BY: VIDA RIILLOY One way to court disaster is to be unable to enjoy sen of Jiiiinor. There are few, if any circumstances or situations, that wouldn't be better lived with a smile or a laugh mixed up in it Precious energy should never be wasted being tense, nervous and angry which gets the principal wor ries nowhere. Peace of mind is all we have and few of us really ' have that. Never become angry it might cover up -a minimum of Intelligence! ; Hope and memory is all we have 'and the only time we have Is NOW and it's nothing except as we use it! Easter time can mecm ' more than ever before to the in dividual if we can learn to un derstand others who , also have a cross to bear. Silent communion with God alone can give us con fident of His strength of this Spir itual .Universe of his. Had you heard that on ordinary ing your nose. Watch out when iGatlin shopped around and visit- you think twice before you speak once. You might get side swiped out of the conversation, but don't let it worry you. You might be one of those problem children who hasn't figured out your parents yet. No advice is always worthless. You know a dock.tb: doesn't work is always right, twice a day. And ed her sister, Mrs. Marvin Beal, who in assist s Den din2 the week end with her at her home here, where both the girls ere working like Beavers, in a pine forest pain ting the some of Mrs. MUioy ana doing other chores. - 1 The cutest mue eirtnaay party was given Friday afternoon March 28th, 3 p.m. for little Mary Lane cold can be brought on by a fit mer president of the Club. She of anger? So be careful how you was warmly received and she en blow your Top or you may be blow- Joyed the day very much, Mrs, WITH vrtalnlv can't heed all we hear ISoutherlaod, daughter of Mr. and but 'tis said," the more liars there i Mrs. Wayne Southerknd you 'ever are. the easier it is to find the'did see. The party took place at tne nome oi Mrs. wayne bouw erland where the dining room ta ble was covered with a beautiful skillfully made lace cloth, covered with lovely decorated birthday fix tures to fit the occasion. Those attending were as follows. Sandra Lee, and Mary Jo Bryan, Emory snojar, uean Bryan, jsmiine Futrell, Myrna Lanier, Nell 'and Billy Pickett, Mary Linda Raynor, James Vernon Jones, Marie Lanier, Annette and Emily Sloan, Walter Miller, Joyce Ann James, Lowell Sloan, Kay Sanderson, Phillip Bay ricKett, joan Lanier. Janice Mi: ready, Cecil Lanier, Lowanda and Lona Padrick, Harry Milton South erland, James Marshall Padrick, Honaia usmer, sheila Mobley, Terry Brown, Ozeline Mobley, Bruce Fountain, Toney Lanier and Harrell Gene Bholar. A nice big birthday cake was served to the little guests, who truth." And the greatest, truths are the simplest so are the great est men . . . snd nothing can be great which is not right So much for all this chatter. Mrs. Eula Sanderson and Mrs. A. F. Gatltn spent last Friday in Wilmington where Mrs.' Sander son attended the Home Demonstra tion Club hut at Sunset Park with her m:ny friends and acquaintan ces and also where she was a for- of t t i t. I ! 1 i little i. fy 1 t Biu y wre to cxte. Airs. i,uan has been spending several days at Cedar Fork at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brinson, where she cant help estJoying herself ; with her old friends. Mrs. Sloan who la around 84 years young looks and feels better than she has in month. Mrs. Mary Stevens of Catherine Lake, has been spending some time with her daughter end family, Mr. and Mrs. Blllie Brinkley. Mm H. L Dall who has been ill for several months was enter ed into a Kinston Hospital last week and it's hoped she will soon be recovered and back home. Mrs. Ellis Williams has been confined to her bed with flu recent ly, but is out and about again and we hope no re-occurence will fol low. Mrs; Mildred Cottle and sons. Luther and "Tuddlemen" spent sev eral hours , in Chinquapin last Sunday afternoon, with Mr. and t I .i t . i tO J. j ,t c.i- mt express toe siAitaiienU and awakening of the week's revival held here last week by the Rev. Or. Poston of Wal lace at the Baptist Church. , If you didnt hear bis sermons you missed one of the greatest experiences you should of had. If you beard a door knock in your heart and don't iheed those who heard him, can not y he didn't warn you how to receive Jesus Christ as your Sav ior. A Christian census survey e u.J 1 i e to lv or Ue t. of Vr. 1 v.uion nhiiy more dm in the future, and may he and his words mean a great blessing to this community which ; will last for many years to come. Vida Miller v Soldier 01 Week ,'e KAV2 rUClILOAD3 CASUTvIES and INDICAS 1ZALEA PLANTS. nvinm PFC Melvin ti. Pate WnniMir hat been congratulated which was taken during tbe week by the assistant adjutant of the; ening to the members of the church. 1 selected Soldier of the Week. A large crowd of candidates Join- Pate, a member of tbe regiments rVkmnanv A win cited I or courtesy. neatness and for being "outstand ing as a model soldier." i ed for baptislm, special music was beard during the week, and people came irom miles cround and from ! liferent , communities and the l ouse was packed to capacity most every night. A good week has gone by but much has been learned, fpr a person with any religion is like a nower an perfume. Mrs, Guv Rhodes and son. Ce- Mrs. Marvin Beal at the home of " of Juchlands spent some time Mrs. Milloy. Jene Sanderson spent now! DPnGB pi ts . Till WONDER PAINT you'll save hours of Spring Cleaning! ENJOY BEAUTIFUL WALLS THAT STAY CLEAN LONGER-WASH EASIER Walls and woodwork painted with Sprtd satin stay cleaner longer-will require little if any cleaning this Spring. Spred xtnft latex paint film rtiitts dirt penetration. Use Spred satin now get your pMnting doae during winter and you'U cut hoots off your faotucdeanlog this Spring. MINT WITH WINBOWf CMMP-tnna I ' -t i. . It p Hardware Dep't. ; KINSTON, N. C FT More Service la More Psces e More Scenic Routes e Finest Modern Coaches Lowest Fan la Travel the week end at her home from Morehead Engineering College with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. sanaerson. Miss Ruth Ester James of Wil mington spent the week end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell James. Sunday School here at the Bap tist cnurcn last Sunday enjoyed a record breaking crowd of 170 people,, visitors and babies, which are always welcomed. , It was an nounced then there would be an Easter Sunrise Service, Easter Sun- nay ex o:a o eiocx on the beautiful church lawn one of the first of it's kind ever to be held here. The Our "policy is thf best policy," so don't delay- come in today for com plete expert advice and information o n v o u r needs. Raleigh. S. C Richmond, Va. ........ Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia, Pa New York, N. Y. .... Wilmington. N. C. Charleston, S. C .... Jacksonville, Pla. .. Miami. Fla. New Orleans, La. .... Chicaro, IIL .... .. Cleveland,' Ohio Dayton. Ohio . 1M Pins Tax Stephens Service Station ., KenaasvUle , Phone: 2SS-1 ...... . 2.25 4.80 ....... 7.05 7J10 9.50 1LS5 1.40 S.6S . 10.S0 ....... 1645 . 18.85 19.60 15.30 ON IFULL mOWti The magnificent show of early and mid-season blooms witnessed by thousands during the AZALEA FESTIVAL will still be at its height throughout this week and well into the next DON'T MISS THIS INSPIRING SPECTACLE Orton Plantation Gardens The Gardens Are Open Every Day During The Year 1L J- . Farmers Auction Stockyards Good Run of Mules, Cattle and Hogs Each Thursday at. 1P.M. ; Auction Sale All Kinds Farm Equipment Each Thnrs. 12 O'clock Bring Us Your Surplus Mules Good or Bad We Have Buyers For All Kinds Bring Anything You Have To Sell Mules and Ponies Private Sale Every Day mrim's auction Northern Ewje of Town Wilson Highway , . GcIJiloro, N. C. ' nroureheeip"HM!is.' Solvent extraction of cottonseed has been substantially improved and the quality of the oil produced nas oeen materially increased vy engineering studies made by the U. S. Department of Agriculture st its Southern Resional Research bunday with Mrs. Eula Sanderson 1 Laboratory. on . tneir way to . Lumiberton U visit her daughter, Mr. and Mif we Shaw Thursday. Many farmers, especially those with lareer ooeratlons. have been quick to switch to delivery of 1 U -i ALSO TWO FULL TEUCKLOADS OF : . CIIIIIA ON SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY WARSAW, N.C. A.L. Cavcnaugh -General Insnranoa Ortanlaed 1920 Pheae 424 Warsaw, S. C. Paul B, Fatter Assoclato ' SPECIAL In appreciation to the week's revival here last week conducted by the Rev. Dr. Poston of the Bap tist Church of Wallace which clos ed Sunday night I wish to say that God is proud of the Soul reaching messages he brought to the people-of Chlnauaoin and sur rounding community people, whoi so tentatively and anxiously list- i enea and understood the plan of ooivauon moq meant for us to know and how to he khvpiI hv t. Grace of God by Faith, much bet- JJr. Poston who was given the Key wi toe city by the Rev. N. E. Gresham and the housewives cook ed and served him, too good and too much food, h also stepped on some of our toes at times, but we crossed our feet and listened even more determined to try to live better life and more closely with God. No ene who heard him last Sunday night and didn't feel the Spirit of God in his Heart needs to do a lot of think ing and praying. The church was filled to capacity with Soul hun gry People who love and are enn. scious of God or they wouldn't have been there. V Chinquapin will lnmr mwmh.. last week and Dr. Fostnn'a vnnvii of God, and realize bow fortunate the people of Wallace are that God has called a man like Dr. Poston tn serve them. The conviction of his own Salvation and helncr hwi himself is so beautiful and an in- spmaoon to au that heard him. The church, the neoniA of fh whole community who know him felt a prayer for him in his opera tion Monday and hone him a mio cessrut recovery in his throat ail ment. His conviction when put to sleep U he should never awak. en ne would go to heaven, is a sweet thought. I mnwir . n share that gift of God, when I was put to sleep for a forty minute operation several veara am in New York Hospital I went to sleep with God in my heart banny. but went into "shock" and had to be wiKBw nine nours later. I was convinced if I never woke up again I was happy with God. i m fell ed the church at 15, but never new uoa until I realised my son OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI O iff , " ' o 'Warsaw Farmers Exchange Warsaw, N.C. FCX FEEDS -SEEDS - CHIX N. C. 27 and Dixie 82 Hybrid Corn COTTONSEED O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o HARRINGTON TOBACCO CURERS S CROTE LARVA O " Q IOGOOO9OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 HARDWARE : IN WALLACE HEADQUARTERS FOR: Acetylene and Electric Welding on All Farm Machinery. Sprays and Dusters Repaired. Toiler Hitches Put On. Lav;n IJovers Slicrpcncd. A Good Weld M::ns Longer Wc:r Work Done By G:rni3 S. Herri: mm t,m JiUiliQ; S-a-v-e X 1 TTTT1 TlTTln 7T?C1 fit OMto's ''ToDramly'EasStoi'' Ladies' Sheen Gabardine Toppers D , Luzurlons, Washable, Wrinkle Resistant. No inrnlnr. Am. sorted Pastels and White. Regularly $9.9$ 2)1 o Ladies' 100 per cent Wool Toppers. ( Flatterfag new Snrinsr RMrm Pastels and White or bright over-plaids. mmmmm DDKS IV-IS White's special porchaae of 118.50 Toppers MA r ml Jr. X (.-'.LADnN'-'15ARlirir'ttrio',-.(r'i;-' .. - wA.uci . iraMiiiis nwimr" smaruy styled nlaatim. wM a.- Spring Colors. See them at Vkl .flff NYLONS 97tl """''"'"''"WtWWvMHMhiii, ,! i White's fee, FAMOUS "FLORICE" M Gauge, M Dealer Hose, first Quality. A $LS5 value. save: Ft. . Ladies SKIRTS by "Sepler 1 Sheen Gabs, .. utsuay 53.99 Just Received At While's! Special Purchase of 600 LADIES' EASTER DRESSES Dan River 'Wrinkle- Acetate Butcher Lin Shed" Cottons ens O Birday "Everglaze" Burlington's "Cara Cottons . cas" Linen Crash O Bonfab"Criskay" ' Pastel Taffetas Wrinkle Resistant , . . Make your selection from J Tf Tf the above assortment at PFs , white's special price. Sizes . 12-20, 9-15, 14 1-2-24 1-4. Save 1000 Exciting New Easter Dresses (or Girls Beautifully styled elegantly trimmed, bright Easter colors, Sheer Dan River "Wrinkle-Shed" Pl:dds. Sheer Cotton, Criskay, Everglaze, Taffetas, Acetates. You must see them to appreciate the values. . .. , Sizes 1-3 ....$1.98 c:.A 9 a. o no Sizes 7-14 and 10-14 , $2.98 to $3.98 i 1 . -1" 1 . 7 LARGEST SELECTIOT IN MOUNT OLIVE! FLATTERING FASTER HATS , You'll love the way you look new taster oonnet xrom Wa ' Only ...... r Easter Hats for the Little Misses 1 . $1.83 New Shipment of Lemer and Persdiialltv ' , r Easter Blouses r ! $2.88 YCUIJ DCLLAS EUY3 7I0KE IN MOUNT (TITD t

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