND MULE BUYERS W try to tarry 1M iMd ei. P and awlsa at D ttaaes eaa aat-mfy yea la a aad aaato aal. arooad horses. We horse ' Cattle and hg (rewers . wh have et beaa visit. N tag aw sales are lavtted to pay as a visit It will pay yea as4 pay as. WALLACE LIVESTOCK! MARKET 1AIAI I Af5 NT OOOOOOOOOOOO NOTICE Having this day qualified before the Clark ot tne eupeu yr of Duplin County, as administra tor. C T. A, of the aetata of P. E. Williams, deceased, this Is to no tify all persons maeDieu w "m esute to make immediate pay ment and all persons having .1.1. ..Inat aaid estate Will .oi the aame to the Under- aimed on or before the 11th day of November, .1944, being one year year from tat ibk la v. ruihlioatton Of tlllS notice, or the same wiU be pid h.a f their rerovvry. u November 9th, 1943. Irene A. Williams, Administratrix, C. T. A, NOTTCB k a,thnr(tw nt an execution Issued to the undersigned Sheriff of Dupli" County irom tne upw 4. rvnirt nf Ttnnlin Countv in tlie action B. P. Eggleston, Trustee iMtvMmH4m4v I 12-17-6t NOTICE OF SUMMONS NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT MOSES LEE HILL vs PEARLIE MAT HILL Tka defendant. Pearlie itay tini ohii take) notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been rnTr.anisaA in the HUDerior VOUTl of Duplin County, worm uroun, i- v.l- .n ahanliitA divorce, on .. ,.i. nt adultrv. and the Ul i-v- r- ... deienaant reaxuo further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of 7. c.mmlitr Pmirt of DUP- tne v.iei. lin County, in Renanavmc, n-niKSn-nEGir IP A We Will Buy On The Following Dates: Saturday: ( Nov. 20 a u 0! Dec 4 Dec. ATTHE 18 , FLORENCE, S. C. ' , . . . ' t This Market Sponsored By The LIONS CLUB off WALLACE t: jjij.i..hji. aiaj. ,f"' p ICOCOCGOCOOCOCOCOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCGC. WE ARE READY TO RECEIVE liMwle TeaspU. ramiajtoa. Oil .. - TUESDAT, NevenAe M, rWf A, K. 4 threw vm "f"- . . . , a , WXDNI )Ar. a A. . J .VZZZk l,1 3Ta ti4l A. M. W"""1' . . i , .aa. ,te tt A tnrea .u.a - . ..... ai are errt T " " 1 ": v W.J SIA FOOD CAF2 & HXSI .UrJIH (Next Coo to A P) ; t CREAT" AND I'T-T KZ:Z?Z WJWEB PwCLJl CX .AU-Z tZA IODS f'j Beffa Wfcelestla aaJ EStsU ' ' ' L. ' a a . We Are Paying' Government Support Prices. You Ccn Deliver in CuIIc, or : We Wui Empty Your Cas 1 o IJ,... 11 Up-w-A ; V-",A , V-w. ( rr fcx.t ftioet and eompleta Jo ea Kanmaeattav . sea vr write i r.;v. II. J: -.ti' . r. '.-.-zis if. a , Tnt Ffc3i at raow Tow FIs Maa rr-i r 't . -- i i m , , , "Vrx o r- -. . r ...

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