..J Kirs. Howard Joiner, Reporter and Subscription Agent.; Please Call Mrs. Joiner at telephone 454 for news I !: j. Ifciy L. Stevens Is Feature Sp::!;er ill Diilritf feting Of U.D.C. In Clinton CUNTON Members of the Olive, Warsaw, and WilmlnBtnn. United Daughters' of tb Confed- Junior chapters from Mount X)Uve, eraqr of District 9. North Carolina Drrlslon, bald their annual meet ing Wednesday In the Presbyterian Church here, with the district di rector, Mrs. A. T. St. Amaad of Wilmington presiding. Taking part in the opening exer cises were Mrs, St. Annua, Mrs. Annie W. Price, of Jacksonville, the Rev. M. C. McQueen, pastor i the church, who gave the invo cation, m Mrs, Rufus Herring, organist, Mrs. Jack Poole extend ed the welcome and Mrs. C. F. Darts of the Burgaw chapter res ponded. Mrs. W. K. Beech, of Clinton, sang, accompanied by Mrs. Herring. Chapters reporting were those la BeulaviUe, Burgaw. Clinton. Goldsboro, .Jacksonville, Mount Provocative Pique parked with rhlnestone battens, and bows of pin wheel lace on Its wonder, hi. wide notched collar. 1 Unpreued pleats give the sldrt Ht easy grace. In cool, petal-fresh pastels. Colors; Pink. Aqua, Yellow and White. ' 12" Jacksonville, Warsaw and Wil mington also gave reports and proviaea pages lor the occasion. Division officers oreMuit wnr Mrs. Henry Stevens, Jr., of War saw, presiaeni; sirs. William F. Dickens, Enfield, vice-president: Mrs Parker, Durham, third vlce- prestaeni m cnarje or children's work; Mrs. L. B. Huie, Warsaw, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Elis abeth Croom, Wlnston-Salein, re cording secretary; Miss Jeannette Bigg, Fayettevllle, registrar; and Mrs. C. H. Bass, High Point, re corder of crosses. i Mrs. Huie presented Mrs. Stev ens, who in turn Introduced the division officers present, Mrs. Key Scales of Wilmington presented the pages. :. v .. i Mrs. Stevens, the featured speak- 1 er, gave so address on "The UDC and the Future." - Mrs. Paul Borden, . Goldsboro, presided during the memorial hour and was assisted by the pages and Mm. Beech, soloist. . Luncheon was served at the Ho tel Rufus King, with Mrs. Guy Boss, president of the Clinton chap ter, serving as official hostess. Mrs. K. E. Tyndal, of. Mount Olive, chairman of the courtesy commit tee, Mrs. C. E. Wllklns, Goldsboro, .chairman of the Invitation com- : oilttee. announced that the Con federate Greys Chapter, Mount J Olive would be the hostess group in 1953. " Mrs. S. D. Broadhurst, of the Mount Olive chapter, was elected district director' for Che coming year, and Mrs. R. L. Cox, also of Mount Olive, Was elected secre tary. . ... . Ycrsav Church I! .... 1 .S JL. vnT -She had been deeply In love with her husband, a doctor whose death was hastened by overwork; when he passed on, her friends predicted that she would go to pieces, When she didnt,, they were Indeed wprised. A - few days after the funeral I called on her and was struck by her great spiritual calmness "What is the secret of your steadfast at titude."' I asked.:,.-. -;.;... "Come , with me," she replied as she led me to the door of the doctor's office. "I have found the strength to go on titsit," she said a she pointed to the sign on the door. "Coming down the stairs the niffht of the doctor's death. I no ticed the sign hanging there just as K bad so many, many times De- fore. . "I am sure that It is truly a sign from Heaven and I shall al ways leave it there." Sil 1 looked.). the sign once more and my eyes moistened for it read "Gone for a ume wnue. yvui oe back with you toon.'! r By Mrs. Kara, joiner- IvtJ METHODIST . CIRCLES MEET Circle Number One of the Wo man's. Society of Christian service met on Monday at the home of Airs. k. . Sutton with twelve memners present. Mrs. D. J. Mid dleton presided. The program was given by Mrs. Sam Powell who gave three readings from the Book of Acts. At the conclusion. Mr Sut. wn nervea a congealed iruit salad plate, pecan dreams' and . candy ulster Haobitw. Circle Number Two met at the home of Mrs. Robert Winders with eleven members present. The de votional was given by Mrs. C. L. Carlton and the program was ren dered by - Mrs. M. A. Smith who read from the Book of the Acts, the zutn, yie sim. ana 33 chapters, ice cream, fruit cake, coffee and cook ies were served. The Circle Number Three met at the home of Mrs. Boss Watkins. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Joe Surratt Sr.. Mrs. J. C. ra i J i . ra j j.i al was given by R. L. Crossno and enlH' 1 "T-' ? Sr .r,l the program by Mrs. J. A. Backley. n Thomas ftertalned theto -duly : For "her totTrte gave a .reading On riw tt? rrora uie coos, oi acts, ai me con- . T iV elusion, Mrs. Watkins served Ice vour and served i-Ph?d, cream, pound cake, coffee and as-, coffee Dwl Jl"" nnrtiwi nt land cheee wafers wefe-enjoyed. Sfr Ti' xt..v .. Mrs. Maroan Bsc won club high lire wukiti iv iuuvci wua, iuv . i-, mh the home of Mrs. E. E. Join with ,nwas given an walea. Other , on.. nrizes were won by Mrs. L. S. eleven iiicnnms jmcocu.. ii - . i..j A-i..n i. votlonal was arven by Mrs. Park. Whittle who received African vlo- t.j . nrint. rvun led ano Airs. u. u. jnacuus w Mrs. Tioian Barr Yins High Score On Thursday night at eight pin. onefaWrUHT ln?.gD of Don McNeill. After an inter-' W ton Aibertson, Forest Martin, urn' e sting contest, Mrs. Jones served ice cream, pound caie ana cones. L J KVif AUC:jATIC . Betjinnlng Wed. April Hth We Will Cose Each Wednesday at 1K)0 p.m. fl.Drco!is Inc. Warsaw's Leadings -i Dep't Store ' . . o ISMaoalMi SMSsd flss Mel . Mewses ldiovAl IWiiHMahl if OBals OW CnMnII . v tadNday tnJinHil 1 You can see H at HflRSAW FUOT0E1E COMPANY -Warsaw, N. C I 1 I BAPTIST CHUBCH NEWS ; On Mondav. Aiorll 7th Mm ) Daniels circle met at h him. r JMrs, Alton Greenllaw wtth ten members present The devotional was given by Mrs. Frank Thomas. The topic of the program was Liv ing our Christianity and was giv en by Mrs. - Ira Ezzell, Mrs. Tho mas and Mrs. John Bardeif. At the conclusion. Ice cream and naiv ty sandwiches were enjoyed. .: ine ueorge itolltns circle met at the home of Mrs. W. A. Carter with twelve members present. Mrs. L. O. Williams presided. : She was assisted In rendering the orosram by Mesdames Robert Blackmore, Ralph Jones, x: Mamie Chambers. The devotional was given by Mrs. N. A Mitchell who read the 61st. psalm. . Strawberry short cake and coffee, were served. v.; v" A newly orasoized circle. "The Vara "Stephens" met t the Penny Branch Cmfc Mrs. Ormond Grice presided. A letter from Mrs. Van Stephens, for whom the cirole u named was read. The program was given by Mesdames L. O. Williams. N. A. Mitchell, Moman Baars and Edgar Pollock: The topic studied wit Mission Work in Hawaii. The hostesses were Mrs. Bob BJanchard, Mnt Bruce Torrana. At the conclusion soft drinks, cook ies and salted nut were served. " ' The Bosa Powell circle met with fourteen members present The program was given by Mrs. C. V. Garner who chose as her topic 'South America." At the conclu sion sandwiches and punch were enjoyed. On April the seventh "The An nie Kate Powell" circle met at the home of Mrs. D. L. Matthls. The Katie Murray Circle met at the home of Mrs. J. A. Porter. The Good Samaritan circle met at the home of Mrs. Ket'ide. , PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWS Circle No. Two met at the home if Mrs. Lawton Aibertson with Mrs. Lillian Qulnn as co hostess. Twelve members were present The de votional wa led by Mrs. John West Congealed fruit salad with Russian tea and nuts were served " the hostess.- : ; Circle Number Four met at the "-ome of Mrs. W. E. Hlnes with 20 : embers present Mrs. J. H. Hlnes resided end Mrs. Jerry Newbold ave the Bible study. The pro gram was in charge of Mrs. Gib iuck. The hostess, assisted by drs. J. C. Page and Mrs. Buck, served a fruit salad with riu and -offee. ' - ' ?: merson Jones, S. L. Torrans, J. D. Davis. Robert Lewis. Vernon Stan di, Bonnie Thomas and Miss Nora Blackmore. Easier Motif Used At Bridge Club Mrs. Fes Mitchener entertained her bridge club last Wednesday night with a dinner. 1 The Easter motif was orrried out in her floral arrangements and menu. ' Those enjoying her hospitality were the - following: Mesdames Jim Middleton, Allen Draughon, Mrs. William Taylor, J. N. West. I s. Kay tavis entettalned at al - The I ally E, jonnsame w bir&day party t rr her son. Mickey of the Methodist charcn u on on his Uilrd tlrthday last Tuesday. Monday night hi the name m Alter DaskeU were given as favors, v;. n. sunw Those attending were the follow-. Prldgeon aa coostesS. . uneeo 4nlt. t.,i,u.. . hau rt-wf. mMnhAim mmrm oresent AITS. O. Davis Erodd, Arthur Mlnshew. Ed Surratt held the devoUo"!. Dur- Johnson, Jennie Vernon and 6hu ng me ovisuw- , ley Matthews; , tIiildlliiis; Enlarfaias Club ' Mrs.' Ed Hlne entertained her bridge club last Thursday night Those claying - were Mesdames Charles Sheffield, Ed Strickland, Robert Frederick, Otto Matthews Frank Hobbs, Daulton West, James H. Hraes, and Sam Godwin. The club high was won by Mrs. Robert Frederick who was given a towel holder. H . ..--v-i-. " ' The eeond high was won by Mrs. Ed . Strickland) who receivea assies. '"':"'' ,..-.' ':' Durins nrocresslons. Mrs. times served soft drinks and tidbits, and at the end of olay. frozen fruit salad and coffee. ton Minshew was elected fo see-Mtirv- tn reoboe Mrs. William Tinh.h whn K recently moved. The Sfudy of the Book of Acts was viven nv MXS. 1. J. Park Prldgeon and Mrs. William Taylor and Mrs. ai. J?"" ,vr ter a prayer led by Mrs; H. B. Hipp, the hostesses served ice cream pie, coffee and toasted nuts. J, " f 'M Versaw . Rotary Club Met Thursday The Warsaw Rotary dub met last TinniH Mi' t the B. and W. Restaurant. The high light of the meeting was the interesting ran given by Mr. R. E..WaU who vg an account of in receat jtrip -abroad. ' ." c -) i . Personals : r DM. and Mrs. E. J. Bowden amd daughter, Mary Frances of Ports mouth, Virginia spent end with Mle SaUle, NeB and Maggie Bowden - imMi. fh ntudents who are at- jtj in ra Q . tending Wake Forest who King their parents are Carol Carl- lng were the following; Mesdames' "; f rnd" George Bennett Jr. ri , ih.4.j,i, Main-mt Jordan, i UPB 1 jr"i. av. Club Entertained By Mrs. West Mrs! Daulton West entertained her bridge dub last Wednesday niBht r Mrs. Willam Craven was welcomed as a visitor, xnose piay- Rnhart VntdArlck. Maurice Jordan, Mitchell Britt, Otto Matthews, R. W. Riggs, W. G. Britt and John Vincent. . The club high was won oy mm. Unhort imHAriiir who was Civen flntver holder. Mrs. W. G. Britt - won the bingo prise ana aiso re ceived a flower holder. . (During play, soft drinks, crack ers and cheeses were enjoyed and at the conclusion, Mrs. West serv ed peach short cake and coffee., Announce Births Mr nn1 Mrs. Joe Farrior an nounce the. birth of a son, Joseph Keith, on March 31st. At the Samp son Memorial hospital In Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Best Jr. announce the birth of son on April 1st at the hospital in cia Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Frederick Jr. announce the birth of a daughter on March 30 at the clinic in Mount Olive, 'The Woman's Auxiliary ofthe American Legion met last Thurs day nlgbt in the Legion nut. Airs. D. J. Bi.venbark acted us nostess. During the business houri it (was voted, to-sponsor -fc much needed najmed to study this problem' wa made up ot.tne louowing; iupxar damee-Graham Philips;' OtUs Swin some, Walker McNe'iU. . . t , The 1 Interesting program capably lven by Mrs; D J. JBiy-. enbark who chose; ai her .' topic -Americanism." 5 ' ' i u Tfne delegates appointed to at tend Uie district meeting inTWal Mui3inies Al Banadyga. p4,' J. Rlenbark . and Mrs, ' g rank Kornegay.in Goldsboro.1" ' iWr. anil Mrs. WilllW-fcraveo spent last; Sunday at Laurel; Lake. , Mrs.1 Mary Virginia Lanier' tea returned irom the Sampson. Mem orial hospital in Clinton where She recently.iinderwent n . apjpendec- Ty.-J" - i x Mrs. Dixon of JaeksonvIIler Fla'., U VWUmt her daughter. Mrs. Ed Sfriokkiid. m rr S. Mr, and Mrs. . Orahant Quenn and son of Kinston 'spent last Sun-day- withy Mr. and' Mrs. Sanford Packer. . '-' Among those who attended the Garden tour in Goldsboro were Mesdames R. F. 'Wall.' E. C. Thom son, Paul Potter, a. : j.. juaius, Fenn Lee, and Miss Sallie Bowden. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Cavenaugh recently attended the Board of Development and Conservation held in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. raui ioason oi Dr. Amos, associate editor-oi North Carolina Educatoin, educa. tlonal publication, will address the graduating class of the .Wars n High School this year, it was re vealed by iBrinclpal J. P. Harmon Mr.. Harmon says that the editor f a very desirable speaker and tn jhis school feels most fortu, bate to have secured "him for the speaker." He pointed out that Mr. AbramS - normally ; makes . from twelve to fifteen graduation aiS dresses -each vear. ; ' The editor of the North Carolina Education Association is a native of Pehder county and is: widely noted for his long and continuing fight for the betterment of schools .. j! Along with- the announcement of the Speaker, , Mr. Harmon also an nounced that the date for the trxi. uation exercises will be Wednpij, tlght. Iay 14, at 8:19. ;?, ' r , r , - "i, : , ' ... Una; Power and Light Co. ;i , Mrs. Joe Surratt Sr.: left Frld y for , Ashburn, ; Georgia where she was. called on account of the un expected death of her mother. ' Jerry Joiner spent the week end-with' B. H. Oates Jr. in New . ioya Jones wno auenas college In Clemson, S. C. arrived Friday to spend Easter with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E: F. Jones. . Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rackley re- centlv visited - the azalea earden.q in Wilmington. 7- ' U : and children of Winston Salem spent the week end with Captain 'Will Blackmore and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Barden spent last 'Sunday with her son, J. O. DuZ: h"; mva tato th Herbert Weeks and, family In Kinston. Airs. Jonn rreu . -- -- Pollock steeet. Mr. eral days wren mr. "- - - Warsaw Motor Co. John Vincent, Elbert Matthls, Joe rson The dub. high was woh! "r mSZA Ainn sxvns; coiner, , xoaixa uvv.wj. Jonn Vincent, Elbert Mattnis, Joe ' ' .. mriv nivenbark Preceding I m. ay mrs. Jim raiuuieran wno re- ,-. . - a w.l cZivA . double derk of nnvr Faulkner, AshleWonet- and ,Wal- cards. The second high wrs won.ke McNeill. oy Mrs. Ellen Draughon, r2JKrXJZZ was given an apron, xne traveling XU""" . ' t..j award was won by Mx. Elbeort Mat thls who was given an Easter bas ket. - During play, soft drinks and potato chips were served.- s Warsaw School Honor Roll ' The following list is the honor roll for-the seventh month. . First grade Judy Lanier, Pat sy Hill, Mary Emm Dunn.' Lee Joiner,' Jimmy Strickland, Johnny Crossno, Marty Davis, Ann Carter, Bennie Bartlett, Jack Sauls, Ger ald uraasnaw, junior jjoyene, Charles Blanchard, Bobby Batts, George Clark, Bennie Bartlett, Carolyn FusseL Barbara Lanier, Allen Fountain, David Hinson, Car olyn Fussei, Sandra JLawer. c - Second grade Gloria West Edna Bright, Linda Braswell, Mary Alice Erwin, Connie Frederick, Linds Hurst, Ellen Ann Pollock, Joan Ridge, Beryl Slayton, Linda Fiaye Baars, Louise Dall Mary Ann Dunn. : Linda Sue Farmer, Alice Riggs, Neal Mitchell, Bobby Philips, Dwight Smith, Lee west Jimmv Bradshaw. Bennie Dunn, Charles De Luca, Johnny Pat Har mon, Bill Rollins, end Billy Vann. v Third grade Alice Cruse.-Gail Kennedy, Lura Anne Penny, Mary Lou Potter, Myra Jackson, Mable Jane Straughn, Margaret Basden, Jane Carlton, Janice Henderson, II III!" , "Over A Quarter Century of Service" Ai mt SAYWG GOES : ATI IT" ifVouBimiim NOT WA7?AJG VNLV OXAHC&i AHZ AlltV TO BE ALHaNEl , CH&CK-UP WAtlSAW MOTOn Co. nam flffif i-Twenf WARSAW MC Williams, Martha Ann Bacr, Judy Pearsall. Fred Baars, David Ben' ton, James Erwin ; and Bill Straughn. - ' ;i';vv' Fifth grade Judy Frederick. Emily Henderson, Annette Holmes, i Joyce rotter ana Ana straughn. -Sixth grade Jeannett BelL Judy Rollins, Marie Veach, Lyon Cockrell, Judy Standi, Becky House Marcia Hipp. W. C. English, Litch Huie, Johnny Smith, Walker Ste vens, Charlie Powell and Jimmy West. Seventh grade Lynette Bostlc Sandra . Blanchard. Janice r Wll- Usans, Rebecca Eason, Lillle Mae Philips, Sara Alice usei, a. u Phllins and Henry Carlton. Eighth grade Betty Ruth Byrd. Shirley Shine. Pat Hubbard, Evelyn LanlerLewellyn Langston, Ixicy Dunn. Reba Sauls. Barbara Standi, Kathryn Whiey and Bob, by Wells. .:y: ' Ninth grade Eioise uuuer , Tenth grade V- Nancy Houston. Angelina Gore, Dorothy Knowles, Betty Phillips, John Steed. ; Eleventh grade No one. Twelfth grade Doris Byrd, Mary Elizabeth Packer, Kathleen Davis, Barbara Rowe, Lois .Phillips and Inez Taylor. , Mr. and Mrs. A. M Benton and children recently visited Mrs, Per m 1Untnn tn Chadbourn. Johnnie Jenkins who is a student at Temple University, Philadelphia has arrived to spend the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jenkins. " . oOOOOOOOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO okdek nuvy cTn Om : CORSAGES At tr.7 c::t ulla J0:!:!S-UAIIVILLE C'.: ::"'' ceili::3 paiiels (I CnS craclei at VJ oc!Hnci old ceilings. No nails show. Cost ' arac'raJ -t.:rr , low. Ecautiful Ivory Glasecoat Jvilna-Uattvr C 1 CJW surface. Eee us for sample and I s rafta, A:. 1 i tts esU.nflte. -.4 L.4lllit.liJ IILCIIycN.C. o o o o o o o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o f) ') 'ill Shara lh toy of Eaiter : with your family, friends, your church, by sending nowen, the one gift that truly xprosses th slgnlfl eance of the day. For the best selection of flowering plants, Spring s choicest cut flowers, and corsagei, , we suggest you order early. -. Jr' We tend Easter Ffoweri-by-VWre anywhere. Vovr safisfacffofl gvarantted. 4 ORCHIDS AIUIAIIVIV' HitrnPNTAfl lAooming Plants; i , : EASTER LA.LD3S' -, HYDRANGEAS , -BEGONIAS AZALEAS ' GLOXINIAS L f n Cut Flowers Ova Representatives Mrs. M. T. Tucker ' MagnoUsj Airs. Louise Fussell . Hiu- Kenansville Drug Co y'-- . : KenansvUle - Mrs. W .H. Moore ". ...Bowden Mrs. N. E. Gresham : Chlnquapbs J l Mrs. M. M. Thigpen BenlavOIa To Save your time place your orders with your nearest representative. BASKETS OR BOXED THIS TEAR'S ' ORCHIDS WERE NEVER MORE , LOVELIER", -HEADQUARTERS FOR - Fostoria-Imperial " 'and Ileisey Crystals O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C) () () o : (5 ( 1 V. sm - M A ' " " V-' yfl l MORRELL PRIDE ' 'r bananas Picnic Hans ....,,f S Lbs. Ill -.K . Aiy3,t-'---,vi our :; DRESSED -"lL J- 1 "j I ' fsv'- Dressed !::V- Fryers 1.... 55c TALL CAN Hmlii hOliiiE , ,. ., Pink Salmon ; rir .; 16 oz 55c " ' " . ; t 1-8 GAL. SEAL TEST - . MACKERELS , ICECREAM . T II fan - iCr l6oz.can.. ...for2?c 89c 1 . IOH VOII I.JJt : . j r : v Small Can ;...il..8c 'K'mml 0 216 Size 23c Dpi. ,M. 1 CLACEC TWIG APPLES , . 3 lbs. 35c s Ml eats, saillc ahi mumrd. Let ttaail . 9 aUanMt, Mis in ham. Pus into4 ak a rm ''','' Kttasifs CH. PE FRU T .... 3 For 19c (JJO) 4 Mlr..,M, or ttmil light t .. J VI lU brown. Mwiwlui. cook onios slowly ' 1 " -y . S ninutm in hot fat, Adi cmkb, mmmmmTmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm viiMgar, WorcMianliire smiea, bw iA , , , us. tun, om loam and sme wi III LLJ. I. rCivS .....'.....-... OjC ., thS hot graVf. iiHUimimminiVrfV Warc'p Floral Co? r::o:; no. 317 n, vscrLrvT?. .WAr.3AV,.N. C.