-1 una ... i a -t tit e ) p . axes, , ... . Kiev, espltal of the Ukraine, retaken The year began with these im-. by Russian. . . - ; 7 British Eighth army advances to It- portatlt events: aly. taking" eight towns. 11 Nazis scuttle ships, blast Installation! January 'to block harbors of Leghorn and Pe 1 Russians capture Velikye ls Russians capture Zhitomir, Important LukL great railway center. rail center ot southern front; Chinese . 'forces report gains along Yangtze 8 78th Congress convene. river. ,.,. . . . IB Greatest raid tn history Blasts Bar 23 British troops enter Tripoli, i. drDDin s.soo tons: capital of Libya. .29 Advancing Russians u,mi, wa,i anrhnp Voronezh, wail ancnor. 'Unconditional Surrender- , agreement ot Casablanca conference announced. wHTre January 1 Russians recapture Velikye Lukl, railroad center. 4 U. S. Department of War Inform. ... tion announces 81.128 service casual- 11 U. . planes based In Africa bomb Naples, uaiy. 19 British only 40 miles from Tripoli. 13 British enter Tripoli, Libyan capital. IS Voronezh, big Nazi stronghold, falls to Russians. ' to "Unconditional Surrender" agree ment ot Casablanca announced. February . " IfaVing'rtr'u" SalXcTrS mrtorJaMne'se attacks tosSomoS major Japanew attacks in boiomons S-AUled headnuarters establish epa- rats ft. 8? command fwNorto Afa. S-Last Jape withdraw from Guadal, CanaL 14- Rostov and Voroshilovgrad Captured by Russians. U-Russiana Uke Kharkov. Important base. 15 Cruiser Chicago Is unk by Jape; . T a T T.n .kin. 1 28 U. S. flyer raid Klika in Alrrtians. March ; ' w . S Rshev retaken by RusilanSk . 4 Allied bomber destroy Jap convoy ". ; 11 British Uack Mareth Hn In Tunisia. ox a nip. i ii juncncu lurcca him w i nisia. ' 20 Chinese check Jap drive in Hupeh- Hunan region. ! 24 Advancing Russian retake Ablnsk and other town near Smolensk. So U. S. and British troop advance la Tunisia. 1 31 British take Matoula and two other clUe In Tunisia. . , f . April . a TThlnea retake Chuchlachuan. S Allies bomb Naples, Kiel. Antwerp, , Brest. 17 Bremen and other north German cities bombed In "blggert raid." SO Ruaalan-attack on Kuban front 21-Japanese executo O. S. flyers. 23 U. S. Naval force occupy Funafuti. tsiBT"1f, southwest racine. ' ' , iy S L Gen. Jacob Dever i named TJ. S. I commander of European theater. ' T Blxerte fall to Americans; British !. first army Uke Tuni. ; 14 Last resistance ends In North Africa. 1S-U. S.. bombers raid PanteUerla. Italfc I M ..411. ana.i In nsaltratntl an toland fortress. , 30-Jape admit loss of Attu. 1 w-.-.l. A 1 - aluA Aa.!... ATilaMB .a-a. .Uu. u-. --. linn . ' . ' al' . . . 9 Curtln says Invasion danger past m i .Australia. 11-Pantellerla. ItaHaa Island fortress, ! surrender. 12-Lampduia, fortified lUllaa laUnd. capitulates; lS-CMneae recapture Sungtae, port dfy. 1 18-Chinee charge Japs us gas. 17 RAF bomb Cologne. 30-U. S. forces land on Retutovs, ta ttolomons. - . i I1, 'July,, - l-Rendova taken b, O. ..forw. ! 8 Ruaaiana launch offensive on' 180 mile front; U. S. Navy battles Japs I on Boiomons. lz tintisn capture nyracuse. ta U. S. trooDa enter Palermo. . - AmeriuNiis uuvq ih.ihut, ipo.a. Mim;nl.TN1 HKRTf-NS. KTNG EM- UAWirirT ACQlTMir.Q nfiVITRNMFNT. 27 Italian peace negotiations begin. to. -- i Ancmst . w , 1 1 IT. S. plane bomb Pioestl refineries. '. 4 Russians Uke Orel; British capture i CaUnic, in Sicily. ., 1 a Americana occudv Munda. In Solo mons. ' 11 Russians drive Into Ukraine. ; 17 Allies enter Messina; Island of Vela , Lavella In Solomon token. t lSReslsUnce end on Sicily. . SI U. 8. and Canadian troops occupy . S4 Quebec conference on tear pUns ' ends. SO British Admiral aiounmanen maoe clilef of Allied Southeast Asia com-June vl?n.,f:. -..k- t...,. K.d .r. , w chor. , ' September v sJap withdraw air bass from New I x Aiuea rorces mvaae mauuaira e " I Iiy near Regglo Calabria. 1 t Aliie capture Palml, Dellanova. a ITALY SURRENDERS UNCONDI i TI uMALLY; Stallno, Steel center, fane to Russians. I SBrltluh troop take Tsranto; Great i t Allied raids strike northern I France. ' inr;.-. main seize Rome. 11 Ames take Salerno. , Italian fleet i surrenders. , it Sxiiimaua falls to U. S. and Aus tralian forces. , ja Novarosmlsk recaptured by RuKiang. 4Nnri ir.Mins evacuate vorsica 1 i liiulsh take Foggla. October ' i l allied forc'as take Nanle. SS days afifr landing ai oaierno. S Aus'raiinn troops capture Jap base at ms.-iiiiA.en, new uuma. 8 1 ,!d of Cnriira, In Mediterranean, . la ticed of Nan, , 13 Italy formally declares war on Car many, By action ot Premier loar- shal Badollio. 14 In great raid 'on Schwelafurt, Qer many, important ball-bearing fee torie are destroyed, at a cost el 90 Flying Fortresses. 23 Melitopol,' key city of German da tenia In foutb Ukraine, tails to Bus sians. 35 Russian troops recapture Dneprope-' trovik, Important Industrial city. . 19 U. S. and New Zealand troop land on Treasury Islands. In Northern Solomons. , : , November S U. 8. marine Invade Boufaltivffl Is land In northern Solomons. - 4 RAF planes drop more than 1,000 tons of bombs on Dusseldort, Ger minT. IS Another huge air attack .smashes Ber ' ' Un. One-fourth of city said to be take) . razed. , . Makln laiana. memoer ex vmom . w . combined forces. -,J.,nH(U' L SB Russians rip 87-mtie-wide gap tn Nall UnM mTth & comet ST Marine take Tarawa, one of Gilbert inland, alter "toughest fighting" In ' their history. 30 British Eighth army bents through Nazi lines In Italy, approaching Rome. December I RAF end n a hnrnhara continue massive raids, bitting Dusseldorl , President Roosevelt meets Witt Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek tn Cairo, Egypt. Agree to "strip Japan nl her stolen eoiDlre." gRoosevelt, " . IT .v,.r.r ir.n. r..ch "com- Churchill ana sunn . plet agreement on meaaures to crush Germany": U. S. Jiaval task force raids Marshall Island. , 7-Chlnese admit loss of Changteh. In portent cny in - rice nowi. a Turkev nromlsea Allies au "aid ortofTOTchine. Capture rhK n. ... . UH.M h SSks'Wil SHn 411-3? dg 4 000. Mine Workers s gn two-siroon. st-iob Montgomery outpoint Beau mg Roo11evelt, turning from tract w U, 'l J'"'? Jack to gain lightweight title. conference, visits Malta and Sicily. &Effi 5KI?t?! I . lJAmcan plane raid Greece: U. ' , - , iVwBriUlnSla'nd. IhgthVt eSroCent must reach SO-Gunder Hagg outrun Greg Rice 2,: TMSiiTchhffl stricken bv 81O00 by end of 114; Coffee rstlonlng win 8.000 meter race. IIK - Prhne M "il ended by OPAr Blue NefwoTk olss-rranclaco Segura wtna NaO Col- j"""0"-erman bom leglate tennis title, defestlng Tom United Nation merchant ships. , . Brown Jr. 17 American Sixth army lands at 'Are- August . IS Whirlaway, year old race horse, we. on New Britain ialand, southwest . R weena New York, result. retired. , Pacific. JanuarT . . ... .. . . eastern states; Fuel oil ration re- . duced 28 per cent. U-U. 8. and Britain rettnqutah extra territorial right in China. 'it-npi t. orn eellinn at armroxl- b.- ia..a nave tnarlnaa and be, inducted Into navy, tnaiines and coast guard as well as army, an nounced. FebrnarV . - " aNaonal Income tn 194S was ni.. 824.000,000 aa compared with 994, ' oov.vw.wu in ivei. . t-Roev.lt order. 4S-hor.work week Vw- rHnnL aflaattva minimum in janor snonage uw, March 1 iSecriurv of Axricultura WkdUrd "JuVnenda wheatouota rapjoos wai -. , lfarch . J" . '" r leFTifi.taaeM S Imialt. 7-Draft classiftcaUon "4H" KawtWeeaefl Sal SUsfd 1A MVdKl. jj ;xteriuon7 to July. 1944. alffhed bv.Preaidant. - 24 Establishment of naval base at Case- blanca announced by navy. . tr.ler n.vla named too4 ehlaf. jga -critical ahortage ot doctors H Mioiln ." an OWi survey rkveala. Anril P2L . a. i.w S-Prtsldent moves to By raecuMye orfer freexlng Wafas ' and forbidding war workers to eianae 41 02 a bushel to 91.07 . tiJiblll nTntlrS 'toenatloa dWH seas. limit to' rise to'SW bilMon doltor, v anri a rirtar ranaallne the SlS.OuO net 1 11 I. U 1. u4,luuft President' a els-nature. - -rr w - "e.,M'n. ."-"STk"- oem vimavng ui asejuvw. Qt u. n,iira At United Mine lininn r.Mtt IraaUaail " Roosevelt's order; U. S. reak re lauoua wtw Maw v ' . , . . Federal government takes . evet closed coal mines. S-Presldant Roosevelt womotos . armv officer to rank of general. SJ - 4 - nurvniii imTn w n..imwi war conference. IS Merger between Western Onion and Postal Telegraph Is announced.; SO - NLRfl approve .eight Oant aa bout raise for more than a million ana S7 Machinlats' union, with 8oS,0"0 I bars, withdraw from the AFL, S-4Jnited Netlons fc)d.eonerenc ends. i rai mmara ot me umna lain . r.or. !iJr. .k J I A nil.. - S A aftermath of Lo Angeles "soos 77it" riot, the entire city Si da nlared out of bounds for DJVT DOT . . . a. i onnei. -riiii " come taxbul.. SI Riot In Detroit between white and .. , eolered mobs are sunpreesed by Jed eral troona. e' er more tian M honij of diaordwr. Twenly-nlne klhad, , M lniure-l; Coal miners Swlke lur third time since I v 1. . S3 Prenliif.it noosevelt thren s oran sirmera in u. -ii A eewial anaatlMtio for e la - birin 1 retwiwd tavoiwy iiam i..iiimnra. SB-JuiKe K-anrln Jnna wMed Chee. ter Davia aa war aoea mim.iiia i. .1... S0-iive senator Trmlned to trilt w - tW . ... ...r n ..rs ana r-i. i on u. o. ni.'T AliK-s; b.m'-e on New YoiK eamaase reach a uuee-year nign. JtUV 1 House reiecta amanilment to Ia'W Federal Security b.il, ti.i' y . eft funds tor hattonal soudt aa 2 preiaeni : ewcaua wuv, ja-The War ManpowW Commllflon e-Hrold McSpaden defeat " Buck among Allies, s tres ' the supreme tabllihes new Ust of 1 CTlUcal oo-TWhltI1.y b , ,,kl) to wln Mi-Amerl-. ; necessity of punning what la to - cupaciona for first priority to draft can golf title; Patty Berg takes come after the war. - ,- deferments. ' women's UUe. a78th Congress convene; amoel jeThe army must be raised to 8.200.008 ?.VlJZ3X LhJtJZ August . . ; , THE YEAR'S TEN BIGGEST EVENTS SELECTED Byi BATJK&AGB (WNU Wublmttf CtmMpomdtM.) I MILITARY: (a) Russian summer-fall oflen- . slve. (b) Paeflo offensive (Attu, New 5 nines, Solomons, GU irta). (e) Italy surrenders. (d) Air offensive against Ger-. man cities. II DIPLOMATC. (a) The four-power eonferences (Moscow-Cairo-Teheran). (b) Formation at the TJNRRA. III DOMESTIC: (a) Passage at the Connauy Resolution. (b) Administration moves to right (OPA, food Adminis tration, War Mobilisation, Stabilisation, Ebonomie Warfare); (e) Republican political fains. (L Congress revolts against an ti-inflation program (snb sidles, reduced tax bill, res olution favoring railroad ' wage Increase). IstraUon; President Roosevelt gives last minute reprieve to Max Stephen, sentenced to death for aiding escape ' of a Nad flyer. 7 Gen. Henri Glrand. French com- mender of Northweei Africa, arrives In Washlngtoh. 18 The Board of Economic Warfare la abolished, and It function! i trans-. ferred to the fn,: fi -r. T nameo general manager sa we mi - of PriceVdmlnlstreUon. IS wono uvgeai pipauna. m. duj Inch." running from Longvlaw, in. dcam at Ave nainoea. and tn- Juries to 800; Drafting of pre-Peari Harbor fathers set to begin da Oo tober 1. June personal Incomes totaled US, 162,000.000, a new record. .. .. IS Gaaollna ration In Midwest and South west reduced from four to three kbuum uv. vwv". i - : announce. SS xhe Guffey Coal Act, passed tn 1937. to iUblUie coal prlceiT expire. Ne mov made to renew It ' "f Vtth 1.310 Jananesi. to tie exclfanisd for 1.2S0 American at Goa, Pertu - ges India: ndla: Churchill and Rooeevelt In Wsshlnftoh. n Jotters, director of the aa comer i A William Churchill asks Aiglo-American aUV tion'a ruDDar nrosram. resixna. . ... tWSJVSS3 iJX . v" "v , "" Drive for 18 billion dollar third war loan opened by. presidential address. SO The New York Yankees take the""1"" . , ... . 14 CdL William Coleman 1 convicted American League pennant for the 10 Poet and author Stephen Vincent by a military court for drunkenness -, 14th time. Benet, 44, Pulitzer prize winner with . ' "John Brown s Body." moted to eapUlncy. 'October : ' 20 Former governor of. Illinois, Frank -U. 8. casu.W foUl 1M,S0B. OWl ..., ho,.n ,rt.ndln. Lnuu O. Lowden, 82. , . revesi; av.iu oeea, m.xwi wouno- M. B,u missing. pnsomrai Ren. James curler, aiae.. ana nve , other Indicted en charges of having accepted retainer fees to obtain war l7Pre,ident Roosevelt reports to Con areaa en Qua bee jionf ereneeL . contraot. m1 ...... .mi. A .i.e .k ffu draft quoUs, and state delay k4 drafting tauter will prolong war. , rtr.rune falhera will nrolone war sa-gtYo TAtioir stomp becoming Nowmberl. musl lartS ntoa. SSEdwart Stertlniua jr"mofrom UnTtosse edlKtrVtor tooeed sunuasrwSailul .- Jumtow wmm V . -m n.t. ' October . aTre. aft. lor ten and a baK billions In new tax revenue. a U.. n 117 .. ITninn . M.al Telegraph companies la completod. . -r jl ti . 'JTXZZZ: .T-lVKSEJSraL.''SS: """'""S'""-"." inai aoor unions nava a ojurai rv sponslblllty nat to strike tawkrUme. 11 American Federation of Labor to take United Mine Workers back . wot .. r". , , ,. u. IP I II1IU Wtaa MMia VBBIIB husu an a via Hon doUar by nearly four billion. SO The 48-hour week for war Industrie j, oxtended to 39 snore localities. is zincuiteel nannies are to be diaeon. t)nyea Treasury aniwinoes. m u M.t .mi. li s President by War Labor Board. S9-Jam and jellla ar placed on ra tloned list, ether items raised, a taw. towered? ' Tr. ,. t . . November ' ' 1 Federal goyernnvent seizes 3.0 001 mum iu wiwu mini nmm Elections of varlou itate and na. ttonU official, reveal Republican . . . . sawa-uiiiiu auuivi nuiana au.iu w vy turn to work as president John Lewis accents 'new wage agreement, giving KusVtorW-noir a unt nnatiu.. iMlLnMHM i. n other nation, in to 8. . t-nnnn ""v'-i""s iuuu wna relw-t wa fl,:raae oftered by emar- g,oy coinmiuee; Bernard Baruch la n,HJnted I Ciurf bf a new unit el the Cnni-e of War Mlllraiion. 10 t'inal Ii.or l.e.n.na Board hs Wiwam Dav cava board w.Udl..r fo wage atebtUaailna trorafn; tier. bar! unma u .no,. .. a o .. y" - - and hahabliiiatloo Adri,..iratf"n. 13 Pil'rned Japan'-a at luie 1 ka, Calif., stage a.m.. -r demor.stra.wn; . U. : 9- ' '"'",11.1 ui'l..i j - , " 1 -n ' . - j V J '" ZrzfZa !?J h n n a.4.L.a Biun V...1 ravavi i ,,.,. ,. to t . of d"l'r ) i w eofi.-.nr. j .,-,,-y r . . , i t-i .be t.-e 09 1 t .uc L .lfciovr ooninuasloa M f j SJ '.' " ""mst e-rtensloa f soa iwiitf iui - , December ra.jlM iiiia ms mAMA tt nr ceftit. 4-ArmywiU u7e zS.OOO offlcers. i SSSPJi ,l duclne total to 62S 000. . S175,000 at Fort Riley, Kan. i t-Biggfflt V7 S7bueshlp. the 4S.O0O. lt-preadjng floods to Mississippi val ton Wlsconlln, U taunched. ley take twelve live, and leave 16-Noh-operating rafl worker get sen-' 108,000 homeless. ato approval for eight cent per hour S4 Death toll In flooded region of lower raise. , ' Mississippi valley reaches 17, end 11 Senate military committee plans! 160,000 are estimated to be without graduated discharge pay for service-; shelter, man, ranging from S204 to fS00. , IS President Roosevelt returns to capl-'June . tal: senate eommittee vote to retain m . .. L1 t tnaA auhildlea fbr SO davs ! 6 Wavy reports 84 men killed when aa nJm-A mwnteea kfwerlna ol meat re. ! ammunition ship collide with tanker ""liJr i " Port Arthur' Tex. tion points. . f v January ; Ntw Year's Day football results: Rose Bowl-Georgia 9, U. C'L. A. 0; Sugar Bowl Tennessee 14, Tulsa 7; Oringe Bowl Alabama 87, Boston College SI; Cotton BtfwW-Texas 14. Georgia Tech T; Sun Bowl Second Air Force 13, Hardin-Slmmon 7; Kaser Stadium East AU-Stara 13, Weat All-Stars IS. 1T Ted- WUllam. formerly of Boston It iDodges sign Cooney, Waner, Slsleri ' vankees get mick amen. . February SO-Willlam Cox. New -York sportsman, gpourteen persons are drowned In a PuTV elll5. Ph,llile.for. ."flash" fiSod In central West Vlr about $230,000 from National League. ' tlnim i."".1." iilsrw" to mang PhU f-Twenryne miners are killed In gas adelpbia ball club. explosion at Sayreton, Ala. Hf--U 30 Twenty-nine persons are killed and Warcn ISO injured In wreck of crack Dela- 13 Greg Sice runs fastest S miles at ware, Lackawanna and Western R. K. OI V. men, in e:n.T. IT Philadelphia team win the Golden Glove championship In New York. IS Detroit win national hockey league title. , , SO Cornelius Warmerdam set new pole ... vault record of IS feet, S Inches. . -i April . . . H . w the Boston SnV. M to SptSi thVStanlS cm - UmJ f 1 Count Fleet wins Kentucky Derby, : J"1 S Patty Berg defeats Dorothy Klrby for Women's Western Open Golf ChamDlonahtn. 10 Gunder Hagg establishes ' 8:53.9 im.ri..n mvni tn miiae U American League team wins annual Au-oiar aame. a w a. a Ryder Cup golf team, captained by Craig Wood, defeat Walter Hagen's . Jeem. " . 9Howard Schenken win the contract brida maatar'a chamnlonshlD for o i i i . ,i ii ...""S l"v"raH" u" " gerjtember oepiemoer t Lieut Jot Joseph Hunt Uke the nation ai .amateur tennis enamnionamn. IS-Th. St. Louis Clnals'defe.f the -- Sfi1.. iSfSTSL. m vuv w,j vuvw muu- lnai In professional football opener. - rrMniim won Tos Tokt 49 for a ITr;. Trf" rVI New yi r.T Yankees won 98. lost (8, for a per Anri1 centoge of .838. Apm Columbus, O.. American Association 23 Luren D. Dickinson. 84, .former gov toam. defeats Syracuse, N. .Y., In ernor ot Michigan, foe of "high life." JT .h..i l..a. ,n .Bhtii M Mai. C.n Robert Olds. 46. com "Utile wona aeries 'Utile world aeries" title. - ,?l?S.wi.W 1 aid Series, defeating TiS. S '. Cardinal, four game to one. . a-pf4 iwuege ign wo-year connraci manage Wahlngton Senator, and Leo P"rocier signs to run Dodgers " . I November . I S-SUnley MustaV 8t Loula Cardinal outfielder, named most valuable play ar in National League. SSSJSSSLi "?Z. J S American atrcaguo. , ot Southern California and the U. of Washington chosen lor Kose howl U-B.au Jack regains lightweight title. mointlne Bob MonUomer .Tra, t . Hrt. ilotr. An. Ma. "-fft "ttZMS: - ... ' nnr.mt,e- .. Au. t -i- i mi siaiii uvai as waia vwi-aaa aaw swr ball championship. ... IS Ned Day regains nue a jui-atar National Bowling champion. . . . January ' ', aFlre kUl six and Injure 100 In Chi si-Thirty-nve Americans die when a transpori plan crasnes m ine jungle ea-SS?; rirWlTwish and nine - BtiiHn.m lllltrh fll 4 n ether army men die in m amy 5nspon pi.n inai cam sows near . rinmainn jaisi. gl-Twentyilght person die tn sanltor .;. S i Lfiiii. , taint nr In Seattle. y . V ' . feDnury ; ." . ia;ignteen lose uvea wnen a uoeraior a Patrick Nash, 0. political leader ot bomber crashes In NewfoundUnd. Democrat In Cook County, HI. A Twanty-elffht die when four engine 11 Samuel H. Church, 86, president. Car , "bomber crashes aflame into a pack negie Institute. . tng plant in SeatUe. Wash. SO Ben Bernle, S3, band leader. ; . ,, aj-'yinkee Clipper crashes and links UTT , -T ttvm river, LUbon, Portugal. November ' ' . . ; .nviwunv. . . Marth '-1 " .. . ... ... ... . s Nineteen bodies recovered In coal mine disaster at Bdar Creek, Mont. attfiiwl waters anraad over a wide area in Georgia. Mississippi, Ala - sum ana Louisiana, nuoui au . ramnma hv RH rvnaa. . f i s ADrLi . -. ' j-omha airport and village of Carter i.k. Iowa, flooded when Missouri nve, dike break. ,aa,- a.a Senuta Prawned, and tl'raa missing, when Cabin cruiser juunders off Long Island. , , , May f JiixpiOBion ana nre in muiuuom pun, 13MaJ. Gen. William Upshur, Capt Charles Paddock, both U. S. M. C officers, and four other persons are , killed In Navy plane crash near Sitka. Alaska. 1 17 Three soldiers who became lost In I desert maneuver near Yuma. Ariz., die of thirst. SB Hurricane sweeping over Texas Gulf , coast kills 13 persons. Damage esU. mated at 10 million dollar. - " AUEUSt ' , , , 1 Ten persons. Including Mayof WU- , Mm Baker and Mad. William Robert- srvu uiv wucn niiiiy auuci viataviacss j S Five Negroes killed, more than 600 I white and colored Injured in race rioting in New York city's Harlem , a. tram uw najruuia, n. a. c , , Septemoer Hlehtv nerinni killed and 177 Inlured. when Congressional limited of toe . p.nnsvivania R R ! derailed near : Philadelphia. 7 Tweritleth Century Limited train of New York Central R. R. la derailed near Cinastota, N. Y.. killing three; Houston. Tex., hotel fire take lives ... 17 Explosion of depth charge at the naval Air siauon, nonouc. vs., laxes 25 Uvea. About 250 are Injured. 10 i Twenty-five soldiers die when Army n . . . .October :-Crash ot airliner 47 mile west of Nashville. Tenn.. takes 10 Uves. fSSTSemded'oflplto when two Jankers coUlded off Palm Be,cn- NoTe.mhrr lOVemDer ri g, jhlldren dl In farm home fire near Chicago. . . JJeoemfcCT U Twenty marine killed, 29 injured tn Hawaii when collision of navy plane releases bomb. 18 Sixty-nine killed, 60 Injured In colli- slon ot two fast train near Bule, N. C, Forty-eight ot the dead were servicemen. January - VmtJL, Minti,t Dr Georse WaThtoxtoSfcsree? TB .227 .JfX' L n President, emeritus of Harvard V drew s. itowan. no. as-Alexander Woollcott. 88. "The Town Crier" of radio, author, criUc, play- wright, actor. February' - n . ...... , , an i -ftrwlrT exec'utiv.. (ivia leaner. 19-Lynn Overman. 85. comedian. IT.l. xe-james a. rarreii. ov. preuueiu uniiea wies owei corp. ; mander of the U. S. Second Army Air aorce. , it-MaJ. Gen. Stephen O. Fuqua. 68. chief 0f Infantry In U. S. Army 1928-32 SO-Adm. Henry A. Wltey, 78. Pacific 1 fleet commander, 1927-29. iSO Edsel B. Ford, 49, president of Ford ' trine ,.UD" . -SSSSSSSTZ SaS in aibbk. . . . . 16 Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, noted hla- torlan and Harvard U. professor, at 88. at So. S3 Rear Adm. Nell E. Nichols, 83. for mer commandant of Boston Navy .: Yard. , - July w ... nT. ea... 7 owumb "'B'V- . I . S7 Rev. Ernest Lynn Waldorf, 87, bishop of the Methodist church, Chicago 29-Opera star Marl Gay Canatello, 84. August 1 President of China, Lin Sen, TO, scholar ana artist. in I jam ueii. wuiiam m. commander of two division la World 21 Dr" wtUlam Lyon 'Phelps, 78. of univer V SeDtemDer " 0-Former ambassador to Poland, John oS-.ffi ml - - . ehYtanni of tht T Navy General . v . SSSx SI British Slr KlB : . Roard. Itlsh Chancellor oi the Kzcnequer, Klngsley Wood, 82. October r .(--Dr. 'Jesse O. Buuttwa. eVe0Pg ef pneumonia serum, si e. : si Rep. J. W. Or Her (R. Penn.). i 22 Ren. H. B. SteagaU (D. Ala.). - December v .... . 11 Marvin Mclntvre. 88. tar SO rears ecretary to President Koov.t, at ... n..i.i...n. . 5",P1,T 10 E. C. '"Billy" Hayes, 89, well-known track coach ot Indiana U.; the Rev, Dr. William A. Brown, '77. Presby terian minister, one of founders of World Council of Churche. . Released by Western Newspaper Union. xFOODL irahoImKgj I"a IQUEDECL CONFERENCES COALSTRn(ES! 7 1 "4 EK it J ST"""" REICK30MCED JAP JAf. . AIR 5ETTUMi NT .field JA v ' INSIALLAHONS , J ' ' JAP GUADALCANAL; 1 FATHERS DRAFT Ll The year drew to a dote with these important events: , December . , '. 1 Roosevelt, Churchill, Chiang; Kai-shek pledge to strip Japan ..of imperlalistlo gains. ; . ; . Exchange ship Orlpsholm ar rives with 1,223 American re patriatea from Far East. 2 Fathers' draft bill delays dor. tnf absence of President 18 President Roosevelt returns to America folio wing Ovo weeks' diplomatic trip, f) 17 Army a un dunce successful landing on Japanese base la New Britain. ' Re. fl . I" If Br -. J 7a. 48 .V f aSxax(xeaaawBaw v isxff j D-iy IJore War Bonds "T &sl .